
Sunday, February 17, 2008

Give A Priest A Break!

Don't take your priest for granted. Have you or someone you've known complained about a priest? He talks too softly, he's too hard on you during Confession, he gives boring homilies, he doesn't have a sense of humor or he's too liberal- he's too strict. Give a priest a break! Can you think of a more momentous and crucial job than having the responsibility of nurturing and feeding people's souls to keep them from eternal hell? Talk about pressure! These priests often leave behind family and friends to devote themselves to serving God to the best of their abilities. They may not entertain you with humor or wow you with captivating homilies but that is not what they are called for. A priest is a servant of God. They teach and guide and bring you the sacraments. This should not be taken for granted when there are so many Catholics around the world who have to wait weeks or months before a priest can get to them. How they pray and look forward to a Catholic priest coming to bring them the Sacraments! Priests are a blessing.
The next time you get annoyed with your priest for something you see as a fault in what you deem should be perfection, remember they are human beings who sacrificed so that they can serve God. They are not perfect, but then again neither are you. Cut them some slack and appreciate that you have a priest who brings you the sacraments. Others around the world aren't as blessed as you.
Hebrews 13:17 "Obey your leaders and submit to their authority. They keep watch over you as men who must give an account. Obey them so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no advantage to you."

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