
Our Motto:

The Connecticut Catholic Corner Motto: Romans 14:16 "Do not allow what you consider good to be spoken of as evil."

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***FYI: Comments***

Due to continued problems with Disqus I have removed them from this blog- in doing so comments from 2018-2020 have disappeared from my blog posts.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Lesbians Denied Holy Communion

Great news!  

A wonderful Catholic priest has denied Holy Communion from a couple in mortal sin.  Which mortal sin?  A homosexual relationship.  Another openly gay (lesbian) couple find themselves dismayed that a Catholic priest is behaving like a Catholic priest should.

Far too often, knowing clergy decide to turn a blind eye to openly gay couples and give them the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of God without batting an eye to the fact that they KNOW the person is in mortal sin.

Would that same clergy feel perfectly right in giving HOLY Communion to a self proclaiming serial killer or rapist? How about to someone who walks up and blasphemies the name of God, then opens their mouth for Holy Communion?
Same thing.

No one is to have Holy Communion if they are in MORTAL SIN – no one.  Go to Confession, repent and then come before God to receive Holy Communion in a worthy state and manner.

1385 To respond to this invitation we must prepare ourselves for so great and so holy a moment. St. Paul urges us to examine our conscience: "Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of profaning the body and blood of the Lord. Let a man examine himself, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup. For any one who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment upon himself."218 Anyone conscious of a grave sin must receive the sacrament of Reconciliation before coming to communion.
1395 By the same charity that it enkindles in us, the Eucharist preserves us from future mortal sins. The more we share the life of Christ and progress in his friendship, the more difficult it is to break away from him by mortal sin. The Eucharist is not ordered to the forgiveness of mortal sins - that is proper to the sacrament of Reconciliation. The Eucharist is properly the sacrament of those who are in full communion with the Church.
Notice that last bit there?  The Eucharist is for who???

THOSE IN FULL COMMUNION WITH THE CHURCH.  That is something these lesbians (and others) are woefully ignorant of.

That means, you MUST accept Church teaching and REPENT of what the Church defines as MORTAL SIN.

Homosexual relationships are MORTAL SIN.  Period.

In this case, an openly lesbian couple (Carol Parker and Josie Martin) had been happily attending a Catholic parish (St. Columban Catholic Church in Chillicothe, Mo.) for more than a decade without ever being told their relationship was a mortal sin.  When one of the lesbians’ mother died a ‘new to the parish’ priest Father Benjamin Kneib informed the lesbians that he would not give them Holy Communion during the funeral mass because they were in a state of mortal sin.

The lesbians were shocked and dismayed.  How could a priest dare to mention sin to them!  Imagine,  a priest discussing someone’s sin with them in the hopes of getting a person to repent! Makes one wonder just what they had been hearing in that parish prior to this new priest showing up.

Because apparently this has been unheard of at this parish until this point.  

Unfortunately, the profoundly *stupid Catholics sitting in the pews either don’t know the teachings of the Catholic Church any better than these lesbians or they too like wallowing in sin and refuse to repent or acknowledge their own sins because this story just keeps going. 

How did the pew sitting Catholics respond when they heard the lesbians would be denied the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ?

They turned up their noses at Jesus and refused Holy Communion themselves.
[these are the *stupid Catholics referenced above]

Can you imagine?  You turn down JESUS CHRIST in favor of two people in mortal sin!

Talk about blasphemous!

Jesus SUFFERED and DIED for these people and how do they treat Him?  They refuse Him in the Eucharist so they can support mortal sin and make fools of themselves in front of a Catholic priest fulfilling his mission in Christ.

God help them on Judgement Day.

Speaking of “judgement”…

How did the lesbians respond to the priests decision to refuse Communion to a couple in mortal sin?

They of course quoted Pope Francis, “Who am I to judge?” and reprimanded the priest for judging their sinful actions.

“That was our faith community. It really took away a lot of things for us,” Ms. Parker said. “He (Father Kneib) would still like to see us there, but I don’t feel like I’m welcome if I can’t take part in the main focus of the Mass.”She provided PROMO, a Kansas City-based advocacy organization for the LGBT community, with a Jan. 1 follow-up letter Father Kneib sent her in which he further explained his decision. According to a press release from the organization, the letter stated that “having a same-sex attraction is not sinful in and of itself ... it is only when a person moves from attraction to willfully acting upon it that the situation becomes a sinful matter.”Father Kneib also apologized to Ms. Parker that the events that had transpired took place at the time of her mother’s funeral. When contacted by the News-Press, Father Kneib had no comment.Ms. Parker said she hopes that the priest might “open his eyes and fully receive the LGBT community into the church.”We’re all God’s children, and we have every right to receive Communion,” she says. “Even the pope has said, ‘Who am I to judge?’”

Stupid Catholics.

You ONLY have the "right" to Holy Communion in the Catholic Church IF you are first in "full communion with the Church"- see catechism #1395.

Catholics you REALLY need to read your catechism and educate yourselves.

May God bless you greatly Father Kneib and give you GREAT STRENGTH to educate your flock and bring them to repentance before it’s too late.

Addition: To all the faithful Catholics in this parish, my comments were not meant towards you, but rather the people referenced in the original news article who decided to reject Jesus in the Eucharist in favor of standing beside mortal sin.  Gods blessing on you all.

In Christ,

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner

***UPDATE:  EWTN's "Women of Grace" has written an article "Priest Attacked for Denying Communion to Same-Sex Couple".  Women of Grace gives a shout out to this blog article and to the comments left here.  Please check it out. [ ]

Connecticut Catholic Events

Free Concert, and Coffeehouse 
Come join us for a fantastic night of Music,and Refreshments, and See Forgotten Truth featuring: Jeffrey Shields (Guitar, Vocals); Jeanette Shields (Drums, Vocals); Natalie Grove (Piano, Vocals) Play Live!!

Where: Holy Apostles College & Seminary
33 Prospect Hill Rd, Cromwell, CT 06416
St. Peters Hall  

When: Saturday February 1st 
Doors open 7:00pm

About: Forgotten Truth  
Style: Acoustic  
As a band our mission is to share through our music; the hope, truth, and struggles we have encountered in this crazy yet beautiful journey we call life... our songs explore themes of human struggle, interior battle, living authentically, and authentic love, seeking Truth, faith and God. 

Like us and see More @


In conjunction with World Day of the Sick, St. Mary’s Church (5 Hillhouse Avenue, New Haven) will have a special Mass of Anointing on Saturday, February 15 at 12 pm.  The Sacrament of Anointing will be performed following the Homily.

As the Cathechism states, “The anointing of the sick is not a sacrament for those only who are at the point of death. Hence, as soon as anyone of the faithful begins to be in danger of death from sickness or old age, the fitting time for him to receive this sacrament has certainly already arrived” (CCC 1514).

We welcome all those seeking Anointing, as well as their friends and families, to attend.  

A light reception will take place afterwards, sponsored by the St. Luke’s Medical Society and the Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic.

You may be interested to read and pray with the text of Pope Francis’ message for the 22nd World Day of Prayer for the Sick: 


From Catholic Events Contributor:
Paul A. Zalonski
Catholic Connecticut
255 Foxon Hill Road
East Haven, CT 06513-1216 USA
To email Paul:
Follow Paul on Twitter @CatholicCT
Connect with Paul on Facebook "Catholic Connecticut CatholicCT"

***Paul is a Connecticut Events contributor for Connecticut Catholic Corner***

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

EWTN: A Pro-life Approach to Women's Healthcare

EWTN: A Pro-life Approach to Women's Healthcare

Plus: Documentary on The First Religious Community for African American Women, Why Catholics Need to be Involved in the Media, & More

Irondale, ALWith God, nothing is impossible! Witness the courageous story of Mother Mary Lange, who overcame racial tensions to establish the first Catholic religious community for African-American women. See how she knew that “Providence Will Provide” when this documentary airs at 6:30 p.m. ET, on Monday, Feb. 3—exclusively on EWTN!
When it comes to respect, modesty is the best policy! Drawing from St. John of the Cross’ “Dark Night of the Soul,” Author and Philosopher Dr. Alice Von Hildebrand explores how observing modesty in physical relationships reveals the beauty of a person’s spirituality.  Find out why she believes our culture is experiencing “The Dark Night of the Body” when Doug Keck hosts “EWTN Bookmark” at 9:30 a.m. & 11:30 p.m. ET on Sunday, Feb. 2—only on EWTN!
Doctors you can count on for life! Dr. Thomas Hilgers joins “EWTN Live” Host Fr. Mitch to discuss the pro-life mission of the Pope Paul VI institute, and how its medical research aims to improve women’s health care by offering alternatives to contraceptives and abortions. Don’t miss “EWTN Live” at 8 p.m. ET on Wednesday, Jan. 29—exclusively on EWTN!
Become proactive in the pro-life movement! Guest Bryan Kempler wants you to do more than just say you’re pro-life—he wants you to live it! Watch as he explains how “Stand True Ministries” encourages people to get actively involved in helping the world recognize life from “womb to tomb”  when “Life on the Rock” airs LIVE at 10 p.m. ET, on Thursday, Jan. 30—exclusively on EWTN! 
They’re not running away from the abortion fight! Lace up and join the Crossroads runners as they literally aid the pro-life movement by running cross-country. Join them in getting the country back on the right track and see how “Crossroads” is “Taking Steps to Save Lives” at 6:30 p.m. ET on Tuesday, January 28—exclusively on EWTN!
An installation definitely “Worth” celebrating! Join us LIVE for the Ordination and Installation of Msgr. Michael F. Olson as the 4th Bishop of the Diocese of Fort Worth, Texas at 3 p.m. ET on Wednesday, Jan. 29—exclusively on EWTN!
It was her child, not a choice! Despite doctors telling her to abort, Physician, Saint, and Mother Gianna Beretta carried a high risk pregnancy to full term, even though she knew the price was  her life. Witness her brave story of faith and sacrifice, and find out why St. Gianna Beretta is truly a  “Modern Day Hero of Divine Love!” Airs at 3 p.m. ET on Thursday, Jan. 30—only on EWTN!
Looking for real leadership in a virtual age? EWTN President and COO Doug Keck discusses the long standing relationship between the Church and the media, and how Catholics need to embrace both present and future means of communication in order to share the truth with the world. Find out more when “Franciscan University Presents: Faith and Media” at 10 p.m. ET on Sunday, Feb. 2—exclusively on EWTN!
Freedom does not mean free of consequence: Gloria Purvis, Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers and Damon Owens join together in a thirteen part series to discuss how society often confuses “freedom” with “license,” and discuss what it truly means to be “Authentically Free At Last.” Catch this inspiring series throughout the month of February beginning at 6 p.m. ET on Monday, Feb 3—exclusively on EWTN!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Connecticut Catholic Events

Holy Family Retreat Center, Depression, Spirituality, and Healing
Saturday, Feb 110 a.m.-5 p.m. Holy Family Retreat Center, West Hartford; Depression, Spirituality, and Healing, with Mary Lou Costanzo.  This workshop will focus on using spirituality in the journey to recover from depression, and the importance of a multi-faceted approach to healing, including medications, psychotherapy, spiritual well-being, mindfulness practice, exercise, and good eating. Persons who live with depression and those who have a loved one who struggles with depression are welcome. $65, includes lunch.

Holy Family Retreat Center, College Weekend Retreat
Friday-Sunday, Feb 7-9, Holy Family Retreat Center, West Hartford; College Weekend Retreat, Nothing Less than Everything. The hectic pace of college can often leave students with the need to rest and reflect in a sacred space.  In this weekend retreat, college students will have the opportunity to strengthen their faith through a variety of workshops and small-group discussions.  The retreat, centered on the liturgy of the Church, will explore the retreat season theme while enhancing the experience of community among the students.  $75.

Holy Family Retreat Center, Valentine’s Day Buffet and Wine Dinner
Thursday, Feb 136 p.m. Holy Family Retreat Center, West Hartford; Valentine’s Day Buffet and Wine Dinner. The evening begins with Mass, followed by a delicious buffet dinner prepared by Holy Family’s talented chef, Joe Ethier. Local wine educator and Chief Grape Officer of WineTimeCT, Laureen Guerriero, will be on hand to offer her expertise along with three wines to complement the meal courses. Couples and singles are most welcome. $150 per couple; $75 per person.

