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Thursday, June 2, 2016

Shout out to Catholic bloggers

Just wanted to give a shout out to some great Catholic blogs (and a few non-Catholic ones too) that I love to read (and lurk on).

I know these are probably already very well known to most Catholic blog readers, but I hope if you don't yet already know these blogs/bloggers that you will check them out and be sure to drop them a comment. 

It's always nice to "meet" other Catholic bloggers out there.  So grab a cup of coffee (or if you're like me) tea and take a moment to visit these bloggers and see what they are sharing on their blogs today!  :) 

In no particular order...

1) The American Catholic (be sure to check out his Simcha Fisher/gorilla post) 

2) Humblepiety

3) Diary of an Accidental Hermit

4) Clan Donaldson 

5) Restore DC Catholicism

6) Shower of Roses

7)  The Tenth Crusade 

8) Team Whitaker 

9) Catholic Cuisine (if you diet, this is not the blog for you) ;) 

10) Mundabor's Blog

11) St. Corbinian's Bear

12) Vox Cantoris 

13) A Blog by Maria Johnson

14) The Eponymous Flower 

15) The Nun Blog

16) Creative Minority Report 

17) Traditional Catholic Priest

18) Whispers in the Loggia 

19) Battle Beads Blog 

20) Kneeling Catholic 

And I have to include a few non-Catholic blogs I enjoy visiting...

1) The Little People Project (this one reminds me of an oldie but a goodie My Milk Toof )

2) Lavender and Lovage

3) Rural Revolution

I could go on and on with many more (and I will), but I am saving some for another post on bloggers in the future.

Please share your blog or blogs you visit in the comments area. I am always interested in visiting new or new-to-me blogs. And let me know which of these blogs is new-to-you! 

God bless! 

In Christ,

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner 


  1. Hey, thanks from the Bear! (Things might seem a little strange to visitors, but just roll with it. And read the FAQ.)

  2. Many Thanks from TTC!

    I'll be adding more of these to my list of links!

  3. Why, thank you, Julie! From my humble "cesspool of hate"! ;-)

  4. You're all very welcome! I truly enjoy visiting your blogs.


    In Christ,

    Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner

  5. Late to the party as I read only today.
    Thanks for the mention!


This is a Catholic blog, please keep your comments respectful to my Faith even when you disagree.

Profanity will not be tolerated - it will be DELETED, so do not waste your time or mine.

Thank you and God bless...

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner

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