
Monday, July 29, 2013

"Who am I to judge?" - YOU'RE POPE! Teach the faith!

“Who am I to judge?”  Pope asks.

Did someone ask you to judge Papa Francis or did they seek teaching
Photo: Google Images

Start calling me A Majorly Cranky Catholic because that’s what I have become since Pope Francis became our Pope.  He often frustrates me to no end, I am sad to admit. 
To be clear, I respect the Seat of Peter, whoever happens to be sitting there is sitting there for one reason or another.  I accept that, but along with that acceptance comes expectations, aspirations and HOPE for a better tomorrow in our Church.

One of the worse things to ever happen is CHAOS and CONFUSION (especially in the Church), because they breed deceit, lies, corruption and a mass exodus.  This happened (whether everyone wants to admit it or not) after Vatican II.  I’m no theologian, but I’ve read and picked apart “Sacrosanctum Concilium” (Vatican II document on the Sacred Liturgy) and even I can see its “loopholes” that clergy used to toss out the old and bring in the “Let’s look like Protestants!” approach.  

Chaos and confusion is the LAST thing the Church EVER needs yet time and time again since Pope Francis became our Papa we have seen a tremendous ripple effect of chaos and confusion starting with Holy Week and washing the feet of women- even more Muslim women.

Huge disappointment for this Catholic enjoys…no adores the richness and history of our Catholic traditions.

Another disappointment came this month when Pope Francis decided to contradict Pope Benedict XVI by issuing a decree (protocol number 52741/2012) that FORBIDS the Franciscan’s of the Immaculate from the Vetus Ordo (Traditional Mass).   The degree states…

"every religious of the congregation of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate is required to celebrate the liturgy according to the ordinary rite and that, if the occasion should arise, the use of the extraordinary form (Vetus Ordo) must be explicitly authorized by the competent authorities, for every religious and/or community that makes the request.”

(Source: and more:  

What's wrong with the Vetus Ordo that it has to be FORBIDDEN to anyone?  I don't understand it, and I really hope I never do.

Huge disappointment to this Catholic.

This year’s World Youth Day (by the way, why call it “day” when it’s a week? - just wondering) was yet another situation were chaos and confusion and (in my personal opinion) buffoonery took place (the dancing buffoons…err… clergy… ) looked simply ridiculous to me.

(See video of WYD Papal Mass:

-Dancing, waving and swaying during the Procession and singing of the Gloria – what’s HOLY about that?  Have all these clergy forgotten the Mass IS HOLY?  Jesus Christ was tortured… TORTURED and died for us, the place for dancing and waving is NOT during Holy Mass.  Save that for a praise gathering or Catholic rock concert.  I get that it is world YOUTH day, but we don’t need to treat our Catholic youth like toddlers watching an episode of Barney the dancing silly dinosaur.

Huge disappointment to this Catholic.

To his credit (from what I saw), Pope Francis kept his head down and eyes closed during the Gloria either in reverence or because the spectacle was just too horrible to watch.

Even the trip home caused confusion when Pope Francis responded with “Who am I to judge?” when questioned about gay clergy. 

Who are you Papa?  YOU’RE POPE!  You lead the HOLY Catholic Church!  You TEACH the Gospel Message- ALL of it, not just the nice parts!  I know you reject the Papal apartments, vehicles and some vestments, but you ARE the Pope- the leader of the Catholic Church on earth.

When someone asks ANY Catholic clergy a question- most especially the Pope- he SHOULD TEACH the faith at EVERY opportunity.  Clearly and precisely so as to cause NO confusion or chaos in the world.  Pope Francis’ reply “Who am I to judge?” has sent the world (rightly or wrongly) reeling with what they THINK he might have meant.  Had the Pope answered WITH CHURCH TEACHING, there would be no one trying to self interpret what he “might” have meant.

What about gay clergy?  What about ANY gay person?  For a Catholic the answer is the same.  Homosexual sexual acts are a MORTAL SIN.  No sex outside of marriage and no gay “marriages” ever.  It’s that simple.  No confusion.  No chaos.  Pure Catholic teaching.  Why couldn’t/wouldn't Pope Francis say that?  Pope Benedict did, and some didn’t like it, but many did.  We want a Pope who speaks CLEAR, PURE Catholic teaching.  Lead us clearly.  Teach us clearly.  Dispel confusion and end the chaos. We need you to be strong in our faith.

“Who am I to judge?” says Pope Francis missing yet another opportunity to CLEARLY teach the Catholic faith to the world.

Huge disappointment to this Catholic who is thirsty for MORE REVERENCE in our Church and SOUND SOLID teaching from ALL our clergy, all the time.  I don't want dancing, hand clapping or swaying clergy at our Masses, nor clergy who don't clearly preach the Catholic faith at every opportunity.  For the life of me, I can't image Saint Peter or Saint Paul doing what I too often see from our Catholic clergy today.  Just saying...

That's what makes me a cranky Catholic.

PS... something I hope Papa Francis hasn't forgotten is that we ARE to "judge" those inside the Church - that is if you believe Sacred Scripture.

1 Corinthians 5:12

New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
12 "For what have I to do with judging those outside? Is it not those who are inside that you are to judge?"

Just saying...

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