Paul A. Zalonski
Catholic Connecticut
255 Foxon Hill Road
East Haven, CT 06513-1216 USA

To contact Paul:
Follow on Twitter @CatholicCT
Connect on Facebook "Catholic Connecticut CatholicCT"

**Paul is a Catholic Events Contributor to Connecticut Catholic Corner**

Saturday, January 25, 2014

EWTN's Michael Warsaw...

Statement of Michael P. Warsaw, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of EWTN Global Catholic Network in response to the January 24, 2014 decision by the US Supreme Court  in the HHS Mandate case brought by the Little Sisters of the Poor:

“It is certainly very encouraging that the U.S. Supreme Court has granted an injunction in the HHS contraceptive mandate case brought by the Little Sisters of the Poor.  This decision to intervene, reached after a full court review, provides welcome relief to the Sisters and encouragement to the other plaintiffs who continue to challenge the mandate.  The fact that organizations like EWTN or the Little Sisters of the Poor are not deemed to be religious enough to qualify for a full exemption from the mandate shows how senseless the government’s rules have become.  Instead, we are faced with the prospect of millions of dollars in fines for refusing to cooperate with the government’s mandate.

Shortly before midnight on New Year’s eve, EWTN and the State of Alabama filed a petition with the US District Court in Mobile, Alabama seeking a summary judgment in our own lawsuit.    While the decision of the Supreme Court in the Little Sisters’ case has no direct impact on the current legal challenge of the mandate by EWTN and the State of Alabama, it is very helpful that the Court has seen fit to intervene in the matter.  We continue to await a decision in our case and remain hopeful that the courts will ultimately provide EWTN with relief from this unjust government action.

We ask our EWTN Family to continue to  keep this matter in your prayers.”

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Baby Nevernamed

I am baby Nevernamed. 

Many people call me an “unborn child”, I prefer "pre-born child". I’m a person. A person in the earliest stages of growth and development. It was never a question as to whether or not I am human or if I’d leave the womb. 

The question was only... when? What would my birthday be? At this point, they call it my Mommy's "due date", but for me, it's when will my birthday be? Or rather, when would my birthday be... if I was going to have one.

I’m an eight week old pre-born child. I’ve done a lot of growing in my eight weeks of life in my Mommy's womb. I’m an inch long and weigh 0.1 oz. and my heart is beating about 150 beats a minute, that’s faster than my Mommy’s heart beats. 

All my major organs are formed, even my muscles are growing so I can be big and strong one day. I have two eyes that I can move, a nose and a mouth full of taste buds! I even have all my tooth buds for my first teeth. I have all my tiny fingers and all ten tiny toes and they wiggle. I can move! Sometimes, if I can catch it, I suck my thumb - I really like that. Once I even had the hiccups! There is so much I have to look forward to, each day is another step forward for me and full of new and exciting things. So much potential in my future- if I had a future.

Soon I won’t ever have the hiccups again. And I only have a little while left to suck my thumb, yawn, wiggle my toes and stretch my tiny arms. I’ll never use my taste buds or my baby teeth. I'll never know a grandma or grandpa or brother or sister or cousin.  I won’t ever see light or hear my Mommy’s voice outside the womb. I'll never feel a kiss on my forehead or arms hugging me. I'll never see a smile or give a smile back.

I’ll never even be named.

Someone told my Mommy she could pay someone to kill me. They told her she has a ‘right’ and a ‘choice’ to make sure I never get born. Nobody gave me my ‘rights’ or my ‘choice’. No one will give me the future I am supposed to have.  My entire life span takes place in the warm nourishing womb of my mother who is even now planning to pay someone to kill me. 

No life outside the womb.  No rights to my future and nobody to even gave me a name.

Please help me and all the other pre-born human beings who want their ‘right’ to life. The right to see the sky, taste food, breath air and the right to have a birthday and a name. I can’t talk yet, so I need others to speak for me and my rights to life. Please support a Pro-Life group today and let everyone know that I have a Right to Life and I want a name.

