
Sunday, September 10, 2017

The True Church of Jesus Christ vs false churches

Which is the True Church of Jesus Christ?

"Among the religious communities which all claim to be considered the true Church, it is of the highest importance to distinguish the one which speaks truly from the rest who are deceived. 

Our Lord gives us in His Gospel an infallible means, a sure and evident sign by which we may recognize His Church.  And is it not an historical fact, clear as the day, and quite beyond the reach of contradiction, that the one Catholic Apostolic Roman Church is founded upon St. Peter, the first Bishop of Rome, the first Pope? 

Therefore all other Churches, whatever they may be, are false Churches, which do not come from God, and do not lead to God, but conformity with the divine institution. 

Therefore every true-hearted and truth-loving man, who has the fear of God before his eyes, is bound by his conscience, so soon as he shall be convinced of error, to go out from that false Church, in which he has had the misfortune to be born, and enter, obedient to the voice which calls him, into the true fold of Jesus Christ, which is the Catholic Church.  And if he has the happiness to be born a Catholic, he should thank God for it every day of his life, and should be ready to suffer all things, even death, rather than fail, under any circumstances, in obedience to the Pope. 

Nothing is easier than to know if you belong to Jesus Christ and to His Church.  You only need to know which Church has the Pope for its Head, and then to enter into this Church. It is a test which requires nothing but simple reason, and which is open to the whole world." 

Source: The Fountain of Catholic Knowledge, Copyrighted by Office of Catholic Publications, 1900. [Pages 76-77] 


  1. Nothing is easier than to know if you belong to Jesus Christ and to His Church.  You only need to know which Church has the Pope for its Head, and then to enter into this Church. It is a test which requires nothing but simple reason, and which is open to the whole world."...

    And what to do when the pope himself is the cause of disunity, confusion, even error if not heresy?

  2. We continue to pray for the pope. If any pope truly needed our prayers its this one- at least in my lifetime.
    God allows whom He allows to be Pope, whether we like it or not. It's Christ's Church, He will fix it in His time. We just need to cling to the authentic Faith and pray.

    In Christ,

    Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner

  3. There have been many times in history where those who claimed to be Pope were actually declared anti-popes. Since Bergolio and the vast majority of bishops and priests preach modernism, its a good bet they are all anti-bishops and anti-priests too. Since they preach modernism (which is a defined heresy by Pope St Pius X), then the faithful are commanded by scripture to avoid them at all costs. They are anathema. Bergolio will one day be declared an anti-pope but you do not have to wait till then to avoid his evil teachings. Follow the true Catholic faith even into the desert if need be. Avoid all things Novus Ordo and Vatican 2. They are modernist heresies from Satan himself. They are not from God. All who promulgate these errors are to be avoided. Julie, you need to make the drive to an SSPX chapel and avoid the local NO imposters. If you cant make it every week its ok. Go there as often as you are able. These are dire times. We are in the wilderness. The happy clap trap you get at the NO is not pleasing to God. It is the offering of Cain, not the sacrifice of Abel.

  4. Last time people disagreed with Catholic Church, we had reformation in Europe.

    1. Actually the last time people disagreed with the Catholic Church, we got Vatican 2 and the Novus Ordo.

  5. What a coincidence. The Bear just mused that it was always the teaching that belonging to the Catholic Church was essential to salvation up until well into the 20th century. Not just here and there. Everywhere.

  6. SEPTEMBER 18, 2017

    USCCB, EWTN deceptively contradict Jesus' teachings ON SALVATION

    SEPTEMBER 18, 2017

    No seminarian is admitted at the Theological College D.C who does not indicate that invisible for us baptism of desire etc are visible exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) : faculty-priests have to repeat the lie too

  7. SEPTEMBER 25, 2017

    There is a mistake in Vatican Council II : two popes need to be shown that in principle hypothetical cases are not exceptions to EENS

    SEPTEMBER 24, 2017

    Two popes need to correct the objective error in salvation theology which cannot be the teaching of the Holy Spirit and so is not magisterial


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Thank you and God bless...

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner