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Friday, August 30, 2013

EWTN Press Release: New Programs!

Don’t Miss EWTN’s New Fall Series!

Irondale, ALBrand new series and specials are coming this fall to EWTN. This September, the world’s largest Catholic media network will debut dozens of new programs, including a Catholic news program, the World Television Premiere of “The War of the Vendee:” a film highlighting the struggles of Catholic peasants during the aftermath of the French Revolution, and many others, including:   
EWTN News Nightly with Colleen Carroll Campbell: The first global daily news of its kind, “EWTN News Nightly” will bring you the latest issues and hot topics from a reliable Catholic perspective.
Previews 6 p.m. ET, Tuesday, September 3 and 6 p.m. ET Wednesdays in September. 
World Premiere: The War of the Vendee: In the aftermath of the French Revolution, several French peasants begin their struggle to restore religious freedom to their country.
Film premieres 9:30 p.m. ET, September 25; 8 p.m. ET, September 28.
Lectio Divina: The Parables of Jesus: Cardinal Thomas Collins from the Archdiocese of Toronto meditates on the what the parables of Christ reveal about heaven and holiness.
Airs 3:30 a.m. ET, Sundays; 11:30 p.m. ET, Saturdays. 
Mother Teresa: All for Jesus: Fr. Leo Massburg, who served alongside Mother Teresa and the Missionaries of Charity for over seven years, reminisces with Host Sean Brown about what the life of this humble nun taught him about the power of redemptive suffering. 
Six episodes. Airs weekdays 3 a.m. ET & 6:30 p.m. ET, Thursday, Sept. 5 through Thursday, Sept. 12.
Catechesis: Communion with Jesus Christ: The Dominican Sisters of Mary encourage their students to deepen their personal relationship with Christ by guiding them through a series of meditations on the Gospels.
Airs 5:30 a.m. ET, Mondays; 11 a.m. ET, Saturdays.
Conversation with Cardinal Dolan: Host Fr. Dwyer discusses issues affecting the Church with the Archbishop of New York.
Airs 10 p.m. ET, September 8; 5 a.m. ET, September 12.
Finding God in All Things: The Teaching of Ignatius Loyola on Daily Prayer: Fr. Timothy M. Gallagher guides viewers through St. Ignatius’ daily meditation, known as the Examen, and explains step-by-step how this prayer helps us discover the beauty of God in the mundane.
Airs 4 p.m. ET, Sundays; 5:30 p.m. ET, Thursdays.
My Country, My Faith – A Canadian Perspective: Shot at JPII Media in Halifax, Nova Scotia, this series with Catholic Canadian Journalist Nicole Myshak addresses a variety of topics featuring those on the frontlines of their respective fields and ministries.
Airs 10:30 p.m. ET, Fridays; 1 a.m. ET, Saturdays.
The Parables of Christ:, Fr. George Rutler offers new insights into how these cherished stories were Christ’s means of helping mankind understand the ineffable glory of God.
Airs 4:30 p.m. ET, Sundays; 11 p.m. ET, Fridays.
The Sacred Heart: Fr. Bernard McGuckian goes on location to historical sites throughout Europe to find out more about the saints who shaped devotion to The Sacred Heart of Jesus into what it is today.
Airs 11 p.m. ET, Mondays; 4 a.m. ET, Saturdays.
Theology of the Table: “Life on the Rock’s ” Fr. Mark Mary and Daniel Rabourdin explain some of the amazing parallels between the traditional family dinner and the Holy Mass.
Airs 2:30 p.m. ET, Tuesdays; 6:30 p.m. ET, Saturdays.

EWTN Global Catholic Network, in its 33rd year, is available in over 225 million television households in more than 140 countries and territories. With its direct broadcast satellite television and radio services, AM & FM radio networks, worldwide short-wave radio station, Internet website, electronic and print news services and publishing arm, EWTN is the largest Catholic media network in the world.

Fr.Longenecker vs Michael Voris

Quote: "If the faith is in imminent peril, prelates ought to be accused by their subjects, even in public."-St. Thomas Aquinas

Today Fr. Longenecker THOUGHT he had a bone to pick with Church Militant’s Michael Voris of the widely popular “The Vortex” internet show “Where lies and falsehoods are trapped and exposed” as the motto goes. 

Please read Father Longnecker's post "Do we need Michael Voris" if you haven' already.

I believe, he was wrong.

You see, Fr. Longenecker didn’t like it when Michael Voris mentioned what was happening in the “blogosphere” over the dire straits of “CatholicAnswers” – they want your money because they are (according to some very unhappy Catholics) over paying those who work for Catholic Answers with six figure pay checks.

Did Michael Voris start the mess?  No.  
Does Fr. Longenecker care? No.

You see the hornets’ nest erupted on Kathy Schiffer’s Patheo’sblog on August 19, 2013 when she blogged- no make that begged- Catholics to send their money to Catholic Answers to keep them afloat.  At such time, over one hundred UNHAPPY Catholics flooded her comments area with all the reasons they would NOT support Catholic Answers anymore.  

The biggest reasons stated by the unhappy Catholics were 1) Catholic Answers over pays its staff and 2) that Catholic Answers had disrespected (in assorted ways) Catholics who still like the Latin Mass.

Here is where I come into the picture.  
I read the comments (on Schiffer's blog) – for NINE DAYS and watched the arguing among Catholics back and forth over Catholic Answers worthiness to receive a dime from anyone anymore.  And then, I moved along in my daily blog reading to Creative Minority Reports (the date is now August 27, 2013- NINE days AFTER Schiffer stirred the hornets’ nest) where I saw yet another plea for money on behalf of the sinking Catholic Answers so I left a comment linking to the brawl on Kathy Schiffer’s Patheos Blog which started it all. 

Yes, that was me.  Note the date and time- days BEFORE Michael Voris said a single word.  The silence from Fr. Longenecker is only broken when Voris joins the discussion.  Bone to pick?  I think so.

Readers from Creative Minority Report then began showing up on Kathy Schiffer’s blog to join in the chaos on and after August 27, 2013- again days before Voris said a peep about anything. 

Does Fr. Longenecker care?  No.

On August 29, 2013 – TEN DAYS after the blogosphere erupted over Catholic Answers, Michael Voris mentions it briefly in one of his Vortex episodes, he says (in part):

“a war in the Catholic blogosphere has broken out over the news coming out of Catholic Answers that they are in dire financial straits and are laying off staff due to a steep drop in donations and other revenue.
Catholic Answers has done fine work in the area of apologetics and is to be commended for any souls they might have influenced to come to the Catholic Faith. Bravo!  But... a few weeks ago, it seems like they made a major miscalculation... or perhaps in blunder... highlighting something we have talked about here recently in the Vortex.  It seems they may have insulted a large portion of their own audience by doing... what appeared to many... of making fun of traditional Catholics in a Catholic Answers Live radio show heard from coast to coast.”

