
Our Motto:

The Connecticut Catholic Corner Motto: Romans 14:16 "Do not allow what you consider good to be spoken of as evil."

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© 2007-2024 All articles owned by Connecticut Catholic Corner *except EWTN press releases(see sidebar)*

***FYI: Comments***

Due to continued problems with Disqus I have removed them from this blog- in doing so comments from 2018-2020 have disappeared from my blog posts.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Have you read "Something Wicked" yet?

Considering the amount of emails I get from readers wondering what is happening in our Catholic Church today and from personal discussions with Catholics I want to share a link to a well written post by Steve Skojec called "Something Wicked".

I can't say if Mr. Skojec has it all right or not, but he's done a good job in my personal opinion of gathering assorted information and facts and quotes from popes and apparitions of Mary that take a look at the Church today and the future that awaits our Church and ourselves as Catholics.  It's a long read but worth it.  Consider the quotes he shares and take a look at the news about the Church today.  Then pray even harder for all our clergy and the Catholic faithful around the world.


Friday, March 28, 2014

Upcoming Catholic Events

Sacred Music for your prayer! Receiving top billing on the Billboard's Classical Traditional Chart, Lent at Ephesus" by the Benedictine Sisters of Mary, is a terrific experienc. These Benedictine nuns are cloistered; their monastery is western Missouri. This CD is sung prayer.

You can get the CD or a download from iTunes.


The Traditional Latin Mass is offered several places in CT. For Laetare Sunday, the Solemn High Mass is being offered at 2pm, St Stanislaus Church, State and Eld Streets, New Haven.


21ST ANNUAL WHITE MASS to be held Mar. 30 at 9am at St. Peter Church, 121 Main St., Danbury to honor persons in the healthcare field with Fr. Ruffin Compassionate Care Award. Breakfast follows immediately after Mass at Crown Plaza Hotel, 18 Old Ridgebury Rd., Danbury. For more info call Jean at (203) 416-1358 or email
"Ignatian Spirituality and the Discernment of Spirits”
Presenter: Father Paul Fitzgerald, S.J., Academic VP at Fairfield University
St. Pius Parish, 834 Brookside Dr., Fairfield on Apr. 1 at 7:30pm 
(203) 255-6134 or

FREE BREAST CANCER SURVIVOR SUPPORT GROUP sponsored by St. Vincent’s SWIM Across the Sound, meets on Apr. 1 from 5:30-7pm on Level 4 of the Elizabeth Pfriem SWIM Center for Cancer Care, 2800 Main St., Bridgeport. Information and resources for women dealing with breast cancer at any stage of survivorship, and opportunity to share questions and concerns about the disease. No reservations required, free parking. For more info call (203) 576-6158 or
"Between Divine Glory and Human Suffering: Music and Drama in Bach's St John's Passion"
Presenter: Markus Rathey
Saturday, April 5, 7pm, Yale Unvi., Sheffield-Sterling-Strathcona Hall, Grove & Prospect Streets, New Haven
### a pre-concert talk followed by Schola performance

The Pope on confession:

“Firstly, the agent of the ministry of Reconciliation is the Holy Spirit”, he said. “The forgiveness that the Sacrament confers is the new life transmitted by the Risen Lord by means of His Spirit. … Therefore, you are required always to be “men of the Holy Spirit”, witnesses and proclaimers, joyful and strong, of the resurrection of the Lord”. The Bishop of Rome encouraged them to welcome penitents “not with the attitude of a judge or even that of a mere friend, but with God's charity. … A priest's heart is a heart that is able to be touched. … If it is true that tradition suggests the dual role of doctor and judge for confessors, we must never forget that the doctor cures and the judge absolves”.

Second: “If Reconciliation transmits the new life of the Risen Lord and renews baptismal grace, then your task is to give this generously to your brethren. A priest who does not take care of this part of his ministry … is like a shepherd who does not take care of his lost sheep. … But mercy is at the heart of the Gospel! It is the good news that God loves us, that He always loves man the sinner, and with this love he draws man towards Him and invites him to convert. We must not forget that the faithful often struggle to receive this Sacrament, both for practical reasons and for the natural difficulty of confessing one's own sins to another man. Therefore, it is necessary to work hard upon ourselves, on our humanity, so as never to be an obstacle to but rather to facilitate an approach to mercy and forgiveness. … Confession is not a sentencing court, but rather an experience of forgiveness and mercy!”.

Finally,“There are many reasons, both historical and spiritual. However, we know that the Lord wished to offer this immense gift to the Church, offering the baptised the security of the Father's forgiveness. For this reason, it is very important that particular care is taken in the celebration of this Sacrament of forgiveness and salvation in all dioceses and parish communities. It is essential that in every parish the faithful know when they can find available priests: when there is trust, the fruits can be seen”.


Pope Francis' Prayer Intentions for April:

The General Intention: That governments may foster the protection of creation and the just distribution of natural resources.

The Missionary Intention: That the Risen Lord may fill with hope the hearts of those are being tested by pain and sickness.


The Norcia Gala (a fundraising dinner) for the Benedictine Monastery in Norcia, Italy

Keynote speaker: Raymond Cardinal Burke
Date: Friday, 9 May 2014
Waveny House, New Canaan, CT

Contact: Bryan Gonzalez: 812-686-6102;


Contributor: Paul A. Zalonski
Catholic Connecticut
255 Foxon Hill Road
East Haven, CT 06513-1216 USA
To email Paul directly:
Follow Paul on Twitter @CatholicCT
Connect with Paul on Facebook "Catholic Connecticut CatholicCT"

***Paul is the Catholic Events Contributor for Connecticut Catholic Corner***

Monday, March 24, 2014

Catholic Church in Connecticut deals with priest abuse crimes

The Catholic Church in Connecticut is headed for a show-down in the State Supreme Court over when victims of priest sex abuse in the past can report their crimes.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Adoring Him in the Eucharist

Music: "Jesus My Lord, My God, My All"- produced by David Phillips
Album: The Prayer of the Church: The Rosary

I HIGHLY recommend this CD.

In Christ,

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner


Friday, March 21, 2014

How to use gay money to end being sued by gays

If you oppose photographing a gay ‘marriage’ you are sued.

If you oppose baking a cake for a gay ‘marriage’ you are sued.

If you oppose selling flowers for a gay ‘marriage’ you are sued.

If you oppose renting a 'wedding' site for a gay 'marriage' you are sued.

If you oppose lodging at your Bed-n-Breakfast to gay couples you are sued.

It doesn’t matter that these gays can go to dozens of other businesses to get what they want, they target you and sue you anyway. They do not care about YOUR rights.  They do not care about offending you.  They do not want 'tolerance' they want you to accept their unions regardless of your religious beliefs.  They demand you put THEM before your God. They do not care about anyone but themselves and their agenda.

What’s a person to do while the courts are sorting out whose rights will triumph?

What should and can you do IF a court has already told you that you must cater to these gay ‘marriages’?


Post it on your business door or put it in your contracts that ALL services provided to same sex couples will have a portion (or all) of the fees used to fight against gay ‘marriage’ and the gay agenda.  

Pick an organization that fights to end gay marriage to donate the money to and let these gays know they are paying for legal opposition to their agenda.

If these people know THEIR OWN MONEY will be used AGAINST them, they more than likely will take their business somewhere else.

If they still insist you provide a service to them, say “Thank you the (name the organization) appreciates your donation to fight against gay marriage!  Have a nice day now!”

In Christ,

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner 

List of organizations that oppose gay marriage:

Pick one to send THEIR money to. :)

Other sources: 





Dear Future Mom...

Catholic Event

Very Rev. Romanus Cessario, O.P. at Saint Mary’s Church

Twenty-First Century Catholicism: Only the Truth Has Grace
Monday, April 7, 2014 at 7.30pm

Please join us at Saint Mary’s Church (5 Hillhouse Avenue, New Haven, CT 06511) on Monday, April 7, 2014 at 7.30pm for a talk by Dominican Father Romanus Cessario, O.P. entitled “Twenty-First Century Catholicism: Only the Truth Has Grace.” Father Cessario is an internationally known theologian, author, and member of the Pontifical Academy of Saint Thomas Aquinas. He is also the senior editor of Magnificat. The lecture is free and open to the public. 

It will be the inaugural lecture of a speaker series sponsored by Saint Mary’s Priory leading up to the 800th Jubilee of the Order of Preachers in 2016. 

For more information, please contact:


From: Paul A. Zalonski
Catholic Connecticut
255 Foxon Hill Road
East Haven, CT 06513-1216 USA
Email Paul directly:
Follow Paul on Twitter @CatholicCT
Connect with Paul on Facebook "Catholic Connecticut CatholicCT"

****Paul is the Catholic Events Contributor for Connecticut Catholic Corner****

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Michael Voris Stands His Ground

On March 4th, I received an email from the executive producer of Church Militant TV; Terry Carroll in reference to my blog post “Is it ever right to criticize a Pope?”

Mr. Carroll wanted to explain to me why Church Militant TV will not now or ever PUBLICLY (that is the key here) criticize a sitting Pope.  He shared with me an (at the time) on going email loop between himself, Michael Voris and a few of the parties (names withheld) that had emailed Church Militant TV with their concerns over this ‘issue’.  I truly appreciated their including me in the conversation.

At that point, I sort of thought that would be the end of the controversy as everyone seemed to have had their say, each clearly defining where they personally drew a line in the sand regarding the issue of PUBLICLY criticizing the Pope.  So when I took a few days ‘off’ from the blogging world only to return to my email full of emails with the subject line “Michael Voris” and seeing Church Militant TV’s The Vortex latest episodes (HERE and HERE) still talking about ‘publicly criticizing or not criticizing the Pope’ I was surprised the “issue” was still ongoing.

Some people (myself included) have/had no problem PUBLICLY criticizing a pope (just look in my sidebar), while others like Michael Voris DO have an issue with it and refuse to go against their better judgment just to appease protesters.  While I don’t always agree with Michael Voris, more often than not I DO agree with him and I will defend his RIGHT to stand up for his belief that it is WRONG to PUBLICLY criticize the Pope.

What would everyone like him to do?  

Honestly?  Would you all like him to go AGAINST his own conscience (perhaps falling into sin) to silence the protesters who are demanding he join the Pope Bashing Bandwagon?  Would that make you happy?  Would you really respect him for that?  I wouldn’t. 

So why DEMAND he do something he is NOT comfortable doing? 

Can we say Catholic Bullies?

Let’s call it like it is folks. 

If Voris doesn’t cave he will continue to be attacked by some CATHOLICS and some CATHOLICS are threatening to pull their financial support from Church Militant TV unless Voris goes against his conscience to appease them.  

This IS Catholic bullying and it’s not going to get you any place good.  Don’t ask a fellow Catholic who LOVES the Faith and DEFENDS the Faith to go against his conscience because you have your nose out of joint.  Get over it.  He’s got a RIGHT to defend his position on not criticizing a Pope.  Quit bullying him for standing his ground and not being a wishy-washy push over to kiss your butts.

What is crystal clear to me is that Voris is truly concerned with the salvation of souls and that his words against a pope MIGHT cause a soul to be lost.  That is abundantly clear in his statements. I not only respect that, I ADMIRE that.  We are warned in Sacred Scripture not to be a ‘stumbling block’ (1 Cor. 8:9 “But take care that this liberty [right] of yours does not somehow become a stumbling block to the weak.”) to others because if even one is lost on account of us, we will be held accountable.  Voris seems to keep that knowledge at the forefront of all he does.  He is equally concerned with the salvation of souls and defending the Faith.  God bless him for it!

As I mentioned in my original post “Is it ever right to criticize a Pope” I HAVE publicly criticized the Pope- as I did both Pope John Paul II (kissing the Koran) and Pope Benedict (allowing ‘liberal’ Bishops and nuns to run amuck often spreading heresy).  I am a critical person WHEN I FEEL MY FAITH IS BEING HARMED (hence this blog's motto above).  Anyone who reads this blog knows I do not hold back on ANYONE who claims the title “Catholic”. If you publicly claim to BE Catholic, you’d better believe ALL the Church teaches or you are fair game on my blog.  But I am LEARNING that not all criticism is good for correcting.  I am certainly not correcting the Pope by criticizing his words or actions on my little old blog- he doesn’t read my blog.  What I have been doing is venting MY frustration out of fear that HE is becoming a stumbling block for many, all the while not recognizing myself as possibly being a stumbling block.  The old “Let me pull the speck out of YOUR eye while I ignore the log in my own eye.” (Matt. 7:3-5)

That is not to say that SOME criticism and correction is never necessary…it might be, though caution is needed when criticizing a Pope and perhaps it isn’t always needed in public, which I believe is Michael Voris' point.

What Terry Carroll and Michael Voris (and others) said in the emails I received caused me to pause and really think about this issue because IT IS AN IMPORTANT ISSUE.  We all LOVE our Catholic Faith and we all want the same thing…more Catholics IN the Church, not running for the doors. I took my time examining people’s different takes on the issue of PUBLICLY criticizing a Pope and often the word “PUBLIC” is not mentioned on these blogs, yet it is the key here.  Voris is clear the Chair of Peter is OFF LIMITS to PUBLIC criticism at Church Militant TV.  That is NOT to say that Voris or anyone else at Church Militant TV haven’t PRIVATELY been critical of the Pope or any Pope.  That this particular Pope’s “off the cuff” remarks have caused…deep concern among many is clear to all of us.  The fact remains HE IS THE POPE.  The Chair of Peter is Pope Francis’ right now.

