
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Can't say it better than Christopher Ferrara

I read a very good article today, by Christopher Ferrara over at Fatima Network.

Since I can't possibly say it any better than Mr. Ferrara, I will simply offer a quote (emphasis mine) and link to the full article.  

quote: "It seems that Pope Francis is determined to be more and more provocative with each passing week, as if to reveal deeper and deeper layers of what appears to be a liberal, seventies-era Latin American Jesuit’s constitutional disdain for the supposed “rigidity” of orthodox Catholicism. 
By now the whole world knows that on June 14, during his customary rambling remarks, this time at a “pastoral conference” at Saint John Lateran, Francis declared that “the great majority of our sacramental marriages are null” because the spouses “don’t know what they say” when they say “Yes, for life.” He also dropped the bomb that in his view couples in the countryside of northeast Argentina who cohabit out of the husband’s superstitious fear of marriage vows, avoiding Catholic nuptials until they are grandparents, have “a true marriage, they have the grace precisely of marriage, because of the fidelity they have.”
In other words, according to Francis, it is quite literally the case that among Catholics most marriages are not really marriages, whereas many non-marriages are.  With these remarks, Francis simultaneously undermines confidence in Holy Matrimony while legitimating unholy relationships which the Church, following Our Lord Himself, can only view as adultery or simple fornication. The Vatican’s frantic post-conference “correction” of the transcript of Francis’ remarks changes “great majority” to “a part,” but it leaves unchanged Francis’ mind-boggling and really quite nonsensical assertion that cohabiting couples afraid to marry can have a “true marriage.”
Changing the transcript of this particular outburst of heterodoxy does not change what Francis actually believes. For as he declared without correction in September 2015, during the flight back to Rome from the “beach party Mass” in Rio (citing his predecessor as Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Cardinal Quarracino): “half of all marriages are null…. Why? Because they are married without maturity, they get married without realizing that it’s for an entire lifetime, or they are married because socially they must get married.”  That is what Francis really thinks." [end quote]

Please read the full article HERE.  Mr. Ferrara is spot on. 

In Christ, 

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner 


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