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The Connecticut Catholic Corner Motto: Romans 14:16 "Do not allow what you consider good to be spoken of as evil."
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***FYI: Comments***
Due to continued problems with Disqus I have removed them from this blog- in doing so comments from 2018-2020 have disappeared from my blog posts.
Saturday, March 31, 2018
Friday, March 30, 2018
Sunday, March 25, 2018
The youth have spoken...dear God help us all
What hell will Pope Francis unleash on us now that he's heard from our the youth? ("our youth" would be Catholic, but this Vatican initiated conference didn't ask only its Catholic youth...oh no! The Church wants protest, pagan and atheist youth to tell the Church how it should proceed.) By all means, let the non-Catholics dictate what the Church should do. 😕
What did the youth
*less moralism (those pesky Ten Commandments just won't go away! We want our sex, birth control and gay marriage supported by the Church, etc.)
*women's equality (we know what this means, we want women priests!)
*more accompaniment (when we hear this, its 99% of the time used to "accompany" someone IN their sin, not out of it-that would hurt their feelings-see below)
*more welcoming & merciful Church (don't hurt anyone's feelings by telling them their sins will lead them to eternal damnation)
Quote: VATICAN CITY (AP) — Young Catholics told the Vatican on Saturday they want a more transparent and authentic church, where women play a greater leadership role and where obeying "unreachable" moral standards isn't the price of admission.This isn't news to anyone. We see it among the adults in and outside the Church so no one should be surprised our youth are spouting the same nonsense.
In a fascinating final document from a week long Vatican-initiated conference, 300 young people from around the world joined by 15,000 young people online gave the older men who run the 1.2-billion strong church a piece of their collective mind.
They urged Pope Francis and the bishops who will gather at the Vatican in the fall to back their recommendations that church leaders must address the unequal roles of women in the church and how technology is used and abused. They warned that "excessive moralism" is driving faithful away and that out-of-touch church bureaucrats need to accompany their flock with humility and transparency.
"We, the young church, ask that our leaders speak in practical terms about subjects such as homosexuality and gender issues, about which young people are already freely discussing," they said.
Among the participants, however, there was no consensus on hot-button issues such as church teaching on contraception, homosexuality, abortion or cohabitation. The document said some young people want the church to change its teaching...[clipped]
Yet all hope is not lost! There are some young people (thanks be to God!) who accept all the Church teaches and simply want the Church to proclaim Her teachings "more forcefully" and to "better explain" the teachings!
... or better explain it; others accept the teachings and want the church to proclaim them more forcefully.For the life of me, I can't believe anyone today thinks the Church is "too severe" in this day and age. Would love to send these people back a few centuries - (or even decades for that matter!) for a comparison of the Church then to now! 😇
But overall, the young people concluded, the church often comes off as too severe and its "excessive moralism" often sends the faithful looking elsewhere for peace and spiritual fulfillment.[clipped]
"The young people also made it clear that they love their technology and the church must get hip to that or lose relevance." [clipped]Telling the post Vatican II Church it "must get hip" is mind blowing.
We've got clown Masses, liturgical dancers bouncing around, female altar servers, parades of "Eucharistic ministers"(let's face it, they really aren't "extraordinary" at this point), rock-n-roll Masses, gay pride Masses and assorted pagan's mixing it up at our Masses since Vatican II.
What these youth want is Protestantism, not Catholicism.
God help our youth, I weep for them.
In Christ,
Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
Catholic Events: Relics of Christ's Passion Collection in Connecticut
Wednesday, March 21st at St. Ambrose Parish
7:00 PM @ St. Augustine, 30 Caputo Rd., North Branford
Special event for veneration of Relics of Christ's Passion!
Join us at St. Augustine on March 21st at 7:00pm for a unique encounter with nine rare Relics of Christ’s Passion to set the tone for your Lenten devotions. Having the opportunity to be in the presence of these holy relics while they are here in the area is sure to be an experience that will help you connect with the very roots of your faith.
Take advantage of this opportunity to venerate these holy relics and participate in a program that allows you to engage in a unique commemoration of Jesus’ walk to Calvary. This powerful program is a one-hour presentation supported with music and meditation. A collection like this is generally seen only in Rome or the Holy Land.
The Relics of the Passion collection includes: A piece of the True Cross which was discovered by St. Helena, a piece of the Holy Table from the room where the Last Supper took place, a piece of the Column of Flagellation, a piece of the Crown of Thorns, a replica of the Holy Nail (fashioned using filing from the true nails), A relic (bone) of St, Longinus - the centurion who pierced the side of Christ, a picture of the Veil of Veronica touched to the original with a Vatican seal attesting to the fact, a piece of the exterior wrapping for the Shroud of Turin and Relics of the Holy Apostles.
A piano concert given by Maria Andriasova-Esparza on Wednesday, March 21, 4:30 pm at the Legion of Christ College, 475 Oak Avenue, Cheshire.
Ms Andriasova-Esparza will perform various Catholic pieces.
More (pdf) here.
Paul A. Zalonski
Catholic Connecticut
255 Foxon Hill Road
East Haven, CT 06513-1216 USA
Email Paul at:
Follow Paul on Twitter @CatholicCT
Connect with Paul on Facebook "Catholic Connecticut CatholicCT"
7:00 PM @ St. Augustine, 30 Caputo Rd., North Branford
Special event for veneration of Relics of Christ's Passion!
Join us at St. Augustine on March 21st at 7:00pm for a unique encounter with nine rare Relics of Christ’s Passion to set the tone for your Lenten devotions. Having the opportunity to be in the presence of these holy relics while they are here in the area is sure to be an experience that will help you connect with the very roots of your faith.
Take advantage of this opportunity to venerate these holy relics and participate in a program that allows you to engage in a unique commemoration of Jesus’ walk to Calvary. This powerful program is a one-hour presentation supported with music and meditation. A collection like this is generally seen only in Rome or the Holy Land.
The Relics of the Passion collection includes: A piece of the True Cross which was discovered by St. Helena, a piece of the Holy Table from the room where the Last Supper took place, a piece of the Column of Flagellation, a piece of the Crown of Thorns, a replica of the Holy Nail (fashioned using filing from the true nails), A relic (bone) of St, Longinus - the centurion who pierced the side of Christ, a picture of the Veil of Veronica touched to the original with a Vatican seal attesting to the fact, a piece of the exterior wrapping for the Shroud of Turin and Relics of the Holy Apostles.
A piano concert given by Maria Andriasova-Esparza on Wednesday, March 21, 4:30 pm at the Legion of Christ College, 475 Oak Avenue, Cheshire.
Ms Andriasova-Esparza will perform various Catholic pieces.
More (pdf) here.
Paul A. Zalonski
Catholic Connecticut
255 Foxon Hill Road
East Haven, CT 06513-1216 USA
Email Paul at:
Follow Paul on Twitter @CatholicCT
Connect with Paul on Facebook "Catholic Connecticut CatholicCT"
Friday, March 16, 2018
St Pio of Pietrelcina Relics in Connecticut
The relics of St. Pio of Pietrelcina are coming St Pio Parish, 355 Foxon Road --Route 80, East Haven.
The schedule of services are as follows:
Tuesday, March 20
4:00pm: the relics arrive. Veneration of the relics will be available until 6:30pm.
Wednesday, March 21
7:00am: available for veneration until 4:30pm.
5:00pm: Mass offered Archbishop Leonard Blair.
The relics will leave St. Pio after the Mass.
Paul A. Zalonski
Catholic Connecticut
255 Foxon Hill Road
East Haven, CT 06513-1216 USA
Email Paul:
Follow Paul on Twitter @CatholicCT
Connect with Paul on Facebook "Catholic Connecticut CatholicCT"
EWTN Press Release: Santa Rosa de Lima mini-series wins award
EWTN’s ‘Santa Rosa de Lima’ Mini-Series
Wins ACE’s “Cultural Program of the Year” Award
The mini-series also won three other significant awards: Best Actress: Milagros Lopez Arias ("Santa Rosa de Lima"); Best Supporting Actor Luis Galli ("Dr. Juan del Castillo"); and Best Supporting Actress Ana Maria Estrada ("María de Uzátegui y Doña Juana").
“EWTN is honored to have won this award for one of our many Spanish-language productions,” said EWTN Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Michael P. Warsaw. “From the beginning, EWTN Foundress Mother Angelica realized the importance of reaching out to people, not just in their own language, but with content that truly reflects the culture of people we seek to serve. That’s why EWTN offers Spanish speaking viewers both Spanish language television networks (EWTN Español/ and El Canal Católica), and a Spanish language radio network (EWTN Radio Católica Mundial), which operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week, providing top quality Catholic programming that educates, inspires, and entertains.” (Find EWTN at
John Elson, Director of Acquisitions and CoProductions, was gratified by the award. “This prestigious ACE award shows that quality Catholic television content can be accepted and even celebrated in the secular entertainment world,” he said. “We celebrate this award with all of the members of our EWTN Family whose spiritual and financial support make our original programming possible.”
EWTN Global Catholic Network, in its 37th year, is the largest religious media network in the world. EWTN’s 11 TV channels are broadcast in multiple languages 24 hours a day, seven days a week to over 268 million television households in more than 145 countries and territories. EWTN platforms also include radio services transmitted through SIRIUS/XM, iHeart Radio, and over 500 domestic and international AM & FM radio affiliates; a worldwide shortwave radio service; the largest Catholic website in the U.S.; electronic and print news services, including Catholic News Agency, “The National Catholic Register” newspaper, and several global news wire services; as well as EWTN Publishing, its book publishing division.
Friday, March 2, 2018
Living in a home with entities
I know many people who read this story aren't going to believe it, but this is the true story of my life, living in a home with at least three entities (according to one priest), and one of them possibly demonic.
In 1999, I purchased my current home. The house was originally the town creamery, built in 1870 and years later converted into a private home. I had grown up in one of the oldest homes still standing in my small hometown, built in 1745. I am used to thumps, bumps and creeks in an old home, and I don’t spook easily.
On April 1, 1999, my then husband and our two young daughters moved from our apartment into our own home and we were thrilled. We had spent two months remodeling, painting and installing new floors and carpet before we moved in. The house had been lived in by two elderly people for decades. The husband died and the wife was unable to live alone. I knew the couple all my life and their executor knew I was looking for a home in that town at the time so came to me offering the house before it was listed. Part of the deal was, we had to clean it out. I didn’t know what that would mean, but I wanted the house, so we agreed to purchase the house and clean it out.
The house was full of garbage, literal and figurative. The kitchen cabinets and draws had been stuffed with bones. Hundreds of bones from assorted animals, we suspect some from the yard and some they had eaten. Animal skeletons were in the basement and in the sheds on the property. There were collections of bone cutting knives, the likes of which I had never seen before.
During this time of cleaning and remodeling, windows would close, doors would open and things would go ‘bump’. I didn’t pay much attention to any of it, as I said having grown up in an old house I know these things can happen if a house is not level or air flowing from floor to floor can swing doors open or slam them shut.
About a week living in the house, my children were sleeping upstairs and I was downstairs still awake. My husband came downstairs to go out to the back porch to smoke (no smoking in the house was our rule). While he was outside I heard what sounded like furniture being dragged from one end of the upstairs to the other. I froze. First, there were no adults upstairs, only my children who were both preschool ages. Second, the entire upstairs was newly carpeted and what I was hearing was the sound of heavy furniture being dragged across a hardwood floor.
I quickly went upstairs and checked every room. Nothing. The children were sleeping soundly and I heard nothing while I was up there. I went downstairs and sat down and listened. This happened again. Again I went upstairs and found nothing moved.
Back downstairs I sat and listened, the noise started right back up again. My husband came in and I asked him to sit and listen for a moment. He sat with his eyes closed, half asleep at the table with me. Then his eyes popped open. He heard the loud sound of something being dragged around upstairs. Together we went up stairs and searched again. Found nothing moved and kids sound asleep. He went to bed after a while and I stayed up sitting in the hallway to listen. Not a single sound as long as I was upstairs.
Back downstairs an hour or so later and the moving sound started back up again. All night long this repeated. I slept that night on the floor of the children’s room.
Another day, I was sitting in the family room folding laundry when a snake appeared in the middle of the room. This house has a full basement, and sits well above the ground. I have no idea how any snake could get into the house, let alone my family room (which has no doors to the outside), but there it was slithering across the room. Took me and my husband a while to catch it (kept going under our furniture), but we did and removed it from the house.
Around early June, I heard a hissing sound in my dining room. My husband was at work, so I called my father who lives close to come over and check it out. I was worried it was a pipe or even another snake in the house. After listening and searching we found the spot where the hissing sound was coming from. It was about 4 feet off the ground in my dining room in one spot and nowhere else. In the middle of the air, not coming from a wall or ceiling or floor- just the middle of the air. We could find nothing anywhere to explain it. I then began to feel uneasy about this hissing sound. I began to think it was sinister. The hissing continued for over an hour then stopped- for the moment.
The week before Fourth of July, we cleaned out the basement (which we had left for last) and got rid of the last remnants of the previous owners property. That weekend, the house went wild with noises and things moving, doors slamming, open windows closing and the sound of people talking. It was so bad we nearly left and went to my parent’s house. I was a Baptist at this time, so there was no holy water to be had.
Instead I reached for my bible and went from room to room reading scripture and telling whatever was in the house it was not welcome. I told it to “shut up” and “get lost” (I was tired and fed up and I had two kids who needed sleep and I didn’t want them terrorized). I don’t know why it worked but the house went silent and we all finally slept.
For years this continued. All our family and friends knew about the “activity” in our house, some preferred to stay outside during our cookouts and family gatherings.
Whenever things got overly “active” I would go room to room reading the scriptures as I had done years ago. This helped the situation, but it never cured the problem.
By the fall of 2006, I was divorced for several years and my children and I were beginning to prepare for entering the Catholic Church that Easter of 2007. This year was full of new things for all of us, including praying for the Holy Souls in Purgatory. Just before Lent began in 2007, I decided my children and I would start a tradition of coming up with a living person to pray for during Lent and someone who had passed away. We printed out prayers with our intentions and each evening we would include them in our nightly prayers.
The house activity picked up noticeably every Lent. But now we had Catholic prayers and holy water at our disposal. If you are wondering if I had spoken to a priest yet, the answer is no. I was a new Catholic and was afraid the priest would think I was nuts. Plus, I had been “dealing” with whatever was in the house for years by this time, so I thought I could handle it.
Lent of 2010 started out the same as our previous Lenten seasons, we still picked out people to pray for and printed out specific prayers we would pray daily for them. One night, my now twelve year old daughter was screaming and crying hysterically in her room. I ran upstairs to find her white. Now, I have heard that expression before, but I had never seen someone go white. She was white and shaking uncontrollably. She couldn’t even talk for a while, I half carried and half walked her downstairs. I was on the verge of calling 911 because she wasn’t making any sense and I didn’t know what was wrong with her. Finally, she began to talk and told me a ‘woman’ woke her up yelling at her. Telling her, no one really loves her, that her life isn’t worth living and she’s ugly and useless and no one wants her around and that she should just die. This female entity held my daughter down and terrorized her with insults and vulgar language for quite awhile before she was able to cry out and get my attention.
I was furious. I went room from room with Holy Water and the Saint Michael prayer and some Hail Mary’s telling this thing it was not welcome in our home and was not allowed to speak ever again. My daughter never again slept in that room.
About a week later, my eldest daughter (about 15 at the time) heard growling in the upstairs hallway and a gurgling sound beside her bed. She said it sounded like someone dying. The growling was loudest in the upstairs hallway. She was too terrified to leave her room, so she covered her head with her blankets and cried until she finally got the courage to dart out of bed and run downstairs.
Our family room was converted into a family bedroom with no one willing to sleep upstairs. For almost a year, no one slept upstairs in our home. We were prisoners to these entities.
We never verbally heard from that female entity again, but she wasn’t done. The seed had been planted. My daughter, who had been active in sports, school groups etc, fell into a quiet depression. She didn’t laugh like she used to and she didn’t seem herself. For a year, unknown to myself, my daughter began cutting herself. This thing had told her to hurt herself.
When I discovered what was going on, my daughter went into specialized therapy and I went to my parish priest (I’ll call Father M). I told him the whole story and asked him what I should do. He told me I was doing everything right (the Holy Water, prayers, getting my daughter help etc). He said he would put me in touch with the Dioceses if the situation got any worse. A week later, that priest was moved to another parish, so I had no more contact with him. I kept doing what he’d told me with the Holy Water and prayers.
Things calmed down a bit and we re-arranged upstairs bedrooms (the room with the female entity has to this day never been slept in again by anyone). That room is used for storage only.
A few years ago, my youngest daughter woke up to find bizarre "foot/hand-prints" on her ceiling and walls. They were blueish in color and didn't look human or like any animal we knew of. We took several photos, if you can tell it looks like a foot but with a long "toe" sticking out to the right and then smaller toes at the top. Just weird stuff and it was ALL over the ceiling and walls.
While sitting in the family room one day, my youngest daughter and I were talking when we both heard my name called by a man, which sounded to both of us like my deceased grandfather. We looked around the house inside and outside to see who could have called my name. There was no one there but the two of us. On another occasion my mother was over, we were watching a movie and there was a crash in the kitchen, the cooking timer had been thrown across the room and was spinning on the floor. We had yet another snake in the house and more than one bat (though that could merely be natural) making its way into our home.
One night, when the kids were sleeping I was folding laundry on the couch and separated it into different piles for the kids to take upstairs the next day. I fell asleep watching TV and woke some time later to find all the laundry moved from the couch, neatly piled up in the doorway of the family room blocking my way from leaving the room. And I felt like I wasn’t alone. I knew something was watching me, perhaps watching for my reaction to what it had done. That disturbed me because I never heard it and whatever it was, was right beside me- not to mention, moving two full baskets of laundry and neatly stacking them in the doorway is creepy!
It was time to talk to the new priest (I’ll call Father J). Father J was eager to listen and make suggestions. He said he didn’t have the “discernment” ability to tell me what sort of entities I had, but told me he believes there are “at least three entities” in my home. He wanted me to investigate the home’s history (I did only a little to discover it was a creamery. I didn’t look into any deaths on the property- I don’t think I really wanted to know those answers to be honest). Father J also suggested I contact Lorraine Warren (Catholic paranormal investigator) and watch “The Conjuring” movie. I did not contact Catholic "medium" Lorraine Warren,(I can’t say for sure why, but it didn’t’ feel like the right thing to do at the time). I did watch the movie- didn’t really help me much. What did help was he prayed over, blessed and poured Holy Water over several crucifixes then he said to put them around my home. And he told me to continue with the Saint Michael prayers and the Rosary. I did and things went completely silent for months. The first real peace we had ever had in this house.
I was also discussing these things with our parish deacon, who is currently in seminary to become a priest. He too, was helpful and eager to listen. I've worked with two Franciscan nuns also who have helped in their prayers for us and sharing suggestions that might help. I've had a lovely statue of the Holy Virgin Mary blessed and placed it in my window. And I've prayed specific prayers to Mary asking for her protection against any evil in the house. I think this might have been the most effective thing I’ve done.
Father J would check up on me occasionally to see how things were going, and they were better. The blessed items and frequent Holy Water around the house and prayers kept things quiet. Until Lent.
Every year during Lent the house gets active. We decided to stop praying for the dead in our house, and instead pray for them at church. This helped greatly. I don’t really understand it, but according to Father J, if you live around water, you can have more activity with entities. My house is nearly surrounded by water. I have a brook that runs the property line and a large pond in the backyard. Father J, told me about an elderly woman in another town he had helped some years ago, that had entities coming out of a nearby pond the moment her husband died and began wreaking havoc in her home. Apparently people had been drowned in that pond long ago.
Soon after, Father J was shuffled off to another parish just like Father M had been. The new priest was not approachable on the subject of entities and such, so I went to another parish entirely to continue working with a priest on this matter. Father E was…well, thrilled with my house. He had only heard of one other home, but nothing as active as our home and this was his first dealing with such a situation. Father E would call to check on us and we would meet with him occasionally to update him on how things were going. He prayed for us and blessed more items to place around the house. Things in the house were manageable. I had found a balance with the blessed items, Holy Water and prayers keeping the house rather quiet. Father E is no longer in Connecticut, so I am once more without a priest to help deal with this house; though things have gotten much better over the last few years. I am hoping to find another priest soon and have him over to bless the house and property and any new Catholic items I have to place around the house- though we've got quite a bit already.
My youngest daughter spent her teen years battling depression and self harm. Another priest, via the Internet, turned my attention back to Vatican Exorcist Father Amorth (I had read him years ago) and his prayers for parents to pray for the deliverance of their children from demonic attacks! I had never heard of that before. I didn’t know that I had any “power” over demonic attacks to my children, but according to this exorcist all parents do. In Amorth’s book “An Exorcist Tells His Story” there are “prayers of deliverance” at the back of the book for the laity to pray, that I began praying for my daughter. I believe these helped her. She has since graduated high school and is a college student – the self harm has stopped. Thanks be to God.
Our house has been very quiet for months now, peaceful actually. Though as it is Lent, I can’t help but feel a little nervous that at any moment, all hell is going to break loose again. More than one priest has warned that trying to remove something from a home, can often make things much more violent and stirred up. For us, it’s all about maintaining the status quo in this house until someone figures out what we are dealing with and how to remove it/them. So we take it day by day and are enjoying the peace we seem to have found at the moment.
In Christ,
Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner
In 1999, I purchased my current home. The house was originally the town creamery, built in 1870 and years later converted into a private home. I had grown up in one of the oldest homes still standing in my small hometown, built in 1745. I am used to thumps, bumps and creeks in an old home, and I don’t spook easily.
On April 1, 1999, my then husband and our two young daughters moved from our apartment into our own home and we were thrilled. We had spent two months remodeling, painting and installing new floors and carpet before we moved in. The house had been lived in by two elderly people for decades. The husband died and the wife was unable to live alone. I knew the couple all my life and their executor knew I was looking for a home in that town at the time so came to me offering the house before it was listed. Part of the deal was, we had to clean it out. I didn’t know what that would mean, but I wanted the house, so we agreed to purchase the house and clean it out.
The house was full of garbage, literal and figurative. The kitchen cabinets and draws had been stuffed with bones. Hundreds of bones from assorted animals, we suspect some from the yard and some they had eaten. Animal skeletons were in the basement and in the sheds on the property. There were collections of bone cutting knives, the likes of which I had never seen before.
During this time of cleaning and remodeling, windows would close, doors would open and things would go ‘bump’. I didn’t pay much attention to any of it, as I said having grown up in an old house I know these things can happen if a house is not level or air flowing from floor to floor can swing doors open or slam them shut.
About a week living in the house, my children were sleeping upstairs and I was downstairs still awake. My husband came downstairs to go out to the back porch to smoke (no smoking in the house was our rule). While he was outside I heard what sounded like furniture being dragged from one end of the upstairs to the other. I froze. First, there were no adults upstairs, only my children who were both preschool ages. Second, the entire upstairs was newly carpeted and what I was hearing was the sound of heavy furniture being dragged across a hardwood floor.
I quickly went upstairs and checked every room. Nothing. The children were sleeping soundly and I heard nothing while I was up there. I went downstairs and sat down and listened. This happened again. Again I went upstairs and found nothing moved.
Back downstairs I sat and listened, the noise started right back up again. My husband came in and I asked him to sit and listen for a moment. He sat with his eyes closed, half asleep at the table with me. Then his eyes popped open. He heard the loud sound of something being dragged around upstairs. Together we went up stairs and searched again. Found nothing moved and kids sound asleep. He went to bed after a while and I stayed up sitting in the hallway to listen. Not a single sound as long as I was upstairs.
Back downstairs an hour or so later and the moving sound started back up again. All night long this repeated. I slept that night on the floor of the children’s room.
Another day, I was sitting in the family room folding laundry when a snake appeared in the middle of the room. This house has a full basement, and sits well above the ground. I have no idea how any snake could get into the house, let alone my family room (which has no doors to the outside), but there it was slithering across the room. Took me and my husband a while to catch it (kept going under our furniture), but we did and removed it from the house.
Around early June, I heard a hissing sound in my dining room. My husband was at work, so I called my father who lives close to come over and check it out. I was worried it was a pipe or even another snake in the house. After listening and searching we found the spot where the hissing sound was coming from. It was about 4 feet off the ground in my dining room in one spot and nowhere else. In the middle of the air, not coming from a wall or ceiling or floor- just the middle of the air. We could find nothing anywhere to explain it. I then began to feel uneasy about this hissing sound. I began to think it was sinister. The hissing continued for over an hour then stopped- for the moment.
The week before Fourth of July, we cleaned out the basement (which we had left for last) and got rid of the last remnants of the previous owners property. That weekend, the house went wild with noises and things moving, doors slamming, open windows closing and the sound of people talking. It was so bad we nearly left and went to my parent’s house. I was a Baptist at this time, so there was no holy water to be had.
Instead I reached for my bible and went from room to room reading scripture and telling whatever was in the house it was not welcome. I told it to “shut up” and “get lost” (I was tired and fed up and I had two kids who needed sleep and I didn’t want them terrorized). I don’t know why it worked but the house went silent and we all finally slept.
For years this continued. All our family and friends knew about the “activity” in our house, some preferred to stay outside during our cookouts and family gatherings.
Whenever things got overly “active” I would go room to room reading the scriptures as I had done years ago. This helped the situation, but it never cured the problem.
By the fall of 2006, I was divorced for several years and my children and I were beginning to prepare for entering the Catholic Church that Easter of 2007. This year was full of new things for all of us, including praying for the Holy Souls in Purgatory. Just before Lent began in 2007, I decided my children and I would start a tradition of coming up with a living person to pray for during Lent and someone who had passed away. We printed out prayers with our intentions and each evening we would include them in our nightly prayers.
The house activity picked up noticeably every Lent. But now we had Catholic prayers and holy water at our disposal. If you are wondering if I had spoken to a priest yet, the answer is no. I was a new Catholic and was afraid the priest would think I was nuts. Plus, I had been “dealing” with whatever was in the house for years by this time, so I thought I could handle it.
Lent of 2010 started out the same as our previous Lenten seasons, we still picked out people to pray for and printed out specific prayers we would pray daily for them. One night, my now twelve year old daughter was screaming and crying hysterically in her room. I ran upstairs to find her white. Now, I have heard that expression before, but I had never seen someone go white. She was white and shaking uncontrollably. She couldn’t even talk for a while, I half carried and half walked her downstairs. I was on the verge of calling 911 because she wasn’t making any sense and I didn’t know what was wrong with her. Finally, she began to talk and told me a ‘woman’ woke her up yelling at her. Telling her, no one really loves her, that her life isn’t worth living and she’s ugly and useless and no one wants her around and that she should just die. This female entity held my daughter down and terrorized her with insults and vulgar language for quite awhile before she was able to cry out and get my attention.
I was furious. I went room from room with Holy Water and the Saint Michael prayer and some Hail Mary’s telling this thing it was not welcome in our home and was not allowed to speak ever again. My daughter never again slept in that room.
About a week later, my eldest daughter (about 15 at the time) heard growling in the upstairs hallway and a gurgling sound beside her bed. She said it sounded like someone dying. The growling was loudest in the upstairs hallway. She was too terrified to leave her room, so she covered her head with her blankets and cried until she finally got the courage to dart out of bed and run downstairs.
Our family room was converted into a family bedroom with no one willing to sleep upstairs. For almost a year, no one slept upstairs in our home. We were prisoners to these entities.
We never verbally heard from that female entity again, but she wasn’t done. The seed had been planted. My daughter, who had been active in sports, school groups etc, fell into a quiet depression. She didn’t laugh like she used to and she didn’t seem herself. For a year, unknown to myself, my daughter began cutting herself. This thing had told her to hurt herself.
When I discovered what was going on, my daughter went into specialized therapy and I went to my parish priest (I’ll call Father M). I told him the whole story and asked him what I should do. He told me I was doing everything right (the Holy Water, prayers, getting my daughter help etc). He said he would put me in touch with the Dioceses if the situation got any worse. A week later, that priest was moved to another parish, so I had no more contact with him. I kept doing what he’d told me with the Holy Water and prayers.
Things calmed down a bit and we re-arranged upstairs bedrooms (the room with the female entity has to this day never been slept in again by anyone). That room is used for storage only.
A few years ago, my youngest daughter woke up to find bizarre "foot/hand-prints" on her ceiling and walls. They were blueish in color and didn't look human or like any animal we knew of. We took several photos, if you can tell it looks like a foot but with a long "toe" sticking out to the right and then smaller toes at the top. Just weird stuff and it was ALL over the ceiling and walls.
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bizarre foot-like print found on the ceiling |
While sitting in the family room one day, my youngest daughter and I were talking when we both heard my name called by a man, which sounded to both of us like my deceased grandfather. We looked around the house inside and outside to see who could have called my name. There was no one there but the two of us. On another occasion my mother was over, we were watching a movie and there was a crash in the kitchen, the cooking timer had been thrown across the room and was spinning on the floor. We had yet another snake in the house and more than one bat (though that could merely be natural) making its way into our home.
One night, when the kids were sleeping I was folding laundry on the couch and separated it into different piles for the kids to take upstairs the next day. I fell asleep watching TV and woke some time later to find all the laundry moved from the couch, neatly piled up in the doorway of the family room blocking my way from leaving the room. And I felt like I wasn’t alone. I knew something was watching me, perhaps watching for my reaction to what it had done. That disturbed me because I never heard it and whatever it was, was right beside me- not to mention, moving two full baskets of laundry and neatly stacking them in the doorway is creepy!
It was time to talk to the new priest (I’ll call Father J). Father J was eager to listen and make suggestions. He said he didn’t have the “discernment” ability to tell me what sort of entities I had, but told me he believes there are “at least three entities” in my home. He wanted me to investigate the home’s history (I did only a little to discover it was a creamery. I didn’t look into any deaths on the property- I don’t think I really wanted to know those answers to be honest). Father J also suggested I contact Lorraine Warren (Catholic paranormal investigator) and watch “The Conjuring” movie. I did not contact Catholic "medium" Lorraine Warren,(I can’t say for sure why, but it didn’t’ feel like the right thing to do at the time). I did watch the movie- didn’t really help me much. What did help was he prayed over, blessed and poured Holy Water over several crucifixes then he said to put them around my home. And he told me to continue with the Saint Michael prayers and the Rosary. I did and things went completely silent for months. The first real peace we had ever had in this house.
I was also discussing these things with our parish deacon, who is currently in seminary to become a priest. He too, was helpful and eager to listen. I've worked with two Franciscan nuns also who have helped in their prayers for us and sharing suggestions that might help. I've had a lovely statue of the Holy Virgin Mary blessed and placed it in my window. And I've prayed specific prayers to Mary asking for her protection against any evil in the house. I think this might have been the most effective thing I’ve done.
Father J would check up on me occasionally to see how things were going, and they were better. The blessed items and frequent Holy Water around the house and prayers kept things quiet. Until Lent.
Every year during Lent the house gets active. We decided to stop praying for the dead in our house, and instead pray for them at church. This helped greatly. I don’t really understand it, but according to Father J, if you live around water, you can have more activity with entities. My house is nearly surrounded by water. I have a brook that runs the property line and a large pond in the backyard. Father J, told me about an elderly woman in another town he had helped some years ago, that had entities coming out of a nearby pond the moment her husband died and began wreaking havoc in her home. Apparently people had been drowned in that pond long ago.
Soon after, Father J was shuffled off to another parish just like Father M had been. The new priest was not approachable on the subject of entities and such, so I went to another parish entirely to continue working with a priest on this matter. Father E was…well, thrilled with my house. He had only heard of one other home, but nothing as active as our home and this was his first dealing with such a situation. Father E would call to check on us and we would meet with him occasionally to update him on how things were going. He prayed for us and blessed more items to place around the house. Things in the house were manageable. I had found a balance with the blessed items, Holy Water and prayers keeping the house rather quiet. Father E is no longer in Connecticut, so I am once more without a priest to help deal with this house; though things have gotten much better over the last few years. I am hoping to find another priest soon and have him over to bless the house and property and any new Catholic items I have to place around the house- though we've got quite a bit already.
My youngest daughter spent her teen years battling depression and self harm. Another priest, via the Internet, turned my attention back to Vatican Exorcist Father Amorth (I had read him years ago) and his prayers for parents to pray for the deliverance of their children from demonic attacks! I had never heard of that before. I didn’t know that I had any “power” over demonic attacks to my children, but according to this exorcist all parents do. In Amorth’s book “An Exorcist Tells His Story” there are “prayers of deliverance” at the back of the book for the laity to pray, that I began praying for my daughter. I believe these helped her. She has since graduated high school and is a college student – the self harm has stopped. Thanks be to God.
Our house has been very quiet for months now, peaceful actually. Though as it is Lent, I can’t help but feel a little nervous that at any moment, all hell is going to break loose again. More than one priest has warned that trying to remove something from a home, can often make things much more violent and stirred up. For us, it’s all about maintaining the status quo in this house until someone figures out what we are dealing with and how to remove it/them. So we take it day by day and are enjoying the peace we seem to have found at the moment.
In Christ,
Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner
If you have any such experiences, please share them with me. I would love to hear from you- especially from any priests!
Thursday, March 1, 2018
EWTN Press Release: New shows schedule
EWTN To Air Weekly Catholic Bible Study
With Well-Known Scripture Scholar Fr. Mitch Pacwa
Irondale, AL (EWTN) – In response to ongoing viewer demand, EWTN will premiere a brand new weekly Catholic Bible Study entitled, “Scripture and Tradition.” The series, hosted by Scripture Scholar Fr. Mitch Pacwa SJ, kicks off at 2 p.m. ET, Tuesday, March 6, with encores at 10 p.m. ET, Tuesdays, and 9 a.m. ET, Wednesdays, and replaces Father’s previous EWTN series “Threshold of Hope.” (Get a sneak peek at
“For over three decades, Father Mitch Pacwa has been a favorite of EWTN audiences around the globe,” said EWTN Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Michael P. Warsaw. “I am confident our viewers will be excited about this newest program which plays to Father Mitch’s strength as a Scripture scholar.”
In addition to all of his hosting duties at EWTN, which include the weekly “EWTN Live,” Fr. Mitch is a prolific writer, who holds a Ph.D in Old Testament from Vanderbilt University, and an M. Div. and S.T.B. degrees in Theology from the Jesuit School of Theology at Loyola University Chicago. Father Mitch previously taught Scripture at Loyola as well as at the University of Dallas, and currently serves a Senior Fellow at the St. Paul Institute for Biblical Studies.
“Fr. Mitch will talk about Scripture in light of Catholic Tradition – spotlighting early Church documents that illuminate the way we understand the Bible,” said EWTN President Doug Keck, who helped create the show.
Peter Gagnon, Vice President of Programming and Production and S&T Executive Producer, added: “I encourage viewers to go to EWTN’s Facebook page [] to post their questions for Fr. Mitch. This will be a big part of the show!”
EWTN Global Catholic Network, in its 36th year, is the largest religious media network in the world. EWTN’s 11 TV channels are broadcast in multiple languages 24 hours a day, seven days a week to over 275 million television households in more than 145 countries and territories. EWTN platforms also include radio services transmitted through SIRIUS/XM, iHeart Radio, and over 500 domestic and international AM & FM radio affiliates; a worldwide shortwave radio service; the largest Catholic website in the U.S.; electronic and print news services, including Catholic News Agency, “The National Catholic Register” newspaper, and several global news wire services; as well as EWTN Publishing, its book publishing division.
EWTN Debuts Eight New Series Beginning March 4
Irondale, AL (EWTN) – EWTN viewers will now be able to see the hosts of “Catholic Answers Live” on a special TV edition of the radio classic, quiz well-known Scripture Scholar Mitch Pacwa, make a “total consecration to Jesus through Mary,” discover the role of the Holy Spirit in their lives, watch St. Vincent de Paul Society members minister to families in need, explain why Catholics honor the Blessed Mother, and much more!
Beginning the week of March 4, look not only for new EWTN series, but for new episodes of returning series. In addition, viewers can enjoy four new programming strips: At 1 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday, look for the family programming strip featuring At Home, Praying as a Family, and EWTN Pro-Life Weekly; at 1:30 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday, look for programs about Our Lady; at 11 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday, look for programs aimed specifically at men; and at 4 p.m. ET on Saturdays, look for apologetics programs.
Here’s an overview of the eight new programs:
*The Wild Goose: Weekly talks on the Holy Spirit with Fr. Dave Pivonka TOR. Airs 6 p.m. ET, Sundays, and 6:30 a.m. ET, Thursdays.
*Beauty, Truth, Goodness: The Fundamentals of Catholicism with Father Robert Altier: Get insights on the fundamental building blocks of the Catholic faith. Airs 5:30 p.m. ET Saturdays, 5 a.m. ET, Sundays, and 9:30 a.m. ET, Mondays.
*Matthew’s Testimony to Jesus: Learn about Christ’s role as King and the coming of the Kingdom of God with Scripture Scholar Frances Hogan. Airs 6:30 a.m. ET, Wednesdays, and 4:30 a.m. ET, Saturdays.
*Catholic Answers Live: From the G.K. Chesterton Studio in San Diego, popular Catholic apologists and their guests address listeners’ questions about the Catholic faith. Airs 5 p.m. ET Saturdays and 2:30 a.m. Sundays.
*Scripture and Tradition with Fr. Mitch Pacwa: A Catholic Bible Study analyzing the Word of God in light of Church teaching and tradition. Airs 2 p.m. ET and 10 p.m. ET, Tuesdays, and 9 a.m. ET, Wednesdays. Watch the show and post your questions for Father Mitch in the S&T's Facebook group,
*Total Consecration to Jesus Through Mary: The historical, scriptural, and theological foundations of this special devotion. Airs 1:30 p.m. ET, Fridays, and 2 a.m. ET, Sundays.
*Our Faith in Action: Members of the St. Vincent de Paul Society reflect on their spiritual growth as they minister to families in need. Airs 6 p.m. ET, Saturdays, and 6:30 a.m. Sundays.
*The Bible and the Virgin Mary: An examination of Sacred Scriptures that define Mary’s role in salvation history and explain why Catholics honor her to this day. Airs 1:30 p.m. ET, Mondays, and 1:30 a.m. ET, Saturdays.
Viewers can find EWTN television in their area by going to and typing in their zip codes. Check out all the ways to access EWTN at
EWTN Global Catholic Network, in its 36th year, is the largest religious media network in the world. EWTN’s 11 TV channels are broadcast in multiple languages 24 hours a day, seven days a week to over 275 million television households in more than 145 countries and territories. EWTN platforms also include radio services transmitted through SIRIUS/XM, iHeart Radio, and over 500 domestic and international AM & FM radio affiliates; a worldwide shortwave radio service; the largest Catholic website in the U.S.; electronic and print news services, including Catholic News Agency, “The National Catholic Register” newspaper, and several global news wire services; as well as EWTN Publishing, its book publishing division.
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