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Thursday, June 28, 2012

EWTN Press Release: EWTN Lawsuit Continues

Supreme Court Decision
Fails to Stop HHS Mandate
EWTN Lawsuit Continues

Irondale, AL – EWTN Global Catholic Network, which filed suit against the U.S. Government in February to halt the implementation of the so-called HHS contraception mandate, says the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the Affordable Care Act in its entirety ensures that the Network and many other entities must continue the battle for religious liberty in this country.

“The decision by the United States Supreme Court to uphold the Affordable Care Act is certainly a disappointment for EWTN,” said EWTN President and Chief Executive Officer Michael P. Warsaw. “It was our hope that the Court’s decision would stop the implementation of the HHS mandate that requires employee health plans to provide coverage for morally objectionable services like contraception, sterilization and abortion-inducing drugs. Because the Court has upheld the law, the rules which empower the government to issue its unjust mandate appear to remain in effect. As a result, the EWTN lawsuit seeking relief from the mandate will continue to move forward.”

EWTN’s lawsuit, which was filed February 9 in U.S. District Court in Birmingham, Alabama against the Department of Health & Human Services, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, and other government agencies, not only sought to stop the imposition of the contraception mandate, but asked the court for a declaratory judgment that the mandate was unconstitutional. EWTN was the first Catholic entity to file a lawsuit against the U.S. Government after the final rules were issued. The Attorney General of the State of Alabama filed documents March 22 in U.S. District Court in Birmingham, Alabama joining EWTN as a plaintiff in its lawsuit.

At the time EWTN’s lawsuit was filed, Warsaw said that he took the action to defend not only the Network but other institutions across the country – Catholic and non-Catholic, religious and secular – from having this mandate imposed upon them. The mandate empowers the government to force EWTN and other employers to inform employees about how to get contraception, sterilization and abortion-inducing drugs – and later to provide these things to employees for free. If they refuse to do so, for any reason, it further empowers the government to impose crippling fines for refusing.

“The challenges to religious liberty continue every day at the federal, state and local levels,” Warsaw said. “The fight to secure our religious freedoms must continue.”

EWTN Global Catholic Network, in its 30th year, is available in over 200 million television households in more than 140 countries and territories. With its direct broadcast satellite television and radio services, AM & FM radio networks, worldwide short-wave radio station, Internet website, electronic and print news services, and publishing arm, EWTN is the largest religious media network in the world.

Statement of Michael P. Warsaw, President & Chief Executive Officer of EWTN Global Catholic Network, Regarding Today’s U.S. Supreme Court Decision on the Affordable Care Act:

Irondale, AL – “The decision by the United States Supreme Court to uphold the Affordable Care Act is certainly a disappointment for EWTN. It was our hope that the Court’s decision would stop the implementation of the HHS mandate that requires employee health plans to provide coverage for morally objectionable services like contraception, sterilization and abortion-inducing drugs. Because the Court has upheld the law, the rules which empower the government to issue its unjust mandate appear to remain in effect. As a result, the EWTN lawsuit seeking relief from the mandate will continue to move forward.”

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

EWTN Press Release: June 19, 2012

EWTN Programs Celebrate Fortnight for Freedom Patron Saints & More

Irondale, AL – Stay up-to-date on the HHS Mandate! Check out EWTN’s newest site for the latest news, programs, photos and prayers on the subject of religious liberty, our most cherished freedom. Click here to find out more:

Lineup for religious liberty! EWTN Executive Vice President & COO Doug Keck joins “EWTN Live” Host Fr. Mitch Pacwa at the top of the hour to provide insight on some of EWTN’s upcoming programs celebrating religious liberty and the upcoming “Fortnight for Freedom”! Be sure to catch this sneak peek at the start of “EWTN Live,” which airs at 8:00 p.m. ET, Wednesday, June 20—exclusively on EWTN! Find EWTN at

It takes guts to stand up for your beliefs! Fortunately, we have one of the most famous martyrs, St. Thomas More, who died “the king’s good servant and God’s first,” as a role model – and one of two patron saints of the Bishops’ upcoming “Fortnight for Freedom.” To find out more, watch “Saint Thomas More: Faithful Statesman.” Airs 6:00 p.m. ET, Friday, June 22—exclusively on EWTN! Find EWTN at

“If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you.” Revisit the life of St. John Fisher, the last Catholic Bishop of Rochester, who was martyred during the Protestant reformation – and who is one of two patron saints of the bishops’ upcoming “Fortnight for Freedom.” Learn why St. John Fisher is one of the “Defenders of Faith in Word and Deed.” Airs 2 a.m. ET, Friday, June 22—exclusively on EWTN!

Is trying to teach your kids about the Catholic Faith driving you up the “Wahl?” EWTN’s favorite funny man Rob Wahl joins “EWTN Live” Host Fr. Mitch Pacwa to discuss fun and creative ways to teach children about their Catholic Faith. Catch this “Roamin’ Catholic” before he’s gone on “EWTN Live!” Airs 8:00 p.m. ET, Wednesday, June 20—exclusively on EWTN!

How much is love worth? Find out in the film adaptation of Karol Woltiya’s famous play that follows the triumphs and hardships of love and courtship during World War II. Make sure to stop by “The Jeweller’s Shop,” at 8 p.m. ET, Saturday, June 23 on EWTN! Find EWTN at

Literally living life on the rock!”Guests Fr. Quinn and Peggy Duemling are setting up camp with “Life on the Rock” Co-Hosts Fr. Mark and Doug Barry and discussing their Catholic Youth Expedition program that invites teens to be active both spiritually and physically in a unique outdoor retreat experience. To find out more, watch “Life on the Rock,” which airs LIVE 10 p.m. ET, Thursday, June 21—exclusively on EWTN! Find EWTN at

“O’ come let us adore Him!” Host Fr. Benedict Groeschel invites Fr. Sean Davidson from “The Missionaries of the Most Holy Eucharist” to discuss his mission to promote Eucharistic Adoration and evangelization. To find out more, watch “Sunday Night Prime.” Airs 7 p.m. ET, June 24—exclusively on EWTN! Find EWTN at

Beat the heat with some heavenly treats! British Journalist Joanna Bogle invites you into her kitchen to cook up some fun dishes and crafts that honor many of the summertime saints. Be sure not to miss the summertime special of “Feasts and Seasons!”Airs 2:30 p.m. ET, Wednesday, June 20—exclusively on EWTN! Find EWTN at

Assassins, faith and peril ahead! “Bookmark” Host Doug Keck welcomes “Journey Home” Host and Author Marcus Grodito discuss his novel, “Pillar and Bulwark.” As the sequel to his previous novel, “How Firm a Foundation,” this book delves even deeper into the trials of a minister and his family when he disappears after an attempt on his life. Mark your place when the discussion of this epic tale airs at 9:30 a.m. ET, Sunday, June 24—exclusively on EWTN! Find EWTN at Buy the book here:

Thursday, June 7, 2012

EWTN Press Release

EWTN: Meet CRS' New CEO, Dublin's Eucharistic Congress Then and Now, Should Facebook Be Available to Children?
Plus, the HHS Mandate's Effect on Conscientious Objectors in Secular Society

Irondale, AL – Religious liberty is under attack. Hear Nebraska Congressman Jeff Fortenberry discuss the HHS mandate and how it could affect conscientious objectors to the mandate in secular society, even if the Church is able to negotiate a true religious exemption. It's another "World Over" exclusive. Airs 8 p.m. ET, Thursday, June 7, on EWTN. Find EWTN at

Should Facebook be available to children? Attorney and Child Advocate Elizabeth Yore joined Host Raymond Arroyo on "The World Over" to discuss the controversy. Airs 8 p.m. ET, Thursday, June 7 -- exclusively on EWTN. Find EWTN at

Meet Catholic Relief Services' newly appointed president and CEO! Carolyn Woo will talk to EWTN News Director Raymond Arroyo about her organization's work on behalf of the poor and vulnerable overseas, particularly in Haiti and Sudan. Airs 8 p.m. ET, Thursday, June 7 -- exclusively on EWTN. Find EWTN at

Join us for the 50th Eucharistic Congress! EWTN will bring you coverage of this year’s Congress, live from Dublin, Ireland. Celebrate daily Mass, hear inspirational speakers, and more! EWTN is the exclusive source for this conference in the United States so be sure to tune in as soon as the ceremonies begin. Airs live at 9 a.m. ET, Sunday, June 10. Find EWTN at

Travel back to Dublin in 1932! Before you watch this year’s International Eucharistic Congress in Dublin, join Fr. Conner as he recaps footage of the last Eucharistic Congress that was held in Ireland. See how much has changed during these past years. Watch “Dublin’s 1932 International Eucharistic Conference: A Look Back.” Airs 4 p.m. ET, Saturday, June 9 — exclusively on EWTN! Find EWTN at

Rapping the debate to stop the hate! “Life on the Rock” Hosts Fr. Mark and Doug Barry are eager to see Fr. Claude Burns (aka Pontifex) dish out the latest on his video, “Why I Love Religion and Jesus,” which he recorded to combat the viral video, “Why I Hate Religion.” It’s a “rap” on this week’s “Life on the Rock.” Airs 10 p.m. ET, Thursday, June 7— exclusively on EWTN! Find EWTN at

Great holiness can come in small packages. “Bookmark” Host Doug Keck and Author Leo Madigan discuss “Exquisite Miniature,” an inspirational tale in which a five-year-old comes to understand the redemptive value of her own suffering despite her age. To find out how this happens, mark your place for “EWTN Bookmark” at 9:30 a.m. ET, Sunday, June 10 — exclusively on EWTN! Find EWTN at

Considering a call to the priesthood? Hear priests discuss their vocational journey and their duties of administering the sacraments, celebrating the mass and performing missionary work. Watch as they reflect on “The Vocation to the Priesthood,” Airs 6:30 p.m. ET, Thursday, June 7 — exclusively on EWTN! Find EWTN at

Dissect secularism! “EWTN Live” Host Fr. Mitch Pacwasits down with Timothy R. Busch, co-founder of the NapaInstitution, to discuss his organization’s mission of preparing Catholics to combat the ongoing trend of secularism and lukewarm attitude towards Faith in society today. See how you can better arm yourself for spiritual battle by watching this exclusive “EWTN Live” interview. Airs 8 p.m. Wednesday, June 6. Find EWTN at

EWTN brings Rome to your home! Pope Benedict will preside over the Solemn Mass of Corpus Christi and Eucharistic Procession in St. Peter’s Basilica. You can watch EWTN’s live coverage at 1:00 p.m. ET, June 7. Find EWTN at

The Liturgy is “clear” for these monks! Follow the lives of the Benedictine monks at the Clear Creek Monastery in Oklahoma as they carry out their daily prayer life in accordance with the Church’s Liturgy of the Hours. See how they do it on “Living the Liturgy: Clear Creek Monastery.” Airs 10 p.m. ET, Friday, June 8 — exclusively on EWTN! Find EWTN at

Caring for those with cancer! Follow this touching documentary on the Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne, an order founded by American Author Nathaniel Hawthorne’s daughter, Rose. This was one of the first orders to provide a spiritual ministry and hospice care to those terminally ill with cancer. Don’t miss the inspiring documentary “Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne: Congregation of St. Rose of Lima.” Airs 6:30 p.m. ET, Wednesday, June 6 —exclusively on EWTN! Find EWTN at

Friday, June 1, 2012

EWTN Press Release- June 1, 2012

EWTN: From Canada's "March for Life"
To Ireland's Pro-Life Battlefront
Plus, EWTN's Newest Priests & Deacons

Irondale, AL – Canada marches to defend life! Join Hosts Fr. Joseph and Doug Keck as they cover the “National March for Life” in Ottawa, Canada – from the Candlelight Vigil to the speakers at Parliament Hill, to the actual march through downtown. Show your support and watch EWTN’s coverage at 2 p.m. ET, Saturday June 2! Find EWTN at

These priests are no “Dummies”! “Catholicism for Dummies” Authors Fr. Trigilio and Fr. Brighenti are back and ready to talk with “Bookmark” Host Doug Keck about their newest book, “The Catholic Mass for Dummies.” Mark your place for EWTN’s “Bookmark” at 9 a.m. ET, Sunday June 3—exclusively on EWTN! Find EWTN at Like the interview? Buy the book here:

Come meet the new priests and deacons joining EWTN’s family! Some of the brothers from the Franciscan Missionary of the Eternal Word are going to be ordained at Saint Paul’s Cathedral in Birmingham, Ala. Help us welcome all of them by watching “Cathedrals Across America,” LIVE at 12 p.m. ET, Saturday June 2—exclusively on EWTN! Find EWTN at

Does the Bible have any tips on parenting teens and young adults? Get some Scriptural advice from Author Kimberly Hahn, Dr. Regis Martina and Dr. Scott Hahn as they discuss how to handle these stages in your child’s life. Class is in session when Franciscan University Presents: “Parenting Teens and Young Adults with Biblical Wisdom,” at 10 p.m. ET, Sunday June 3—exclusively on EWTN! Find EWTN at

It’s “Paul or nothing!” Be sure to tune into the first part of this in-depth documentary that covers the life of Pope Paul VI, one of the most influential popes in our modern time. Make sure you watch Part I of “Pope Paul VI” at 8 p.m. ET, Saturday June 2 and tune in next week for the conclusion—exclusively on EWTN! Find EWTN at

Once a Catholic, always a Catholic! “Journey Home” Host Marcus Grodi welcomes guest Charles Wadlow as he talks about the reconversion experience that led him back to the Faith. Find out about his “Journey Home,” LIVE at 8 p.m. ET, Monday June 3—exclusively on EWTN! Find EWTN at

Learn what a real “People” magazine is like! “Life on the Rock” Hosts Fr. Mark and Doug Barry get the inside scoop on the latest pro-life news from Editor Royce Hood, founder of “Maria News Magazine,” who discusses the magazine’s mission of promoting Truth, Catholic Culture and Life. Be sure not to miss “Life on the Rock,” LIVE, at 10 p.m. ET, Thursday May 31—exclusively on EWTN! Find EWTN at

Stand up for the unborn! Host Fr. Benedict Groeschel welcomes Dublin, Ireland Attorney Caroline Simmons to talk about her position as a Pro-Life campaign spokeswoman and to discuss the state of the Pro-Life and Pro-Family movements in her country. Make sure you tune into “Sunday Night Prime,” at 7 p.m. ET, Sunday June 3—exclusively on EWTN! Find EWTN at
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