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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

EWTN Interviews Donald Trump

EWTN: Donald Trump In His Most Revealing Interview Yet!
Raymond Arroyo Interviews Trump About Issues of Interest to People of Faith

Irondale, AL (EWTN) –  At 8 p.m. ET, Thursday, Oct. 27, EWTN’s “The World Over” with Host Raymond Arroyo will air an exclusive interview with Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump, which will be of interest to people across the United States. 
“He reveals the reason he switched his position on the life issue, talks about religious liberty, and speaks to women’s concerns about his candidacy. We also spoke about his prayer life, whether he had a favorite saint, and a lot more.”

Said Arroyo: “Honestly, this is the most relaxed I’ve ever seen him on camera. Viewers will be very interested in what he has to say.”

See for yourself at 8 p.m. ET, Thursday, Oct. 27 on EWTN. Find EWTN at

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  1. I don't need to see it, in fact, I'm afraid to. I've become more than a supporter, I'm now an admirer. He's the real deal, a leader, and it's been many a year since we've had one of those. After watching him overcome so many obstacles, I feel hopeful, since he is so unlikely, and has managed to stay on his feet despite all the attacks from this lost culture. No other candidate did do this, or could do this! Dare I say it, it is as if God sustains him and enables him. God has always used the weak to accomplish great things. In this case weakness does not describe the man, more accurate to say, he is human. He seems uniquely capable of doing something great, which in this case would be simply to win this election, which anyone would have said was absolutely implausible or impossible just over a year ago. He and his candidacy were laughed at. But they aren't laughing now.
    May God sustain him and keep him and his family, and may the eyes of Americans be opened to the truth.

  2. Trump is pro-life. He's an American hero, not a saint. He had a conversion to life and is a natural law pragmatist. He certainly defends middle East Christians and points to their suffering at the hands of ISIS

    Trump has all the right enemies and could be considered a lower case sign of contradiction.

    Please remember only the unborn are innocent and only the innocent can judge. For all the pro-death advocates,their children precede and await them. Pray for them and that the innocent souls will each adopt a voter and persuade them to vote Trump. God bless...

  3. So, you're looking for a saint to lead the battle? Sorry, but you're going to have to accept a sinner who likes more than one woman and whose language and manner are somewhat coarse (but who also has left a cushy life to fight the nasties). I'm glad Catholics of the 16th century didn't complain and object to Don Juan of Austria who defeated the Muslim Turks in the epic Battle of Lepanto that saved Europe. Does anyone have the time to read Don Juan's Wiki bio? You should, because it's a reminder to thank God for any sinner who fights our enemies for us.


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Thank you and God bless...

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner

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