Earlier today I posted an article about Ave Maria Radio (an EWTN affiliate) reporting that convicted killer Ledell Lee's last meal was the "Eucharist" while all other media sources reported "communion" from an unknown denomination.
Another Catholic blogger picked up the story from me and linked back to my post.
I questioned Ave Maria Radio's article title using "Eucharist" without waiting for Ave Maria Radio's answer to the question "where was their source?"
That was wrong and I apologize to Ave Maria Radio for not waiting for their return phone call before posting the story or a return email from EWTN whom I did ask clarification from as Ave Maria Radio is an EWTN affiliate.
I have spoken with Ave Maria Radio's news director and he told me it was an honest mistake by a person being a bit "overzealous" in posting their story.
Seems there is a lot of that going on lately.
I am removing the original article from my blog.
Again, my apologies to Ave Maria Radio for not giving them more time to respond before posting my article.
God bless.
Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner
*I did also receive an email from EWTN.
Our Motto:
The Connecticut Catholic Corner Motto: Romans 14:16 "Do not allow what you consider good to be spoken of as evil."
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***FYI: Comments***
Due to continued problems with Disqus I have removed them from this blog- in doing so comments from 2018-2020 have disappeared from my blog posts.
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Friday, April 21, 2017
Upcoming Catholic Events
New K of C Museum exhibit marks 100th anniversary of World War I
Marking the 100th anniversary of the United States’ participation in the war, the K of C Museum’s exhibition, World War I: Beyond the Front Lines runs for the duration of America’s time in the conflict (April 6, 2017 – Dec. 30, 2018). The show provides a historical retrospective of the war and includes interactives, visuals and artifacts from the Knights of Columbus Museum collection and its Supreme Council Archives as well as many borrowed items from private lenders and organizations.
A series of WWI-related lectures and presentations will be offered throughout the duration of the exhibition. The inaugural lecture, by Central Connecticut State University history professor, M. Bolek Biskupski, Ph.D., is Saturday, April 8, 2017, at 2 p.m., and will explore the war’s origins and outcomes.
The Knights of Columbus Museum, located at 1 State Street in New Haven, is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily with free admission and parking. More information: 203-865-0400 or kofcmuseum.org.
Gift Shoppe at Our Lady of Grace Monastery, 11 Race Hill Road, Guilford
The Gift Shoppe is well stocked with books, homemade fudge, Monastery maple syrup, and other items made by the nuns. Plus, gifts for Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation.
The Monastery Shoppe is closed for the sacred Triduum (next week); Thursday, May 25 for the Ascension; and Monday, May 29 for Memorial Day.
You may also want to make a visit to the Chapel where the Most Blessed Sacrament is exposed for adoration.
Annual May Crowning
All are invited to
Our Lady of Grace Monastery
11 Race Hill Road
North Guilford
Sunday, May 7, 2017
3:00 pm
Vespers, Homily, Rosary, Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament
Procession & Crowning of Our Lady at the Grotto
Saint Gianna Pregnancy Center's 2nd Annual Babies in Bloom Benefit Dinner is fast approaching. Space is filling up quickly but there is still time to reserve your seat.
The RSVP deadline has been extended to this Friday (April 21). You can easily reserve your seat online at our website http://www.giannacenter.org/bib-dinner/. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday, April 30!
Contributor: Paul A. Zalonski
Catholic Connecticut
255 Foxon Hill Road
East Haven, CT 06513-1216 USA
Email Paul: CatholicCT@gmail.com
Follow Paul on Twitter @CatholicCT
Connect with Paul on Facebook "Catholic Connecticut CatholicCT"
Marking the 100th anniversary of the United States’ participation in the war, the K of C Museum’s exhibition, World War I: Beyond the Front Lines runs for the duration of America’s time in the conflict (April 6, 2017 – Dec. 30, 2018). The show provides a historical retrospective of the war and includes interactives, visuals and artifacts from the Knights of Columbus Museum collection and its Supreme Council Archives as well as many borrowed items from private lenders and organizations.
A series of WWI-related lectures and presentations will be offered throughout the duration of the exhibition. The inaugural lecture, by Central Connecticut State University history professor, M. Bolek Biskupski, Ph.D., is Saturday, April 8, 2017, at 2 p.m., and will explore the war’s origins and outcomes.
The Knights of Columbus Museum, located at 1 State Street in New Haven, is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily with free admission and parking. More information: 203-865-0400 or kofcmuseum.org.
Gift Shoppe at Our Lady of Grace Monastery, 11 Race Hill Road, Guilford
The Gift Shoppe is well stocked with books, homemade fudge, Monastery maple syrup, and other items made by the nuns. Plus, gifts for Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation.
The Monastery Shoppe is closed for the sacred Triduum (next week); Thursday, May 25 for the Ascension; and Monday, May 29 for Memorial Day.
You may also want to make a visit to the Chapel where the Most Blessed Sacrament is exposed for adoration.
Annual May Crowning
All are invited to
Our Lady of Grace Monastery
11 Race Hill Road
North Guilford
Sunday, May 7, 2017
3:00 pm
Vespers, Homily, Rosary, Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament
Procession & Crowning of Our Lady at the Grotto
Saint Gianna Pregnancy Center's 2nd Annual Babies in Bloom Benefit Dinner is fast approaching. Space is filling up quickly but there is still time to reserve your seat.
The RSVP deadline has been extended to this Friday (April 21). You can easily reserve your seat online at our website http://www.giannacenter.org/bib-dinner/. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday, April 30!
Contributor: Paul A. Zalonski
Catholic Connecticut
255 Foxon Hill Road
East Haven, CT 06513-1216 USA
Email Paul: CatholicCT@gmail.com
Follow Paul on Twitter @CatholicCT
Connect with Paul on Facebook "Catholic Connecticut CatholicCT"
Monday, April 17, 2017
Taking another look at Theresa Caputo the Long Island Medium
One of my most popular blog posts of all time was the one I did about Theresa Caputo the "Long Island Medium" back in 2013. Each year when the cable channel TLC's new season of "Long Island Medium" begins I get more people reading the old post.
I am reposting it today because I think what Theresa Caputo is doing is very, very harmful to people who don't know what Christianity (Catholic and protestant) teach on the subject of "mediums". I do not think Theresa Caputo is an evil woman, I believe she is a deceived woman who is spreading heresy and that makes her very dangerous. She calls herself a Catholic while she shuns Catholic teaching on reincarnation. She believes she knows more than Christ's Holy Catholic Church and the Disciples themselves!
This is very dangerous to her soul and to those who foolishly follow her and believe in the heretical beliefs she promotes on her television show. This is nothing to ignore. If your children, family and friends watch this show, please warn them how dangerous it is. Look at the authentic Catholic resources and teachings given in the original article and share them with those you know who believe in what Theresa Caputo is saying and doing. Warn them against her heresies. You might just save a soul!
Original post in 2013: http://connecticutcatholiccorner.blogspot.com/2013/05/long-island-medium-theresa-caputo-works.html
The comments from the original post are worth taking a look at to see how confused Christians are by this subject and how defensive and protective they are of Theresa Caputo because she "makes people feel good".
I hope after you read this post you will click the above link to read the comments left by so many confused people.
Long Island Medium (Theresa Caputo) works for Satan
She’s charming, she’s whacky, and she’s got funny hair and crazy fingernails- she’s also working for the devil.
Sound harsh? Good.
Theresa Caputo, AKA “The Long Island Medium” seen weekly on the TLC cable channel, is the devil’s own Pied Piper leading people along the devil’s path.
Does she know it? Probably not, but she should.
Caputo is a psychic- yes they do exist. I am not talking about the “Miss Cleo” types who randomly make up anything to make a billion (yes, that’s right) dollars. I am talking about the psychics who actually do see and hear things. They exist. The trouble is not that they see and hear things per se (many Saints had that gift), it’s who is behind what they see and hear and the fact that Caputo does not have the discernment to know its evil.
What do I mean by ‘evil’? I mean anything that is against God’s Will is evil. You might be a fan of Caputo’s who watches the shows and say to me: “She helps people by making them feel better!” I bet a lot of pot smokers out there would tell you the same thing about pot – yet it would remain damaging to your lungs no matter how good it might make a person feel.
Associating with psychics is damaging to a person’s soul. It jeopardizes a person’s salvation. How?
First of all, what Caputo is teaching from her television show is heretical to Catholic teaching- to ALL Christian teaching.
Sunday, May 26th (2013), the “Long Island Medium” told her audience that she had lived past lives when she went into a ‘past life regression’ session to find out why she was ‘chosen’ to be a psychic. Any Christian worth their salt will tell you the bible flat out refutes ‘reincarnation’ completely…
Hebrews 9:27 “And just as it is appointed for men to die once, and after that comes judgment"
In another episode, Caputo told a woman her dead daughter’s soul was now “reborn” into the body of her newest grandchild. Poppycock!
Reincarnation comes from Eastern religions like Buddhism- it is a heresy to ALL Christian groups, Catholic and Protestant alike. A person is ONE soul and ONE body together. A person dies when the soul separates from the body. The Resurrection is about the soul reuniting with the body for eternity- in Heaven or Hell, at Judgment Day.
That is the basis of Christian belief in the Resurrection (yes, some Christians believe in ‘soul sleep’ but that is for another discussion). The “Resurrection of the Body” is not about an animated corpse because the soul has now been placed into yet another body and another and another. There is ONE soul for ONE body. That’s it. Period.
So what about Caputo’s “gift”? Is she making it all up? Is it a hoax? Why is it wrong to hear what a psychic has to say if it makes you feel better?
It’s the devil’s path. The spirit world exists; there is no doubt about it. Christians know there is life after death- heaven or hell, are our final destinations, its one or the other for eternity (Matt. 25:46). We know there are angels and demons. We know there are people in Purgatory. Some people can see them – numerous Saints have seen them and wrote about them – they are often called ‘ghosts’.
St. Bernard, in his life of St. Malachy shares this case… “This saint relates that one day he saw his sister, who had been dead for some time. She was doing her purgatory in a cemetery. On account of her vanity and the attention she had devoted to her hair and body, she had been sentenced to live in the very grave where she had been buried, and to witness the dissolution of her body. The saint offered the Sacrifice of the Mass for her for thirty days; at the end of this period he saw his sister again. This time she had been sentenced to complete her purgatory at the gate of the church, doubtless because of her irreverent demeanor in the holy place; perhaps she had distracted the faithful from the Sacred Mysteries in order to draw eyes and appreciation to herself. She was exceedingly sad, wearing a mourning veil, and was in extreme anguish. The saint offered the Sacrifice once more for thirty days, and she appeared to him for the last time in the sanctuary, with unruffled countenance, radiant in a white robe. The Bishop knew by this sign that his sister had gained her deliverance.”
[Source: “The End of the Present World”, written by Father Charles Arminjon. Page 153]
Even Jesus Christ was mistaken for a ghost, not once but twice in scripture.
Matt. 14:26 “When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear.”
Luke 24:39 “Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have.”
Here in Luke 24, Jesus clarifies that ghosts do not have bodies, they are spirit only. He tells them He still has his body. The body and soul are RESURRECTED together. This is as it will be for all of us. ONE body and ONE soul.
What psychics are doing is allowing (encouraging) their “spirit guides” (as Caputo and others call them) to show them things and let them hear things.
These “spirit guides” are demonic. Guardian Angels from God would NOT direct people to believe in heresy, nor would they direct people to go against the Word of God in Scripture or against Church teaching. The “angels” who do this are FALLEN angels- demons. They WANT people to be deceived and to believe in the devils powers, this is how they win souls for hell.
The devil has power – for now. And he uses it to deceive, trick and lead people away from God and the Truth of Christianity. This is where Caputo is leading people astray. She’s been deceived by the devil and her “spirit guide” to go AGAINST the Word of God. She’s been deceived into believing she’s lived passed lives.
The demons (AKA "spirit guides") are showing her these things and she’s fallen for their deception hook, line and sinker. She actually thinks what the demons show her, are lives her soul has lived in the past- no such thing! She’s been deceived and she is spreading that deception to others.
A quick look at her "Long Island Medium" Facebook page shows the horrid ripple effect of her deception spreading worldwide to ignorant people. People pleading with her to please contact the dead for them. It's retched.
I don’t doubt that Caputo and others like her actually believe what they are doing is ‘good’ and even helpful to people, but it’s not. Her "well intentions" aren't really helping anyone, it's harming people. It is jeopardizing the souls of thousands of people. It is deceiving people from the Truth, into heresy and perhaps even into occult and demonic practices. How? This stuff is addicting.
It’s like a drug. People go to one psychic then another, then another. They begin to want to see what they can do, so they play with Tarot Cards or Spirit boards (Ouija board) and CALL “spirits” to them. The spirits who answer are demonic.
The devil doesn’t show himself as gruesome with horns, hooves and forked tail – who would listen to or follow that?! The devil appears as “an angel of light” according to the Bible. This is how he tricks people.
2 Corinthians 11:13-15 Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (RSVCE) 13 “For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. 15 So it is not strange if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds.”
Now who does that sound like to you?
In the book “An Exorcist Tells His Story”, Father Gabriele Amorth, an exorcist priest in the Catholic Church tells about the power of the devil and exorcism’s he performed to release people from the power of the devil.
On pages 40 and 41, Father Amorth shares a story of a witness who calls himself “Erasmus of Bari” (as published in the magazine “Rinnovamento dello Spirito” in September 1987). Erasmus of Bari tells how he was given gifts that he at first thought were from God- amazing gifts.
The gift of [page 40 – direct quote] “clairvoyance, mind reading, medical diagnosing, reading of hearts and lives of people both living and dead, and other powers. A few months later I received another faculty; the ability to take away pain merely by the imposition of hands. I could eliminate or alleviate any sort of suffering…”
He goes on to say that he knew it was off because it wasn’t from God. He wasn’t living a changed life for God. He was “quick to anger, slow in pardoning, easily resentful, and given to take offense at nothing.”
Realizing he wasn’t being gifted by God with abilities, he knew the only other source was the devil himself. His “gifts” were not divine from God to do ‘good’ but rather diabolical and from Satan! He'd been deceived! As soon as he was prayed over and asked God for help the “gifts” disappeared.
Now how many people would think the devil would “do good” by giving gifts to take away people’s suffering? This is the deception! This is what the Bible means when it says the devil APPEARS as an angel of light (2 Cor. 11:14). It’s a deception and people need to be ALERT all the time.
Caputo probably honestly believes she is doing good (see her Facebook page) and that God gave her this “gift” – she is wrong just as “Erasmus of Bari” was wrong.
Don’t be deceived by psychics who themselves are deceived. Some psychics are in it for the money (Miss Cleo), some for the fame (Sylvia Browne) and others like Caputo who seem to believe they are helping people, but what they are all doing is spreading deception and doing the devil's work.
Don’t be led down the devils path by anyone. Trust in God. Don’t go looking for answers from anywhere else. God loves you, all of you, even the psychics and He wants you to reject the temptations of the devil and put all our trust in Him. You don’t need to contact anyone dead. You’re alive, live that life for God so that one day you will be resurrected, body and soul together for eternity in heaven.
Pray for Theresa Caputo, others like her and all who've fallen for the devil's trap.
Most of these people are GOOD people who have been deceived, don't hate on them, just love them, pray for them and TEACH them the Truth before it's too late. And please, please, please DO NOT LET YOUR KIDS WATCH THIS STUFF!
God bless.
In Christ,
Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner
Authentic Catholic teaching:
Catholic Catechism: #2115 God can reveal the future to his prophets or to other saints. Still, a sound Christian attitude consists in putting oneself confidently into the hands of Providence for whatever concerns the 305 future, and giving up all unhealthy curiosity about it. Improvidence, however, can constitute a lack of responsibility.
Catholic Catechism: #2116 All forms of divination are to be rejected: recourse to Satan or demons, conjuring up the dead or other practices falsely supposed to "unveil" the future.[48] Consulting horoscopes, astrology, palm reading, interpretation of omens and lots, the phenomena of clairvoyance, and recourse to mediums all conceal a desire for power over time, history, and, in the last analysis, other human beings, as well as a wish to conciliate hidden powers. They contradict the honor, respect, and loving fear that we owe to God alone.
Catholic Catechism: #2117 All practices of magic or sorcery, by which one attempts to tame occult powers, so as to place them at one's service and have a supernatural power over others - even if this were for the sake of restoring their health - are gravely contrary to the virtue of religion. These practices are even more to be condemned when accompanied by the intention of harming someone, or when they have recourse to the intervention of demons. Wearing charms is also reprehensible. Spiritism often implies divination or magical practices; the Church for her part warns the faithful against it. Recourse to so-called traditional cures does not justify either the invocation of evil powers or the exploitation of another's credulity.
Catholic Catechism: #1013 Death is the end of man’s earthly pilgrimage, of the time of grace and mercy which God offers him so as to work out his earthly life in keeping with the divine plan, and to decide his ultimate destiny. When “the single course of our earthly life” is completed,586 we shall not return to other earthly lives: “It is appointed for men to die once.”587 There is no “reincarnation” after death.
***Theresa Caputo photo found on Google Images from: http://www.theresacaputo.com/about-me/
Saturday, April 15, 2017
Traumatizing your child for Easter

Is it any wonder so many adults are in therapy? ;)
The phrase "The Easter bunny is coming to town" just went from a cute cartoon narrated by Fred Astaire to a horror movie narrated by Vincent Price!
Happy Easter children!
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Pope Francis Appoints EWTN's Michael Warsaw as Consultor to Vatican Post
Pope Francis Appoints EWTN CEO to Vatican Post
Michael P. Warsaw Named Consultor to Communications Secretariat
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( EWTN Chairman & CEO Michael P. Warsaw has been appointed by Pope Francis as a Consultor to the Vatican’s Secretariat for Communications) |
Irondale, AL (EWTN) – Pope Francis has appointed EWTN Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Michael P. Warsaw as a Consultor to the Vatican’s Secretariat for Communications. The appointment was announced at the Vatican on Wednesday, April 12, 2017. As a consultor, Warsaw will have a role in advising the Pope and the Holy See on matters related to media and communications. The appointment comes as part a broad restructuring of the media operations of the Vatican.
“I am extremely humbled and honored by the Holy Father’s appointment,” said Warsaw. “This is a tremendous recognition of the role which EWTN plays in the life of the Church throughout the world. I am grateful to Pope Francis for his confidence and look forward to serving the universal Church in this post.”
Warsaw joined EWTN in 1991 and has held senior management positions in the areas of television production, satellite operations and technical services. He became President of EWTN in 2000 and assumed the post of chief executive officer in 2009. Warsaw was named chairman of the board of EWTN in 2013. In that capacity he oversees the Network’s strategic direction and mission around the world. With the Network’s 2011 acquisition of the National Catholic Register, Mr. Warsaw assumed the role of publisher of that newspaper.
Prior to joining EWTN, Mr. Warsaw was employed by the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. He currently serves as a member of the Board of Trustees of The Catholic University of America, the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, and the Catholic Distance University.
The Secretariat for Communications was established by Pope Francis in an apostolic decree on June 25, 2015. Among its responsibilities, it has the task of carrying out the restructuring, reorganization and consolidation of the various communications outlets of the Holy See including the Vatican Television Center, the Vatican Publishing House, L’Osservatore Romano newspaper, Vatican Radio, the Holy See Press Office, Photographic Service and the Vatican Internet Service. The office is headed by Monsignor Dario Vigano, who serves as Prefect.
EWTN Global Catholic Network, in its 36th year, is the largest religious media network in the world. EWTN’s 11 TV channels are broadcast in multiple languages 24 hours a day, seven days a week to over 268 million television households in more than 145 countries and territories. EWTN platforms also include radio services transmitted through SIRIUS/XM, iHeart Radio, and over 500 domestic and international AM & FM radio affiliates; a worldwide shortwave radio service; the largest Catholic website in the U.S.; electronic and print news services, including Catholic News Agency, “The National Catholic Register” newspaper, and several global news wire services; as well as EWTN Publishing, its book publishing division.
Friday, April 7, 2017
I am so happy this guy left the priesthood!
Dan Murtah, formerly Fr. Dan Fitzpatrick ("Fr. Fitz" to most) was a terrible Catholic priest.
He didn't believe much of what the Catholic Church teaches and led others into false beliefs by his public words and actions.
I "met" Dan online back in 2013- the year he became a priest. Merely weeks into his priesthood he was not only condoning sin, but encouraging people to put themselves into situations of sin.
Specifically, the issue was the sin of porn/soft porn and the occasion to lust by watching pornography. That was only the start of much more to come with this wayward heretical priest.
"Father" Dan saw nothing wrong with "soft" porn and lustful television shows which portrayed graphic sex (and violence etc), he even told me so when I confronted him on it.
You see "Father" Dan was promoting the television show "Sons of Anarchy" on Twitter, which depicts rape, mutilation, sex, nudity, drugs, etc.
I wrote about this back in 2013 (Here) sharing with "Father" Dan the official teaching of the Catholic Church on the subject of pornography and specifically a priest's duty to educate people on the harms of viewing pornography and violent television/movies etc.
"Father" Dan promptly blocked me from his Twitter account and Facebook.
Guess you can't confront some priests with Catholic teachings- go figure.
"Father" Dan popped back up on my radar in 2015 when he first threatened to sue a Catholic blogger and then celebrated gay marriage.
So many red flags that even the laity could see, yet somehow this man made it thru seminary and into the priesthood! How?
At that time I wrote on my blog:
Well praise the Lord, "Father" Dan left the priesthood.
Not because he was corrected by his Bishop...nope. "Father" Dan began dating a divorced Catholic woman in secret and "fell in love" with her.
He left the priesthood, changed his name to Dan Murtah, gave up celibacy to have sex with this divorced woman whom he has not yet married, and is doing stand up comedy.
Hey Danny Boy...worry about what God thinks of you having sex with a divorced woman outside of marriage. In case they didn't teach it to you in seminary, it's called FORNICATION and ADULTERY.
So now Dan is a stand up comedian making fun of the priesthood, a religious educator (God help them!) and writes for the Huffington Post UK edition.
A huge red flag that the Church should have picked up on...
Dan's distaste for authentic Catholicism. This Catholic priest was never even Catholic! He opposed basic Catholicism!
So there you have it...these men are not in the Church because they actually believe and practice the Faith. Nope. They are becoming priests to CHANGE the Faith.
In one of his Huffington Post UK article's Dan opines why in the world he ever prayed outside abortion centers...
Dan tweets about the part Huffington Post UK cut out of the article, he wants to make sure you all read it:
Dear Lord save us from such 'priests'.
On the bright side of things, praise our Lord that Dan is no longer a priest, and please continue to pray for the students he "educates" in religious studies. They are being fed heresy!
And may God expose these other men in the priesthood who do not believe Catholic teachings. They are heretics working devilish evil inside the Church.
In Christ,
Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner
Previous posts on "Father" Dan:
Other links:
Dan on Twitter: https://twitter.com/DanMurtah?lang=eu
He didn't believe much of what the Catholic Church teaches and led others into false beliefs by his public words and actions.
I "met" Dan online back in 2013- the year he became a priest. Merely weeks into his priesthood he was not only condoning sin, but encouraging people to put themselves into situations of sin.
Specifically, the issue was the sin of porn/soft porn and the occasion to lust by watching pornography. That was only the start of much more to come with this wayward heretical priest.
"Father" Dan saw nothing wrong with "soft" porn and lustful television shows which portrayed graphic sex (and violence etc), he even told me so when I confronted him on it.
You see "Father" Dan was promoting the television show "Sons of Anarchy" on Twitter, which depicts rape, mutilation, sex, nudity, drugs, etc.
I wrote about this back in 2013 (Here) sharing with "Father" Dan the official teaching of the Catholic Church on the subject of pornography and specifically a priest's duty to educate people on the harms of viewing pornography and violent television/movies etc.
Pontifical Council for Social Communications
[in part]
9. Ordinary experience confirmed by studies conducted around the world has recognized the evil effects of pornography and violence in the media.[5] Pornography in the media is understood as a violation, through the use of audio-visual techniques, of the right to privacy of the human body in its male or female nature, a violation which reduces the human person and human body to an anonymous object of misuse for the purpose of gratifying concupiscence; violence in the media may be understood—especially in this context—as a presentation designed to appeal to base human instincts of actions contrary to the dignity of the person and depicting intense physical force exercised in a deeply offensive and often passionate manner.Specialists may disagree among themselves about how and to what degree particular individuals and groups are affected by these phenomena, but the broad outlines of the problem are stark, clear and frightening.
10. While no one can consider himself or herself immune to the corrupting effects of pornography and violence or safe from injury at the hands of those acting under their influence, the young and the immature are especially vulnerable and the most likely to be victimized. Pornography and sadistic violence debase sexuality, corrode human relationships, exploit individuals—especially women and young people—undermine marriage and family life, foster anti-social behavior and weaken the moral fiber of society itself.
11. Thus, one of the clear effects of pornography is sin. Willing participation in the production or dissemination of those noxious products can only be judged a serious moral evil. Likewise, production and dissemination of these materials could not continue if there were not a market for them, so those who use such materials not only do moral harm to themselves, but contribute to the continuation of a nefarious trade.
13. It has been said that there can be a psychological link between pornography and sadistic violence, and some pornography is itself overtly violent in theme and content. Those who view or read such material run the risk of carrying over such attitudes and behavior into their own relationships and can come to lack reverence or respect for others as precious children of God and as brothers and sisters in the same human family. Such a link between pornography and sadistic violence has particular implications for those suffering from certain forms of mental illness.
14. Even so-called "soft-core" pornography can have a progressively desensitizing effect, gradually rendering individuals morally numb and personally insensitive to the rights and dignity of others.Exposure to pornography can also be—like exposure to narcotics—habit-forming and can lead individuals to seek increasingly "hard-core" and perverse material. The likelihood of anti-social behavior can grow as this process continues.
15. Pornography can foster unhealthy preoccupations in fantasy and behavior. It can interfere with personal moral growth and the development of healthy and mature relationships, especially in marriage and family life, where mutual trust, openness and personal moral integrity in thought and in action are so important.
16. Indeed, pornography can militate against the family character of true human sexual expression. The more sexual activity is considered as a continuing frenzied search for personal gratification rather than as an expression of enduring love in marriage, the more pornography can be considered as a factor contributing to the undermining of wholesome family life.
17. In the worst cases, pornography can act as an inciting or reinforcing agent, a kind of accomplice, in the behavior of dangerous sex offenders - child molesters, rapists and killers.
18. A fundamental message of pornography and violence is disdain, the consideration of others as objects rather than as persons. Thus, pornography and violence can eat away at tenderness and compassion and can foster insensitivity and even brutality.
29. The Church And Religious Groups: For the Church, the first responsibility is the constant, clear teaching of the Faith, and therefore, of objective moral truth, including the truth about sexual morality. In an era of permissiveness and moral confusion, this requires that the Church be a prophetic voice and often a sign of contradiction.The so-called "ethic" of immediate personal gratification is fundamentally opposed to integral human growth and fulfillment.
Education for family life and indeed for responsible life in society requires formation in chastity and self-discipline. By contrast, pornography and wanton violence can blind individuals to the divine image in the human person, can weaken marriage and family life, and can do serious harm to individuals and to society itself.
Whenever possible, the Church must join with other churches, denominations and religious groups in teaching and fostering this message. It must also make the best possible use of its own institutions and personnel to give education and formation concerning the media of social communications and their proper role in individual and social life. Special attention should be given to assisting parents in their efforts.Thus, media education belongs in Catholic schools and other educational programs, in seminaries[8], in formation programs of religious and secular institutes, in the continuing formation of priests and in parish programs for youth and adults. Priests and Religious in pastoral and educational work should themselves be discriminating consumers of media who give good example in what they read and view.
32. This document is intended to address the widely expressed concerns of families and of the shepherds of the Church and to invite even more general reflection of an ethical and practical nature on the problem of pornography and violence in the communications media. It is also intended to encourage all to follow the injunction of St. Paul: "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good" (Romans 12:21).
Source: Pontifical Council for Social Communications, Vatican City, May 7, 1989, 23rd World Communications Day.
Archbishop John P. Foley, PresidentMonsignor Pierfranco Pastore, SecretaryLink: http://www.ewtn.com/library/curia/pcscporn.htm
"Father" Dan promptly blocked me from his Twitter account and Facebook.
Guess you can't confront some priests with Catholic teachings- go figure.
"Father" Dan popped back up on my radar in 2015 when he first threatened to sue a Catholic blogger and then celebrated gay marriage.
So many red flags that even the laity could see, yet somehow this man made it thru seminary and into the priesthood! How?
At that time I wrote on my blog:
"This priest simply will NOT tolerate ANYONE who dares to rebuke him or question him about anything!
Fr. Dan has got to be disciplined by the Church and PROPERLY taught the official teachings of the Church! Catholics do NOT need this sort of intolerant bad example priest leading them into sin and heresy. We don't need priests who teach their personal opinions- we can get that in any protestant community. We need and must have priests who teach official Church doctrine- ALWAYS.
HOW did this guy become a priest in the first place??
Pray to God that Fr. Dan either changes his ways or is REMOVED from his position before he does any more damage. And pray for the souls of all the people who might be or have been, led astray by this and other wayward priests."
Well praise the Lord, "Father" Dan left the priesthood.
Not because he was corrected by his Bishop...nope. "Father" Dan began dating a divorced Catholic woman in secret and "fell in love" with her.
He left the priesthood, changed his name to Dan Murtah, gave up celibacy to have sex with this divorced woman whom he has not yet married, and is doing stand up comedy.
Quote: "We became friends over the following months and I began to fall in love, which needless to say isn’t allowed if you are a priest. Well, it is – but you shouldn’t do anything about it, apart from suppress it and go to confession, of course. You definitely shouldn’t take them to the cinema and sit on the back row (oops).
Then, in a scene resembling an episode of Ballykissangel but without anyone dying, she also fell in love with me. It was at this point that I had to make the most important decision of my life. I wanted to be a priest – I believed it was my calling and I knew that I was good at it – but I also wanted to be with her. My parents were very supportive; however, the decision would cost me my home, my job and a lot of friends. And yet in 2015, at the age of 29, I took off my dog collar for the final time and walked away from the Catholic priesthood.
Pope Francis had ignored my request for guidance: the letter I got back from a Vatican secretary told me to speak to my bishop. So I did. And after many meetings, I finally told him I was choosing love over the church. He was adamant that it wouldn’t last and I would come crawling back within a year.
I was under a lot of pressure from the church to abandon her. I was told I was “destined for great things” if I stayed – because Jesus did say success is everything (he didn’t actually). I was told that ordinary life was boring – that’s right, you ordinary lay people (yawn). I was also told that I could not break my vow of celibacy – but it turns out that it was as easy as making it. Breaking the vow didn’t upset me or make me fearful, and ultimately it made me happy. Of course it did: being with a partner is a natural part of being human.
I am currently barred from marrying my fiancee in a Catholic church; they still see me as a priest, so I would need consent from the pope. He’s recently been putting women and priests with homosexual tendencies in their place, so God knows what he’d think of me having sex. Just in case I change my mind, I’m told he won’t grant permission until after I’m 40 (that’s in a decade). So I can’t marry. Actually I can – in a registry office, on a beach, even in an Anglican church, thank you Henry VIII. Although we have yet to make a decision." [end quote]
Hey Danny Boy...worry about what God thinks of you having sex with a divorced woman outside of marriage. In case they didn't teach it to you in seminary, it's called FORNICATION and ADULTERY.
Catholic catechism: #2353 Fornication is carnal union between an unmarried man and an unmarried woman. It is gravely contrary to the dignity of persons and of human sexuality which is naturally ordered to the good of spouses and the generation and education of children. Moreover, it is a grave scandal when there is corruption of the young.
#2380 Adultery refers to marital infidelity. When two partners, of whom at least one is married to another party, have sexual relations - even transient ones - they commit adultery. Christ condemns even adultery of mere desire. 171 The sixth commandment and the New Testament forbid adultery absolutely. 172 The prophets denounce the gravity of adultery; they see it as an image of the sin of idolatry. 173
So now Dan is a stand up comedian making fun of the priesthood, a religious educator (God help them!) and writes for the Huffington Post UK edition.
Quote: "I am currently using the knowledge I gained to teach religious affairs and I am managing to find humour in my former life in the standup comedy I do."
A huge red flag that the Church should have picked up on...
Dan's distaste for authentic Catholicism. This Catholic priest was never even Catholic! He opposed basic Catholicism!
Quote: "I first encountered conservative Catholicism during my time in the seminary and was shocked at the beliefs then. Those that followed it believed every doctrine of the Catholic church should be obeyed and that it was their job to make sure everyone else is doing the same.
I wanted to be a priest because I believed the Christian message could help those who were looking for meaning and purpose in life. The conservative catholic message, like its stance on women priests, cohabitation, and even priestly celibacy, never seemed to accommodate the real lives that ordinary Catholics are living every day.
I remember airing my concerns with a priest friend before I entered the seminary and he reassured me that if the Catholic Church was going to change then it could only come from within. I was convinced that I had to be working from inside as a priest." [end quote]
So there you have it...these men are not in the Church because they actually believe and practice the Faith. Nope. They are becoming priests to CHANGE the Faith.
