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Saturday, May 20, 2017

Cardinal Burke, Church Militant and me

LifeSiteNews“Certainly, Pope Saint John Paul II consecrated the world, including Russia, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on March 25, 1984,” said Cardinal Burke. “But, today, once again, we hear the call of Our Lady of Fatima to consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart, in accord with her explicit instruction.”
Cardinal Burke is calling for the Pope to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary AS OUR LADY instructed- not how Pope Saint JPII did it - the whole world which included Russia. That was nice, but that wasn't what Our Lady instructed the pope to do.

This has been a bone of contention among Catholics for decades now. 

Last summer Church Militant and I went a few rounds over this issue in the comments area of their website and then they removed my comments. I wrote about it in my post "Sometimes you just gotta laugh and let it go". 

I stated that the consecration of Russia was not done as instructed by our Lady and was in fact rejected several times before Sr. Lucy finally said it was accepted and I gave Church Militant EWTN's own link- which Church Militant said to use for a source. 

Not liking my comment they removed it and told me I was "causing doubts" among Catholics for saying basically the same thing Cardinal Burke is now saying (see link). 

That was part of the exchange from July 8, 2016 under the Vorex episode "Rome Be Damned". 

What a difference a year makes...

My comment July 2016: 

Church Militant's moderator to me July 9, 2016:

Now we have Cardinal Burke (whom is well liked by the good folks at Church Militant) saying the same thing "in accord with her explicit instruction", that's what I said in Church Militant's comments. 

Suddenly now Church Militant is singing a different tune:   
Church Militant: "Burke clarified that he's not aiming to cast doubt on the merits of the May 25, 1984 consecration by Pope St. John Paul II of the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, but called again for an explicit consecration of Russia by name, together with the world's bishops. A consecration, which fulfills all of those conditions, has not yet been accomplished."
Now I am not complaining about this change of tune by the good folks at Church Militant. To be sure, I am thrilled they now agree that Our Lady's instructions were not followed properly. I just hope they will explain this to their viewers as some people might be wondering what it is that has changed for them that they are saying something very different now than just last summer. Is it because Cardinal Burke says so? Was that all it took? I have to admit, I am curious to know what it was that changed their minds.

In Christ, 

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner 

***Several days ago I left a comment on Church Militant's website asking them what changed their minds about this...I guess I am not getting an answer: 

UPDATE: Church Militant has responded...they say nothing changed their minds...? 


Thank you Pope Francis

Pope Francis to Huntington's sufferers: you are precious to God: “May none of you ever feel you are alone; may none of you feel you are a burden; may no one feel the need to run away. You are precious in the eyes of God; you are precious in the eyes of the Church!” 

In 2012 I lost a very dear friend to Huntington's disease. She was only 40 years old. 
Quote: "Huntington’s Disease is a genetic disorder that affects between 5 and 10 people per 100 thousand on average, worldwide – though the prevalence of the disease varies greatly from place to place, with the prevalence in much of Asia at 1 per 1 million, while in the Lake Maracaibo region of Venezuela the prevalence is as high as 700 per 100 thousand people.The onset of the disease typically comes between 30 and 45 years-of-age, and often manifests through Parkinson’s-like symptoms, though end-stage Huntington’s usually involves full-blown dementia as well as severe physical disability.Huntington’s Disease has no cure."
J.Ann's struggle began decades earlier when her mother died of Huntington's disease while J.Ann was still a child. That was the first thing Huntington's disease stole from my friend, but it would steal much more before it finally took her life.  

As the disease is often passed on from mother to children, she knew it was highly possible she (and her brother) would one day too soon suffer the same fate as her mother. The idea of getting married, having children and growing to a ripe old age were stolen from J.Ann before she was even in high school. Huntington's disease is a viciously brutal enemy to face. As there is no cure, you know its going to win in the end. 

J.Ann's symptoms began by the time she was 20 years old. She was "clumsy" and "none to graceful" some unknowing people would say. She dropped things, tripped and frequently walked into things. She was covered in bruises all the time. She constantly was fidgeting, always in a state of movement. 

She lived her life knowing it would be short. Her family and closest friends lived with this knowledge as well. Our time together was short but very precious.

Because of the disease J.Ann refused to consider marriage or having children. She didn't want to pass the disease on to children because of her own suffering at the loss of her mother and dread that she was going to suffer the same fate. Nor did she want to "be a burden" to a spouse. 