Does he speak perfectly?  Nope.  Then again, neither did Moses (he needed Aaron) or Saint Peter our first Pope.  Peter was publicly corrected by Jesus Christ when he was wrong (John 18:10-11) and again very publicly corrected by Saint Paul (Galatians 2:11-14) when he was wrong.  The Saint’s some have mentioned (including Voris) have PRIVATELY corrected a Pope.  So we have clear examples of BOTH public and private criticism of Popes in our Church history.

I dug out a September 2013 audio from “Forward Boldly” with host Christine Niles and guests Terry Carroll (Church Militant TV executive producer) and Father John Fisher in which the three discuss whether or not it is the Catholic laity’s RIGHT to criticize Catholic clergy.  I listened to see if criticizing a Pope was ever mentioned- it was not.  But Canon Law #212 was. Please listen for yourselves HERE.

Can. 212 §1. Conscious of their own responsibility, the Christian faithful are bound to follow with Christian obedience those things which the sacred pastors, inasmuch as they represent Christ, declare as teachers of the faith or establish as rulers of the Church.§2. The Christian faithful are free to make known to the pastors of the Church their needs, especially spiritual ones, and their desires.§3. According to the knowledge, competence, and prestige which they possess, they have the right and even at times the duty to manifest to the sacred pastors their opinion on matters which pertain to the good of the Church and to make their opinion known to the rest of the Christian faithful, without prejudice to the integrity of faith and morals, with reverence toward their pastors, and attentive to common advantage and the dignity of persons.

After listening to that and the last few episodes of The Vortex and reading all these emails over again it seems to me everyone is on the same page in one regard.  Fear.

Fear is the one thing we all seem to have in common.  Some fear the Pope is a liberal who will damage the Faith.  Some fear that if they don’t point out these ‘issues’ with the Pope it will damage the Faith.  Some fear pointing out the issues will cause damage to the Faith.  Some fear criticizing the Pope will be a stumbling block for weak or new Catholics.  We are ALL worried about the Faith we love.  So why not let Voris do what Voris is called to do and everyone else follow their conscience and do what they feel they are called to do? 

That’s the part I really don’t understand.  Why target Michael Voris because he’s not marching to the tune you're playing?  Why does he have to?

I may or may not criticize a pope in the future, but what I know I won’t do is criticize or bully a fellow Catholic who out of love for the salvation of souls is not willing to become a stumbling block to appease Catholics acting like bullies.

In Christ,

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner

Friday, March 14, 2014

MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski's Pathetic Lenten Promise

This morning (March 14, 2014) I happened to tune in to MSNBC’s“Morning Joe” show to hear co-anchor Mika Brzezinski tell her co-hosts that for her Lenten sacrifice she was watching MORE TELEVISION.  She explained that she was “giving up being unpopcultured” and “giving up being clueless” [about television entertainment] for Lent.

When she was met with baffled looks and a question for clarification from guest John Meacham trying hard to understand how a Catholic could justify more entertainment/television watching as a Lenten sacrifice she laughed and said it’s her “Polish Lent”.  
Yes, she said that.

Part of Brzezinski’s “get with the program” of no longer being entertainment tv clueless is to “binge watch” television shows like “Scandal” and “Revenge” for Lent with her daughters.

Morning Joe's Mika then put out a request to her Twitter followers to tweet her (@MorningMika) television show recommendations to add to her list of "binge" programs to watch this Lent.

It is any wonder why this heretical “Catholic” supports abortion, gay marriage and birth control when she ignorantly thinks binge watching television programs is a Lenten sacrifice?

Pray for "Catholics" like this who have zero knowledge of the Faith and zero ambition to learn the Faith.

Something for Mika Brzezinski to think about...(from EWTN)

Q: Why is giving up something for Lent such a salutary custom?
 A: By denying ourselves something we enjoy, we discipline our wills so that we are not slaves to our pleasures. Just as indulging the pleasure of eating leads to physical flabbiness and, if this is great enough, an inability to perform in physically demanding situations, indulging in pleasure in general leads to spiritual flabbiness and, if this is great enough, an inability to perform in spiritual demanding situations, we when the demands of morality require us to sacrifice something pleasurable (such as sex before marriage or not within the confines of marriage) or endure hardship (such as being scorned or persecuted for the faith). By disciplining the will to refuse pleasures when they are not sinful, a habit is developed which allows the will to refuse pleasures when they are sinful. There are few better ways to keep one's priorities straight than by periodically denying ourselves things of lesser priority to show us that they are not necessary and focus our attention on what is necessary.

