EWTN Proud to Announce Its Newest Affiliate:
Pax Catholic Communications’ Radio Paz in Miami
Almost 85% of Catholic Radio Stations in the U.S. Are Now EWTN Affiliates
Pax Catholic Communications’ Radio Paz in Miami
Almost 85% of Catholic Radio Stations in the U.S. Are Now EWTN Affiliates
Irondale, AL (EWTN) – EWTN Global Catholic Network is proud to announce that Pax Catholic Communications’ Radio Paz, the radio ministry of the Archdiocese of Miami, has become EWTN’s newest radio affiliate. Building on a relationship that began 13 years ago today, (Jan. 6, 1998), Radio Paz in Miami will expand its program carriage of EWTN’s Spanish Network, Radio Católica Mundial, from three hours per day to up to 12 hours per day.
“As Radio Paz and EWTN move forward as a team, I know you will enjoy and appreciate the new productions,” said Miami Archbishop Thomas Wenski.
“Many people are aware of EWTN’s English language radio feed, which is now broadcast by 148 affiliates, but not everyone is aware that EWTN boasts two Spanish radio networks, one in Latin America and one here in the U.S., as well as a Spanish television network,” said EWTN President & CEO Michael P. Warsaw. “We are especially pleased to include the Miami Archdiocese as part of our family.”
In fact, as the new year begins, EWTN is proud to say that almost 85% of U.S. Catholic radio stations rely on programming supplied by EWTN Global Catholic Radio Network or EWTN’s Radio Católica Mundial – programming which is supplied to affiliates free of charge.
“The growth of Catholic radio in this country really began with Mother Angelica,” Warsaw continued. “Mother launched the world’s largest privately-owned shortwave radio facility on Dec. 28, 1992. Approximately three years later, on Feb. 27, 1996, EWTN launched a worldwide AM/FM radio service. Mother’s vision was to build Catholic radio in this country, and around the world, by offering quality Catholic programming and advice free of charge.”
Mother’s vision was always a global vision – because her Church is a universal Church.
“On February 1, 1989, before others even began thinking of the Hispanic audience,” Warsaw continued, “EWTN began reaching out to our Hispanic brothers and sisters with a three-hour block of programming. EWTN’s round-the-clock Spanish language television and radio has been available in Latin America and Spain since 1996 and in the U.S. since 1999.”
In the beginning, building Catholic radio was slow – just as it had been with Catholic television. With less than 10 Catholic-formatted radio stations in the U.S., Mother used a 1996 live television show to inspire the laity to establish even more Catholic AM/FM stations in their own communities. EWTN’s English and Spanish language radio networks were developed almost in parallel. Three businessmen responded to Mother’s live show and the first English-speaking AM/FM broadcast went on the air on Jan. 2, 1997, while Radio Católica Mundial was made available for carriage via AM/FM radio stations, as well as the Internet, on June 14, 1999.
“Today, thanks to Mother’s ‘yes’ to God’s call, EWTN is proud to count 148 out of 175 AM/FM Catholic radio stations in the U.S. as EWTN affiliates,” Warsaw said. “EWTN Catholic radio can also be heard on Sirius Satellite Radio Channel #160 and via the Internet.”
EWTN Global Catholic Network, in its 30th year, is available in over 160 million television households in more than 140 countries and territories. With its direct broadcast satellite television and radio services, AM & FM radio networks, worldwide short-wave radio station, Internet website www.ewtn.com and publishing arm, EWTN, is the largest religious media network in the world.
**Press release comes directly from EWTN as is**