by Connecticut Catholic Corner
From St. Joseph's Parish bulletin:
Save the Date: Sunday, June
Join the LGBT
Ministry as we participate in the Seattle Pride Parade.
You are invited to join St. Joseph’s LGBT Ministry
in a ministry of presence. For three years, as a community ignited by the
Eucharist to love and serve, we have been the Catholic presence at Seattle’s
LGBT Pride Parade. It is a wonderful way to be a sign and presence of faith,
hope, and love in the community. Please join us whether you are an ally, a
parent or sibling of someone who identifies as LGBT, or are a member of the
LGBT community, all are welcome. The larger the numbers the more the community
will feel blessed by the love of Christ. Join us Sunday, June 22nd, after
the 5:30PM Mass, for an informational session on where and when to meet for the
Pride Parade on Sunday, June 29th.
If you have questions and can
not attend the informational session please contact Meghan Mayo at
I am HIGHLY offended they claim the reason for marching in a "gay pride" parade is because they "as a community [have been] ignited by the Eucharist". Jesus Christ, Body, Soul and Divinity in the Eucharist does NOT 'ignite' people into heretical beliefs or to support perversion. I am revolted by such a statement about my Lord in the Eucharist.
Also in the parish bulletin:
Gay and Catholic?
The St. Joseph LGBT Ministry
is seeking nominees to serve on its steering committee to help discern direction,
set goals, and plan social and spiritual events. Through this ministry LGBT
Catholics work together to build community among gay Catholics within the
parish and beyond, to ensure all people find St. Joe's a welcoming place to
nourish their souls. If you are interested in serving, or want to nominate
someone, please contact Deacon Steve at 206-965-1646 or
A “place to nourish their souls” eh?
The ONLY way to “nourish your soul” when it is in sin is to
REPENT of sin (in Confession) and avoid the things that lead you back into sin. Marching in 'gay pride' parades is NOT avoiding sin.
If your Catholic parish is advertising
joining gay parades it is NOT NOURISHING YOUR SOUL! It is leading you to HELL! Do not allow you or your family to be led into sin by your own Catholic priest or parish!!
There is no mention of Courage, the approved ‘welcoming
place’ for LGBT Catholics on St. Joseph's parish website. Why not?
Because Courage actually tells LGBT Catholics they must be celibate and
live chaste lives. This is NOT what St.
Joseph’s parish in Seattle tells its members nor the entire community watching
their actions as they pride-fully march in gay parades while their priest, Fr. John Whitney stands in the sidelines snapping photo after photo of the debauchery marching in front of him (more on that below).
What message exactly does that send to the world? Does this parish send the message that LGBT people must be chaste and live celibate lives like the Church teaches?
Homosexual persons are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach
them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by
prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely
approach Christian perfection (CCC 2359).
Do the parishioners in the St. Joseph's parish photos look like they believe what the Church teaches about homosexuality? Is that the message you get from seeing these images on this CATHOLIC PARISH website?
What about the images NOT shown on the parish website? What did the rest of the gay pride parade look like? What did the parishioners witness, support and participate in?
*warning: offensive images below*
Here is what St. Joseph’s parish supports and
participates in…tell me if you see authentic Catholic teaching in any of these Seattle Pride Parade images (pay close attention to who is in the last photo).
And here is Fr. Whitney at the 2013 Seattle Gay Pride Parade shouting and waving and snapping photos of the perversions we see in the above images. Apparently Father likes what he sees and wants to keep the images to fondly look back on for years to come. Why else take photos?
*I wonder what photos Fr. Whitney is taking for his personal photo albums?* |
The local media ( took note of the heretical
priest the year before for his defiance against the Church and wrote an article naming Fr. Whitney one of “Seattle’s most intriguing people of 2012”:
John Whitney, S.J.: The pastor of St. Joseph Catholic Church, on Capitol
Hill, made national headlines in the fall campaign by suggesting that there's a
higher authority than church hierarchy. After Archbishop J. Peter Sartain
delivered a broadside against same-sex marriage, Whitney issued an
"e-blast" saying that Sartain's words should be respectfully
considered, but in light of the "call to conscience" and
"authority never supplants conscience." Whitney, a Jesuit, led
discussions about this at St. Joe's, and supported America's embattled nuns:
Sartain leads a team of three bishops charged by the Vatican with making the
sisters toe the line. A big "Support the Sisters" march was organized
in a meeting room at the Capitol Hill church.
Fr. Whitney has time and again REFUSED to listen to Archbishop Sartain.
Why hasn't he been FORMALLY disciplined?
Why has he been allowed to continue to support perversion?
A priest who defies his Bishop, the Vatican and teaches heresy should NOT BE A PRIEST!
WHY hasn't he been removed??
What is the Vatican waiting for?
More heresies to be taught to the laity?
More souls to be lost?
A good Catholic (by that I mean one who isn't a heretic and actually believes all the Church teaches) has to ask…does anyone in the Church even
know what SCANDAL means any more?
- Scandal—Scandal is an attitude or behavior that leads another to do
evil. If someone is deliberately lead into a grave offense, that person’s
tempter commits a grave sin (CCC 2284 and 2285). Jesus said, "Whoever causes one
of these little ones who believes in me to sin, it would be better for him to
have a great millstone fastened round his neck and to be drowned in the depth of
the sea" (Matthew 18:6).
“Courage is a spiritual support group for men and women who
struggle with homosexual feelings. Members embrace the lasting freedom and joy
– but also the cross – of chastity, in accordance with the Catholic Church’s
teaching on sexuality.” does not seem to enforce what it preaches. The Archdioceses says one thing, while its parishes do another. Just who is in charge of protecting and promoting the Faith to the people?
So far Archbishop J. Peter Sartain has done nothing to end St.
Joseph’s parish from supporting and marching in gay pride parades year after year.
Another example of complete and utter FAILURE by Catholic
hierarchy. Come on, get your act together! The Church has been around for more than two thousand years now and STILL we can't seem to get the Church to discipline one of Her priests!
Does anyone at the Vatican care that priests and Bishops and
Archbishops are LEADING people to hell by their own actions or (and in the case of
Archbishop Sartain) in-actions?
What has to happen for the Church to put an END to
this? What will it take? People are going to HELL and it looks like
most of the Catholic Church simply doesn’t give a damn (literally).
Where are the Godly men who are willing to FIGHT this
evil? Are there any left within the
Does Pope Francis care?
If he does nothing he is either ignorant of the problem or does not care
that souls are going to Hell under his watch.
He recently said “anyone in the mafia is excommunicated” –
how about telling the clergy “any clergy supporting or participating in gay
pride parades are heretics to the Faith and are stripped of their pastoral
positions”? And then removing them from
parishes AND forbidding them to speak publicly about it as to STOP the
scandal and damage these men are creating.
Enough is enough. The
Church needs to CLEAN HOUSE.
Francis focuses on the money issues while souls are being lost. Get your priorities straight Holy Father,
people are losing their souls because of the damage Catholic clergy are
inflicting on the world with their heretical teachings.
Remove ALL the heretical priests from the Church- everyone
one of them from the top down.
We might have to be a very small Church, but at least we
would be a Catholic Church teaching the PURE Catholic Faith to the people.
In Christ,
Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner
Seattle pride parade images from Google Images unless
otherwise noted.