Please note, Voris is merely reporting what was said on Kathy Schiffer’s blog TEN DAYS EARLIER.  He COMPLIMENTED much of the work Catholic Answers has done over the years.  Voris points out that SOME people who used to support Catholic Answers are now refusing to give them a dime because those ex-supporters felt “insulted” by Catholic Answers.  This is what many people said in the comments on Kathy Schiffer’s blog.  Voris is reporting what was said, nothing more.

(link below)

Suddenly Fr. Longenecker is outraged that someone among the Catholic laity would DARE to question Catholic Answers!  Fr.Longenecker on his blog made it sound as if Voris had a personal bone to pick with Catholic Answers and was calling them out or trying to bring them down.  Nothing and I mean NOTHING could be further from the truth as you can see in the video for yourself.

Since when is REPORTING what is happening in the blogosphere off limits to the Catholic laity?  Can Fr. Longenecker answer that?

I would remind Father Longenecker of ... "The laity are given this special vocation: to make the Church present and fruitful in those places and circumstances where it is only through them that she can become the salt of the earth." -Lumen Gentium Ch.4

Now about the MONEY.

Fr. Longenecker takes Michael Voris to task for bringing up how much money Catholic Answers makes and how much its staff makes.  Well guess what Father?  That information was given out on Kathy Schiffer’s blog on August 27, 2013 at 4:33 pm, by a commenter going by the name: “A new era in the Church  

Michael Voris did his story on the 29th of August, days after the information was already made public on Schiffer’s Patheos blog.

So WHY didn’t Fr. Longenecker take Schiffer or her readers to task over this? My guess?  Perhaps Voris' dedication to “trapping and exposing lies and falsehoods” in the Catholic Church where ever they may be found has stung Father at one time or another?

Only Father can truly answer that, perhaps he will one day.  But today, I want to set the record straight on who said what and when.

So to review… 

1)    Kathy Schiffer of Patheos begged Catholics to hand money over to Catholic Answers. (August 19, 2013)
2)    Unhappy Catholics protested the plea and spilled the beans on why they were not happy with Catholic Answers all week.
3)    Creative Minority Reports also sounded the plea for money for Catholic Answers. August 27, 2013.
4)    I posted a link on Creative Minority Reports to Schiffer’s blog on August 27th to show what unhappy Catholics were saying.
5)    Michael Voris mentions the situation on this Vortex show TEN DAYS after the fact- August 29, 2013.
6)    Fr. Longenecker attempts to slap down Michael Voris with a post entitled “Do we need Michael Voris” on August 30, 2013.

I think the question Catholics are answering with a LOUD “NO” is that many no longer need or want Catholic Answers.  And they are making that loud and clear with their wallets.

Now for the second part of what I have to say…

WHY Father Longenecker, would a priest ask ANYONE if another human being is “needed” or not?

Did you not hear Pope Benedict when he said “Each of us is the result of a thought of God. Each of us is willed. Each of us is loved. Each of us is necessary.”

Why would you think we wouldn’t “need” Michael Voris?

Let me tell you what we DON’T need Father; we DON’T need U.S. Bishops sticking their noses into U.S. politics and elections.  We don’t need 'nuns on the bus'.  We don’t need Bishops working on immigration reform.  We need Catholic priests TO BE PRIESTS.

Do you all know what that is anymore?  Have you forgotten what Christ sent you all out into the world to do?  It wasn’t immigration reform Father!  It was saving souls, preaching the Gospel, teaching and correcting the Faith to the laity.  THAT is what we need YOU the clergy to do.

So you can waste your time in politics, riding buses with nuns or even pointing your fingers at the laity like Michael Voris for LOVING our faith and TRYING to make a difference all you want, but one day, one day Father YOU (and all our “Fathers” in Christ) will have the finger of God pointed at you and then you will answer for why you weren’t doing what Christ commissioned you to do.

Good thing even priests go to Confession.

And Father if you think I was too harsh with you I do apologize, sometimes even priests get me fired up when I feel an injustice was done to someone. And I do believe Father, that you've done an injustice to Michael Voris.

May God forgive us all and bless us – we need it.

In Christ,


Vortex text:

Monday, August 26, 2013

Dear Father, your children are starving...

Dear Father,

I write to you today from my heart because I don’t understand what you are doing or why.  You are not my biological father, and yet you are my Father (For though you have countless guides in Christ, you do not have many fathers. For I became your father in Christ Jesus through the gospel.” 1 Cor. 4:15). I look at you as a daughter watching her father…watching to see the work you do, recalling Christ’s commission to his priests through our Holy Mother Church to … 
“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and behold, I am with you all days, even unto the consummation of the world.” [Matt. 28:19-20]

I also recall the beloved words of my Savior to Saint Peter… [When I read this, I can almost hear Jesus’ voice TRYING to convey more to Peter than His words might have sounded to the others.]

“When, therefore, they had breakfasted, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of John, dost thou love me more than these do?” 
He [Simon Peter] said to Him, “Yes, Lord, thou knowest that I love thee.” 
He [Jesus] said to him, “Feed my lambs”. 
He said to him a second time, “Simon, son of John, dost thou love me?” 
He said to Him, “Yes, Lord, thou knowest that I love thee.”

He said to him, “Feed my lambs.” 
A third time he said to him, “Simon, son of John, dost thou love me?” 
Peter was a grieved because he said to him for the third time, “Doust thou love me?”  And he said to Him, “Lord, thou knowest all things, thou knowest that I love thee.
He said to him, “Feed my sheep.” [John 21:15-17 Challoner-Rheims Catholic Bible Version]