Thank you for taking a moment out of your life to think of the life of a pre-born human being.

In memory of, 

all the babies never named...

Please pray for an end to ALL abortion and support the Right to Life!

In Christ,

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner

**I originally shared this post in 2008.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

EWTN wants your March for Life videos, photos and posts!

EWTN: Send Us Your March for Life/
Walk for Life Videos, Pics & Posts

Irondale, ALBe part of EWTN’s 2014 March for Live/Walk for Life coverage!
There are lots of ways your voice can be heard on the EWTN Global Catholic Network, the only Network to provide complete live coverage of the March!
  • Post your comments on our Facebook ( page, (almost 344,000 strong and growing), using the hashtags #ewtn, #ProLife, #WhyWeMarch, and #marchforlife or #walkforlife.
  • Post your tweets on our Twitter ( site, using the same hashtags as above.
  • Send photos of your pro-life banners as well as SHORT videos to We’re looking for short pre-March/Walk videos about why you or your group is going to the event as well as videos from the venue. (Caution: Please huddle around your microphone or speaker so your voices won’t be drowned out by the crowd.) Some of these may appear on-air!
  • Send us your pictures from the “March for Life” and the “Walk for Life” as well as your pro-life banners for possible posting on the “March for Life” or “Walk for Life” board on EWTN’s Pinterest site. View them at
  • Also, Facebook fans, the EWTN 360 technology that was introduced during World Youth Day is back! The app will allow you, the viewer, to click on an event for a 360 degree view of the venue just by moving your cursor! (If you missed WYD360, click here: This means that you will be able to see MFL events on our website and Facebook page ( just as if you were standing in the crowd listening to the speakers or marching down Constitution Avenue.
  • Finally, check out EWTN’s pro-life page,, for news, resources, and more ways to get involved! 
Let’s tell the world why we’re marching; let’s tell the world why it makes a difference; let’s tell the world what we’re seeing as we march and about the difference it makes in the lives of women around the world.
Coverage of the 2014 March for Life begins at 9 a.m. ET, Wednesday, Jan. 22, with encores at 10 p.m. ET, Wednesday night, and 9:30 a.m. ET, Sunday, Jan. 26. Coverage of the Walk for Life begins at 2:30 p.m. ET, Saturday, Jan. 25. For a complete schedule of all the events, please go to
EWTN Global Catholic Network, in its 33rd year, is available in over 230 million television households in more than 140 countries and territories. With its direct broadcast satellite television and radio services, AM & FM radio networks, worldwide short-wave radio station, Internet website, electronic and print news services, and publishing arm, EWTN is the largest religious media network in the world.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Banning Children from Gay Pride Parades

**WARNING: Adult homosexual content – GRAPHIC GAY PRIDE PARADE PHOTOS**

Should children be banned from gay pride parades?


Before I start: To my sensitive readers I apologize if this post offends you (it offends me), but its something I have been struggling with voicing for a long time now.  To truly tell the story, I felt it was necessary to SHOW what is happening at these "pride" parades.  Sometimes words just aren't enough, and this was one of those times.  I debated writing this and sharing the images, but in the end, if it helps open the eyes of ANYONE who once supported these parades or if it pushes someone to action to ban children from gay pride parades then it is worth it to me.  I hope this article sparks a discussion on this subject at the very least.  We can't remain ostriches any longer, children are being harmed by these parades and someone needs to stand up for them.
Douay-Rheims Bible 
 "Open thy mouth for the dumb, and for the causes of all the children that pass."
[Proverbs 31:8]

In my opinion, Gay Pride parades are nothing more than public depravity and perverse sexuality celebrated in the streets.  These parades are vile, morally corrupt and completely EVIL.  Children should be protected (as well as adults) from the filth and depravity that goes on at gay pride parades across this country (and others).  Certainly NO Catholic (or any Christian) should participate or support this modern day Sodom and Gomorrah!  This is NOT about the "freedom" to BE homosexual.  This is about obscene public displays in front of children!

To the Catholics out there who think these parades are harmless I ask, have you SEEN what goes on at these parades?  The mainstream media won't show you the truth because they FEAR homosexual activists or being called "homophobic" if you say a single word against anything that occurs at these parades.  Don't believe me?  Do some image searches on Google or Bing put "pride parade" in the search engine or check out gay pride parade videos on Youtube - but make sure no children are around. Open your eyes to the horrors that are going on LEGALLY in our streets in front of our nations innocent children!

Some of the things that occur at these parades are SO OFFENSIVE AND DISTURBING that the media CANNOT legally show it on television!! Yet that doesn’t stop people from bringing their innocent children to these parades to witness and be corrupted by the depravity.

This is CHILD ABUSE and it needs to be BANNED

Who will go up against the pro-gay agenda and defend innocent children?  Which politicians are WILLING to say “NO MORE!” to this filth?

The United States desperately NEEDS moral people to stand up and say “NO MORE!” and put an end to these public displays of depravity.  I want to know who you are so I can support you and spread the news that YOU are willing to do what no one else has yet done- protect children from gay pride parades!

 “anyone violating indecency laws in front of children could be charged with a felony.
But gay activists fought back in the media because they WANT no limits on their public depravity. If you suggest toning it down you are “homophobic” or somehow depriving them of their “right” to be indecent and lewd in public.  They seem to LIKE debauchery and children watching them.  They do NOT want to be “family friendly” unless your family is depraved and into perverting children.
"To make the parade more `family friendly' and to accommodate comfort for the increasing number of attending heterosexuals and corporate sponsorship, participants are being asked to cover up!" activist Daniel Scott Cates wrote on his Facebook page. "The `queer' is effectively being erased from our pride celebration."
He sounds shocked that gay pride parade participants would be asked to "cover up" their exposed genitals in public! 
Another activist, Hardy Haderman, wrote an aggrieved column for the Dallas Voice, a weekly serving the gay community.
"The assimilationists insist we tone down and throw away all our joyous sexiness," he wrote. "Why? To do that turns the Pride Parade into a We-Are-Ashamed parade, and I refuse to be part of that."
And yet another gay activist demands he be a depraved and perverse in public in front of children as he wants to be…

Michael Diviesti of Austin, Texas – leader of the state branch of the gay-rights group GetEQUAL – said pride parades were in danger of losing their essential character.
"This is my celebration of myself," he said. "Why should I have to tone that down because someone else might be looking? It's like putting yourself back in a closet."
Right.  Again, another gay activist shocked to be asked to cover up erections, exposed genitals and graphic images in a public street.

Wouldn’t want to “lose their essential character” by shielding children and protecting them from perverts.
 “A gay father, Chase Lindberger, who recently married in Minnesota, said he and his husband had no qualms about taking their two young children to the Twin Cities Pride Parade this summer. "It's an important event for the community that my children are a part of," Lindberger said. "They see people being very dramatic and colorful, and I think that's wonderful."
Another good reason the Catholic Church does NOT support or allow gay adoptions- the corruption of innocent children is a GREAT SIN (Matthew 18).

So while Dallas, Texas is attempting to enforce stricter decency laws at these “gay pride” parades, what about other states?  What are children seeing when their parents (homosexual and heterosexual parents) drag them along to view the debauchery?

This is what innocent children are forced to witness in the United States at gay pride parades…


The following photos are from gay pride parades in New York, San Francisco, Portland, West Hollywood and Chicago.  Remember, there are CHILDREN watching these parades. 

*******WARNING: GRAPHIC*********

This child is clearly disturbed by what he is FORCED to witness!

So, where are the RIGHTS OF CHILDREN?

How is it that pornographic magazines in stores are RIGHTLY required to be out of reach of children and their covers covered to protect minors from seeing nudity, but yet gay pride parades are perfectly legal and children are allowed to participate and view the obscenity that is always part of these parades??

Why are decency laws, public lewdness laws, obscenity laws and yes, CHILD ABUSE laws NOT being enforced at gay pride parades?  Do such laws even still exist in these cities and states? 

What can any decent and moral citizen do to combat the debauchery filling our streets and help protect children from such obscenity?  We now have Girl Scouts marching IN these parades!


May God help us all.