In Christ,

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

EWTN Press Release

Classical Music Chart-Topping
Sisters Return for EWTN Special

Plus a Recap of Pope Francis' First Year,
The Life & Faith of St. Patrick & More

Irondale, ALA “Royal” appraisal of Pope Francis! “World Over” Host Raymond Arroyo welcomes President of the Faith and Reason Institute Robert Royal & Fr. Pastor Gerald Murray, who take a look back at some of the highlights of Pope Francis’ first year as Pope. Later, Abbess Mother Dolores Marie talks about National Catholic Sisters Week (March 8-14), and her hopes of building a new monastery for the Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration near Charlotte. All this and more when “The World Over” airs at 8 p.m. ET, Thursday, March 13—exclusively on EWTN!
Do politics and religion need to reconcile on the Emerald Isle? Author Frances Hogan’s new book states that in order for Ireland to begin healing as a nation, it must first work towards rebuilding the Catholic Church. Find out why she believes the fate of the Church and her home country are intertwined when Doug Keck hosts “EWTN Bookmark” in order to find “A Path to Healing a Nation!” Airs at 9:30 a.m. & 11: 30 p.m. ET, Sunday, March 16—exlcusively on EWTN!   
Feast your eyes upon this new season! British Journalist Joanna Bogle shares a sneak peak of some of the new recipes & traditional crafts viewers can expect to see in upcoming episodes of her popular series, “Feasts & Seasons!” Join Joanna when Fr. Mitch hosts “EWTN Live” at 8 p.m. ET on Wednesday, March 12—exclusively on EWTN!
See what made Convert Brantley Millegan, a former non-denominational Christian, declare the Catholic Church to be the true faith and his home. Hear him recount his “Journey Home” to Host Marcus Grodi at 8 p.m. ET on Monday, March 17—exclusively on EWTN! 
Good health means getting into shape—and “Dogmatic Theology” Host Fr. James Mallon believes that shape is the Cross! He, along with Nicole Andrea Myshak, Ronald Lunn, Marilyn Cipak & Corey Robinson, will be joining “Life on the Rock” Co-hosts Fr. Mark & Doug Barry to discuss their new EWTN series, “Cross Training,” which helps Catholics live physically, mentally and spiritually fit lives! Don’t miss “Life on the Rock” LIVE at 10 p.m. ET on Thursday, March 13—exclusively on EWTN  
Defending your Faith takes more than just the Luck of the Irish!  Witness how St. Patrick explained the tenets of Catholicism to the Druids of Ireland using both faith and reason. See how he defended the Faith at the “Trial at Tara” when this special airs at 6:30 p.m. ET, Tuesday,  March 18—exclusively on EWTN!
He was Catholicism’s first “key” note speaker:  Journey with St. Peter as he begins his mission to spread Christ’s message to the ends of the earth. Part One of “St. Peter” airs at 8 p.m. ET, Saturday, March 15---exclusively on EWTN! (Not available via livestream or Roku) 
The chart-topping & critically acclaimed Benedictines of Mary, Queen of the Apostles are back! This time, they’re lending their voices to an array of beautiful Lenten music that can be heard and – for the first time – seen from their priory in northwest Missouri. Watch as they perform “Lent at Ephesus” at 6:30 p.m. ET on Friday, March 14—exclusively on EWTN! Purchase their new CD,  now available through EWTN Religious Catalogue, here:
Go green for God!  Prepare for St. Patrick’s Day by following the life and faith of one of Ireland’s most famous saints. With a little luck, you might learn something you didn’t know about St. Patrick when “Lives of the Saints” airs at 6:30 p.m. ET,  on Monday, March 17—exclusively on EWTN.

Catholic Events

On March 13, the Church honors the first anniversary of Pope Francis to the Chair of Peter.

If you want to send a congratulatory message, visit:


The Knights of Columbus Museum, at 1 State Street in New Haven, presents an exhibition, “Pope Emeritus: Honoring Benedict XVI,” Feb. 28-March 19, 2014 featuring a cassock and zucchetto (skullcap) worn by the former pope during his papacy.

The Museum is open daily 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission and on-site parking are free. For information, call 203-865-0400 or visit


6th annual Ignatian Spiritual Exercises for Men directed by Fr. Kermit Syren, LC.

Held at the Legion of Christ Novitiate, 475 Oak Ave, Cheshire CT 06410, March 14-16

Jim Clark (603)610-7112, email


St Pius X Church of Middletown, CT is hosting a presentation of the Office of Catholic
Social Justice Ministry of the Archdiocese of Hartford.