What an amazing commission our Beloved Lord has given to you my Father in Christ.  A commission I am sure is not an easy task in our corrupt world.  The cross of our clergy is indeed a heavy cross to carry as you follow Christ.  Please know, in my plea to you here today, I do not for a moment forget the weight you are under to follow Jesus while carrying that heavy cross.  Yet still I must bring my concerns to your ears because only you can answer them.
Our Holy Mother Church is what to the world, Father?  Is She not the Ark upon the earth which mankind finds salvation in the Sacraments and graces our Lord gives through Her?  Salvation from Christ through His Holy Catholic Church, is that not so, dear Father?
Catechism: #845   To reunite all his children, scattered and led astray by sin, the Father willed to call the whole of humanity together into his Son’s Church. The Church is the place where humanity must rediscover its unity and salvation. The Church is “the world reconciled.” She is that bark which “in the full sail of the Lord’s cross, by the breath of the Holy Spirit, navigates safely in this world.” According to another image dear to the Church Fathers, she is prefigured by Noah’s ark, which alone saves from the flood.334 (30, 953, 1219)
845   To reunite all his children, scattered and led astray by sin, the Father willed to call the whole of humanity together into his Son’s Church. The Church is the place where humanity must rediscover its unity and salvation. The Church is “the world reconciled.” She is that bark which “in the full sail of the Lord’s cross, by the breath of the Holy Spirit, navigates safely in this world.” According to another image dear to the Church Fathers, she is prefigured by Noah’s ark, which alone saves from the flood.334 (30, 953, 1219)
 “Outside the Church there is no salvation”
846   How are we to understand this affirmation, often repeated by the Church Fathers?335 Re-formulated positively, it means that all salvation comes from Christ the Head through the Church which is his Body: (161, 1257)
Basing itself on Scripture and Tradition, the Council teaches that the Church, a pilgrim now on earth, is necessary for salvation: the one Christ is the mediator and the way of salvation; he is present to us in his body which is the Church. He himself explicitly asserted the necessity of faith and Baptism, and thereby affirmed at the same time the necessity of the Church which men enter through Baptism as through a door. Hence they could not be saved who, knowing that the Catholic Church was founded as necessary by God through Christ, would refuse either to enter it or to remain in it.336
You Father, know our Church, and matters of salvation and Jesus Christ’s commission to you as a priest to teach and bring salvation to others far better than I, so please forgive me for asking you, “Have you forgotten your priorities?”
You see, I watch you closely, not to criticize, but to learn from you.  To see how you handle situations, events and most of all to see your salvational work in progress.  Not just when you stand behind the pulpit, but also when you are out in the world.  I see you Father and I hear what you say.
My confusion comes, when I hear you talk constantly about social issues, like immigration reform or when you take photo ops with political figures or even other 'liberal' clergy who publicly reject Christ and Holy Mother Church’s official teachings by saying they support gay 'marriages' and unions.
I am well aware that our Lord ate with sinners.  I am also well aware that when He met with such sinners He told them to their face “Now go, and stop sinning.”  I don’t mind you dining with sinners Father, but I truly wish you would pass along Christ’s message to them after dessert.
You see Father, the words of Jesus to His priests are very clear to my simple mind, “…teaching them to observe all that I commanded you…”(Matt.28:20)  I don’t see Jesus commissioning his priests to work out immigration issues or sort out which political party is best.  To my simple mind, Jesus’ focus was always on helping people reach eternity in heaven.  Salvation.  Am I wrong Father?
I don’t understand why my Fathers, be they parish priest or Bishop, spend so much time, money and energy working on immigration when souls are being lost. Why are you so worried with our temporary life, instead of our eternal life?  
Please tell me how you justify it Father, because I honestly do not understand and I honestly do not want to think badly of my Fathers who answered Jesus’ call to the priesthood.  Jesus chose you all for a reason, and I can’t think it was immigration reform.
Jesus said over and over “Feed my lambs.” And “Feed my sheep.”  He knew we would be starving for Spiritual guidance and help on our journeys to eternity.  All of us, are going to end up in either Heaven or Hell and a lot of that responsibility falls on the cross you my Father picked up when you became my Father through the Gospel.  You chose that cross and with it comes the priority of saving souls. Let the politicians and people work out immigration, they can do it Father, but what the laity cannot do is what you were called to do.
1564    “Whilst not having the supreme degree of the pontifical office, and notwithstanding the fact that they depend on the bishops in the exercise of their own proper power, the priests are for all that associated with them by reason of their sacerdotal dignity; and in virtue of the sacrament of Holy Orders, after the image of Christ, the supreme and eternal priest, they are consecrated in order to preach the Gospel and shepherd the faithful as well as to celebrate divine worship as true priests of the New Testament.46 (611) 
1565    Through the sacrament of Holy Orders priests share in the universal dimensions of the mission that Christ entrusted to the apostles. The spiritual gift they have received in ordination prepares them, not for a limited and restricted mission, “but for the fullest, in fact the universal mission of salvation ‘to the end of the earth,’”47 “prepared in spirit to preach the Gospel everywhere.”48 (849)
Yes, we all work out our salvation in “fear and trembling”, but you Father were commissioned to “teach” us and our Holy Mother Church was given the commission to bring the Sacraments and graces to us from our Savior.  That’s the entire reason She exists and you have become a Father through the Gospel.  If we, the laity didn’t need Holy Mother Church or the priesthood Jesus wouldn’t have created and commissioned either.
But we do need you Father and our Church.  We need you to TEACH.  We need you to GUIDE us to salvation, not political reforms.  We THIRST for spiritual direction, not political dinners and photo ops. Where are the Church's priorities in the United States?  Is salvation still the priority for the Church here?  Please tell me Father, because I don't know any more.
Has the Church in the United States forgotten Her mission?
Catechism: Mission—a requirement of the Church’s catholicity
 849   The missionary mandate. “Having been divinely sent to the nations that she might be ‘the universal sacrament of salvation,’ the Church, in obedience to the command of her founder and because it is demanded by her own essential universality, strives to preach the Gospel to all men”:339 “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and Lo, I am with you always, until the close of the age.”340 (738, 767) 
850   The origin and purpose of mission. The Lord’s missionary mandate is ultimately grounded in the eternal love of the Most Holy Trinity: “The Church on earth is by her nature missionary since, according to the plan of the Father, she has as her origin the mission of the Son and the Holy Spirit.”341 The ultimate purpose of mission is none other than to make men share in the communion between the Father and the Son in their Spirit of love.342 (257, 730) 
851   Missionary motivation. It is from God’s love for all men that the Church in every age receives both the obligation and the vigor of her missionary dynamism, “for the love of Christ urges us on.”343 Indeed, God “desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth”;344 that is, God wills the salvation of everyone through the knowledge of the truth. Salvation is found in the truth. Those who obey the prompting of the Spirit of truth are already on the way of salvation. But the Church, to whom this truth has been entrusted, must go out to meet their desire, so as to bring them the truth. Because she believes in God’s universal plan of salvation, the Church must be missionary. (221, 429, 74, 217, 2104, 890)
Father, I love my Catholic Faith, I love my Holy Mother Church and I love my Fathers who answered the Call to become priest, but far too often I do not understand what I see happening today.  I honestly ask you Father, has our Church forgotten Her mission?  Have her priests forgotten Christ’s commission to them to bring salvation to nations?
I understanding wanting to help the plight of the less fortunate in our world, our Church has always been a beacon of light to the poor and suffering.  I am not saying we should not help others in their sufferings on earth, I am saying what are our priorities?  Is it more important to help people find a temporary home on earth or an eternal home with our God?
And what about correction?   Is it not the obligation and duty of our Fathers and Mother Church to correct us in our errors?
890   The mission of the Magisterium is linked to the definitive nature of the covenant established by God with his people in Christ. It is this Magisterium’s task to preserve God’s people from deviations and defections and to guarantee them the objective possibility of professing the true faith without error. Thus, the pastoral duty of the Magisterium is aimed at seeing to it that the People of God abides in the truth that liberates. To fulfill this service, Christ endowed the Church’s shepherds with the charism of infallibility in matters of faith and morals. The exercise of this charism takes several forms: (851, 1785)
Help me understand Father, why so many priests and Bishops have stopped correcting Christ’s lambs?  We have “nuns on the bus” demanding birth control and legal abortion and now they've jumped on the immigration reform bus, we have other “nuns” demanding someone make them “priests” and then we have good parish Fathers who rightly deny the Eucharist to openly gay couples only to be reprimanded for it.  They should be supported and encouraged!
What’s happening to Christ’s Church and the priesthood that He commissioned to teach and guide for the salvation of souls?  We are STARVING Father, because there are too few Fathers left to “feed Christ’s sheep”. 
Denying the Eucharist to ANYONE IN mortal sin is an act of GREAT LOVE.  To allow someone in mortal sin (gay sexual relationships are of course grave mortal sin) to have Holy Communion is HELPING in the DAMNATION to a person! [1 Cor.11:29] Priests must NEVER participate in anyway with a person's soul being damned. Priests are to correct and help guide the person away from sin and to repentance.  We need these things... our souls depend on them.
Christ’s lambs are starving for guidance, correction and instruction…why aren't our Father's working harder to FEED us as Christ instructed?

Please tell me Father, what is going on? 

In Christ, 
Julie, one of our Lord's Lambs

Friday, August 23, 2013

Practicing Catholicism at home: home altars, family prayers, Catholic chant

This post is a combination of some of the things I like the most. Being Catholic; putting my Faith into practice not just in Church but also at home; old Catholic books (I have quite a wonderful collection of Catholic books that I can’t get enough of -some dating back over 100 years); and raising a Catholic family. Being Catholic- a practicing Catholic is a wonderful blessing to me.  I can't imagine my life any other way.

Recently I found an online old Catholic book (on EWTN's website) that I fell in love with instantly! All my comments are in this BLUE color, everything else (in black) is from t
he book “How to Make Your House A Home: Family Liturgy and Religious Practices”, written by Rev. Bernward Stokes, O.F.M. in 1955. The book is full of things Catholics can do year round to practice their faith, everything from singing together, meals for feast days, old traditions for different saints, how to deepen your faith during the different liturgical seasons in the Church and much more. Speaking for my own family, we have incorporated several practices that are included in this book, including family rosary/prayer, Catholic music, home altar, feast day traditions and a few others. 
Our home altar with kneeler (left)

Today I am sharing some quotes from the book along with photos of our home altar and how to make a home altar. If you have a home altar and have shared photos on your blog or some other social media outlet please share a link, I would love to see your photos! 

 Liturgy and Religious Practices 
 by Rev. Bernward Stokes O.F.M.

Family Life Bureau National Catholic Welfare Conference

Censor Deputatus CYPRIAN DE GRAAF, O.F.M., 
Censor Deputatus Imprimi Potest: DAVID TEMPLE, O.F.M., 
Minister Provincialis Nihil Obstat: EDGAR SCHMIEDELER, O.S.B. Censor deputatus 
 Imprimatur: +PATRICK A. O'BOYLE Archbishop of Washington 
SEPTEMBER 24, 1955 

Several years ago a Catholic family, the Trapp Family, fled from Austria and came to the United States. Since that time they have supported themselves by giving concerts. Their beautiful voices have made a great impression on the people who flocked to hear them, but an even greater impression was made by their obvious interdependence and wonderful family spirit. They were more than a choir--they were also a model family. After the concert the spectators were left with the feeling that the Trapp family had something which they didn't have. Some might have asked themselves, "How did they get their spirit? How could our family become like theirs?" Families like that of the Trapp's do not happen by chance. They are molded over the years by living the Christian life in full. A full Christian life is one in which the members work, play and pray together--and thus achieve a mutual trust and love. 


Divine Mercy Image Altar
THE HOME ALTAR: The home altar should be one of the most important places in the home. It doesn't have to be on a grand scale; an old table, even a reconstructed packing box would do. But it should be kept neat and clean, and there should be some fresh flowers on it if possible. Over the table one might have a religious picture. The prints which were mentioned on page 39 and which may be changed according to the season, might be the best. On the altar itself one might place a cloth. If the children are allowed to make or stitch it, they will feel that they have done something "personal" for Our Lord. A statue or crucifix might also be placed on the altar. A few candles and a vigil light may be kept on the altar to be used at least on special occasions. As Therese Mueller says, "What is Sunday night prayer without candles!" In some homes a niche may be found for the home altar. 
**Some things we use in creating our home altar: crucifix, saint statues, candles, holy water, prayer cards, rosary beads, crosses, angels and a kneeler I was happy to purchase from my priest years ago.  

Another simple home altar, a few statues, crucifix, candles and prayer cards.

Infant Jesus picture, chanting monks bookends, crucifix, rosary, prayer cards and candle complete this home altar.

A HOME GROTTO: If the family is fortunate enough to have a large backyard, or if it lives in the country, it is a good idea to make a small grotto in the garden and get a statue of Our Lady or of the Sacred Heart for it. If it is impossible to obtain a statue, a picture would do. The grotto could be planned over a long time, and the whole family could help in its construction and care.  
**We do not YET have a home grotto, that is a project we hope to do next year.**

FAMILY SINGING AND MUSIC: Family singing is another practice which Katherine Byles stresses. She says:[41] "Family singing is a thrilling experience to children. Psychologists today talk much about the value of community singing. Schools and colleges have glee clubs and the large cities have choral societies. Singing in a crowd produces friendliness and creates a bond of union among people. Leaders who get crowds together for a song festival certainly help to produce good feeling. Why then should not the family make use of this age-old custom to strengthen the bonds that unite its members? God gave us singing voices, and certainly children love to sing. In school, songs and hymns are taught. Encourage the children to sing them at home too. Make it a rule to sing all you can with them." Mrs. Byles also mentions the use of Gregorian chant. Some may laugh at the idea of children singing in chant, but some of the simplest and most beautiful music written is in Gregorian; for example, the "Dies Irae," the "Magnificat," and many other hymns. Most of these chants may be found in English at our Catholic book shops-and for only a small sum.

