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Saturday, September 16, 2017

Fr James Martin on men kissing men at Mass

Fr. James Martin: "I always say that LGBT people have more faith than straight people because of that. I mean imagine you, what you have just described is really interesting Brandon. You have internalized rejection already. You don’t even need to be told that you’re rejected in the Church, you’ve internalized it and that’s very sad. A lot of the people that Jesus came into contact with did the same thing. Think of like the woman with the hemorrhage who doesn’t even feel worthy to stand up and greet him, she reaches down and touches the hem of the garment; or the Samaritan women who comes to the well at noon in the heat of the day because, we think, she’s been married five times and she’s probably embarrassed. Maybe people didn’t know enough to tell her you’re not welcome to come out at the regular time when the other women come; she comes because she is embarrassed and she kinda internalized that and it’s sad. So I hope in ten years you will be able to kiss your partner or soon to be your husband. Why not? What’s the terrible thing?" 

Fr. James Martin is a disaster. I honestly don't know if my anger at this priest leading people toward Hell is stronger than my pity for him. It used to just be anger I felt for what Fr. James Martin has been doing, but over the last several weeks I have been reading on a single topic: HELL. 

And what is awaiting people, specifically priests in Hell is absolutely TERRIFYING. 

I would love to hear Fr. Martin speak about Hell. I wish to know what his thoughts are on the subject. Who does he think goes to Hell? What does he think Hell will be like for the damned? Does Fr. James Martin worry he might be headed for Hell because he opposes the Catholic Church's teaching on homosexuality and gay unions? 

I'd honestly like to know. 

He seems to be carefree about his opposition to the Catholic Faith. I fear for his soul. Truly I do. 

"O, how great is the priest!...If he realized what he is, he would die." 
-St. John Vianney-

I can't help but think, how he (and others like him) must break Our Lady's heart, because they are failing so miserably at their primary duty...saving souls for Christ.  
Lord Jesus, we your people pray to You for our priests. You have given them to us for OUR needs. We pray for them in THEIR needs.
We know that You have made them priests in the likeness of your own priesthood. You have consecrated them, set them aside, annointed them, filled them with the Holy Spirit, appointed them to teach, to preach, to minister, to console, to forgive, and to feed us with Your Body and Blood.
Yet we know, too, that they are one with us and share our human weaknesses. We know too that they are tempted to sin and discouragement as are we, needing to be ministered to, as do we, to be consoled and forgiven, as do we. Indeed, we thank You for choosing them from among us, so that they understand us as we understand them, suffer with us and rejoice with us, worry with us and trust with us, share our beings, our lives, our faith.
We ask that You give them this day the gift You gave Your chosen ones on the way to Emmaus: Your presence in their hearts, Your holiness in their souls, Your joy in their spirits. And let them see You face to face in the breaking of the Eucharistic bread.
We pray to You, O Lord, through Mary the mother of all priests, for Your priests and for ours. Amen.
Pray for Fr. James Martin and other priests. Their souls need saving too!

In Christ, 

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner 


Prayer for Priests:

Youtube video: 


Saints who had visions of Hell:


  1. The anger you feel towards "Fr" Martin is the same anger I feel towards Benedict and JP2. They were suppose ro defend the faith yet thru blasphemous act like Assissi, they proved themselves more henious enemies of the faith than the sodomite Martin.

  2. Can you imagine the eternal fate of a pope who not only failed to preserve the faith but threatened its very existence? Can you imagine that?

  3. Julie, can you tell me what books you have been reading on hell? I also would like to look into this topic just for my own salvation and for my family who has turned their backs on the Faith. It just kills me every day when I pray rosaries for them to be converted. I am so afraid they will go to hell. My oldest son won't even have my two little grandchildren baptized because he would have to promise to go to Church every Sunday and Holy Day, etc. He has always told me he believes in God so I don't understand this. He knows the punishment for rejecting Christ and the Church. I'm sure what has been in the news about the Church disgusts him so in one way I can't blame him, but the children!!! Anyway, I didn't mean to go on a rant, but my youngest insists he is homosexual altho he has no special friend YET. My anxiety level is so high. Please suggest some titles for me to read. Thank you. PS: I also have a hard time not hating James Martin. He is a raging pervert and is dragging tons of souls to hell. I wish God would take him before he can do anymore damage. Sure I hope he repents but the chances look pretty slim.


  5. Oh Karen I hear you! I worry the same for people in my family too!

    I have four books off the top of my head that I HIGHLY recommend - 2 of them are really short, like booklet sized.

    I am giving some links to them on Amazon- I get some on my Kindle so I can easily carry them around with me.

    1) The Dogma of Hell -

    2) What Will Hell be Like -

    3) "Visions of Heaven, Hell and Purgatory" by Bob and Penny Lord (good one!)

    4) The Four Last Things: Death, Judgement, Hell, Heaven -

    Other books would be by the Saints and about apparitions of Mary who speaks and warns of Hell like at Fatima.

    There are also some excellent talks by Priests on Youtube, just make sure they are authentic Catholic priests!

    I hope those help.

    God bless you, keep on praying! Ask Saint Joseph to help too so that you and your loved ones might have a happy death.

  6. There is a diddy that is often sung at Mass in the place of a hymn entitled All Are Welcome that pretty much exemplifies the bad theology that is floating around and which Fr. Martin s.j. is clearly putting forth.

    The Church isn't the place where all are welcome, rather it is the place where all are invited and only some are chosen. I could get lengthy here, but let me skip over that and get to the point.

    Clearly, Fr. Martian s.j. is not acquainted with the concept of love as understood within the Catholic tradition. God doesn't love is not a RESPONSE to who we are or what we do is the CAUSE of what is good, and thus loveable in us.

    In the scriptures, Jesus encounters many people who are alienated from God. Not once does he accept them for who they are or approve of their situation. All those alienated souls that he encounters he invites to repentance, his grace is the growth of goodness and lovability in the person. Many reject this grace wanting to be accepted and approved of for what they are rather than have to repent and grow in holiness.

    Jesus came to save the lost sheep and bring them back to the sheepfold, not to stay with the sheep where they were lost and caught in a thicket of sin.

    Karen ~ Though you asked about books on Hell, how about Pieper's book on Hope, which is the book here MANY have broken families with individuals who have walked away from the Faith. We must never despair or presume but always hope.

  7. "You have internalized rejection, already", states "Fr." Martin to the sodomite. You betcha!! He's internalized it because he KNOWS, even if "Fr" Martin pretends not to know, that he's living incorrectly. It's NOT up to the "institutional" church to make a sodomite feel welcome. Even heterosexual (normal) people don't necessarily hug and kiss during the Novus Ordo. The whole idea of the "kiss of peace" nonsense is, well...nonsense. So, PLEASE, cut out the garbage "Fr." Martin. But we should know that you won't because the infiltration of the "institutional" church is complete and your type reigns supreme.

  8. Julie and Lurker #59,

    Thank you so much for the suggestions. I will definitely look these up and try to remain in Holy Hope.

    Thank you again and God bless you!

  9. [big sigh]

    I can only quote the saintly Mother Angelica whenever I read all of this stuff, Julie:

    "I'm so tired of you - liberal church of America!"

    No kidding, Mother. No kidding.

    Catechist Kev


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Thank you and God bless...

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner

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