
Monday, July 13, 2015

Ahhh...protest art

Just some "protest art" folks, nothing to be concerned about. 

During a news conference en route home to Rome on Sunday, Francis said he interpreted Morales' gift through the prism of Espinal's Marxist bent and viewed it as protest art.
After taking into consideration the time in which he lived, Francis said: "I understand this work. For me it wasn't an offense."
Francis added that he brought the crucifix home with him.

In Christ,

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner 



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. protest art What does that even mean?

  3. Wouldn't it be something if that blasphemous "work of art" never rests wherever Pope Francis sets it down? That one way or another it keeps ending up on the floor where it belongs!.
    Hear me, Lord.


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Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner