Exclusive: EWTN Airs Divine Mercy Mass Live
From Divine Mercy Shrine in Stockbridge, Mass.
Irondale, AL (EWTN) – More than 15,000 pilgrims will descend on the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, Mass. April 11 for the Feast of Divine Mercy – and only EWTN Global Catholic Network will be there to broadcast the Solemn Liturgy as well as an educational and inspiring Divine Mercy Preview Show.
The Divine Mercy Mass airs live at 1 p.m. ET, Sun., April 11, with an encore at 9 p.m. ET. The Mass will be celebrated by Springfield, Mass. Bishop Timothy McDonnell, with a homily by Father Dan Cambra, MIC, provincial superior of the Marians in the U.S.
The Marians are the authentic promoters of the Divine Mercy devotion, which was given to mankind through the Apostle of Divine Mercy, St. Faustina, and which was championed by the late Pope John Paul II.
The liturgy will be preceded at noon ET by a one-hour “Divine Mercy Preview Show,” where you can learn all about the Divine Mercy devotion. As Our Lord told St. Faustina: “The Feast of Mercy emerged from My very depths of tenderness. It is My desire that it be solemnly celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter. Mankind will not have peace until it turns to the Fount of My mercy” (Diary 699).
The festivities will air on both EWTN Television and Radio Networks. To find EWTN Television in your area, please go to www.ewtn.com/channelfinder. To find an EWTN Radio affiliate in your area, go to http://bit.ly/5zLbJk. To find out how to get EWTN on satellite radio, click on http://bit.ly/8YhGKK.
EWTN Global Catholic Network, in its 28th year, is available in over 150 million television households in more than 140 countries and territories. With its direct broadcast satellite television and radio services, AM & FM radio networks, worldwide short-wave radio station, Internet website www.ewtn.com and publishing arm, EWTN, is the largest religious media network in the world.
Mother Angelica and Biographer Raymond Arroyo
Make Bestseller List for Fourth Time
Irondale, AL (EWTN) – Mother Angelica, foundress of EWTN Global Catholic Network, and Raymond Arroyo, her biographer and editor, have just landed on the New York Times bestseller list for the fourth time.
“We are extremely pleased that Mother’s life and work has been preserved and, in some cases, found a new audience through the creation of these bestselling books,” said EWTN President and CEO Michael P. Warsaw.
In their latest collaboration, “The Prayers and Personal Devotions of Mother Angelica,” readers will find a prayer journal composed during Mother’s personal “dark night of the soul,” handwritten meditations offered to her sisters, devotions and petitions from her early religious life, and – just in time for Holy Week -- two moving versions of the Stations of the Cross composed for her community. (The book is available at http://bit.ly/decslG.)
In writing Mother’s biography, Arroyo discovered the wealth of material available in the archives at Our Lady of the Angels Monastery. He described his motivation for gathering the material in his most recent bestseller to Father Mitch Pacwa on a recent episode of “EWTN Live.”
”Though I had seen other bits and pieces of Mother’s written works, the little mini-books and other things, there was nothing that I thought communicated her essence in that voice that is so Mother’s,” he said. “In listening to these audio lessons, it, to me, really preserved and captured her voice.”
The duo’s other bestselling books are “Mother Angelica’s Private and Pithy Lessons from the Scriptures, “Mother Angelica’s Little Book of Life Lessons and Everyday Spirituality” and “Mother Angelica: The Remarkable Story of a Nun, Her Nerve, and a Network of Miracles.” All are available at http://bit.ly/bKX2z6.
EWTN Global Catholic Network, in its 29th year, is available in over 150 million television households in more than 140 countries and territories. With its direct broadcast satellite television and radio services, AM & FM radio networks, worldwide short-wave radio station, Internet website www.ewtn.com and publishing arm, EWTN is the largest religious media network in the world.
EWTN Launches News Service
Irondale, AL (EWTN) – EWTN Global Catholic Network has entered into an agreement with Catholic News Agency to share news and resources from around the world to Catholics and those interested in the Catholic faith, Catholic news and Catholic perspectives.
To showcase this expanded news service, EWTN has launched a new website, www.ewtnnews.com.
“EWTN is proud of the many ways it continues to provide news to Catholics around the world,” said EWTN Executive Vice President Doug Keck. “Our news outreach already includes exclusive television programs such as ‘The World Over’ with EWTN News Director Raymond Arroyo and radio’s ‘Vatican Insider’ with Rome Bureau Chief Joan Lewis, plus daily television and radio “news links,” and now we’ve added a full –blown Internet news service.”
Alejandro Bermúdez, who serves as CNA’s editor-in-chief, said that this new agreement is a major expansion of a partnership that began years ago.
“The agreement gives each organization an avenue to use its strengths to provide high quality, accurate reporting on matters of interest to the Catholic community and beyond,” he said.
EWTN President and CEO Michael P. Warsaw noted that EWTN launched its online service in 1996, making it a pioneer in the use of the worldwide web to deliver Catholic News and information. He encouraged viewers to log onto the new website and enjoy its greatly expanded content.
“This new project with CNA continues our history of using every means of technology to share the faith with people around the globe,” he said. “I believe this is an important step forward for EWTN, CNA and for the delivery of Catholic news around the globe.”
EWTN Global Catholic Network, in its 29th year, is available in over 150 million television households in more than 140 countries and territories. With its direct broadcast satellite television and radio services, AM & FM radio networks, worldwide short-wave radio station, Internet website, www.ewtn.com, and publishing arm, EWTN is the largest religious media network in the world.
***Press releases from EWTN***