In one of his Huffington Post UK article's Dan opines why in the world he ever prayed outside abortion centers...
Quote: "Six years ago when I was training to be a priest in the U.K. I would borrow the seminary car and - with some of the lads in my year group - we would travel across the city to pray outside an abortion clinic. We gathered on the path near the main gates for an hour every week and prayed out loud. We asked God to help the young girls we saw sat on the back seats of cars entering the carpark, the staff inside and what we believed to be the unborn life. We wanted our religious beliefs to impact those women’s lives and that was the problem.I am not sure why I thought standing outside on those cold afternoons was appropriate. Maybe I thought it would actually make a positive difference. I’m now certain it didn’t. No woman arriving to have an abortion was comforted by our presence. Why would they have been when we obviously felt their actions were so bad that praying quietly at church wasn’t enough - we had to gather outside and pray aloud for all to see and hear us. I now realise the unnecessary guilt and shame our presence may have caused and this is something I deeply regret."
[and] "Religious belief is only that - an assumption that something is true even if scientific evidence is lacking. There is no evidence that life begins at conception, however because there is a lack of scientific consensus religion is inclined to plug the gap with belief. Before the theory of evolution religion told us it was God who created humans, before the discovery of gravity it was angels who spun the world on its axis, and before the big bang theory God placed the heavenly bodies into space. Currently the belief that life begins at conception is plugging the scientific gap of consensus. I don’t think scientists know if they will ever find the answer to when life begins. Nonetheless it is the nature of science to look for evidence and not muddy the waters with belief.Dan is so far off the reservation here it is truly incredible to me that he managed to finish seminary and be ordained! No one noticed he held these beliefs? No one saw the red flags? This man never should have been able to become a priest.
Religious beliefs have influenced many people to do good in the world, but when religious beliefs harm other people then a line has been crossed. I support freedom of religion, but I also support freedom from religion." [end quote]
Dan tweets about the part Huffington Post UK cut out of the article, he wants to make sure you all read it:
Dear Lord save us from such 'priests'.
On the bright side of things, praise our Lord that Dan is no longer a priest, and please continue to pray for the students he "educates" in religious studies. They are being fed heresy!
And may God expose these other men in the priesthood who do not believe Catholic teachings. They are heretics working devilish evil inside the Church.
In Christ,
Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner
Previous posts on "Father" Dan:
Other links:
Dan on Twitter: https://twitter.com/DanMurtah?lang=eu
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
Another Pope Francis video
Another lost opportunity for The Walking Ignorant to be fed the Faith from our Pope and learn something to save their souls.
Before clicking play on the video I read the description...
Quote: April 2017 - The Pope Video: Young people have in their hands the challenge of building a more just future, a future of solidarity. Let us support them. Let’s pray with the Pope that our youth will respond and work generously for the changes the world needs.
“I know that you, young people, don’t want to be duped by a false freedom, always at the beck and call of momentary fashions and fads. I know that you are aiming high. Is that true, or am I wrong?”
Don’t leave it to others to be the protagonists of change.
You are the ones who hold the future! I ask you to be builders of the world, to work for a better world. Do you accept the challenge?
Pray with me for young people, that they might know how to respond generously to the vocation God has given them, and immerse themselves in the great causes of the world.”
...sounds good.
Then I watched the video. *sigh*
What "great causes of the world" is the Pope telling our youth to get involved with? What "work for a better world" does Pope Francis want from the next generation?
-Ending abortion? Nope.
-Promoting chastity and modesty? Nope.
-Protesting euthanasia? Nope.
-Faithfulness to their Catholic Faith (attending Mass, Confession, etc)? Nope.
-Does Pope Francis ask for vocations to the priesthood and religious life? Nope.
-Evangelizing the world with the One True Faith? Nope.
-Devotions? Nope.
-Saving souls? Nope.
-Helping refugees off rafts? *DING!*DING!*
The images are of ONE thing...getting refugees off rafts.
That's it.
That's how the youth, according to Pope Francis can build a better future for themselves and the world.
[Note: Refugees was the theme in numerous previous months also.]
Catholic laity...young and old are spiritually starving to death because our clergy refuse to feed us the Faith Christ gave the Church. I'm not saying we don't help those in need, I am saying we too have needs -spiritual needs- and the Church is not fulfilling those needs.
Instead our clergy stuff social justice causes at us every day. The Catholic Church is raising up secular laity to live in and be part of a secular world without putting God first.
Want to truly make the world a better place?
Raise up better Catholics! Convert people! Imagine that?
Teach us the Faith Christ gave the Church. Too many Catholics are The Walking Ignorant because our clergy are so busy telling us about immigration and climate change that we almost never have the opportunity of hearing a Catholic priest teach the authentic Faith.
This nonsense from the Vatican is disheartening.
In Christ,
Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner
link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NE9WcFtYX3g
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