
Saturday, July 9, 2016

Sometimes you just gotta laugh and let it go

Apparently Church Militant finds my comments problematic because lately they just keep removing them or editing them to keep the parts they like and remove the parts they don't like.  Go figure. 

Here's how it happened... 

First, on July 5th with their "SSPX Superior Isn't Primarily Seeking Reunion with the Catholic Church" article. 

There were only about 8 comments last I had checked and left the following comments (which were removed and then the comments area closed completely). 

I left this comment: 

A Church Militant moderator responded...

so I responded with... 

The EWTN article is HERE

And then they shut down the comments and removed all comments. I truly have no idea what happened there. Church Militant didn't leave any explanation on their website, so it's any one's guess. 

Second Incident

Now today, I left a comment to another person on the Church Militant website in the "Rome Be Damned" Vortex area, about Fatima and the Consecration to Russia. 

Here is the exchange...

To be clear, my comment was about the Consecration not being done properly, hence Sr. Lucy saying it was not done right 3 times! More on that coming up.

I then commented...

To which the Church Militant moderator responded to me...

And this comment: 

To which I responded in an honest attempt to explain myself further and not offend anyone...

Apparently not liking that response Church Militant responded by this comment...
(**Just a little side note here on "causing doubts". I find this a bit ironic because of all the "doubts" caused by the "off-the-cuff" statements made by the pope (which EWTN addressed and Michael Voris rebuked them for), yet I have not yet heard CM say a word about those doubts caused by the pope to the laity. No concern for the confusion among the laity when its caused by the pope? I don't understand that, I really don't.)
...and then they edited my entire long comment above to these two sentences-which I guess they liked ;) 

:)  LOL  That's really a far cry from my original comment that goes into detail using the links they provided to explain myself! 

I told Church Militant that editing my comment in such a way was deceitful and to please remove my comment completely.  They did. 

So, I still really don't understand what I did wrong or who I was causing "to doubt" when I quoted the EWTN link provide BY Church Militant. 


That said, I don't want to trash talk the good folks at Church Militant. We are all in the same boat and we all want the same thing for our Church, we just have a different approached. This isn't a punch CM in the nose post, its just me having my FULL say on what happened here on my own blog, because Church Militant won't allow me that privilege (it's not my right- which the moderators will be quick to remind you) on their site.  

So there it is, make of it what you want.  

We will just have to agree to disagree on some subjects and approaches to issues facing the Church.  These are two of those subjects, not the first, and more than likely not the last.

God bless us all! 

In Christ,

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner 

**For more on my thoughts of Michael Voris' "Rome be Damned" Vortex show, see my post: "Don't tell me the pope is powerless!"

Here are the EWTN links mentioned in the comments above:


  1. All my comments were deleted too. "Festus" was quite snide with me and quite frankly carries on like he's a sandwich shy of a picnic. Yet his comments remain.
    I'll be posting an entry on that later today so that our readership can see the editing policies on the Vortex page. As you say, they can do whatever they want, but if readers are still kicking in monthly for their "Premium" thing, they might find this information useful in determining whether or not they want to continue contributing.

  2. Don’t waste your time and your energy — which belong to God — throwing stones at the dogs that bark at you on your way. Ignore them.

    St Josemaria Escriva

  3. "Ever mindful", I must do so because CM does solicit donations and even monthly subscriptions. They have a right to know what they are supporting. We cannot be silent in the face of evil. For what it's worth, here is the posting..

  4. Ms. Julie:

    I am grateful for all of Mr. Voris' efforts to defend the Faith. I think he has been heroic in that regard.

    But his minions have lost a golden opportunity to do the same on the CM blog.

    Such a waste.

    Keep up the good work on your own blog.

    God bless

    Richard W Comerford

  5. Thank you Richard, that is nice of you to say.

    And thank you to everyone for all your comments.

    In Christ,

    Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner

  6. Question to Voris on the Rome be Damned, Pope is Powerless video.

    Who appointed the bishops?

    Surely if Popes had appointed Conservative and Traditional bishops we would not be in a situation we are in today. Pius Xth did not stop modernism, but he surely did delay it for several decades after his death.

    If a CEO appoints a lot of crooks who rob the company, screw the customers and embezzle the funds, then the responsibility is the CEOs. It's his job to appoint honest directors and managers.

  7. Mr. ggreg
    Re: Appointment of Bishops

    As you probably know the appointment of Bishops has been one of the most contentious issues in Church history.

    Here in the USA for instance in the late 19th and early 20th Century the New York Times led an effort to ensure that English speaking Bishops of Irish heritage were appointed over "foreign" Bishops (especially German, French and Italian) Bishops who did not speak English as their first language.

    The Irish Bishops were seen by the US elites as being more "American" (Hence the heresy titled Americanism by Leo XIII.) Cardinal Gibbons and Archbishop Ireland wrote articles for the NYT supporting this effort and also encouraging American Catholics to be patriotic.

    Prior to America's entry into WW I Pope Benedict XV wrote to Cardinal Gibbons and asked him to do everything in his power to keep American out of the war which he (Benedict) described as the "suicide of Europe."

    In response Gibbons and the American Bishops formed the National Catholic War Board (or Council) which facilitated America's entry into WWI and allegedly persecuted or harassed Catholics who opposed said entry.

    The National Catholic War Board is the direct lineal forerunner of today's USCCB.

    Popes are rarely free to make Bishop appointments.

    God bless

    Richard W Comerford


This is a Catholic blog, please keep your comments respectful to my Faith even when you disagree.

Profanity will not be tolerated - it will be DELETED, so do not waste your time or mine.

Thank you and God bless...

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner