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Thursday, February 23, 2017

EWTN Press Release: Miracles, Motorcycles & Far Away Places

EWTN Kicks Off Its 2017 Spring Season March 1

Experience Miracles, Motorcycles & Far Away Places 

Irondale, AL (EWTN) – In 1917, during the fourth year of World War I, Our Lady appeared six times to three shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal with prophetic messages and a miracle that stunned the world. In May 2017, the Catholic Church will begin a six-month celebration of the 100th anniversary of those six apparitions, which are widely considered to be the most important series of Marian apparitions in history – and there is no better place to see, celebrate, and learn everything about Fatima than EWTN.

The Network’s coverage of this momentous series of events – live from Fatima, Portugal – will also include EWTN’s six-part original mini-series, “The Miracle of Fatima,” documentaries, films and more. (Get frequently updated information about EWTN’s Fatima programming and a lot more at

However, as important as the Fatima celebration is, it’s just one part of the Network’s spectacular Spring season lineup, which begins in March 1 and continues through June.

“We’re very proud to be able to roll out a package of high-quality Catholic programming that covers many new and exciting topics of interest to our EWTN family,” said EWTN President & COO Doug Keck.

In addition to new episodes of all your favorite shows, EWTN’s Spring programs, which premiere the first week in March, will include new series such as:

“EWTN Pro-Life Weekly:” In partnership with the Susan B. Anthony List, EWTN Host Catherine Szeltner gives viewers the tools they need to defend life from conception to natural death. What can I do to help create a culture of life in my home and in my country? Airs 11 p.m. ET, Fridays beginning March 3; 10 a.m. ET, Sundays; and 3 a.m. ET, Mondays.
“Battle Ready:” Doug Barry, former “Life on the Rock” co-host, helps men discover the resources the Church offers to help them lead their families in today’s spiritual battles. What can I do as a husband and father to protect my family against the snares of the devil? Airs 11:30 p.m. ET, Sundays beginning March 5; and 3 a.m. ET, Fridays.
New children’s programs include “Hermie and Friends” (10 a.m. ET, Saturdays, beginning March 4) and “Bugtime Adventures” (4:40 p.m. ET, Fridays, beginning March 3).
Coming in June: “The Long Ride Home:” Champion Surfer Bear Woznick and a group of friends motorcycle their way from Florida to Texas to meet people, evangelize, and discuss the Faith. What does it mean to be a man living out your faith in today’s world?
Coming in June: “Real Life Catholic” Host Chris Stefanick travels the world and gets lessons in gratitude from a cranberry farmer in Wisconsin, discovers Catholic traditions in Cajun country, speaks with young saints in the making in Krakow during World Youth Day, and much more. 
Plus, travel to:

Ireland with Fr. Nathan Cromley and a group of young people who walk in the footsteps of St. Patrick in “Discovering Patrick: Saint of Ireland.” 
The Holy Land with EWTN’s Fr. Mark and Fr. Joseph to walk in the footsteps of Jesus, Mary, and St. Peter. 
Philadelphia with Fr. Charles Connor, who discovers “Catholic Beginnings” in the City of Brotherly Love – and more. 
For a complete listing of all of EWTN’s television programming and show times, please go to Keep up-to-date on EWTN programs and news from a Catholic perspective via EWTN's Facebook page,

EWTN Global Catholic Network, in its 36th year, is the largest religious media network in the world. EWTN’s 11 TV channels are broadcast in multiple languages 24 hours a day, seven days a week to over 268 million television households in more than 145 countries and territories. EWTN platforms also include radio services transmitted through SIRIUS/XM, iHeart Radio, and over 500 domestic and international AM & FM radio affiliates; a worldwide shortwave radio service; the largest Catholic website in the U.S.; electronic and print news services, including Catholic News Agency, “The National Catholic Register” newspaper, and several global news wire services; as well as EWTN Publishing, its book publishing division.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Friday, February 10, 2017

Fr. Peter West vs Mark Mueller

New Jersey reporter Mark Mueller has a bone to pick with Fr. Peter West because Fr. West calls it like he sees it. 

Mueller opines that Fr. West: "assailed millennials as "snowflakes" who attend "cry-ins" and described liberals as "smug and arrogant" people who find solace in puppies and Play-Doh." 

All of which, of course is 100% true. 

Quote: "Some colleges, such as Brown University, have set aside safe spaces with coloring books, cookies and Play-Doh." (Source: The Detroit News

Quote: "One of the dorms on campus (UPenn) even set up a “breathing space” the night after election day. Cats, a puppy, coloring pages, and snacks were offered to help students “decompress in a low-key and low-stress environment.”  (Source: The Statesman

Mueller goes on to confuse Twitter and Facebook with the pulpit in a parish Church... 