In Christ,

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

EWTN Press Release: EWTN's Coverage of the March for Life

EWTN’s Coverage of the
'March For Life' Goes ‘Full Circle’

Irondale, AL EWTN, the first and only television network to air complete live coverage of the March for Life, announces dramatically expanded coverage.

This year, thanks to a new wireless camera unit, EWTN will be able to walk alongside the crowd from the National Mall, all the way down Constitution Avenue, and right up the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court itself. You will see the March as only those who actually walk the route will see it.
Plus, the EWTN 360 technology that was introduced during World Youth Day is back – and this time we are “live.” The app allows you, the viewer, to click on an event and to get a 360 degree view of the venue just by moving your cursor. (If you missed WYD360, click here: This means that you will be able to see MFL events on our website and Facebook page ( just as if you were standing in the crowd listening to the speakers or marching down Constitution Avenue!
EWTN’s coverage will be anchored in the studio by EWTN President Doug Keck and EWTN Chaplain Fr. Joseph Mary, and in the field by EWTN TV and Radio Anchors Teresa Tomeo (“Catholic Connection,” “Catholic View for Women”), Mike Romano and Elena Rodriguez. Also, look for special in-studio coverage of your Facebook posts, tweets ( and videos (send to by the EWTN Communications Department.
Then, in the evening, don’t miss a special one-hour “EWTN News Nightly with Colleen Carroll Campbell,” which will feature a great lineup of pro-life leaders and speakers who will discuss the past, present and future of the pro-life movement as well as the fight against abortion.
Here’s the schedule:
  • Opening Mass of the National Prayer Vigil for Life airs live at 6:30 p.m. ET, Tuesday, Jan. 21 from the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C.
  • Closing Mass of the National Prayer Vigil for Life airs live at 7:30 a.m. ET, Wednesday, Jan. 22, also from the Basilica.
  • Coverage of the 2014 March for Life begins at 9 a.m. ET, Wednesday, Jan. 22, with encores at 10 p.m. ET, Wednesday, and 9:30 a.m. ET, Sunday, Jan. 26.
  • Coverage of the Youth Mass for Life from the Verizon Center will air at 4 p.m. ET, Wednesday, Jan. 22.
  • “EWTN News Nightly With Colleen Carroll Campbell:” One-hour special begins at 6 p.m. ET, Wednesday, Jan. 22.
  • If you can’t be at the March itself, please join us for our Virtual March for Life on EWTN’s Facebook page and Twitter page,, as well as on TV, Radio, our Mobile app, and streaming live on the Internet! As we always say, “EWTN is Everywhere!”
EWTN Global Catholic Network, in its 33rd year, is available in over 230 million television households in more than 140 countries and territories. With its direct broadcast satellite television and radio services, AM & FM radio networks, worldwide short-wave radio station, Internet website, electronic and print news services, and publishing arm, EWTN is the largest religious media network in the world.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Knights of Columbus Museum Event

For the better part of the past year the Knights of Columbus museum has had an exhibit on Russian icons, “Windows into Heaven.” 

There is a forthcoming lecture to open up the windows into heaven even more, “Orthodox Christianity in Early Russia: the Formation of a Tradition”  The lecture is presented by Paul Bushkovitch Ph.D.

Saturday, Feb. 8, 2014
2 p.m.
Free admission and parking

Knights of Columbus Museum
1 State Street, New Haven CT 06511 | 203-865-0400

Orthodox Christianity has been Russia’s pre-eminent religion for more than a millennium and is integral to the nation’s history and culture. Yale University history professor Dr. Paul Bushkovitch will discuss the origin and foundation of Russian Orthodoxy, which has endured attacks and repression throughout the past, most notably during the preceding century. Dr. Bushkovitch earned degrees from Harvard and Columbia Universities and has studied in Russia. He has been a member of the Yale faculty since 1975 and has published and lectured extensively on Russian history.

The Knights of Columbus Museum's exhibition of Russian icons, Windows into Heaven, runs through April 27, 2014. The museum is open daily 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

***On a personal note, I LOVE visiting the Knights of Columbus Museum year round - it is never disappointing.  I highly recommend it, makes for a great FREE day trip for families (admission and parking are free!).

Pope John Paul II collection I saw a few years ago.

In Christ,

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner

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