Melting Ice, Mending Creation:  A Catholic Approach to Climate Change
Sunday, March 16, 2014 from 2-4 PM

This is an excellent presentation on a seemingly complex and overwhelming topic but one on which the past two Popes and the USCCB have spoken clearly and forcefully. The Vatican has confirmed that Pope Francis is currently working on a statement on the environment. Come and join us, and be informed and inspired! For further information, please contact

Fr. Sam Fuller OFM Cap at the parish office, 860-347-4441.


A three-day lenten retreat at St Stanislaus Church, State and Eld Streets, New Haven, March 23-25, 7pm.

The retreat master is Dominican Father Jordan Lenaghan, Catholic chaplain at Quinnipiac University. Father Jordan is a gifted preacher.


The Knights of Columbus Museum, at 1 State Street in New Haven, will present an instruction, “Praying with Icons,” by Father Paul Halovatch, M. Div., Sunday, March 23, 2014 at 2 p.m.

Admission and on-site parking are free. For information, call 203-865-0400 or visit


The Amadeus Chamber Orchestra to perform, Friday, March 28, 8pm.
St Mary’s Church, 5 Hillhouse Avenue, New Haven

The Amadeus Chamber Orchestra is directed by Louis Lohraseb. The Orchestra is made up of outstanding musicians from the Yale School of Music. The concert will feature pieces from Mozart’s 29th Symphony, Hayden’s 85th Symphony, the Brandenburg Concerto no 5 of JS Bach, and the monumental Sinfonia Concertante for Violin and Viola of Mozart.

A donation of $10.00 to defray costs.


Albertus Magnus College (New Haven): St. Thomas Aquinas Lecture Series/St. Catherine of Siena Lecture

March 31, 5:15-6:30 p.m.

"Caught in the Middle Between Two Friends" presented by Brian J. Pierce, OP

Topic: God has taken on a human face in the person of our neighbor

Place: Behan Community Room, Hubert Campus Center

Reserve your seat at 203-773-8502 or


Volunteers Needed! “There is incredible value in being of service to others.”

Please volunteer some of your time to help our clients at the Clelian Adult Day Center located at 261 Benham Street in Hamden.

Volunteers are needed to assist our clients during recreational activities such as card games, puzzles, craft projects, bingo and physical and cognitive games.

We especially need help on Mondays and Fridays from 10:30-12 and 1-3. 

Please help us to help our clients improve their quality of life. For more information about volunteering, please call Patricia at 203-288-4151.


Paul A. Zalonski
Catholic Connecticut
255 Foxon Hill Road
East Haven, CT 06513-1216 USA
To email Paul directly:
Follow Paul on Twitter @CatholicCT
Connect with Paul on Facebook "Catholic Connecticut CatholicCT"

***Paul is the Catholic Events Contributor for Connecticut Catholic Corner***

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Prayer Request...

Please let me know if you will be praying for a more moral United States (and world) with me and if you have a specific prayer you intend to pray for this intention (perhaps a rosary a day?).  And please share this prayer request with others, this nation and the world needs our prayers.

God bless you all.

In Christ,

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Ashes Burned and Blistered Parishioner's Foreheads

On Ash Wednesday, parishioners of Saint Joseph’s church in Newtownshandrum, Co Cork received their cross ashes on their forehead as many Catholics around the world did, but something different happened at St. Joseph’s.

The parishioner’s foreheads began to burn and blistered where the ashes marked their foreheads.

When Father Baker realized what was happening he stopped using the ashes at once.

“It was while I was placing the ash on the foreheads of parishioners that people began complaining about a burning sensation on their foreheads.
“I was surprised by it as I was dipping my thumb in the ashes but did not have any sort of reaction to it myself.“Once I was made aware of it, I ceased giving out any more ashes and alerted the parishioners from the altar that they should immediately remove the ashes from their heads.”

The ashes have since been sent to a lab for investigation into what could have caused the burning and blistering of the parishioners skin.

Father Baker insists this was not a supernatural event.

I am interested in the outcome of the lab’s investigation.

In Christ,

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner

Friday, March 7, 2014

Press Release: St.John Paul II School opens Pre-K Campus

Announcement of the opening or the new Pre-Kindergarten Campus at Saint Pius X in Middletown, Connecituct.

