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Saturday, April 27, 2019

Jesuit priest Thomas Reese on Twitter

I spent about 10 minutes looking at Jesuit priest, Thomas Reese's tweets on Twitter for the month of April. 

It's no surprise this Jesuit, like his counterpart Fr. James Martin, have a Twitter feed packed with liberal, progressive often anti-Catholic tweets promoting/sharing articles in favor of homosexuality, gay marriage, heresy, etc. 

Here are a few from the month of April... 

This article is about a lesbian who says God called her to be a Methodist minister even though the Methodists are still battling within their denomination over homosexual clergy. 

Article quote: "Cullom came out as a lesbian during her senior year at LaGrange College, a United Methodist-affiliated school about 90 miles south of her home in Kennesaw, Ga.  For a time, she was engaged to another woman, but broke it off before seminary and has not had a partner since." 

"After delivering the sermon, she realized: “This is what I’m supposed to do.”
She had moved from “I won’t play in your sandbox” to “Wait a minute. It’s my sandbox. I’m going to play here. You can get out if you don’t like it.”
In her classes, she had learned about Martin Luther, John Wesley, Jarena Lee, Maria Stewart — Christians who pursued their call to preach in spite of the established church."


Reese seems to really, really like the potential prospect of a "married" abomination in the White House. He tweets articles about homosexual politician Pete Buttigieg over and over and over again. 

Buttigieg says: "My marriage to Chasten has made me a better man. And yes, Mr. Vice President, it has moved me closer to God. (applause) You may be religious and you may not. But if you are, and you are also queer, and you have come through another side of a period of wishing that you weren’t, then you know that that message, that this idea that there is something wrong with you, is a message that puts you at war not only with yourself but with your Maker. And, speaking only for myself, I can tell you that if me being gay was a choice, it was a choice that was made far far above my pay grade. And that the thing I wish the Mike Pences of the world would understand: that if you have a problem with who I am, your problem is not with me. Your quarrel, sir, is with my Creator."

There is so much wrong with that its hard to know where to begin. But lets start with the obvious, Buttigieg does not have a marriage. What he's got is a big old case of ABOMINATION and he's looking at an eternity in Hell if he doesn't repent and come out of it before his death. He cannot blame God for making him gay, no one is born gay. 

The Word of God is very clear that the only sexual relationship God approves is 1 man + 1 woman= marriage. That's it. 


Reese then tweets about Holy Communion for divorced and "remarried" full credit to Pope Humbleness himself, Francis. God save us from this pope! 

Reese then shares an article about the pornographic vulgar show "Game of Thornes". 

Totally ignoring Catholic teaching on the subject of sex and violence on television and other media outlets. 




For Reese, note #29: 
"29. THE CHURCH AND RELIGIOUS GROUPS. For the Church, the first responsibility is the constant, clear teaching of the faith and, therefore, of objective moral truth, including the truth about sexual morality. In an era of permissiveness and moral confusion, this requires that the Church be a prophetic voice and, often, a sign of contradiction. The so-called "ethic" of immediate personal gratification is fundamentally opposed to integral human growth and fulfillment. Education for family life and indeed for responsible life in society requires formation in chastity and self-discipline. By contrast, pornography and wanton violence can blind individuals to the divine image in the human person, can weaken marriage and family life and can do serious harm to individuals and to society itself. Wherever possible, the Church must join with other churches, denominations and religious groups in teaching and fostering this message. It must also make the best possible use of its own institutions and personnel to give education and formation concerning the media of social communications and their proper role in individual and social life. Special attention should be given to assisting parents in their efforts.  Thus, media education belongs in Catholic schools and other educational programs, in seminaries,8 in formation programs of religious and secular institutes, in the continuing formation of priests and in parish programs for youth and adults. Priests and Religious in pastoral and educational work should themselves be discrimating consumers of media who give good example in what they read and view."


From there Reese pushes a growing trend of people finding their faith in a new "religion" based on the witchcraft books "Harry Potter" and made popular by a podcast that reads the books and looks for spirituality in the fantasy fiction novels.  

Article quote
"Just about any text can be treated as sacred, Zoltan said. But, she added, “Harry Potter” is uniquely well suited because of its ubiquity — the book series has launched spinoffs, films, a Broadway play, a theme park, even an entire genre of music called “wizard rock” — and its overarching message of love."


Reese also shared "Heretic House"... a welcoming place for heretics to gather. 
(I am wondering when Reese and Fr. James Martin will be checking in.) 👀

Then Reese took a shot at Raymond Arroyo and EWTN tweeting this... 

Article quote: "EWTN's iconic host, Raymond Arroyo, no longer even makes any attempt to appear balanced when discussing the church. If his guest is an ally, he displays no inquisitiveness in his interviews. This is not a news program anymore but simply a propaganda arm of the anti-Francis, pro-Trump Catholic brigade. Last week's show was especially bad. 

First up was a segment with the "papal posse" — conservative writer Robert Royal and Fr. Gerald Murray — about the Washington appointment of Archbishop Wilton Gregory. Royal said that this appointment amounts to "Cardinal Wuerl by other means" and said he did not see this shift as a changing of the page. Arroyo said a Washington Catholic said the appointment amounted to "business as usual." Murray said Gregory needed to find out what happened in the McCarrick case, although there is nothing in the Washington archives that would explain how McCarrick came to be appointed to Washington. 

Later in the segment, Arroyo brought up Pope Francis' comments on the death penalty during a press conference on the plane back from Morocco. Murray said: "This is an extremely serious problem, Raymond, the pope does not have the power to change the teaching of the church … that the death penalty is moral in some cases." He said that if Hitler has been executed it would have been a good thing. Note to Murray: When you invoke Nazi analogies, you have almost always lost your argument. Arroyo suggested the death penalty allows people to get their soul in order before death.

Then the posse moved on to criticize the pope because of his defense of migrants, and Royal noted that in Europe, the people are not in agreement with the pope, a criterion never introduced during the pontificate of John Paul II on, say, the issue of contraception. He echoed the kind of nationalistic impulses that we hear from right-wing politicians here in the U.S. and in Europe."[clipped for length]

Personally, I thought this show was great and spot on. I love the "Papal Posse" and look forward to when they are on "The World Over"(EWTN). 


This last tweet has a gay flag as the centerpiece for a Vatican conference about war and violence and the hope that Francis will write an encyclical on non-violence and social change (I am guessing the flag is the key here- its all about the gays).  

Article quote: VATICAN CITY — Theologians, activists and bishops who took part in a Vatican conference earlier this month on the power of nonviolence to bring about social change are expressing hope that a future papal encyclical or teaching document will reexamine the Catholic Church's teachings on war. Participants in the April 4-5 meeting, co-hosted by Pax Christi International and the Vatican's Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, said the reflections shared by the about 80 attendees provided ample material for Pope Francis to consider for a possible encyclical."

"The April event was the second of its kind, following a 2016 meeting at the Vatican that reevaluated the church's long-held teachings on just war theory, a tradition that uses a series of criteria to evaluate whether use of violence can be considered morally justifiable."


I would remind ALL our clergy, you have a duty to the laity. 

In Christ, 

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner 


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