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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Catholic and Boycotting Kmart

I don’t usually get very verbal about boycotting things and I almost never explain my reasons.  Usually I just quietly let my money speak for its self by not giving my dollars to businesses that I know have insulted my God or my Faith in any way.  But today I am going to tell you why I am boycotting Kmart and hopefully give you a reason to boycott them too.

First let me start by reminding everyone of what should be obvious, but is sadly lost by commercialism of the season.

Christmas is the day Catholics honor the birth of God Incarnate with “Christ’s Mass”.  It’s the day God humbled Himself in Heaven and came to earth as a small tender babe.  He put himself in the HANDS of human beings to care for and love and raise to adulthood for the sole purpose of one day being tortured, mocked, beaten and nailed to a cross for our salvation.  The most wonderful gift anyone can ever receive.  The Church knows this, this is why Advent and Christmas are celebrated.

God in Heaven becomes God Incarnate.

Christ’s birth on earth is a day for honoring God, thanking God, celebrating the love God has for us and most of all worshiping God.  Besides attending Christ’s Mass, Catholics also share gifts.  We do this because the Magi brought gifts to God Incarnate:  Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh. 

Christmas (Christ’s Mass) and gift giving are part of our celebration thanking God for loving us enough to come to earth and save us.

Catholics (and all Christians) need to PONDER that for a good long while.  That’s what Advent is for.  

Remember the REASON for the season.

Yes shopping is part of it, but remember WHY we are shopping.

While you are shopping, think also about WHERE you are shopping.  WHO are you giving your Christmas dollars to?

Are they mocking the “Reason for the Season” Jesus Christ, God Incarnate?

If they are, WHY would you give them your money?

Is that not like saying “I am pro-life” then giving a cash donation to an abortion clinic?

Pay attention to WHO you give your money to.

Kmart has a new VULGAR “Christmas” Ad in which men jingle their private parts while wearing Joe Boxer underwear to the tune of “Jingle Bells”.  The Ad is titled "Show Your Joe"...

Men jingling their private parts to Christmas Carols is repulsive to me and insulting to "the reason for the season" in my personal opinion so I will NO LONGER do any shopping at Kmart- especially Christmas shopping.

And for the record, this is not the first time Kmart has thought it would be good advertising to push the envelope... not to long ago they had another ad which played on words making viewers stop and ask "Did they just say what it sounded like they said?"... 

No.  They didn't say it, but they WANTED you to THINK they said it.

The Christmas Magi weren't left out of this years Christmas ads either...

And they don't stop there... no they even use the image of a Catholic nun to push their sales...

Again... vulgarity in advertising will NEVER get me to give a business a dime.

Goodbye Kmart...

Tell me what you think.

In Christ and boycotting Kmart,

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh, lighten up! The "Show Your Joe" ad left me and my good Catholic mother laughing hysterically. It's not as if Jingle Bells has any religious connotations. It may not be your taste but life is going to be awfully hard if you can't find moments to laugh!

  3. To Adriana...
    No "religious connotations"??? It's a Christ's Mass shopping ADVERTISEMENT! The whole reason for the ad is Christmas shopping and as I wrote the reason people go Christmas shopping is because Jesus' birth is being celebrated in Christ's Mass- he's the entire reason for the season. No God Incarnate, no Christmas.

    If men shaking their private parts to the tune of Jingle Bells isn't vulgar to you and fits in with your type of Christmas celebrations I would say that you and your mother have serious flaws in your Catholic education.

    Read the Saints.

    In Christ,

    Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner

  4. I was always taught that the "true meaning of Christmas" was separate from the end of year shopping extravaganza and that not making snap judgments of people without learning all of the details was the base level of human decency.

  5. I couldn't agree wi you more! I am shocked by the number of my friends who think the ad is clever and hilarious. I find it utterly vulgar and disgusting. Too many commercials these days are vulgar and base. When I can't leave my 4 year old watching Food Network while I move laundry from the washer to the dryer because of the inappropriate commercials he will likely see, we have a big problem.

  6. To Adriana: What other "details" would you like me to learn??


    To Mrs.Amen: Thank you for sharing your thoughts and I couldn't agree with you more! The commercial on television- even when we moderate our channel viewing are HORRIBLE!

    In Christ,

    Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner

  7. While I think that the Joe Boxer ad is inappropriate, I think that the Victoria Secret ads and holiday fashion show are equally, if not more offensive for they do harm to both sexes ( leading men/boys into occasions of sin and warping their minds about what a real woman well as making woman/girls feel inadequate about themselves ). As far as the other ads...please lighten up. I thought the Three Maji vs. Santa was hilarious. That ad was directed at the Hispanic audience who at least acknowledge the other feast days involved with Christmastide. I think it would be fantastic to see this ad run on regular TV for it would educate others about the season. And the elderly sister was so cute, all these evil characters in one room, and when she walks in, they turn into little frightened school boys, lol.. When/if they start to disrespect Christ Himself or His Holy Mother, then we have a problem.


This is a Catholic blog, please keep your comments respectful to my Faith even when you disagree.

Profanity will not be tolerated - it will be DELETED, so do not waste your time or mine.

Thank you and God bless...

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner

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