
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Catholic Voter

What's a Catholic to do? While the primaries in Connecticut are over many Catholics are still struggling with balancing their faith and their voting options. Some Catholics already know who they are supporting and hope to see in the White House next, but many do not. This post is to the undecided Catholics out there. How many of you are making pros and cons lists? I am not going to get all political on this blog, I figure there are more than enough political blogs out there without adding my two cents. But from a Catholic point of view, I found a video on Youtube from Father Frank Pavone who has something to say about voting when our options aren't clear and we don't see any clear good person to vote for. I agree with Father Pavone that we need to use our right to vote and not stay home because we don't care for the choices. There is always a choice to be made and one choice will be better (even if not by much) than the other choice. So take your time and make your pros and cons lists then vote! Don't let others decide for you who our next President will be. Don't let others decide who your next Senator or Representative or state officials will be. Your vote is your voice. It's your right. Don't throw away your right to vote because you are unhappy with the choices before you. Make the best choice you can and let your voice be heard. Vote.

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Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner