EWTN’s New Show For Youth To Premiere on YouTube
‘You’re Amazing With Justin Fatica’ Deals
With Real Issues Such as Pornography and Broken

“I’m an East Coast guy,” he said, “I’m thinking, ‘I like this kid.’ I said, ‘Why do you think that?’”
The teen said, “My dad left me. He’s not amazing. Everybody is not amazing.”
Justin said, “That really must have hurt, but your dad is still amazing.”
The teen got indignant. “You can’t say that. You don’t know what I went through. He left us. I had to take care of my brother.”
Justin looked at the teen and said, “That must have been really hard for you. What your dad DID was not amazing, but your DAD is amazing.”
“You can’t say that,” the teen insisted.
“Did it hurt you when your dad left?”
“Yes, I was a little kid.”
“Did you ever cry about it?”
“Yeah, I cried about it! It hurt!”
“If your dad wasn’t amazing, it wouldn’t have hurt so bad,” Justin said. “Your dad just has to know how amazing he is so he won’t hurt people anymore. When you sin, it hurts others and yourself.”
That’s just a taste of the kind of straight talk that Justin uses to begin cracking open the doors to wounded hearts in need of the healing only Jesus can bring. Find out more on August 27, when EWTN kicks off a series that will take you on a journey to high schools across the United States. In each episode, you will experience Justin as he brings young people – and their parents – to Christ. You will be there as he speaks with teens about the many issues they face such as pornography, broken families, premarital sex, self-mutilation, and lost loved ones.
EWTN’s newest series will premiere online at 8:30 p.m. ET, Thursday, August 27, a week before its 10 p.m. ET, Thursday, Sept. 3 premiere on EWTN television! However, the online version, which can only be seen at www.youtube.com/ewtn, contains a special bonus!
Ninety minutes before Episode 1 begins, EWTN invites you to experience a LIVE “Life on the Rock” with Justin and Producer Jeremy Rivera. In the live pre-show, Justin and Jeremy will interact with students from John Carroll High School in Birmingham as well as LOTR Hosts Father Mark and Doug Barry. Justin will also take viewer questions, which can be sent to amazing@ewtn.com!
The pre-show will air online from 7 p.m. ET to 8:30 p.m. ET, Thursday, August 27. It will be immediately followed at 8:30 p.m. ET by the first half-hour episode of “You’re Amazing With Justin Fatica.” While Episode 1 of “You’re Amazing” will remain on YouTube, the pre-show will only be available online once!
Find out more about the series and view the trailers at www.ewtn.com/amazing. And don’t forget to send your questions to amazing@ewtn.com. See you Thursday, August 27!
EWTN Global Catholic Network, now entering its 35th year, is the largest religious media network in the world. EWTN’s 11 networks broadcast the Gospel message in multiple languages 24 hours a day, seven days a week to over 250 million television households in more than 140 countries and territories. EWTN’s outreach includes direct broadcast satellite television and radio services; AM & FM radio networks transmitted through SIRIUS/XM, iHeart Radio, and over 300 Catholic radio affiliates across the U.S.; a worldwide shortwave radio service; the largest Catholic website in the U.S.; print and electronic news services that include “The National Catholic Register” newspaper, Catholic News Agency and ACI Group; and EWTN Publishing, Inc.
Find out more about Hard as Nails at www.amazingnation.org
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