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Saturday, September 12, 2015

Catch football at Mass


And of course, dancing...

Published on Sep 7, 2015
Congratulations to Father Tom on 15 years of priesthood
St. Barbara Catholic Church | Santa Ana

In Christ and praying for more reverence, holiness and no more insane homilies, 

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner 


  1. As Sonny Corleone said:

    "Badda-beep, badda-bap, badda-boop, badda-beep, he wants us to send him a message?"

  2. Well, anyone sitting through that isn't Catholic anyway, and that "mass" was invalid. None of those priests believe in God. No one who really believed in God would let that happen in His presence.

  3. Well, anyone sitting through that isn't Catholic anyway, and that "mass" was invalid. None of those priests believe in God. No one who really believed in God would let that happen in His presence.

  4. @john,
    In all fairness, my guess is that the Mass with the priest tossing the football was a children's Mass, with the gimmick intended to keep their attention during a sermon. While I winced and thought it unseemly, I've had to sit through worse (as an adult) gritting my teeth because nothing else was available. Whether it was an 'invalid' Mass is more a function of the words of consecration which were not part of the video.

    Remember that Lot was considered a martyr because he had to live with and endure the abominations of Sodom while its daily abominations against God rent that just man's heart.


  5. 1. John --- This doesn't make the "mass" invalid. Better go read up on the definition of "invalid"

    2. This is a children's mass, of course, and the priest tried to reach the children. Sure, he went overboard, but to say he doesn't believe in God is making the World' greatest assumption.

    3. The priest would better have used the time to tell the kids why abortion is wrong.

  6. Never quite understood the idea of a "children's Mass". Parents go to Mass.. therefore children go to Mass.. therefore regular plain old Holy Sacrifice of Mass covers it all. I'm sure these priests were applauded for their efforts to evangelize the youth there.. not that it will help them (or their parents) keep the Catholic faith.

  7. The second video is my parish. As much as I dislike it, I'm not sure if it is inherently inappropriate. The congregation for the divine worship and discipline of the sacraments has made a stipulation for cultural reasons. They cute the Ethiopians. I don't know my Vietnamese culture well enough to tell you an answer as to whether or not dance is a big part of our culture.

  8. BOOTY

    Who dem ladies
    Dressed in blue
    Standin 'neath
    That Prelate's view –

    Dancin' round
    From east to west
    They one up-man-ship

    Did I say man?
    I be a mess -
    They says they each
    A blue-goddess

    And all approved
    'Cause they know how
    To rock Her dome.

    Them cassocked boys
    They frown and glare
    At them there ladies
    Feets all bare.

    Then bishop smacks
    Upside they heads,
    "You cassocked boys
    Yo' time is deads.

    Them bluey gals -
    They sure can sell
    Approved hand-baskets
    Made for...

    ...just DO like they
    Is much behooved
    To shake yo booty
    And be approved!"

  9. BOOTY

    Who dem ladies
    Dressed in blue
    Standin 'neath
    That Prelate's view –

    Dancin' round
    From east to west
    They one up-man-ship

    Did I say man?
    I be a mess -
    They says they each
    A blue-goddess

    And all approved
    'Cause they know how
    To rock Her dome.

    Them cassocked boys
    They frown and glare
    At them there ladies
    Feets all bare.

    Then bishop smacks
    Upside they heads,
    "You cassocked boys
    Yo' time is deads.

    Them bluey gals -
    They sure can sell
    Approved hand-baskets
    Made for...

    ...just DO like they
    Is much behooved
    To shake yo booty
    And be approved!"


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Profanity will not be tolerated - it will be DELETED, so do not waste your time or mine.

Thank you and God bless...

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner

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