
Our Motto:

The Connecticut Catholic Corner Motto: Romans 14:16 "Do not allow what you consider good to be spoken of as evil."

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***FYI: Comments***

Due to continued problems with Disqus I have removed them from this blog- in doing so comments from 2018-2020 have disappeared from my blog posts.

Thursday, February 18, 2021


Haven't been here in ages. 

The world is a mess and blogging about it doesn't make anyone feel any better.

I don't know when I'll be back to this blog. 

I hope one day I will. 

Right now I am not online much at all, though I do pop in on Twitter to touch base with other Catholics occasionally. 

One of the things I've given up for Lent is being critical of clergy- so basically I'm mute until Easter. 😉

God bless anyone who still stops by here. 

In Christ, 


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