She dated, she traveled, she worked and she lived her short life to the fullest before the disease began stealing more and more from her. 

We were only in our 20's when J.Ann began losing her freedom's. First her job, then her condo and soon her car. That was the hardest one for her to let go of. She loved the freedom having her own car gave her. It was heartbreaking that last day as she looked at her car for the last time. 

At this point she was choking on solid food and had to drink her coffee from a straw that her friends were happy to hold for her. We would drive her around in our cars to give her any sense of freedom we could. The whole time her legs would jerk violently and she'd kick the dashboard until her legs were covered in bruises but she stubbornly wouldn't give up on "going out" and we wouldn't dream of saying no to her. 

But the time came when she couldn't stand on her own and her choking on food was getting dangerous.  Her family put her in a nursing home. I was married, having babies and my dear friend who had been a bride's maid in my wedding was in a nursing home. It was incredibly hard to comprehend.

It wasn't fair, but disease never is. 

I remember getting the call one cold winter night that hospice had called her father to tell her J.Ann's time was coming to an end. I raced to the hospital (along with another dear friend) and sat beside her praying. The Divine Mercy prayer which I should have been praying was absent from my mind, all I could do was pray the rosary over and over. 

She wasn't conscience and I have no idea if she had any idea we were there or not, but I hope she knew. I didn't want her to be alone or think her friends weren't still with her right up until the end. 

J.Ann had lost her brother to Huntington's disease just months before she lost her own life to the disease. They had been together in the nursing home and watched each other deteriorate as they'd long ago as children watched their mother suffer the ravages of this horrendous disease. This was one of the most painful things I've ever had to witness and I pray to God for other people, their families and friends who go through this. 
Quote: "The Holy Father encouraged researchers to continue their work, and called for concrete solidarity in this regard, in a manner consistent with the inherent and unalienable dignity of the human person.“May the Lord bless your task,” Pope Francis prayed, adding, “I encourage you to always pursue it with means that do not contribute to fuelling that ‘throw-away culture’ that at times infiltrates even the world of scientific research. Some branches of research, in fact, utilize human embryos, inevitably causing their destruction. But we know that no ends, even noble in themselves, such as a predicted utility for science, for other human beings or for society, can justify the destruction of human embryos.”Finally, the Holy Father expressed the hope that the lives of every person who suffers from Huntington’s, and of those who work every day to support the sick in their pain and difficulty, be a living witness to the hope that Christ has given to all humanity."

Thank you Pope Francis. 

I miss you J.Ann! May you rest in peace. 

In Christ, 

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner 


Thursday, May 11, 2017

EWTN Celebrates 100th Anniversary of Fatima

EWTN To Celebrate 100th Anniversary of Fatima
Month By Month, Message By Message

PHOTO CAPTION: The three Fatima seers, Francisco, Jacinta, and Lucia, in a scene for EWTN's "The Message of Fatima." This comprehensive eight-episode series will kick off 10 p.m. ET, Wednesday, May 10. Future episodes will air on the 13th of each month so the Fatima prophecies will unfold to viewers month by month, message by message.

Irondale, AL (EWTN) – EWTN will celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima to three shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal with many original docu-dramas, movies, devotionals, and other specials that will air from May 10 through the anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun on October 13. Complete programming can be found at under the “programming” tab at the top of the page.

As part of EWTN’s continuing coverage, the Network will air the visit of Pope Francis to Fatima May 12-13 to canonize two of the three shepherd children to whom Our Lady of Fatima appeared 100 years ago.

Among the events the Network expects to carry on Friday, May 12 are the arrival ceremony at 11 a.m. ET, the Visit to the Chapel of Apparitions at 1 p.m. ET, and the International Rosary & Candlelight Procession at 4 p.m. ET. The Canonization Mass will air at 4 a.m. ET, Saturday, May 13, when the Pope visits with prime minister of Portugal and the Basilica, which is followed by the Mass at 5 a.m. ET (with an encore of the Mass at noon). Times are subject to change so please check or for updates.

Also this month, don’t miss the first two episodes of “The Message of Fatima,” an eight episode docudrama series, which was filmed mainly in Fatima, and also in a London studio using state-of-the-art special effects and motion graphics. Dramatizations are interspersed with expert interviews and comprise one of the most comprehensive film series on Fatima yet attempted.