**In our family, we have several Gregorian Chant CD's to pick from (we are listeners, not singers), some of my favorites are: 
1) Easter Gregorian Chant by the Monastic Choir of the Abbey of Notre Dame de Fontgombault 

2) Mount St.Mary's Vespers CD

FAMILY PRAYER: One of the most beautiful of Christian family traditions is that of family prayer--of the family praying as a unit. Wherever it is observed, the children are left with profound memories which they will carry with them for life. But just what should the family prayers consist of? They should be liturgical, short, varied, appropriate, and (one of the most important points) IN GOOD, CLEAR, SIMPLE ENGLISH. Donald Attwater[42] makes this suggestion: "One of the family might read aloud a scriptural lesson from the Mass of the day (Gospel and Epistle on alternate days; when some common lessons occur frequently, substitute others); then say together the 'Nunc dimittis' or 'De profundis' for the dead; then the father, or senior present, might recite the Collect for the day, one or two more at choice for particular mercies or thanksgivings from the 'Orationes Diversae' in the Missal, and finally one 'Visit, we beseech Thee, O Lord, this house and family,' from Compline." If one has a home altar, that would be the best place for the family prayers. If one recites the Rosary for family prayers, one should take care to make the meditations on the various mysteries. It is so easy to be careless. 

**For Family Prayer time, we have a wonderful music CD, "The Prayer of the Church:The Rosary" produced by David Phillips and "Hail, Queen of Heaven" by Seraphim, also produced by David Phillips. These are favorites in our home.

THE FAMILY ROSARY: The Family Rosary is a beautiful custom which is dear to the heart of many peoples. The Rosary is dear also to the heart of Our Blessed Mother, as was shown in a special way at Fatima. But there are some dangers which must be taken into consideration. The main part of the Rosary devotion is the meditation on the fifteen mysteries, and meditation is much more than a mere recital of the name of the next mystery. Among the Irish, the "trimmings" or intentions take as long as does the Rosary itself. These are prayers for the honor of God, for thanksgiving, for members of the family who happen to be away from home, and especially for the members of the family who are abroad. This custom brings out the "oneness" which should be found in every family. The Louisiana French who live in towns or cities have adopted the practice of having all the families living in the same block gather at least once a week for the community recitation of the Rosary. This is another custom which is gaining ground in other parts of the country. [end book quote]

**Most of the time all pray the rosary independently when we go to bed. Occasionally, I will lead my children together before our home altar in the rosary.  And sometimes we use EWTN's Mother Angelica and her nuns television rosary prayer.  Other times, I find myself praying the rosary while I drive or while I am waiting to pick up a child from one school event or another.  There is always some time in the day to fit the rosary into your Catholic life... don't miss the opportunity.
Please share links to some of your photos and share how you are a practicing Catholic at home. I would truly love to hear from you.  God bless!

Book Source:

**All photos are my own- they are not in the book**

In Christ,

Thursday, August 22, 2013

EWTN Press Release

EWTN This Week: Women’s Roles in the Church & the Battle for Religious Freedom

Plus Helping the Poor in Peru, Feature Film on Pope Paul VI,
& More

Irondale, AL – Their “Summer Tour” isn’t over yet! Join Fr. Mark & Doug Barry, the “Rock Stars” of “Life on the Rock,” as they travel to Franciscan University’s Summer Youth Conference! Squeeze in one last end-of-summer “vacation” with “Life on the Rock.” Airs LIVE at 10 p.m. ET, Thursday, August 22—only on EWTN!
Do you think you have a call to the religious life, but aren’t sure what your next step should be? Natalie Smith, founder of, tells “EWTN Live” Host Fr. Mitch Pacwa about how her organization’s retreats and materials help those discerning a religious vocation.  Don’t wait to answer your call—watch “EWTN LIVE” at 8 p.m. ET, Wednesday, August 21—only on EWTN!
Is this generation the cataclysm of Catholicism? Author and future Host of “EWTN News Nightly” Colleen Carroll Campbell begs to differ! Find out why she thinks that there is a hunger for Christ now more than ever when “EWTN Bookmark” Host Doug Keck interviews her about her newest book! Find more about “The New Faithful: Why Young Adults Are Embracing Christian Orthodoxy.” Airs 9:30 a.m. ET, Sunday, August 25—only on EWTN!
Step up to bat with these Heavy Hitters for the Faith!  Take part in the EWTN Family Celebration “All Star Religious Liberty Roundtable” with EWTN President and Chief Executive Officer Michael P. Warsaw, Becket Fund General Counsel Kyle Duncan, EWTN General Counsel John Manos, and EWTN Chaplain Fr. Joseph. Don’t miss as these All Stars take a swing at the political issues that threaten our most cherished freedom. Airs 1 p.m. ET, Saturday, August 24—only on EWTN!
This Saturday is Ladies’ Night on EWTN! Find out what your favorite EWTN hostesses think is the true vocation of women in this special one-hour “Women of Grace,” recorded live at EWTN’s Family Celebration in Birmingham! Airs 4 p.m. ET, Saturday, August 24—only on EWTN!
Taking “obedience classes” for God’s laws won’t fence you in! Fr. James Mallon and his faithful mutt Monzi demonstrate how surrendering to Christ’s will actually frees us to live healthy spiritual lives. Unleash your faith by tuning in to “Dogmatic Theology” at 10 p.m. ET, Sunday, August 25—only on EWTN!
Watch as the  story of Pope Paul VI begins: Before he took his place as a successor to Peter, the future Pope Paul VI lived out his daily routine as a humble priest and university professor – little did he know that he would be called upon to become one of the most influential Popes in modern day history! Watch the first part of this feature film, “Pope Paul VI,” at 8 p.m. ET Saturday, August 24—only on EWTN! (Not Available via Livestream or Roku). 
Making a difference despite their differences! In order to give the most care for those in need, the religious and lay communities of Peru work together to provide assistance and education for the poor and disabled who live in their country.  See the fruits of their combined efforts when “Missionary Servants of the Poor of the Third World” airs 2 p.m. ET, Thursday, August 22.
Reflect on what it means to be Catholic!  Watch the first episode of Fr. Langsch’s thoughtful new series as he challenges us to hold up a mirror to our own Catholic Formation, and see on what it truly means to be “Made in His Image!” Airs at 6:30 p.m. ET, Friday, August 23—only on EWTN

EWTN President & CEO Michael Warsaw
To Receive Fullness of Truth's
"2013 Defender of the Faith” Award

Irondale, AL – EWTN President & Chief Executive Officer Michael P. Warsaw will receive the “Defender of the Faith” award from Fullness of Truth Catholic Evangelization Ministries at its annual summer conference on Saturday, August 24 in San Antonio.
“The Fullness of Truth Board selected Michael Warsaw to receive the 2013 Defender of the Faith award for his uncompromising stance in protecting religious freedom,” said Fullness of Truth Executive Director Patrick Ryan. “Specifically, leading EWTN as one of the first organizations to file a lawsuit challenging the US Department of Health and Human Services Contraceptive Services Mandate. In addition, Mr. Warsaw's efforts to promote the beauty of the Catholic faith in the New Evangelization are unparalleled.”

