
Our Motto:

The Connecticut Catholic Corner Motto: Romans 14:16 "Do not allow what you consider good to be spoken of as evil."

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***FYI: Comments***

Due to continued problems with Disqus I have removed them from this blog- in doing so comments from 2018-2020 have disappeared from my blog posts.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

MSNBC's Morning Joe disappointed Pope met with Kim Davis

The folks over at MSNBC's Morning Joe are not only disappointed by the news that Pope Francis met with Kim Davis, they are "shocked" by it. 

Why would they be "shocked", "surprised" and "disappointed" to hear Pope Francis met a woman who is opposed to gay marriage- beliefs that happen to coincide with Catholic belief?   

Perhaps because the "Who am I to judge" comment has come back to stump them.  

It's interesting that they are not surprised when the pope visits everyone else, but heaven forbid he visit a woman who was jailed for her religious beliefs!  Oh no! Not HER! 

Why not her?  Had she been a jailed lesbian they wouldn't have been disappointed- oh no!  They would have been applauding and cheering. What hypocrites they are!

What I am disappointed about is the fact that Pope Francis didn't mention her during his address to Congress.  Now that would have been wonderful! 

In Christ,

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner 


Monday, September 28, 2015

The Papal Visit to the United States...what were they thinking?

My over all thoughts on this papal visit are very mixed.  

The good...

(Image from: )

-I love seeing the pope with children and the disabled.  This man clearly has a love for them and it shows- and I don't believe he's doing it to be showy or put on a false image.  I believe he truly loves children, the poor and the disabled and has a big heart for their sufferings. 

-I loved seeing the very liberal MSNBC cover every single step of the papal visit- even more coverage then EWTN had!  

-I am hopeful that someone in all of this has returned to the Church or are now on their way to becoming Catholic.  I think the Pope had that kind of effect on a great many people- and that's a good thing. 

And the bad...

-The cheering, clapping, standing ovations, clergy snapping photos during Mass because they are so blinded by the "superstar" pope that they ignore/forget/dismiss God on the altar.  Shameful, disgraceful and disgusting.  This was intolerable. 

-Holy Communion passed out into hands to large crowds.  I am 100% opposed to this whether during a papal visit such as this, or World Youth Days.  

-The insane, stupid and ridiculous comments of the "Catholics" who helped co-host the media coverage of this papal visit.  

People like Fr. Rosica sitting with Anderson Cooper on CNN talking about how Pope Francis has changed the annulment process so people whose "love failed" with a first marriage, now have a "another chance" at love in a new marriage because Pope Francis is all about that sort of "mercy".  

*I believe CNN Transcript means "previous SYNOD in 2014" not "Senate". I think this is a typo*

I buried my face in my hands a lot during this papal visit. 

- The choice of Mo Rocca, an openly gay man who rejects Catholic teaching to do the readings at one of the Papal Masses.

-The choice of Mark Wahlburg...?  

Who exactly made these choices?  What were they thinking? 

Now the over-all pure annoyance factor.  Cardinal Dolan

I just couldn't wait for the Pope to move on and get away from Cardinal Dolan.  This man acts like the class clown in middle school.  I really can't stand watching him.  

That is the good, the bad and the annoying in my opinion.  I'd love to hear what other Catholics thought of this papal visit.

In Christ,

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner 

Source: CNN Transcripts of Fr. Rosica:

Dolan image:

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Holy Hour in honor of St. Pio

Holy Hour of Prayer on Sept. 23 in honor of St Pio

Holy Hour with Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament on Wednesday, September 23, at 5:30 p.m. to mark the feast of Saint Padre Pio. 

Our Lady of Pompeii Church, 355 Foxon Road, Rt 80, East Haven.

Join us in prayer for the intercession of this very popular saint for abundant blessings on the occasion of Pope Francis' visit to the USA, the World's Refugees and your own particular intentions. 

The saint's relic (his glove) will be here for veneration.

Contributor: Paul A. Zalonski
Catholic Connecticut
255 Foxon Hill Road
East Haven, CT 06513-1216 USA
Email Paul directly:

Follow Paul on Twitter @CatholicCT
Connect with Paul on Facebook "Catholic Connecticut CatholicCT"

Thursday, September 17, 2015

St Maria Goretti's relics come to Connecticut

The major relics of Saint Maria Goretti are making a "Pilgrimage of Mercy" and coming to Connecticut (among other states in the U.S.)...

