
Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Prayers please for my Grandmother

Greetings in Christ, 

Some you who've followed me over the years knows I am a Catholic convert, my Grandmother Maybelle was my sponsor in becoming Catholic. And I will always be especially thankful to her for helping me and my children become Catholic. I have wonderful memories of my conversion and my Grandmother plays a big part in it.

I have always been close to my Grandmother (to all my grandparents actually-I was blessed to have them all most of my life even my great-grandparents). When my Grandmother began to show signs of Alzheimer disease and could no longer drive, I did all her driving and shopping. After a few years with in home care she got too bad to live in her home and needed 24/7 care that our family could no longer provide so she went to a nursing home. 

At that time, I told the nursing home my Grandmother was Catholic and had asked the nursing home if they had a visiting priest. I was told yes that a priest visited each week, so I had my Grandmother added to the list of patients the priest visited.  

My parents got a phone call yesterday from my Grandmother's nursing home that she had stopped eating and while she is still taking some fluids they were letting us know she is now in a "hospice" situation and that they didn't expect she would live beyond a few weeks or a month. 

Yesterday after the phone call, I went to the nursing home's website to see if it had been updated before calling them (their website in years past hadn't mentioned any clergy so I didn't know where the priest came from). On their website I found a page for "hospice patients" options and services. I figured this is the page that will tell me where the priest comes from. I scroll down the page and find "...all our Chaplains are non-denominational..." and my head explodes! 

I am so stinking mad right now! I had specifically told them my Grandmother was Catholic and I wanted to know if they provided a Catholic priest or I would have gotten one to visit her myself over the years. Now I find out all these years she never had a Catholic priest visit her or bring her any of the Sacraments! I am steaming mad, but thankful to Our Lord that she didn't die before I found this out. 

So I am getting her a real Catholic priest today to give her Last Rites. 

And I am asking all who read this post, to please take a moment and say a prayer for my Grandmother Maybelle, her Patron Saint is "Saint Therese, the Little Flower". 

Thank you all and God bless you, 


1 comment:

  1. In Summer of 2020 my Late Mother in Law Age 91 Died. She had Dementia, Heart and Raspatory Disease and Wuhan Cv 19.. Her Parish from the !960s onward was PREVENTED by the Bpt. Diocese Bishop From Giving her the last rites. No Wake or Funeral , No Anointing of the casket at the cemetery either.... Very sadly the same Bishop Sent letters Weeks later demanding Weekly Contributions From Parishioners relatives of fifty dollars or families to give 500 dollars monthly to him.... Obviously the bpt. Diocese is Facing a Staggering SEVENTY FIVE Million Dollar Court Award For Homoheretic Clergy Ignored for Yrs. in their abuse of RC Youth, mainly young Post Puberty Boys etc.,.cold Day in Hades Of me giving a Penny to him and others In Usccb or Peter Pence Etc. to the Vatican. NO WAY.


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Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner