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Monday, July 20, 2015

Catholic surfing (7/20/15)

I'm an insomniac.  

When I can't sleep I "Catholic surf" the Internet. Most of the time I find some really wonderful things.  Sometimes I find very disturbing things. 

You'll see both in today's post. 

1) My first stop is a virtual tour of St. John Cantius Catholic Church in Chicago- WOW!  I spent a great deal of time enjoying this virtual tour...

When you click the tour to begin, wait a few seconds it will get going on its own and allow you a full view of everything - up close to the altar and even up into the balcony. 



Sadly my Catholic surfing was mostly all downhill after that...

2) The Catholic Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Georgia is a full on "gay pride" Catholic parish...


3)  Our Lady of Lourdes in Daytona, Florida seems to feel that all religions are equal... 


4) And the Paulist Center in Boston, MA... in place of a crucifix they have a "naked floating Jesus" floating passed a tree?... I think- you tell me, what does it look like to you?

They also have a "cube altar" and dancing girls...[what I don't see in any of their photos is a Tabernacle]

And they refer to the Dalai Lama as "his holiness"...

To end on a more uplifting note... from my last post [The Archdiocese of New Orleans has a gay problem], the Archdiocese of New Orleans has not only shut down its LGBT "fact" page on its website, it also shut down its LGBT Catholic Ministry Facebook page that flaunted its "gay pride"... 

Buh-bye!  I couldn't be happier about that!  :)

I am planning on making "Catholic surfing" a regular feature on this blog. 

In Christ,

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner 


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Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner

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