St. Theresa Parish in Trumbull, CT:

*To see if the Pilgrimage of Mercy is making a stop in your state, check here:

In Christ,

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

EWTN Invites Catholic Dioceses To Link to EWTN for Live Streaming of the Pope’s Visit to North America

If you really want Catholics in your diocese to know what Pope Francis says and does during his visit to the United State and Cuba, we invite you to link to EWTN’s website for live streaming of the entire visit, From the Pope’s arrival in Havana on Sept. 19 through his departure from Philadelphia Sept. 27, the Network will be live on-the-ground with the most experienced news teams and the top experts in Catholicism. EWTN will not only cover, but explain – in English, Spanish, German, Portuguese, and Italian -- everything the Pope says on his journey across North America.

“Covering the Pope is what we do year round on a daily basis,” said EWTN President & COO Doug Keck. “No one else possesses the depth of understanding and the expert commentators like EWTN.”

EWTN will not only cover the Pope’s trip on EWTN television, but on EWTN radio, via its social media sites and news services, and in multiple languages. Viewers can also see it live streamed and get details of EWTN's coverage at or on their mobile phone with the EWTN app (

Discover all the ways to access EWTN at – and be sure to follow us on social media, especially our flagship Facebook site,

On the English side, EWTN News Director Raymond Arroyo, who has anchored more papal events than anyone in the industry, will host our live coverage from New York, Washington, D.C., and Philadelphia. The “EWTN News Nightly” (ENN) team, led by ENN Anchor Brian Patrick, will also be on-the-ground providing news and reports during the Pope’s visit to all three U.S. cities, while ENN Producer Susanna Pinto will offer English-language reports from Cuba. In addition, Spanish-language coverage in Cuba will be anchored by EWTN’s Alejandro Bermudez, executive director of the ACI Group, and host of several Spanish-language programs on EWTN Spanish-language television and radio networks.
EWTN President & COO Doug Keck and “Women of Grace” Host Johnnette Benkovic will host coverage of the “World Meeting of Families” (WMOF) in Philadelphia, which airs Sept. 22-25, just prior to the Pope’s arrival in Philadelphia. Keck will also provide regular updates on the Pope’s travels around the U.S. In cases where EWTN’s papal coverage coincides with keynote speeches and Masses at the WMOF, EWTN will live stream the events at

EWTN Global Catholic Network, now entering its 35th year, is the largest religious media network in the world. EWTN’s 11 networks broadcast the Gospel message in multiple languages 24 hours a day, seven days a week to over 250 million television households in more than 140 countries and territories. EWTN’s outreach includes direct broadcast satellite television and radio services; AM & FM radio networks transmitted through SIRIUS/XM, iHeart Radio, and over 300 Catholic radio affiliates across the U.S.; a worldwide shortwave radio service; the largest Catholic website in the U.S.; print and electronic news services that include “The National Catholic Register” newspaper, Catholic News Agency and ACI Group; and EWTN Publishing, Inc.  

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

No one wants stem cells, they want baby parts

The latest video exposing Planned Parenthoods baby money market clearly shows (once again) that baby parts is a booming business and that unlike we've heard before no one wants stem cells- guess there's no $$$ in that. It's all about "fresh" baby parts. 



Upcoming Catholic Events

Our Lady of Pompeii Church (355 Foxon Rd, East Haven) is offering a bible study on Mary. The study is produced by Ascension Press, "Mary: A Biblical Walk with the Blessed Mother."

Evening Dates: Sept. 21 & 28; Oct. 12, 19 & 26; Nov. 16 & 23 (Mondays @ 7:00 p.m.)

Morning Dates: Sept. 22 until Nov. 10 (Tuesdays @ 9:30 a.m.)

The study is free. Call to register 203-469-0764 or email

Watch a video clip intro:

​Come and learn what the Bible has to say about the great Mother of God, Mary, the Holy Virgin ​of Nazareth AND Mother of our Messiah!

Extended Date to Make a Reservation

To Divine Mercy, Stockbridge, MA. with “Fr. Chris Alar”, Director of Divine Mercy

DATE OF TRIP: October 3rd
DEPARTURE TIME: 7:00 a.m. St. George Parking Lot
COST: $53.00 per person.
LUNCH: Included in price. There is no restaurant on site.
Catered sandwiches, choices are Tuna, Ham, Turkey or Veggie.
ETA back to Guilford6:00 p.m.
PAYMENT: Due at time of reservation.
Check for Bus: $44.00 Paid to the order of > Friendship Tours
Check for Food:  $9.00 Paid to the order of > National Shrine of The Divine Mercy

However, you can sell or give your reservation to someone else. Please notify me.

Contributor: Paul A. Zalonski
Catholic Connecticut
255 Foxon Hill Road
East Haven, CT 06513-1216 USA
Email Paul directly:
Follow Paul on Twitter @CatholicCT
Connect with Paul on Facebook "Catholic Connecticut CatholicCT"

Monday, September 14, 2015

Pope Francis, Michael Voris, the SSPX and the devil

As everyone by now knows, this month Pope Francis announced his "Year of Mercy" which will include allowing Catholics to go to the SSPX for the Sacrament of Confession.  

The response to this has been (from what I gather) good.  Most people seem to see this as a step in the right direction in the hopes of the SSPX soon being fully in communion with the Church (that is to say with licit Sacraments).  

While I too hope and pray for such a unity, I am leery about what Pope Francis has done.  Of course, to be honest, almost everything this Holy Father does has me concerned.  

From the Pope's "off the cuff" comments and now infamous interviews, I have to wonder if this pope is one of those people who just goes full steam ahead and does/says things without thinking them through.  Pope or not, he is human and this is a human trait.  The problem with a pope who 'flies by the seat of his pants' as the expression goes, is that tremendous damage comes from not looking ahead and thinking through each and every decision.  When you're the pope, especially a media darling like Pope Francis is, every word, action or inaction will have an enormous ripple effect in the world.  Even now, before the Year of Mercy has begun, the ripple effect is being felt.

The folks over at The Remnant seem to be feeling the 'jubilee' over the SSPX having a licit and valid Sacrament of Confession for the Year of Mercy, although they (like others) are confused by just what this means at the end of the Year of Mercy.  At midnight are they invalid and illicit? How will we know?  Will the pope make some proclamation so we are all on the same page and know what is happening?  

Michael Voris and the folks over at Church Militant are going all out this week with numerous Vortex episodes on the SSPX and a new FBI (Faith Based Investigations) show all about the SSPX. 

In the comments area of today's Vortex, some people are questioning why Church Militant would be spending an entire week devoted to discussing the SSPX and whether or not they are in schism (Church Militant says they are, The Remnant says they aren't).  

My response is, Church Militant sees the writing on the wall as I do.  Give people who are yearning for more reverent and holy Mass's a year of going to the SSPX for one Sacrament and we will see people leaving the Holy Catholic Church for the SSPX for all their Sacraments (licit or illicit).  It's gonna happen.  Right now, many folks won't walk into an SSPX parish because of the division, but with Pope Francis' 'Year of Mercy' folks now see a 'green light' from the pope himself for going to the SSPX and checking them out.  

Like the devil himself, this pope (knowingly or unknowingly) is  tempting people.  Pure and simple.  

The people that are starved for what they had prior to the 1960's and what the SSPX has is the look and feel of all that our Novus Ordo Mass has lost in the decades since Vatican II.  And here is Pope Francis dangling that carrot in front of them...the SSPX for one year.  Basically he's saying "Go check out the SSPX for one year, then come back when the time is up". 

When Catholics go to the SSPX for Confession (and those who would not before, will now with this green light from the pope) what will happen? What will those priests say?  

Does anyone think the SSPX priests are going to miss the opportunity to bring people to 'their side' of Catholicism?  To help these people walk out the doors of the Holy Roman Catholic Church parishes they currently belong to and become new members of the SSPX?  Of course they are going to try and bring people in! 

Then what happens?  People fall in love with what the SSPX is offering them and at the end of the 'Year of Mercy' the Church says "Times up! Everyone come back home now, our play-date with the SSPX is over"?  

What is Pope Francis thinking?  Was he thinking at all?  Honestly, I wonder.  Is he so blinded by wanting to be nice and please everyone and be loved by all people that he doesn't stop to think about the consequences of his actions?  

This disturbs me greatly.  Meaning to or not, Pope Francis has once again caused more division in the Church.  And he's done it under the guise of "mercy".  And he's done it in such a way as to tempt people for a short period of time and then he's going to yank it away from them.  How is that a good thing?  

So to answer Hilary White's question in the comments area of Church Militant's Vortex: SSPX Sadness, I believe Church Militant sees the writing on the wall and is looking to educate people and arm them with facts so that they are not led astray or left confused and disillusioned when the 'Year of Mercy' is over and once more the Church declares the Sacraments of the SSPX as illicit. 

It is my belief that Church Militant has their eye on the present situation while never taking their eyes off what is coming.  They are doing what they can now to stem the flow of Catholics running out the door to the SSPX whether its because things go badly at the Synod [as many believe will be the case] or because during this 'Year of Mercy' people check out and like the SSPX.  Anyone with foresight can see this isn't going to end well unless the Church sorts out the differences with the SSPX before the year is up.  Those who leave during the 'Year of Mercy' may never return once the time period is up.  

I have to wonder why Pope Francis doesn't seem to see the writing on the wall as so many other Catholics do- or perhaps he does.  If so, just what does that say about it all? 

In Christ, 

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner 


Sunday, September 13, 2015

When Pope John Paul II died...

...those in the room with him did not pray "the typical prayer" for a person dying [the prayer for the soul's salvation], instead they prayed "a prayer of gratitude" for him?  Huh?  

Watch the video at about the 9.35 mark he explains what happened...

I had never heard this before...I was not yet a Catholic when JPII died, so didn't follow closely the happenings at the Vatican.  

Now, as a Catholic, I am wondering what other Catholics at the time thought of this?  

No big deal?  Weird?  Odd?  Nothing to see here?

Let me know your thoughts.  

My own thoughts are...well it bothered me to find this out.  You can pray a prayer "of gratitude" at any time...but when someone has just died, should we not pray for their soul first before all things?  

To me, being an ex-Baptist this smelt a bit like Protestantism.  You see, in most Protestant denominations once a person dies that's it.  You don't pray for them or their souls [because there is no belief in Purgatory OR in prayers for the dead helping anyone].  

To most Protestants, if the dead person had believed in God and lived "good" lives they were in Heaven with Jesus, no need to pray for them. Instead of praying for their souls, Protestants "celebrate" the life of the dead loved one and believe, as I said, that they are already in Heaven with Jesus because they believed in God and lived "good" lives. Done deal.  

But as a Catholic...I do pray for the souls of the departed- even a pope because I don't know if that pope needed time in Purgatory or not and to assume he was so great and wonderful that he didn't need prayers for his soul...well it comes off as presumptuous to me.  Am I wrong here?

Let me hear what you think about praying a prayer of gratitude when someone dies rather than for their soul.

In Christ,

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner 

Press Release: EWTN Launches Italian-language Catholic News Agency

ACI Stampa Will Provide Italian-language Reporting

Irondale, AL (EWTN) – EWTN Global Catholic Network has launched ACI Stampa, a new Rome-based Italian-language Catholic news agency. The new service was formally introduced on Thursday, Sept. 10 at an event held adjacent to the Vatican press center in Rome.

“I am pleased to announce the launch of our new Italian-language news outlet, ACI Stampa, which marks another important milestone in the Network's service to the Church,” said EWTN Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Michael P. Warsaw. “We have been able to bring together an exceptionally talented and very experienced team that is being led by longtime Vatican journalist and author Angela Ambrogetti." 

"Our team's knowledge of the Church and the workings of the Holy See, as well as their familiarity with issues of importance within Italy, will enable us to fill a gap that exists today in news coverage in that region," added Warsaw. "This service will be part of the ACI Group, EWTN's international news organization, and will also enable us to share the content that is created with people around the globe through our other news platforms. I am excited to have this new service join the EWTN family.”

The ACI Group was acquired by EWTN in 2014 and includes ACI Prensa, the world’s largest Spanish-language Catholic news organization with headquarters in Lima, Peru, and ACI Digital, the Rio de Janeiro, Brazil-based news organization, which serves the Portuguese-speaking world. In 2014, EWTN also acquired Catholic News Agency, the Denver, Colorado-based news organization, which serves the English-speaking world.

“We were honored to welcome Vatican officials and journalists from around the world to our event celebrating the launch of ACI Stampa,” said the ACI Group’s Executive Director Alejandro Bermudez. “ACI Stampa joins the ACI Group’s existing office in Rome. The Group also maintains offices in the U.S., Peru, Chile, and Brazil and fields correspondents in Spain and Southeast Asia. ACI Stampa, which has its own independent editorial team, is a significant step forward for the ACI Group as well as for the larger EWTN News family."

“The birth of a new Catholic information service is a big challenge,” said ACI Stampa Editorial Director Angela Ambrogetti, “but it is also a way of showing that the Catholic Church has a lot of energy and enthusiasm. Our task is to be unbiased and to prepare ourselves every day to serve truth.”
Ambrogetti is among the world's best-known Vatican journalists, who are also known as "Vaticanistas".  She is a senior member of the Vatican press corps and her resume includes long stints with Vatican Radio, the Italian broadcaster Telepace, and the Italian Catholic website Korazym. She is also the author of several books on Pope Saint John Paul II. 

The launch of ACI Stampa is the latest step in EWTN’s efforts to expand its news presence in the global Catholic digital and multimedia marketplace. In 2013, the Network launched “EWTN News Nightly”, a daily news program from Washington, D.C. covering news and world events from a Catholic perspective. In 2011, EWTN acquired “The National Catholic Register”the leading Catholic newspaper in the United States. The Network also produces “The World Over with Raymond Arroyo”, the highly-acclaimed weekly news analysis and interview program. In addition, EWTN’s radio and digital media services have greatly expanded their news dimension in recent years. 

EWTN Global Catholic Network, now in its 35th year, is the largest religious media network in the world. EWTN’s 11 television networks broadcast in multiple languages 24 hours a day, seven days a week to over 250 million television households in more than 140 countries and territories. EWTN’s outreach includes direct broadcast satellite television and radio services; AM & FM radio networks transmitted through SIRIUS/XM, iHeart Radio, and over 300 Catholic radio affiliates across the U.S.; a worldwide shortwave radio service; one of the largest Catholic websites in the U.S.; print and electronic news services and EWTN Publishing, Inc. 

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Catch football at Mass


And of course, dancing...

Published on Sep 7, 2015
Congratulations to Father Tom on 15 years of priesthood
St. Barbara Catholic Church | Santa Ana

In Christ and praying for more reverence, holiness and no more insane homilies, 

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner 

Friday, September 11, 2015

Remembering 911 at the Knights of Columbus Museum

These photos I took are of some of the wreckage from 9/11 at the Knights of Columbus Museum here in Connecticut. 

Remembering this day and praying for the victims and their families. 

In Christ,

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner 

Catholic Events in Connecticut

Catholic events at Our Lady of Pompeii Church, 355 Foxon Road --Rt 80, East Haven

A Powerful Study on the Blessed Mother Begins Sept. 21 and 22

Filmed on location in the Holy Land, Mary: A Biblical Walk with the Blessed Mother will place you in the midst of the powerful drama of Mary’s earthly life, taking you through her joys and her sorrows. You will learn how she works in our lives today, drawing us ever closer to her divine Son. She will become a part of your daily life and help you to become more like Christ. 
Join us for Mary: A Biblical Walk with the Blessed Mother in the LOMR. Seeing Mary in this way will change you forever.

Evening Dates: Sept. 21 & 28; Oct. 12, 19 & 26; Nov. 16 & 23 (Mondays at 7pm)
Morning Dates: Sept. 22 until Nov. 10 (Tuesdays at 9:30am)

For more information or to register for the study, call Paul Zalonski at 203- 469-0764 or email:

Holy Hour of Prayer on Sept. 23 to honor Saint Pio

Holy Hour with Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament on September 23, at 5:30 p.m. to mark the feast of Saint Padre Pio. Join us in prayer for the intercession of this very popular saint for abundant blessings on the occasion of Pope Francis' visit to the USA, the World's Refugees and your own particular intentions. The saint's relic will be here for veneration.


Saint Jude Triduum

Mark your calendar for a three-day prayer and excellent preaching offered in honor of Saint Jude, October 26, 27, 28, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. The first two days will be a holy hour in the presence of the Most Blessed Sacrament. The second day of prayer the Sacrament of the Sick will be administer with St Jude Oil, and the final day, Saint Jude’s feast day, we will pray Holy Mass. The preacher will be Father Jordan Kelly, O.P., currently working at Providence College. A relic of Saint Jude will be present for our veneration.

Contributor: Paul A. Zalonski
Catholic Connecticut
255 Foxon Hill Road
East Haven, CT 06513-1216 USA
Email Paul directly: 
Follow Paul on Twitter @CatholicCT
Connect with Paul on Facebook "Catholic Connecticut CatholicCT"

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Mental Midgets Protesting Connecticut's Durham Fair

The insane asylum has once again opened its ludicrous mouth and as blathering idiots are wont to do, they are proving themselves one sandwich short of a picnic.  

Each September the town of Durham, Connecticut celebrates The Durham Fair.  Like other fairs there are rides, contests, food, music, more food, animals, tractor pulls and even more food.  

This year, one of the country music bands asked to play on Sunday is the "Confederate Railroad" band.  One of their best hits is "A Bible and a Ticket Home"...


Being a normally regular Durham Fair attendee (I did not attend the fair when they decided to exhibit elephants which have zero to do with New England agriculture) I got an email this morning that is circulating around Connecticut trying to get sane people to side with the lobotomy gang in protesting the Durham Fair and this country band because...I'm sure you already guessed it...the word "confederate" is in their band name and its logo shows the historic Confederate States of America's flag- oh the horror!  Hide your eyes!

Here is the email:

This idiot seems to believe that listening to a country band with the word "confederate" in their name and a historic logo might make "our children, you yourself, neighbors and community members" feel unsafe and not welcome.  I am more concerned with this idiot being near children and the horrid influence he/she/they would have on impressionable minds.  

I have to wonder if this person/s has ever attended the Durham Fair, if they had, they would already know that Confederate flags, t-shirts, wallets with Confederate flags on them, key chains, bandanna's and other novelty items have been sold for years at the Durham Fair.

God save us from people so fragile and weak that the word "Confederate" in a Southern country band has them trembling in their boots and crying over people potentially feeling 'unwelcome' at a country fair that has a country band playing music and singing songs about having a Bible and ticket home.  Terrifying stuff! 

Good God what is wrong with you people?  Get OVER YOURSELVES! 

The Confederate States of America (and their flag) in the 1860's is part of our nation's history- deal with it!

This is a country music will be there.  

If the word "Confederate" has you so concerned DON'T GO.  DON'T LISTEN.  Hide under your lily livered yellow belly liberal beds and don't go to the Durham Fair, the rest of us need the extra parking anyway. 

God save the idiots from their own idiocy and give me the patience I clearly need when dealing with these lunatics.  

On a happier note... most people are not falling for the nonsense and are supporting the Durham Fair's choice in inviting the Confederate Railroad to play...

Good for them!  

In Christ,

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner 

Confederate Railroad Tour Dates:

Durham Fair Facebook Page:

Durham Fair reviews:

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

2015 Synod- Cardinal against Cardinal fighting heresy in the Church

Thanks to Creative Minority Report for the heads up on this video.

Witnessing this truly frightening. I pray for our GOOD Cardinals and Bishops and priests to keep the Faith and fight for the Faith.  May our Lord strengthen them and Our Lady protect them.

In Christ,

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner 


Various Catholic events

The Knights of Columbus Museum will hold its annual Educators Open House Tuesday, Sept. 15, from 3:30-6 p.m. Tours of current exhibitions and information about events and activities during the 2015-16 school year will be presented. The session is free and open to teachers, administrators, DREs, homeschool leaders, etc. A light meal will be provided. Please RSVP to More information at


All are welcome to attend a healing service with Br. Paul Miller (OFS) at St. Frances Cabrini Church, 57 Pond Hill Road, North Haven, CT on Tuesday, September 15, 2015 beginning at 5:30 pm! More about Br. Paul Miller: More information call Barbara at (203) 605-9845.


A TIME OF DIVINE MERCY: A POST ABORTION HEALING SYMPOSIUM – Saturday, Nov. 14, 2015.  Abortion has impacted each and every one of us and our world is wounded.  This is a day dedicated to educating everyone.  Clergy, pro-life advocates, youth ministers, high school teachers, young adults, therapists and post abortive people are all welcome.  A morning workshop specific to clergy will be available.  Sponsored by the Respect Life Ministry for the Diocese of Bridgeport and Lumina/Hope and Healing after Abortion.  For online registration and information go to,  For questions contact Maureen Ciardiello @203-416-1445/ or Theresa Bonopartis at 718-881-7008


PROJECT RACHEL MINISTRY – Come begin your healing journey and experience God’s hope and mercy.   For women suffering from a past abortion experience, an Entering Canaan Day of Prayer and Healing will take place on Saturday, November 21, 2015.  For further information or to register call our confidential phone line at 203-416-1619 or email us at


If you are interested in joining others making a pilgrimage to see Pope Francis in Philadelphia, to attend the Holy Mass he is offering and to take part in other spiritual activities, you may be interested in this link for the trip:

Contributor: Paul A. Zalonski
Catholic Connecticut
255 Foxon Hill Road
East Haven, CT 06513-1216 USA
Email Paul directly: 
Follow Paul on Twitter @CatholicCT
Connect with Paul on Facebook "Catholic Connecticut CatholicCT"

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