Warsaw, who will give a talk at the Fullness of Truth Conference next week, said: “I am honored to be receiving this award, and I thank Fullness of Truth for recognizing EWTN’s efforts. However, I am saddened that the actions of the U.S. Government made the filing of a lawsuit necessary in the first place. As I stated when we filed our suit on Feb. 9, 2012, EWTN is being forced by the government to make a choice: either we fund coverage for contraception, sterilization and abortion-inducing drugs and violate our conscience or offer our employees and their families no health insurance coverage at all. Neither of those choices is acceptable.”

Over the past 18 months, the fight for religious liberty has continued to escalate. The State of Alabama joined EWTN’s lawsuit as a plaintiff on March 22, 2012. Almost one year to the day later, a federal judge found that the Network did indeed have legal standing to file the lawsuit, but dismissed the case because of the promise of future revisions by the Obama Administration. Since that March 25, 2013 dismissal, the Administration has hardened its stance, which led Warsaw to assert once again that “EWTN remains committed to fighting this senseless mandate.”

Warsaw has also led an outreach to the public on this issue. He wrote a well-received editorial that was published by “The New York Times;” he has given numerous television and print interviews on the subject; he has organized panels on Religious Liberty, including one as recently as August 19, 2013; and he has given a platform to U.S. Bishops and others in their efforts to instruct the faithful about the importance of religious liberty.

Fullness of Truth Catholic Evangelization is a lay Catholic apostolate based in Kingwood, Texas, which is dedicated to facilitating the “New Springtime of Evangelization” through regional family conferences, local parish-based events, an expanding array of multi-media platforms and the Fullness of Truth Book & Gift store.

“The Defender of the Faith Award is given annually to a person who demonstrates an unusually high level of leadership and courageousness in their efforts to preserve religious freedom in the Catholic tradition,” Ryan said. “This person’s actions serve to motivate others in living out their Catholic faith with boldness and conviction.”

EWTN Global Catholic Network, in its 33rd year, is available in over 225 million television households in more than 140 countries and territories. With its direct broadcast satellite television and radio services, AM & FM radio networks, worldwide short-wave radio station, Internet website, electronic and print news services and publishing arm, EWTN is the largest Catholic media network in the world.

Catholics to begin "commemorating" HERESIES- God forgive us this blasphemy!

   My personal opposition to “From Conflict to Communion: Lutheran-Catholic Commemoration of the Reformation” will read like a rant to many.  Hopefully a few others out there will agree and perhaps some Catholic clergy out there can correct me if they feel I’ve gotten something wrong here.  I welcome the comments of all, whether we agree, I would still really like to hear other opinions.  

   Now I know my non-Catholic friends (yes, I do have them) are going to hate what I have to say, but I am speaking as the Catholic I am about my faith and views on how my Catholic faith is operating in today’s world.  So if you don’t like it, don’t read it. I have no intentions of shutting my mouth for fear of offending anyone with my Catholic faith.

    This “commemoration” is to take place in 2017 for the 500th anniversary since Luther divided Christ’s Holy Catholic Church and ripped people away from the True Faith and Sacraments – AKA “The Reformation”.  (If you haven’t seen this story, read it first here:  - I’ll wait.)  

OK, ready for my rant?

    The Reformation is a great day of celebration (yes it is a CELEBRATION, not merely a “commemoration” in the Lutheran denomination – the Bishops can play word games all they want, they are not fooling anyone, certainly not God) for many protestant denominations- especially the Lutheran’s who view Luther as the savior of Christianity (not Christians- there is a difference) from the evils of the Catholic Church and Her popes.   Luther HATED the Catholic Church AND her teachings and the Sacraments.  This is clear from his own writings…

Martin Luther’s letter to Pope Leo X (in part)

Luther writes: “Your see, however, which is called the Court of Rome, and which neither you nor any man can deny to be more corrupt than any Babylon or Sodom, and quite, as I believe, of a lost, desperate, and hopeless impiety, this I have verily abominated, and have felt indignant that the people of Christ should be cheated under your name and the pretext of the Church of Rome; and so I have resisted, and will resist, as long as the spirit of faith shall live in me. Not that I am striving after impossibilities, or hoping that by my labours alone, against the furious opposition of so many flatterers, any good can be done in that most disordered Babylon; but that I feel myself a debtor to my brethren, and am bound to take thought for them, that fewer of them may be ruined, or that their ruin may be less complete, by the plagues of Rome. For many years now, nothing else has overflowed from Rome into the world--as you are not ignorant--than the laying waste of goods, of bodies, and of souls, and the worst examples of all the worst things. These things are clearer than the light to all men; and the Church of Rome, formerly the most holy of all Churches, has become the most lawless den of thieves, the most shameless of all brothels, the very kingdom of sin, death, and hell; so that not even antichrist, if he were to come, could devise any addition to its wickedness.” [Wittenberg, 6th September, 1520] –


How does the Lutheran denomination TODAY view the Reformation?  Let’s see…

Rev. Dr. Richard P. Bucher (from- ) explains the Lutheran view of the Reformation:  
God's Reformation of His Church through Martin Luther began as a rediscovery of the main teaching of Christianity, that we are declared righteous (justified) by faith in the cross of Jesus Christ. It is not our righteousness (created by our works, efforts, and obeying God's laws) that saves us; Christ's righteousness saves us. And His righteousness is credited to our account when we believe that He died for us.
Put very simply, Luther's Reformation was a matter of taking this rediscovered Gospel, showing that it was Scriptural, and then reforming the Church by it. Whatever in the Church was found to contradict this Gospel of salvation by grace through faith was to be reformed. Anything else (if it edified) could be retained.Luther's Reformation was concerned with essentials, with the very heart of Christianity. It is for this reason that it swept through Europe and had such amazing results. Without this Reformation, there would have been no salvation, for the Gospel would have remained largely hidden. When we celebrate the Reformation, we are celebrating this rediscovered Gospel that we believe in; and we are celebrating our salvation through Jesus Christ.” [End quote]

(About the author Rev.Dr. Richard P. Bucher:

Really?  The Catholic Church was HIDING the Gospel and it was all up to Luther to bring salvation to the world??  That’s what Lutheran’s are taught and believe.  This is why “Reformation Day” is a HUGE celebration in this denomination.  Luther brought back salvation to them? *not!* But that is their belief. So the Catholic Bishops can play with words saying "its not a celebration", but it IS a celebration, it has been for nearly 500 years!  WAKE UP CATHOLICS!  You're being deceived!

Now how does (or did until now) the Catholic Church view the Protestant Reformation?  As a HERESY.
Quote:  “Protestant groups display a wide variety of different doctrines. However, virtually all claim to believe in the teachings of sola scriptura ("by Scripture alone"—the idea that we must use only the Bible when forming our theology) and sola fide ("by faith alone"— the idea that we are justified by faith only). The great diversity of Protestant doctrines stems from the doctrine of private judgment, which denies the infallible authority of the Church and claims that each individual is to interpret Scripture for himself. This idea is rejected in 2 Peter 1:20, where we are told the first rule of Bible interpretation: "First of all you must understand this, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation." A significant feature of this heresy is the attempt to pit the Church "against" the Bible, denying that the magisterium has any infallible authority to teach and interpret ScriptureThe doctrine of private judgment has resulted in an enormous number of different denominations. According to The Christian Sourcebook, there are approximately 20-30,000 denominations, with 270 new ones being formed each year. Virtually all of these are Protestant.” [End quote]

According to Catholic Church teaching & documents the Protestant Reformation is a HERESY
Martin Luther burning Pope Leo X's Papal Bull

Now WHY should ANY Catholic want to “commemorate” a HERESY?  

Do Catholics commemorate Gnosticism?  

How about Arianism? NO!  

We do not, for good reason!  Our Church council’s sorted this all out long, long ago but sadly it seems TODAY’s Catholic clergy are either IGNORANT of these facts or flat out ignoring them to the detriment of Christ’s Holy Catholic Church.

HOW can a Catholic bishop ignore what the Church says about ANYONE who denies the Sacraments or rejects any of the Teachings of the Church?

“LET HIM BE ANATHEMA!” cries the Church!

Do the bishops know what “anathema” means? Or WHO the Church calls “anathema”?

Session VII - Celebrated on the third day of March 1547, under Pope Paul III

Canon 1. If anyone says that the sacraments of the New Law were not all instituted by our Lord Jesus Christ, or that there are more or less than seven, namely, baptism, confirmation, Eucharist, penance, extreme unction, order and matrimony,[1] or that any one of these seven is not truly and intrinsically a sacrament, let him be anathema. 
Canon 2. If anyone says that these sacraments of the New Law do not differ from the sacraments of the Old Law, except that the ceremonies are different and the external rites are different, let him be anathema. 
Canon 3. If anyone says that these seven sacraments are so equal to each other that one is not for any reason more excellent than the other, let him be anathema. 
Canon 4. If anyone says that the sacraments of the New Law are not necessary for salvation but are superfluous, and that without them or without the desire of them men obtain from God through faith alone the grace of justification,[2] though all are not necessary for each one, let him be anathema. 
Canon 5. If anyone says that these sacraments have been instituted for the nourishment of faith alone, let him be anathema. 
Canon 6. If anyone says that the sacraments of the New Law do not contain the grace which they signify, or that they do not confer that grace on those who place no obstacles in its way,[3] as though they were only outward signs of grace or justice received through faith and certain marks of Christian profession, whereby among men believers are distinguished from unbelievers, let him be anathema. 
Canon 7. If anyone says that grace, so far as God's part is concerned, is not impaired through the sacraments always and to all men even if they receive them rightly, but only sometimes and to some persons, let him be anathema. 
Canon 8. If anyone says that by the sacraments of the New Law grace is not conferred ex opere operato, but that faith alone in the divine promise is sufficient to obtain grace, let him be anathema. 
Canon 9. If anyone says that in three sacraments, namely, baptism, confirmation and order, there is not imprinted on the soul a character, that is, a certain spiritual and indelible mark, by reason of which they cannot be repeated,[4] let him be anathema. 
Canon 10. If anyone says that all Christians have the power to administer the word and all the sacraments,[5] let him be anathema. 
Canon 11. If anyone says that in ministers, when they effect and confer the sacraments, there is not required at least the intention of doing what the Church does,[6] let him be anathema. 
Canon 12. If anyone says that a minister who is in mortal sin, though he observes all the essentials that pertain to the effecting or conferring of a sacrament,[7] neither effects nor confers a sacrament, let him be anathema. 
Canon 13. If anyone says that the received and approved rites of the Catholic Church, accustomed to be used in the administration of the sacraments, may be despised or omitted by the ministers without sin and at their pleasure, or may be changed by any pastor of the churches to other new ones, let him be anathema.

Catholic Encyclopedia: “Anathema” (means -major excommunication)

HOW can a Catholic bishop ignore what the Church says about ANYONE who denies the Sacraments or rejects any of the Teachings of the Church?

I’m not a Catholic clergy, but I know what “anathema” means and what the Council of Trent says, so why don’t the Catholic Bishops and Cardinals know this too?  

My opinion is they DO know it, they just REJECT it.  Unfortunately, I see many (not all) in the Catholic Church today as more concerned with the WORLD, than with the mission Christ left His Church and the work Jesus left for His priesthood.  Preaching the Gospel message and bringing salvation to the lost with the Sacraments through Christ’s Holy Catholic Church.  THAT should be FIRST and foremost ALWAYS.

Dictionary: “Anathema”anathema [əˈnæθəmə]n pl -mas 1. a detested person or thing he is anathema to me2. (Christianity / Ecclesiastical Terms) a formal ecclesiastical curse of excommunication or a formal denunciation of a doctrine3. (Christianity / Ecclesiastical Terms) the person or thing so cursed4. a strong curse; imprecation
[via Church Latin from Greek: something accursed, dedicated (to evil), from anatithenai to dedicate, from ana- + tithenai to set]

Does the Church simply toss out what previous Council’s have to say on such matters?  How about Papal Bulls?  Do Papal Bulls expire from one generation to the next?  

Is Luther and those who follow Luther’s teachings no longer viewed as “anathema” by the Church?  Was there a new Papal Bull for this that I missed?  Was it in the fine print of Vatican II?  How about Pope Leo X’s Papal Bull against Martin Luther AND all those who followed Luther?  Is that history now too?