Quote: "Were West some random internet flamethrower, his posts might garner a shrug in an age of intense political division and social media rancor.

But West, 57, is a Catholic priest in the Archdiocese of Newark, and some of his withering attacks, while popular with many of his 7,300 Facebook followers from around the country, run counter to the statements and philosophies of his own leader, Newark Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, and his ultimate boss, Pope Francis.

Perhaps more significant, West's online behavior breaks with the longstanding protocol that religious figures should refrain from political bomb-throwing or the disparagement of other faiths, experts say.

The reluctance to campaign from the pulpit is rooted in the broad notion of separation of church and state and, more specifically, in a 1954 federal law." 

What "experts" is Mueller referring to that can't distinguish between an American citizen's Twitter/Facebook accounts and a homily given from the pulpit? 

Priests don't lose their freedom of speech because they are priests- at least not yet in this country.  And if President Trump has his way (please God, hear our prayer!) clergy will be able to preach without fear of the government freely all the teachings of the Church. 

For example things like... 


10. If it is true that all Catholics are obliged to oppose the legal recognition of homosexual unions, Catholic politicians are obliged to do so in a particular way, in keeping with their responsibility as politicians. Faced with legislative proposals in favour of homosexual unions, Catholic politicians are to take account of the following ethical indications.
When legislation in favour of the recognition of homosexual unions is proposed for the first time in a legislative assembly, the Catholic law-maker has a moral duty to express his opposition clearly and publicly and to vote against it. To vote in favour of a law so harmful to the common good is gravely immoral.
When legislation in favour of the recognition of homosexual unions is already in force, the Catholic politician must oppose it in the ways that are possible for him and make his opposition known; it is his duty to witness to the truth. If it is not possible to repeal such a law completely, the Catholic politician, recalling the indications contained in the Encyclical Letter Evangelium vitae, “could licitly support proposals aimed at limiting the harm done by such a law and at lessening its negative consequences at the level of general opinion and public morality”, on condition that his “absolute personal opposition” to such laws was clear and well known and that the danger of scandal was avoided.(18) This does not mean that a more restrictive law in this area could be considered just or even acceptable; rather, it is a question of the legitimate and dutiful attempt to obtain at least the partial repeal of an unjust law when its total abrogation is not possible at the moment." (Source: The Vatican
Wouldn't it be grand to hear a priest's homily, particularly in Washington D.C. tell a parish full of Catholic politicians (if it exists) that they cannot support in anyway gay unions and that they (the politicians) must vote against all such laws? 

We can dream, hope and pray such a day comes! 

Mueller goes on whining... 

Quote: "West's targets have varied over the years -- he once criticized former Republican Speaker John Boehner as "easy prey" for Obama -- but his bread-and-butter subjects are Democrats, particularly liberal Democrats, and Muslims.

On Nov. 12, for instance, he shared a post that read: "Liberals are acting like Trump is going to kill all the gays, make slavery legal again and take away women's rights. ... Like he's a Muslim or something." 

Again, Fr. West is 100% correct! 

It is Muslim countries that "take away women's rights" have slavery and kill gays - that is why so many (mostly Christians) oppose shariah law! 
"Human rights in Islamic countries have been a hot-button issue for many decades. International non-governmental organizations (INGOs) such as Amnesty International (AI) and Human Rights Watch (HRW) consistently find human rights violations in Islamic countries. Amongst the human rights issues that are frequently under the spotlight are gay rights, the right of consensual sex outside of marriage, individual freedom of speech and political opinion.[1] The issue of women’s rights is also the subject of fierce debate.[1]When the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in 1948, Saudi Arabia refused to sign it as they were of the view that shariah law had already set out the rights of men and women.[1] To sign the UDHR was deemed unnecessary.[2] What the UDHR did do was to start a debate on human rights in the Islamic world. Following years of deliberation, the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) adopted the Cairo Declaration of Human Rights in Islam." (Source: Wikipedia)
President Trump is not taking away women's rights, bringing back slavery or wanting to kill gays- Trump actually doesn't even oppose gay "marriage" - unfortunately. 

So again, Fr. West is calling it exactly like it is and the left are running for their safe-spaces while filing complaints against Fr. West for being truthful - something the Left never wants- the truth!

God bless Fr. Peter West!  A priest with a spine who tells it like it is! 

In Christ, 

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner 


Sunday, February 5, 2017

Gregorian Chant in Pastoral Ministry and Religious Education

If you haven’t heard about it or signed up already, I wanted to make sure you knew about the conference coming up in March at the Dunwoodie Seminary (Yonkers) - “Gregorian Chant in Pastoral Ministry and Religious Education.” 

We’d love to have you join us for what promises to be an excellent conference, with nearly forty excellent presentations, beautiful liturgies, and plenty of time for discussion and meeting colleagues. 

There are various tracks that focus on sacred music in Spanish-speaking communities, vernacular-language chant, sacred music programs for children, and Church teaching on sacred music. Especially if you’re looking for ideas on how to improve the music program in your current situation, this is the conference for you. 

See more information below. 
National Conference: “Gregorian Chant in Pastoral Ministry and Religious Education”
Friday, March 10 – Saturday, March 11, 2017
St. Joseph’s Seminary (Dunwoodie), Yonkers, New York

What role does the Church’s treasury of sacred music play in contemporary pastoral ministry and religious education? How does one build a sacred music program of excellence which serves as an integral part of the sacred liturgy and is also effective both in drawing souls to Christ and forming people in the Catholic faith? This national conference will bring together clergy, seminarians, scholars, musicians, teachers, and Catholic school administrators to consider the place of Gregorian chant and excellent choral music in the life of the Catholic Church in America today. The conference seeks to inspire attendees with ideas for starting or continuing to develop sacred music programs of excellence in Catholic parishes and schools. The conference organizers also hope to encourage discussion about the vitality and necessity of beauty and sacred music in the catechesis and formation of Catholics, as well as in the evangelization of non-Catholics and non-practicing Catholics.

This two-day conference will feature plenary addresses by Msgr. Robert Skeris on “The Theology of Worship and Its Music.” Msgr. Skeris has for years directed the Centre for Ward Method Studies at the Catholic University of America. Developed in the 1920s by Catholic convert Justine Ward, the method has as its goal the cultivation of active participation of children in the sacred liturgy through the singing of the Church’s sacred music.

Another keynote by Fr. Christopher Smith will address liturgical formation in Catholic schools; Fr. Smith is the pastor of a booming parish with parochial school that has liturgical and musical formation at its center.

The final keynote is by Mark Langley, founding headmaster of the Lyceum, a classical Catholic school in Ohio; he will discuss the central role that a choir has in the intellectual and spiritual formation of students in a Catholic school.

In addition to the plenary addresses, nearly forty presenters will give workshops, papers, and recitals featuring topics such as:

Sacred Music in Spanish-Speaking Communities
Sacred Music in the Secular Sphere
Chant Camp for Parishes
Pastoral Care of Musicians
Pastoral Implications of Vernacular Chant
Parish Youth Orchestra and Conservatory for a Diverse Neighborhood
Mystagogical Catechesis and Sacred Music
The Schola Cantorum as an Integral Part of the Catholic School
A Practical Perspective in Starting an After-school Children’s Choir Program
Gregorian Chant as a Unifying Force in Multiethnic Parishes
Liturgical Formation in Catholic Schools
Forthcoming English Translations of Hymnody of the Liturgy of the Hours
Musical Literacy and Liturgy
The Role of Beauty and Chant in Spiritual Formation
The Dollars and “Sense” of Catholic Education
Training Choristers according to the English Cathedral Tradition and Royal School of Church Music
Liturgical Formation in Catholic Schools
Gregorian Chant in a Small Rural Parish
The Ward Method of Music Instruction

Presenters include: Dr. Mary Jane Ballou, Dr. Francis Brancaleone, Mary Ann Carr Wilson, Heitor Caballero, Colleen Crafton, Fr. Richard Cipolla, Dr. Jennifer Donelson, Fr. David M. Friel, Raymond Henderson, Dr. Aaron James, Fr. Robert Johansen, Lisa Knutson, Nathan Knutson, Alexis Kutarna, Frs. Robin Kwan and Kevin Mann, SJC, Dr. Ann Labounsky, Nicholas Lemme, Mary Catherine Levri, Dr. Crista Miller, Joel Morehouse, James Monti, Dr. Jared Ostermann, Kurt Poterack, Dr. Ronald Prowse, Laurence Rosania, Jonathan Ryan, Dr. Samuel A. Schmitt, Fr. Innocent Smith, OP, Students of the Atonement Academy, Dr. Jay Swain, Fr. Jon Tveit, Msgr. Andrew Wadsworth, The Ward Centre of Richmond, Virginia, Nicholas Will, and Amy Zuberbuler.

Paul A. Zalonski
Catholic Connecticut
255 Foxon Hill Road
East Haven, CT 06513-1216 USA
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***Paul Zalonski is the Catholic Events contributor for Connecticut Catholic Corner***

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