St. John Paul II Regional School to Open Pre-K Campus

Kathleen Peck, principal of St. John Paul II Regional School has announced plans to open their 2nd Pre-Kindergarten Campus at St. Pius Faith Formation building, located at 310 Westfield Street. This additional campus, to open this September, will incorporate in their 3 and 4 year old programs the Opening the World Learning Curriculum, which is presently used at the St. John Paul II Campus. This program offers a traditional structured preschool curriculum based on Christian values. The 3-year old program will offer half day classes five days a week as well as full-day classes three or five days a week. The 4-year old program will also offer full day three or five day classes. 

For further information please visit the school website at

Catholic Events and Lenten Events

Holy Family Retreat Center
From Surviving to Thriving: A Day of Reflection for Parish Ministers
Thursday, Mar 27, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. 

Holy Family Retreat Center, West Hartford; From Surviving to Thriving: A Day of Reflection for Parish Ministers, presented by Liza Peters and Janine Cote.  Please join us as we share the challenges and triumphs that come with parish ministry. Together we will discuss the best practices in parish religious education and sacramental preparation programs, as well as adult faith formation and RCIA.  $40 (includes continental breakfast, Mass and lunch). 

Liza Peters is Director of Youth Ministry at Holy Family Retreat Center.  She previously served as the Director of Religious Education at a parish in Dayton, Ohio, and has worked at the St. Peter Claver Catholic Worker House in South Bend, IN, and as a caseworker for Catholic Charities.  She has a B.A. in psychology and a Master of Divinity from the University of Notre Dame.  Janine Cote has been a religious educator for 20 years and currently teaches religion at Grace Academy Middle School in Hartford.  She previously served as the director of religious education at St. Peter Claver Church in West Hartford.  She holds a Master’s degree from Boston College’s Institute for Religious Education and Pastoral Ministry.


Lenten Vespers with the Branford Benedictine Monastery of the Glorious Cross

6pm Lenten Vespers on Tuesdays during Lent

Monastery of the Glorious Cross (next to St Elizabeth Church)
61 Burban Drive
Branford, CT 06405



ACTS Retreat for men: April 3-6, 2014

This retreat is organized by Catholic men connected with St Augustine Church (North Branford), under the guidance of clergy. The goals of the retreat are to strengthen our faith and its application in our daily life, to renew ourselves spiritually, and to build community through lasting friendships.


St. Mary Parish, Ridgefield.  DRE Job Description.

Saint Mary Parish is a vibrant community of approximately 3,000 registered families, located in Ridgefield, Connecticut.  We are looking for a Director of Religious Education to lead a program of 1200+ children, from grades K to 9.  This Individual should be a committed, practicing Catholic, faithful to Church teaching, with a firm knowledge of the faith acquired, preferably but not necessarily,  through a recognized degree  in Religious Education or Religious Studies.  Applicants, understanding the vision of the Parish faith formation program, will be responsible to implement all its aspects such as curriculum, staffing and catechist training.  In addition, applicants should possess proven leadership skills and the ability to work effectively with children, parents, clergy, and parish lay leadership.  Also expected are a good understanding of new developments in the field of religious education and of the integration of technology into the program when appropriate.  Applicants should have applicable experience in leading a program/organization of similar size.  All applicants can email their resume and cover letter to Ray Sturz, Business Manager at 


Bus Trip to St. Joseph Shrine, Tower Hill Botanical Gardens, and more!
On Wednesday, April 30 the Caritas Christi Center will have a day bus trip to St. Joseph the Worker Shrine in Lowell, MA. Enjoy a guided tour of the shrine and museum with an optional Mass at the shrine. Next we are on to lunch at O’Connor’s Restaurant located in Worcester, MA. After lunch, your tour continues to the Tower Hill Botanical Garden, a year-round garden paradise located on 132 beautiful acres in Boylston, MA. The bus departs Hamden at 7:00 am and returns at 8:00 pm. The cost is $110 per person. 

Registration and payment due no later than March 17, 2014. For more information please call Sr. Patricia Cigrand at 203-281-2569.


There are two courses for the SHARE Program beginning soon (Saturday, March 8 and Thursday, March 13). See the schedule below.  SHARE (Sacred Heart Adult Religious Education) is a Catholic Studies Program through the Diocese of Bridgeport…all are welcome!

To register, mail a check made payable to “Office for Pastoral Services” attn: Gina Donnarummo, Office for Pastoral Services, 238 Jewett Avenue, Bridgeport, CT 06606

·         Letters of Saint Paul  Paul's career is one of the greatest epics lived out by a mere man.  He undertook gigantic ventures that were destined to change the world.  He had a tumultuous career.  The first part of the course will consider highlights of that career. Paul was a man of action, but he knew how to write.  His letters contain passages of moving eloquence, give images which capture the imagination.  Of the 27 writings in the New Testament, 13 bear the name of Paul.  His letters are the first Christian literature that form the keystone of Christian theology.  There is an inestimable spiritual wealth in Paul's epistles.  Ignorance of the ideas of St. Paul is spiritual poverty.  However, understanding Paul can be difficult at times.  The course will help with that understanding.  In this six-week course we will consider Paul's Letters to the Thessalonians, the Corinthians, Philippians, Ephesians, to Philemon, etc., and hopefully uncover some of their great treasures that will nourish us.
o   Dates: Saturdays, March 8, 15, 22, 29, April 5, 12 (makeup date = April 26)
o   Time: 10am to 12noon
o   Location: Notre Dame Catholic High School, 220 Jefferson Street, Fairfield
o   Instructor: Dr. Thomas Hicks
o   Cost: $210

·         Christian Spirituality: Pathways to God!  This course will examine humanity's possession by God in Christ through the Holy Spirit. It will focus on the journey to holiness as manifested in the lives of outstanding men and women through the ages (e.g., St. Benedict of Nursia, St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, St. Ignatius of Loyola and, of course, the champion of lay spirituality, St. Francis de Sales).  This is an opportunity to grace the Lenten season pondering the spirit and charism of these luminaries in our Christian tradition.
o   Dates: Thursdays, March 13, 20, 27, April 3, 10, 24 (makeup date = May 1)
o   Time: 7pm to 9pm
o   Location: Trinity Catholic High School, 926 Newfield Ave, Stamford, CT
o   Instructor: Dr. Joan Kelly
o   Cost: $210

You are invited to join members of the Lay Fraternity of St. Dominic for Part 2 of a series of talks on Dominican spirituality to be held on in Sunday, March 9, 2014, 1:30 to 4:30pm at the Church of St. Mary’s, 5 Hillhouse Avenue, New Haven.
Come and learn about the four pillars of Dominican Spirituality: Prayer, Study, Community, and the Apostolate---and hear about the many diverse ways in which members of the St. Mary’s Chapter are bringing Christ to the world. 
The presentation will be followed by a Holy Hour of Eucharistic Adoration at 3:00 pm and will include the Rosary and choral recitation of Mid-Afternoon prayer. 

Healing Service by Br. Paul Miller (Secular Franciscan Order) that will be held at St. Frances Cabrini, North Haven on March 12th at 4 pm.


Men's Spiritual Exercises: "A Man of the Kingdom"
3-Day Ignatian style retreat

March 14-16, 2014
Fr Kermit Syren, LC, retreat master
Legion of Christ Novitiate, Cheshire, CT

For More Info Please Contact:
Jim Clark (603)610-7112, email


Those interested in the person and work of Jerome Lejeune, may be interested in this NYC presentation. You may know that Dr Lejeune's cause for canonization is being studied; he holds the ecclesial title of "Servant of God." The woman doing much of the work for the Holy See will be present to speak about the state of the cause. Also, Lejeune is an important figure Catholics in healthcare because after identifying the gene that causes Down Syndrome, and some other things, he was significantly marginalized by French physicians and scientists for his belief in Christ and practice of the Catholic faith.

The Servant of God Jerome Lejeune is a patron of the ProLife cause.

Date & Time: Thursday, March 20, 7pm
Location: American Bible Society, 1865 Broadway at 61st St, NYC


Eucharistic Adoration Extended
 St. Rita's Parish in Hamden, Conn., is adding two extra hours of eucharistic adoration Mondays during Lent. Adoration will be continuous from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. (except for the 12:10 p.m. Mass).

After Benediction, the parish will offer the sacrament of penance/reconciliation as part of the Archdiocesan "A Light is on for You" program of confessions in every parish from 6 to 7 p.m.

Adoration is held in the church's daily Mass chapel which is on the lower level and best accessed from the parking lot.


Monthly Holy Hour for Vocations that Bishop Cote hosts in a different parish every month in the Diocese of Norwich.

Holy Hour for Vocations  - 2014 Diocese of Norwich

March 20,  St. Mary Church, Jewett City, 6:30pm – 7:30pm

April 10,     Our Lady of Sorrows Church, Essex,  6pm -7pm 


Catholic Events Contributor:  
Paul A. Zalonski
Catholic Connecticut
255 Foxon Hill Road
East Haven, CT 06513-1216 USA
To email Paul directly:
Follow Paul on Twitter @CatholicCT
Connect with Paul on Facebook "Catholic Connecticut CatholicCT"

****Paul is the Catholic Events Contributor for Connecticut Catholic Corner****
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