Pope Leo X’s Papal Bull against Martin Luther – in part – (please read the FULL Bull to fully understand the Church’s position AGAINST the evils of Martin Luther- link:

Quote, in part, Pope Leo X states:  
“With the advice and consent of these our venerable brothers, with mature deliberation on each and every one of the above theses, and by the authority of almighty God, the blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, and our own authority, we condemn, reprobate, and reject completely each of these theses or errors as either heretical, scandalous, false, offensive to pious ears or seductive of simple minds, and against Catholic truth. By listing them, we decree and declare that all the faithful of both sexes must regard them as condemned, reprobated, and rejected….We restrain all in the virtue of holy obedience and under the penalty of an automatic major excommunication....
Moreover, because the preceding errors and many others are contained in the books or writings of Martin Luther, we likewise condemn, reprobate, and reject completely the books and all the writings and sermons of the said Martin, whether in Latin or any other language, containing the said errors or any one of them; and we wish them to be regarded as utterly condemned, reprobated, and rejected. We forbid each and every one of the faithful of either sex, in virtue of holy obedience and under the above penalties to be incurred automatically, to read, assert, preach, praise, print, publish, or defend them. They will incur these penalties if they presume to uphold them in any way, personally or through another or others, directly or indirectly, tacitly or explicitly, publicly or occultly, either in their own homes or in other public or private places.
Indeed immediately after the publication of this letter these works, wherever they may be, shall be sought out carefully by the ordinaries and others [ecclesiastics and regulars], and under each and every one of the above penalties shall be burned publicly and solemnly in the presence of the clerics and people.As far as Martin himself is concerned, O good God, what have we overlooked or not done? What fatherly charity have we omitted that we might call him back from such errors? For after we had cited him, wishing to deal more kindly with him, we urged him through various conferences with our legate and through our personal letters to abandon these errors. We have even offered him safe conduct and the money necessary for the journey urging him to come without fear or any misgivings, which perfect charity should cast out, and to talk not secretly but openly and face to face after the example of our Savior and the Apostle Paul. If he had done this, we are certain he would have changed in heart, and he would have recognized his errors. He would not have found all these errors in the Roman Curia which he attacks so viciously, ascribing to it more than he should because of the empty rumors of wicked men. We would have shown him clearer than the light of day that the Roman pontiffs, our predecessors, whom he injuriously attacks beyond all decency, never erred in their canons or constitutions which he tries to assail. For, according to the prophet, neither is healing oil nor the doctor lacking in Galaad.
But he always refused to listen and, despising the previous citation and each and every one of the above overtures, disdained to come. To the present day he has been contumacious. With a hardened spirit he has continued under censure over a year.
What is worse, adding evil to evil, and on learning of the citation, he broke forth in a rash appeal to a future council. This to be sure was contrary to the constitution of Pius II and Julius II our predecessors that all appealing in this way are to be punished with the penalties of heretics. In vain does he implore the help of a council, since he openly admits that he does not believe in a council.
Therefore we can, without any further citation or delay, proceed against him to his condemnation and damnation as one whose faith is notoriously suspect and in fact a true heretic with the full severity of each and all of the above penalties and censures.
Yet, with the advice of our brothers, imitating the mercy of almighty God who does not wish the death of a sinner but rather that he be converted and live, and forgetting all the injuries inflicted on us and the Apostolic See, we have decided to use all the compassion we are capable of. It is our hope, so far as in us lies, that he will experience a change of heart by taking the road of mildness we have proposed, return, and turn away from his errors. We will receive him kindly as the prodigal son returning to the embrace of the Church.Therefore let Martin himself and all those adhering to him, and those who shelter and support him, through the merciful heart of our God and the sprinkling of the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ by which and through whom the redemption of the human race and the upbuilding of holy mother Church was accomplished, know that from our heart we exhort and beseech that he cease to disturb the peace, unity, and truth of the Church for which the Savior prayed so earnestly to the Father. Let him abstain from his pernicious errors that he may come back to us. If they really will obey, and certify to us by legal documents that they have obeyed, they will find in us the affection of a father's love, the opening of the font of the effects of paternal charity, and opening of the font of mercy and clemency.
We enjoin, however, on Martin that in the meantime he cease from all preaching or the office of preacher..."  [end Papal Bull June 15, 1520 by Pope Leo X]

Did you see that part about “under the penalty of an automatic excommunication” for those who accept ANYTHING Luther wrote, taught or said?

Martin Luther was a heretic, who founded a heresy that divided Christ’s Holy Catholic Church and caused unknown numbers of people to be LOST and fall into damnation.

Why would ANYONE, especially a Catholic want to “commemorate” a heretic and his heresy?
Does “commemorating” heresies bring about salvation when the heresy denies Jesus Christ’s Church and Jesus Christ’s Sacraments?  NO!

Catholic Catechism: 
1400    Ecclesial communities derived from the Reformation and separated from the Catholic Church, “have not preserved the proper reality of the Eucharistic mystery in its fullness, especially because of the absence of the sacrament of Holy Orders.”239 It is for this reason that, for the Catholic Church, Eucharistic intercommunion with these communities is not possible. However these ecclesial communities, “when they commemorate the Lord’s death and resurrection in the Holy Supper... profess that it signifies life in communion with Christ and await his coming in glory.”240 (1536)
 406      The Church’s teaching on the transmission of original sin was articulated more precisely in the fifth century, especially under the impulse of St. Augustine’s reflections against Pelagianism, and in the sixteenth century, in opposition to the Protestant Reformation. Pelagius held that man could, by the natural power of free will and without the necessary help of God’s grace, lead a morally good life; he thus reduced the influence of Adam’s fault to bad example. The first Protestant reformers, on the contrary, taught that original sin has radically perverted man and destroyed his freedom; they identified the sin inherited by each man with the tendency to evil (concupiscentia), which would be insurmountable. The Church pronounced on the meaning of the data of Revelation on original sin especially at the second Council of Orange (529)296 and at the Council of Trent (1546).297

What this “commemoration” will do, is what so many ecumenical gatherings have done for decades… water’s down the True Faith (so as to not offend anyone), causes confusion (among Catholics more than anyone because they think these gathers put a “stamp” of Catholic approval on another belief system) and is a stumbling block for many who MIGHT be looking to the Church for guidance only to be led away by “commemorating” heresies as if they were something good.  

Heresy is NOT good- HERESY IS EVIL.  We should NEVER commemorate or celebrate evil.

This “From Conflict to Communion” is nothing but a holiday for the devil himself.

This is why (in my opinion) we NEED, DESPERATLY NEED a Vatican III to put a STOP to these things once and for all!

Anyone agree or disagree with what was printed here?  Let me hear it.

In Christ,
Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner

God bless and forgive us all...

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