The series kicks off with a special “EWTN Live” special with Director Stefano Mazzeo at 8 p.m. ET, Wednesday, May 10, followed by Episode 1, which focuses on the prophecies of the Angel of Peace, at 10 p.m. that same night. Episode 1 encores at 3 a.m. ET and 10 a.m. ET on May 11.) Episode 2, which tells the story of the first apparition of Our Lady, premieres at 11:30 a.m. ET and 6:30 p.m. ET, Saturday May 13. Future episodes will air on the 13th of the month in which they occurred, except for August, which will also air on the 19th because the children were in jail on August 13 and could not come to the apparition site.

Also of note among the many specials are:

“My Time with Jesus,” five episodes of EWTN’s popular animated children’s series, which will introduce children to the prophesies of the angel and the apparitions, and will individually profile the three seers: Francisco, Jacinta, and Lucia; 
“Fatima: A Living Faith,” a summary of what was happening in the world prior to the apparitions as well as a comprehensive overview on the meaning and importance of the messages; 
“The Little Shepherds of Fatima,” which includes footage of Pope John Paul II’s trip to Fatima for the beatification of Francisco and Jacinta Marto and Sister Lucia’s meeting with the Pope, details on the events that took place before the Martos’ deaths, and much more; and 
“The Three Little Shepherds,” which offers fascinating insights and unexpected details into the spiritual lives and psychological profiles of the three children. 

Please see for dates and times of these and numerous other specials.

EWTN Global Catholic Network, in its 36th year, is the largest religious media network in the world. EWTN’s 11 TV channels are broadcast in multiple languages 24 hours a day, seven days a week to over 268 million television households in more than 145 countries and territories. EWTN services also include radio services transmitted through SIRIUS/XM, iHeart Radio, and over 500 domestic and international AM & FM radio affiliates; a worldwide shortwave radio service; the largest Catholic website in the U.S.; electronic and print news services, including “The National Catholic Register” newspaper, and two global wire services; as well as a publishing arm.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Is Trump gonna #LockHerUp now?


With the firing of FBI Director Comey, is President Trump making way for a new FBI Director to keep one of Trump's campaign promises to "lock up" Hillary Clinton? 

Comey made it clear in July 2016 that he thought Clinton's "misuse" of classified and top secret emails on her personal server weren't enough to file charges, then Candidate Donald Trump disagreed, as did his supporters. The chant of "lock her up" went on for months and many Trump supporters were disappointed in December when Trump said he wasn't interested in "locking her up" any longer. 

Trump supporters were not happy to hear that.  Some thought he was just saying that so that Obama wouldn't pardon Clinton before he left office, so hope was held that once Trump was sworn in he would go after Clinton, but he didn't. 

Then Hillary Clinton came out of the woods and decided to "join the resistance" and fight against Republicans and President Trump policies. 

Did she just poke the lion? 😏

Has the firing of Comey opened the way for Trump to keep that campaign promise and shut down Hillary Clinton and her resistance before she even gets started? 

I think so. 

Note the last comment: “The FBI convened a grand jury to investigate Hillary Clinton in 2016. Why is this information being released only now?” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “And it is disturbing that the State Department, Justice Department and FBI are still trying to protect Hillary Clinton.  President Trump needs to clean house at all these agencies.”

Looks like Trump is indeed cleaning house (or as he says "draining the swamp" and quite possibly making way to lock her up.

With a new FBI Director and questions still being asked and answered about the email server and investigations into any Russian ties to our 2016 election the hornets nest is continually being stirred and someone is going to get stung- but I don't think it's going to be President Donald Trump. 😉

In Christ, 

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner 


Photo source:

Saturday, May 6, 2017

May Crowning this Sunday

May Crowning at the Dominican Monastery, Guilford

On Sunday, May 7, 3:00 p.m. there will be a May Crowning of the Blessed Mother

Rosary, Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, preaching

Our Lady of Grace Monastery, 11 Race Hill Road, North Guilford, CT

From the intersection of Rt. 77 & Rt. 80, go north 1.3 miles on Rt. 77. Take the first right onto Race Hill Rd. The Monastery is at the end of the road on the left.

***monastery pastured raised eggs will be available for sale, $5.00 per dozen.


May Crowning at the Benedictine Monastery, Branford

Following the 11:00 a.m. Mass, there will be a May Crowning of the Blessed Mother

Monastery of the Glorious Cross, 61 Burban Drive, Branford


Contributor: Paul A. Zalonski
Catholic Connecticut
255 Foxon Hill Road
East Haven, CT 06513-1216 USA
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