Today Connecticut became the third state in the nation (behind Massachusetts and California) to legalize same sex marriage. I can't say I didn't see this coming, as a matter of fact I am a bit surprised it took this long considering the liberal lean of many in Connecticut. I am sorry to see it happen. We don't need this. Our children don't need this. God doesn't want this. I think I've done enough posts on gay marriage lately so I won't repeat them at this point, but for anyone who missed them or wants to know what this Catholic blogger feels on the subject, you can read my previous posts in this blogs archives.
My posts on gay marriage:
Connecticut Catholic Corner: Christians And Same Sex Marriage
Connecticut Catholic Corner: Catholic Church's Opposition to Gay Marriage
Connecticut Catholic Corner: Same Sex Couples And the Catholic Church
More on the story:
Connecticut OKs Same-Sex Marriage, State Supreme Court Rules Gays Have Right To Marry, Becoming 3rd State To Legalize Such Un..
My posts on gay marriage:
Connecticut Catholic Corner: Christians And Same Sex Marriage
Connecticut Catholic Corner: Catholic Church's Opposition to Gay Marriage
Connecticut Catholic Corner: Same Sex Couples And the Catholic Church
More on the story:
Connecticut OKs Same-Sex Marriage, State Supreme Court Rules Gays Have Right To Marry, Becoming 3rd State To Legalize Such Un..
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Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner