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***FYI: Comments***

Due to continued problems with Disqus I have removed them from this blog- in doing so comments from 2018-2020 have disappeared from my blog posts.

Monday, March 13, 2023

Church Militant removed my comment so I'm posting it here

As is my daily custom for years, I went over to Church Militant's website to watch the "Headline News" show and "The Vortex" which I enjoy very much. 

The "Headlines" producer Kim Tisor's first story today is "Poland Defends JPII's Legacy: Polish government votes to defend pope against cover-up accusations."   

After listening to this story I remembered years ago that when Pope Benedict was being attacked for the clergy abuse in the Church, the Vatican released documents proving that Pope Benedict as far back as the 1980's was trying to get rid of horrible abusers in the Catholic Church but was stopped by two things. Pope (Saint now) John Paul II and the 1983 Code of Canon Law. 

So in the comments area I shared two quotes and the titles of the Associated Press articles. In less than 5 minutes my comment was removed. 

Perhaps CM has a legal issue with that or a policy that people commenting aren't allowed to quote other news article, I don't know. They've got their reasons I guess. 

Since my mentioning these articles was removed on CM for Catholics to see or be reminded of, I'm sharing them here. 

From the Associated Press article entitled "Pope in 1988 sought to remove abusers faster"... 

"The Vatican on Thursday released documentation showing Pope Benedict XVI sought as early as 1988 to find quicker ways to permanently remove priests who raped and molested children but was rebuffed.

A 1988 letter from then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger could serve as the Vatican's best defense to date that the future pope wanted to quickly remove pedophile priests but found himself stymied by church law.

In the letter, republished in Thursday's Vatican newspaper, Ratzinger complained that church law made it exceedingly difficult to remove abusers if they didn't request to be laicized voluntarily. He asked to get around the problem by finding "a quicker and simpler procedure" than a cumbersome church trial to punish those priests who "during their ministry were found guilty of grave and scandalous behavior."

He was turned down on the grounds that the priests' ability to defend themselves would be compromised.

The documentation was included in an article in L'Osservatore Romano explaining an upcoming revision of church law, which was last updated in 1983. The Vatican has long sought to portray Benedict as having done more than anyone else at the Vatican to crack down on pedophile priests. But it has usually cited as his starting point a 2001 decision to have all abuse cases sent to his former office, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

The Feb. 19, 1988 letter shows he sought changes far earlier given that his office was already hearing from bishops who were having trouble dealing with pedophiles."[end quote]

Further down in the article it goes on to state that it was both Pope John Paul II and the 1983 Code of Canon Law that prevented the removal of abusive clergy. 

"As the clerical abuse scandal erupted earlier this year, Benedict was mired by accusations that as prefect of the congregation, he repeatedly refused bishops' requests to have abusers removed.

Ratzinger at the time was following laws and rules introduced by his predecessor Pope John Paul II, which largely left punishing such priests in the hands of local bishops, who often decided against conducting church trials because they found them too cumbersome.

John Paul had also made it tougher to leave the priesthood, hoping to stem the tide of thousands of priests who left in the 1970s to marry.

A consequence of that policy was that, as the priest sex abuse scandal arose in the U.S., bishops were no longer able to sidestep the lengthy church trial necessary for so-called laicization.

Rather than conduct the church trials or report abusers to police, bishops often moved abusers from parish to parish or sent them for counseling — actions which later resulted in lawsuits by abuse victims that bankrupted many U.S. dioceses.

Ratzinger's request for faster procedures was rejected by Cardinal Jose Rosalio Castillo Lara, who headed the Vatican commission responsible for implementing the 1983 code.

In a March 10, 1988 letter to Ratzinger, Castillo Lara said simplifying the procedures "would endanger the fundamental right of defense" of the priest while straying from the church's legal-based system, according to the letter reprinted in L'Osservatore."[end quote] 
After Pope Benedict's death just a few months ago, the Associated Press did another story entitled "While blamed, Benedict fought sex abuse more than past popes", relating to the above story. 

All that said, I do believe Saint John Paul II is a Saint. I just think he was in error and the 1983 Code of Canon Law was horrible. 

My comment on CM wasn't to bash Saint John Paul II, but merely to show that this uproar in Poland isn't new. The story about JPII's policies and abuse in the Church is an old one. 

And posting this here isn't to bash Church Militant either. About 90% of the time I agree with CM and I am a huge supporter of their Faith shows like "The One True Faith", "Case Files" and their old daily "The Download" (which Simon says is returning and I'm personally very happy about). So if you want to comment just to bash CM you're wasting your time. I know lots of people dislike them because of their take on the SSPX. Let's not make this post about any of that. This post is merely sharing articles from years ago about Pope John Paul II and the clergy abuse in the Catholic Church. 

In Christ, 




Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Southern Poverty Law Center & Catholic groups

This morning I was reminded by Church Militant about the Southern Poverty Law Center putting Catholic groups on their "hate list" (after the recent FBI leak). 

In today's "Vortex" entitled "Long Time Coming", Mr. Voris spoke of the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton & Podesta after losing to Trump how the left came after Catholic groups:

Quote: "The government can't censor you, but those First Amendment protections only protect you from the government, not private corporations. So the canceling began in earnest. It was in this time frame that we, here at Church Militant, began drawing attention from national media outlets and were labeled extremists, alt-right, White nationalists, etc.

The Southern Poverty Law Center, a radical extremist hate group if there ever was one (but operated by the Left), put Church Militant on its hate group list. As a result, as well as the general anti-Catholic animus present in the dominant culture, our hosting providers and other digital services began canceling us. These attacks by the Marxists necessitated us creating our own digital ecosystem independent of Big Tech — and yes, that cost us a small fortune.

The combination of that designation as a hate group plus the canceling and the lying, fake news reports about us is what got us into that FBI dossier where we are discussed on Page 4. Even in the Church, lies and propaganda were launched against our work on behalf of the Faith by multiple leftist bishops and their cowardly cooperators in the Catholic establishment.

The leviathan of modernism and Marxism has and is taking dead aim at us here at Church Militant, which is why we are asking you to join us and make your support (for what we do here) known. We have launched our dollar-a-day campaign, asking you to help us stay the leading Catholic force in attacking all this."

I recalled many years ago Michael Matt doing a video telling everyone that The Remnant had made the SPLC's hate group list. I had never heard of the SPLC until Mr. Matt mentioned them and the list.

According to SPLC's website, they listed The Remnant as a "Radical Traditional Catholicism Hate Group" beginning in 2006. 

Some of the other "Radical Traditional Catholicism Hate Groups" to make that list back in 2006 were Catholic Family News, and the Fatima Crusader. 

I'm reading the SPLC website and shaking my head because while SPLC put groups like The Remnant and Catholic Family News and the Fatima Crusader in their "Radical Traditional Catholicism" hate group, the SPLC states: 
"Radical traditionalists are not the same as Catholics who call themselves “traditionalists” — people who prefer the old Latin Mass to the mass now typically said in vernacular languages — although the radicals, as well, like their liturgy in Latin. They also embrace extremely conservative social ideals with respect to women."
These people are just hate-filled lunatics. 

The criteria SPLC uses to declare anyone a "hate group" seems to be anyone who disagrees with them on any given subject.  

What I didn't know was that Church Militant was not put on the SPLC "hate group" list for being a "Radical Traditional Catholicism Hate Group" like The Remnant, but rather CM got on the list in 2018 for being "Anti-LGBTQ". 

No mention of "radical" Catholicism with CM at all in the years listed on SPLC. I was surprised by that-not that I think CM is "radical" (I don't think The Remnant and the others are radical either), but surprised that SPLC didn't seem to notice CM as a Catholic Media outlet defending the Faith. CM was going by the Catholic Church's teachings on homosexuality. They weren't giving an opinion, but rather quoting from the Catholic Catechism and Saints on the subject. 

Mr. Voris had stated in his Vortex Show today that: 

 "It was in this time frame that we, here at Church Militant, began drawing attention from national media outlets and were labeled extremists, alt-right, White nationalists, etc."

I suppose Church Militant made SPLC list as "extremists" for simply believing and holding to the Catholic Faith on the single subject of homosexuality. They did not make the SPLC list for being "Radical Traditional Catholics" or for being "alt-right" or "white nationalists", but for being "Anti-LGBTQ" in 2018, years after the 2016 election. That said, there are likely other groups or media outlets that have listed CM as "alt-right" or "white nationalists". I'm only looking at SPLC specifically because of the FBI leak and because Mr. Voris mentioned them. 

SPLC 2016 Anti-LGBTQ hate groups Map 

SPLC 2016 "Radical Tradition Catholicism" hate groups Map 

SPLC 2017 Anti-LGBTQ hate groups Map 

SPLC 2018 Anti-LGBTQ hate groups Map

At this point I asked myself what did Church Militant do between 2016 & 2018 to get on SPLC's "Anti-LGBTQ Hate Groups" list? 

Took less than 5 minutes to find  (certainly could be wrong) what I think...or I should say, WHO got Church Militant on SPLC's list. 

Father James Martin.

Honestly, can anyone be surprised? 

Back in 2017 Fr. James Martin published his book "Building a Bridge: How the Catholic Church and the LGBT Community Can Enter Into a Relationship of Respect, Compassion, and Sensitivity" which Church Militant tore into all over social media (See HERE). 

The year 2018 was one news report after another about Fr. James Martin speaking at parishes around the United States. Catholic laity protested and Martin was disinvited from some events (see HERE). A war broke out on social media over actual Catholic teaching on homosexuality and what Martin was promoting. 

Church Militant didn't let Martin get away with warping Catholic teaching on homosexuality, and they were loud about it (see HERE). 

There are dozens upon dozens of Church Militant articles, reports and Vortex episodes on Fr. James Martin and other "homosexual approving" clergy. This is, in my opinion, the trigger that got the Southern Poverty Law Center to add Church Militant to their 2018 Anti-LGBTQ  hate group list. 

Keep fighting the good fight Catholics, by getting on these asinine bogus lists for holding to Catholic teachings you're getting noticed by the other side. Could save souls. Keep up the good work.

In Christ, 



Thursday, January 5, 2023

EWTN's Pope Emeritus Benedict's Funeral Mass & Other Specials schedule



EWTN to Air Pope Emeritus Benedict's Funeral Mass and Other Specials 

Irondale, AL (EWTN) – EWTN will broadcast the Funeral Mass for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI as well as many other special programs on Thursday, Jan. 5. The day’s schedule appears below. Please note: Times are subject to change. For live updates, please check EWTN’s website,; the EWTN app; and EWTN’s Facebook page, Here’s the lineup:

Thursday, Jan. 5

2:30 a.m. ET – Funeral Mass for the Repose of the Soul of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI - Pope Francis celebrates the Solemn Funeral Mass for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, live from St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Encores at 2:30 p.m. ET and 9 p.m. ET.

8 a.m. ET - Mass for the Repose of the Soul of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI – Live from the Chapel of Our Lady of the Angels in Irondale, AL, celebrated by the Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word. Encore at 7 p.m. ET.

9 a.m. ET - Rosary for the Repose of the Soul of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI - Live from the Chapel of Our Lady of the Angels in Irondale, AL, led by the Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word.

11 a.m. ET – The Papacy of Reason – Interviews with Church leaders, Vatican experts, Vatican experts, and prominent Catholic journalists on the principal teaching themes of the Pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI.

12:10 p.m. ET - Memorial Mass for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI - From the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C., celebrated by Archbishop Christophe Pierre, Apostolic Nuncio, in the Great Upper Church of the Basilica.

1:30 p.m. ET – Thought of Pope Benedict XVI: Who is Joseph Ratzinger? – A spirited meditation on the life of Pope Benedict XVI with Fr. Charles Connor, Ph.D.

4:30 p.m. ET – Remembering Pope Emeritus Benedict Special from Rome - An in-depth look at the life and legacy of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.

Learn more about Pope Benedict’s life and papacy at

In addition to our broadcasted programs, view all past Masses, news updates, and live streamed programs on our Facebook page and YouTube channel.

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In its 42nd year, EWTN is the largest religious media network in the world. EWTN’s 11 global TV channels are broadcast in multiple languages 24 hours a day, seven days a week to over 400 million television households in more than 150 countries and territories. EWTN platforms also include radio services transmitted through SIRIUS/XM, iHeart Radio, and over 500 domestic and international AM & FM radio affiliates; a worldwide shortwave radio service; one of the largest Catholic websites in the U.S.; electronic and print news services, including Catholic News Agency, “The National Catholic Register” newspaper, and several global news wire services; as well as EWTN Publishing, its book publishing division.  

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