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Due to continued problems with Disqus I have removed them from this blog- in doing so comments from 2018-2020 have disappeared from my blog posts.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Baby drag queens featured at NYC gay pride parade

Tell me they don't all look mentally insane! 

To all the Catholics out there, please consider spending some extra time in the pews this Sunday praying for our nation. When Mass has ended, stay and pray. So many souls are being lost- especially the children. 

Sunday is the gay pride parade in NYC and the horrors that have been going on, especially this week in NYC leading up to this gay pride parade are just unthinkable. I won't show those images (they are readily available on assorted social media). Even the ones I am showing here are disturbing. 

Target the department store is a "proud" sponsor of "youth pride"... 

Part of "youth pride" is...I can't even believe I am saying this..."baby drag queens" and "drag kids" of all ages... 

This "mother" (and I can hardly use the term)...has corrupted this child. 
I first posted the now 10 year old boy Desmond's photo a few years back in my post "Gay Parades are Child Abuse"

This child got the idea to dress in drag from watching a drag queen show on television when he was A TODDLER! What parent lets their child of any age watch such a show? 
Quote: "It's Pride Week in New York City, and abc7NY is featuring some of the social media stars in the LGBTQ community.
One of them is 10-year-old "Drag Kid" Desmond Napoles, who -- with the support of his family -- remains confident in himself while on a journey that is often fraught with fear. But not for this "amazing" young man.
Desmond is already an activist, advocate, model and fashion icon, and he's come a long way since he danced his way through the Village in the 2015 Pride March.
"Overnight, I was everywhere," he said.
Fast forward three years, and Desmond is still everywhere. DesmondIsAmazing has 65,000 Instagram followers, and he has appeared on talk shows and alongside his idol, RuPaul.
"When I saw the first episode of RuPaul's 'Drag Race' season 1, I saw these queens," he said. "And they were so amazing that I decided I would take my mom's clothes, shoes, towels, wrap them around myself to make pretend."
According to a Youtube video on "Fatherly", Desmond "came out of the closet" at the age of 3 (a bit later he says he was 2)- after watching "RuPaul's Drag Race" show. His father says Desmond entered kindergarten as an openly gay boy while admitting his child has been watching (subjected to) drag queen television shows since he was only a 2 year old toddler. Did it ever occur to these parents that such television shows would warp and influence their little boy? Perhaps they subjected their toddler to this show in the hopes of doing just that...creating a gay drag kid? Diabolical either way. 

Pray for Desmond to be released from the bonds of this evil. What chance did this child have with parents like his? They put evil in his path and then encouraged him to embrace it.  

And, don't listen to Father James Martin... 

...he can stuff a sock in it! This is child abuse and gay pride parades are evil. 

These people are disgusting and they are doing great evil, again I can't post some of the NYC gay pride events because they are simply too offensive and vile. 

Even the NYPD... 

Remember to pray for the Christian police who are forced to drive "gay pride" vehicles while trying to keep people safe. What a horror their jobs must be particularly every June. 

Keep the words of our Lord fresh in your mind when you think of the children attending pride parades...

The Church is failing these people...

...God help us from such parishes. 

In Christ, 

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner 


Desmond's story:

My 2014 post on gay pride parades (WARNING GRAPHIC)

Friday, June 22, 2018

National Catholic Register Awards

National Catholic Register Repeats as ‘Newspaper of the Year’

The Register captured 11 awards, including top marks for coverage of religious liberty, vocations to the priesthood, religious life & the diaconate, & best regular column

Irondale, AL (EWTN) – The National Catholic Register was named “Newspaper of the Year” for the second consecutive year at the Catholic Press Association’s annual Catholic Media Conference June 12-15 in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

The Register’s Sept. 3, Sept. 17 and Oct. 1 issues, with the lead stories “Racism on Main Street,” “Houston’s ‘Dunkirk’ Moment” and “Consecrated to the Blessed Mother” “had interesting stories with a variety of topics ranging from immigration, pro-life rallies, and racism,” the judges said in awarding the conference’s top national award to the Register. “The graphics and photos in the paper were also superb. A nice variety of topics for an audience with diverse interests. Articles are well-written and easy to read.”

“I never imagined we’d be recognized as Newspaper of the Year twice in a row,” said Jeanette De Melo, the Register’s editor-in-chief. “That’s an incredible honor and sign of our consistency. But I’m also thrilled that we were recognized across a broad spectrum of awards, for a variety of writing styles and topics: from columns and analysis to news and feature reporting on religious liberty, biotechnology, vocation, racism and pro-life issues. Such general excellence makes me truly proud and even more determined in our editorial mission.”

The Register, marking its 90th anniversary through November, won 11 awards in all, including top awards for “Best Coverage of Religious Liberty Issues,” “Best Regular Column: General Commentary” and “Best Reporting on Vocations to the Priesthood, Religious Life or Diaconate.”

“Conscience in Residency Project,” by correspondent Elisabeth Deffner, “Trump on Religious Freedom,” by senior editor Joan Frawley Desmond, and “Contraceptive Mandate Relief in Sight” by correspondent Brian Fraga combined to earn a first-place finish for its coverage of religious liberty.

The judges remarked of these stories, “It is often hard to top the work of the National Catholic Register and you can't this year. The article on Conscience in Residency Project introduces tough topics and the fine doctors in the battle. The discussion on President Trump and religious freedom structured by Joan Frawley Desmond is a vibrant and complete article. The piece on Contraceptive Mandate Relief is another important topic with good insight and coverage.”

Veteran Register contributor Rebecca Taylor earned the top award for her commentaries — “Immoral Uses of Biotechnology — Even With Good Intentions — Are Nevertheless Evil”; “When Redefining ‘Normal’ Is More Hurtful Than Helpful”; “It’s Up to Us to Protect the Tree of Life.” The judges said of her award-winning work, “Powerful persuasion backed by strong coverage makes this one stand out as a winner.”

Also lauded was the work of correspondents Michael Kelly, Patti Armstrong and Nicholas Wolfram Smith, “Monastic Life in Ireland,” “New Priests Honor Mom with Old Tradition” and “Doctor the Priesthood is Calling,” as a “wonderful package that spans all that is Catholic, the small but steady growth of monastic life in Ireland, a warm and fuzzy family story of two brothers who became priests, and a look at those who have combined Ph.D. knowledge with priestly wisdom. Each article stands alone, but also becomes part of a bigger picture of vocations.”

The Register won second place for “Best Investigative/News Analysis/News Writing for its coverage of the Reformation at 500. Contributors were senior editor Matthew Bunson and Stephen Beale, Steve Weidenkopf, Mark Brumley and Susan Klemond. The judges called it “a fascinating and exhaustively reported exploration.”

“This series challenges common misperceptions, brings historical figures to life through vivid writing, and uses timelines and short profiles to show how centuries-old events still have resonance in today,” they added.

The Register also won a second-place award for “Best Coverage of Pro-Life Issues:” Deffner, for “Small Blessings: Volunteers Give Proper Burial to Babies,” Desmond, for “Human Coalition Helps Change Hearts of Abortion Determined Mothers,” and Fraga, for “Abortion Divide Deepens in US.”

Staff writer Peter Jesserer Smith’s “Racism on Main Street” took third place for “Best News Writing on a National Event.”

Longtime Register film critic Deacon Steven D. Greydanus also won third place for “Best Regular Column: Culture, the Arts and Leisure” for “Apostasy and Ambiguity,” “What Does a Starship Need with God?” and “All Saints Offers Story of Encounter, Welcome of Refugees.”

The Register also earned honorable mention for “Best Front Page Design” (“The Trump Presidency,” “The Register at 90” and “Fractured Faith: The Reformation at 500”); “Best In-Depth News/Special Reporting” (“Indian Nun’s Killer Participates in Her Beatification Mass” by Anto Akkara) and “Best News Writing on an International Event” for its coverage by Peter Jesserer Smith and Vatican reporter Edward Pentin of persecuted Christians in the Middle East in the wake of ISIS.

“I am grateful for the dedication and creativity of the Register team, from the editors and staff writers to the many freelance journalist and commentators who contribute to our pages,” De Melo said. “They deserve this recognition for the standout service they provide our readers. I couldn’t be prouder of the hard work and dedication of the Register team.”

The award-winning National Catholic Register ( provides its readers with timely news reporting from across the United States, the Vatican, and around the world. As the newspaper of record for the Catholic Church in America, the Register and its online presence,, have become America’s most complete and faithful Catholic news source. With over 90 years in print, the Register is published bi-weekly, 26 issues per year. The National Catholic Register also produces Register Radio, a weekly program that airs on EWTN’s radio network.

EWTN Global Catholic Network, in its 37th year, is the largest religious media network in the world. EWTN's 11 TV channels are broadcast in multiple languages 24 hours a day, seven days a week to over 275 million television households in more than 145 countries and territories. EWTN platforms also include radio services transmitted through SIRIUS/XM, iHeart Radio, and over 500 domestic and international AM & FM radio affiliates; a worldwide shortwave radio service; the largest Catholic website in the U.S.; electronic and print news services, including Catholic News Agency, "The National Catholic Register" newspaper, and several global news wire services; as well as EWTN Publishing, its book publishing division.  


EWTN Big Winner at 2018 Gabriel Awards

EWTN Global Catholic Network was honored with numerous Gabriel awards – for news coverage in war-torn Iraq, for two high-end original docudramas, and for a new radio talk show – during the 53rd Annual Gabriel Awards ceremony, Thursday, June 14, at the Hyatt Regency in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

Irondale, AL (EWTN) –  EWTN Global Catholic Network was honored with numerous Gabriel awards – for news coverage in war-torn Iraq, for two high-end original docudramas, and for a new radio talk show – during the 53rd Annual Gabriel Awards ceremony, Thursday, June 14, at the Hyatt Regency in Green Bay, Wisconsin. The Gabriel Awards are presented annually by the Catholic Press Association and honor both secular and religious film, television, radio and digital media outlets for “outstanding artistic achievement in media that entertains and enriches with a true vision of humanity and a true vision of life.”

“EWTN News Nightly with Lauren Ashburn” swept the “TV, News and Informational, National Release” category of the 2018 Gabriel Awards winning first place, second place, and an honorable mention for its on-the-ground coverage in Iraq. First place went to Anchor Lauren Ashburn’s interview with a Catholic priest from Michigan, who moved to Erbil, a town in Northern Iraq, to minister to war-weary Catholics and other Christians and to give them hope. According to the Gabriel judges: “The selflessness of this priest and the timeliness of the story make it a real winner.” (

A story about residents returning to areas liberated from ISIS and conditions on the ground in Iraq was honored with a second place win, while “EWTN News Nightly” was given an honorable mention for a story about Batnaya after the expulsion of ISIS by Kurdish fighters.

“EWTN has given considerable attention to the plight of Christians in the Middle East, so it was gratifying to see Lauren Ashburn and videographer Tom Haller recognized for their incredible work in Iraq covering stories on Catholics dealing with the devastation wrought by ISIS,” said EWTN Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Michael P. Warsaw. “I was especially pleased to see the judges recognize the Network’s efforts to provide viewers with news they will not see anywhere else.”

“Called and Chosen – Father Vincent R. Capodanno,” an EWTN original docudrama, also garnered a first place award in the “TV, Religious, National Release” category. The program depicts the life of a former Maryknoll missionary turned military chaplain, who died at the age of 38 on the killing fields of Vietnam administering the sacraments and pulling others to safety. The judges called the program “[b]eautiful, heart wrenching and inspiring.” (

The Network also garnered an Honorable Mention for Episode 2 of its blockbuster series, “The Message of Fatima.” The episode, which aired during Fatima’s 100th anniversary, dramatizes Our Lady of Fatima’s first apparition. (

“For several years now, EWTN has been focused on creating more original, high quality movies, documentaries, and docudramas,” Warsaw said. “That’s why we are especially pleased that the Gabriels honored ‘Called and Chosen – Father Vincent R. Capodanno’ with a first place award for its depiction of the inspiring life of this heroic priest, as well as ‘The Message of Fatima.’ These two docudramas were EWTN viewer favorites.”

Finally, EWTN Radio won a second place Gabriel in the “Radio, Religious, National Release” category for “Take Two With Jerry & Debbie.” Said Warsaw: “We hope this award helps more people to discover one of our most popular radio shows!”

These award-winning programs can be found on EWTN’s YouTube channel, Find “Called and Chosen” here:, and “The Message of Fatima” here:

EWTN Global Catholic Network, in its 37th year, is the largest religious media network in the world. EWTN’s 11 TV channels are broadcast in multiple languages 24 hours a day, seven days a week to over 275 million television households in more than 145 countries and territories. EWTN platforms also include radio services transmitted through SIRIUS/XM, iHeart Radio, and over 500 domestic and international AM & FM radio affiliates; a worldwide shortwave radio service; the largest Catholic website in the U.S.; electronic and print news services, including Catholic News Agency, “The National Catholic Register” newspaper, and several global news wire services; as well as EWTN Publishing, its book publishing division.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Father James Martin strikes again

Father James Martin once more is promoting mortal sin and embracing gay lovers and "affirming" them in their gay sexual relationships. Gay "married" men, lesbian partners and parents of gay teens - all who need correction in the Faith, not heresy from Fr. James Martin. 

Martin shared this tweet today... 

My first question was "faith journey" to where? 

Toward hell it seems. Not one story of a gay person struggling to live chaste and according to Catholic teaching. No. These people only seek out "others like them" who will "affirm" them in their sin. 

My next question was why is Fr. Martin "proud" for this "spiritual resource"? 

Because it mentions him (I get the impression this priest really, really likes flattery and attention) also, there is no word of gay relationships being a sin or the need to be chaste. So in other words, its just like his own book "Building a Bridge".

Of course it's heretical and has NO business being promoted or supported by ANY Catholic parish or priest, yet it is. 

I opened the book up to this... 😕

The first story is of a gay man who is HIV positive from sex with numerous partners and does not believe the Church is correct in teaching homosexuals are called to be chaste. He rejects that teaching, yet still holds several positions in his parish, including Lector. He also joined a fraternity of Secular Franciscans. 
And then there is the story of a man and his "husband"... 

And here is this "married" gay man discovering Father James Martin's book "Building a Bridge"... 

There are more stories...all of which never mention the Catholic Church's teachings on homosexuality as correct or positive or needed for salvation.  Nope, instead its full of gay partners who believe they are living true Catholic lives. They are deceiving themselves and others, but they aren't fooling God. 

All these lesbian couples and other gay couples are happy to be in this "affirming" LGBTQ "ministry" - where no one tells them homosexual sex is a sin or that they are headed for Hell because to die in mortal sin is an eternity in Hell. Nope, *crickets* from the clergy on actual Church teaching. Rather they get the likes of Father James Martin promoting their sin stories to other Catholics. Encouraging them to remain in mortal sin and leading others who see Martin's support of this, into sin. This is despicable. 

May God help them to reject their embracing of homosexual relationships and live chaste lives as the Church teaches. 

And to think, Fr. Martin was asked by the Vatican to speak at the World Meeting of Families in Ireland...God help everyone who listens to this heretical priest. Shame on Pope Francis for promoting this priest. It's scandalous. 

In Christ, 

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner 


What the media isn't telling you about refugees and Muslims...

These are some news stories from around the globe of what countries can expect to happen in their own countries when radical Muslims are allowed to spread their demonic religion and when migrants refuse to respect the countries opening their doors to them. 

These stories are all from this year and they are not pretty. There are numerous stories of Muslim immigrants raping children, elderly women and even a dog in refugee camp. 

You're not going to hear these stories on CNN or MSNBC because they don't want you to know what is happening around the world with Muslim immigrants. Islam is destroying nations, one immigrant at a time. 

German teen girl needs surgery after being violently raped by a Syrian refugee in a cellar
A brutal rape of a German teen has shocked the city of Chemnitz. A Syrian refugee attacked and raped a 15-year-old German girl in a cellar. The young girl was so badly injured that she needed surgery, tabloid Bild reports.

Dog brutally raped in Greece's largest refugee camp.

Syrian refugee commits 400 crimes since he arrived in Germany in 2015
“His deportation depends on the immigration authorities,” says a spokesperson of the tribunal."

The North African migrant raped the woman in her apartment in Kortrijk’s city centre. He put a knife to her throat and raped her on the kitchen table while her partner was working in their copy centre nearby.
9-year-old migrant boy threatens Austrian children with knife: “My job is to kill people”
"The Turkish boy, who is only nine years old, threatened other school children with a knife and said that it is his job to kill people and god had commanded him to do so."

Christian celebrations in German town cancelled because armed guards and trucks to block streets were needed
Corpus Christi celebrations were cancelled in the German town of Bergkamen due to high security requirements, local newspaper WA reports.
More than 100 German citizens fall victim to migrant crimes every single day 
"According to the BKA study, 39,096 German victims of immigrant crime were registered in 2017, a new high. The number is 23.7 percent higher than in the previous year (31,597).
This means that every single day around 107 German citizens were and will become victims of crimes with at least one
 migrant as a suspect, and the trend is rising.
Particularly shocking is that more than one hundred Germans were the victims of an attempted or actual murder by immigrants in 2017.
“On the crimes of murder, manslaughter and hired killings, 112 Germans fell victim to a criminal offence where at least one suspect involved was an immigrant. Thirteen victims were killed, the statistics show.”
The BKA report also warns that many terrorists have been smuggled in amongst the refugees; and that there is a danger that refugees will be radicalised in Europe by terrorist organisations for the “holy war”.

Macron is losing control over Islam-dominated no-go areas in France, asks public for help
"France’s President Emmanuel Macron admitted that France has lost the battle against drug trafficking within the growing number of no-go zones in the country."
"In a speech for 600 business and political guests in May, Macron called on the local mayors themselves – together with the population – to find suitable solutions, for the problems in France’s 1,500 no-go areas or ‘sensitive areas’ as France calls them.
Many mayors were struck by Macron’s speech. They had expected co
ncrete political guidelines. Macron’s proposals are a long way from the ambitious strategy for the sensitive zones that former minister Jean-Louis Borloo had previously developed and published on behalf of Macron.
Instead, Macron passed the buck: not he, but his predecessors have caused today’s problems. All solutions designed from above have failed, so they must come from below. He called for a “general mobilisation” of the population, organising itself to save the nation."
90-year-old German woman sexually assaulted by asylum seeker in her bed


87-year-old French woman raped for 2 hours by illegal migrant

"An 87-year-old woman was robbed and raped by a migrant in her apartment in Lyon, French news outlet Lyonmag reports.
The woman, who is living in the 9th district of Lyon, woke up in the night of 22 April. She was then raped for 2 hours and robbed of a ring, by a Moroccan migrant.

Police say the man was previously arrested for violent robberies but he was released every time after numerous arrests."


"Iraqi murderer of German teen girl bragged: Everything is for free here, no working and a salary from the state" 
"Ali B. came to Germany from Iraq in October 2015 with his parents and seven siblings. Their applications for asylum were officially justified by the family as saying that the children in their homeland could possibly be recruited by armed Kurdish PKK fighters for armed conflict.
The now arrested Ali B. confessed to have killed 14-year-old Susanna F. from Mainz in May this year. He was arrested after he and his family fled under a false name to Iraq after the murder."

"At an elementary school in Linz, Catholic children have to memorise and recite Islamic songs as part of the Islamic Ramadan festival. They were forced to take part and were punished if they refused."

Violent incidents at schools in Austria’s capital increase by 1200% 
"Research shows that 33 per cent of Vienna’s inhabitants have a migrant background, a number that will increase to more than 40 per cent within 20 years.
A week ago we’ve reported on how the growing influence of Islam is leading to an increasing number of problems at Vienna’s schools."


Illegal migrant rapes mentally disabled teen for days attempting to make her pregnant 
"The 30-year-old “Karim” tried to impregnate the 19-year-old girl by raping her for several days in a squatted building in Liège. Experts say she has the mental capabilities of a seven or eight year old.
Six years ago the illegal was deported from Belgium, but returned and met the woman in 2014. He took her to the desolated building and raped her numerous times."


Muslim grooming gang of girls as young as 13, with hundreds of episodes of sexual abuse, jailed in Oxford, UK 
“It is clear that there were hundreds of episodes of sexual abuse. The impact on the victims of these offences has been shattering. It must be remembered that each of you in your own way played a part in destroying the lives of these young women.”
She added that “There will be 20 Islamic terrorists who will leave prison this year and 30 next year”. 
France, being the host of the biggest muslim community in Europe, has already suffered the deaths of 245 French nationals from Islamic terrorism.
Yet, astonishingly, the French government is not taking the appropriate measures to protect the French people from further attacks.
Flemish politician: We are being replaced, but we will resist against the hostile takeover of Islam 
“In several Belgian cities like Brussels and Antwerp, Muslims have created territorial Islamic enclaves. In those enclaves the large majority of the population are Muslims: women wear a headscarf or a hijab, shops only sell halal and everybody speaks Arabic. In fact it concerns a hostile Islamic takeover.”
Almost 1,400 minor girls abused by mostly migrant pimps in the Netherlands
"An investigation by Dutch newspaper “Algemeen Dagblad” exposes the horrible reality behind the world of young pimps or ‘loverboys’. Young men, who are mostly from migrant backgrounds, blackmail and abuse hundreds of minor girls in the Netherlands every single year."
Quote from St. Juan de Ribera (d.1611), Archbishop of Valencia : 
“As we have seen, Muhammed had neither supernatural miracles nor natural motives of reason to persuade those of his sect. As he lacked in everything, he took to bestial and barbaric means, which is the force of arms. Thus he introduced and promulgated his message with robberies, murders, and bloodshedding, destroying those who did not want to receive it, and with the same means his ministers conserve this today, until God placates his anger and destroys this pestilence from the earth.
(Muhammad) can also be figured for the dragon in the same Apocalypse which says that the dragon swept up a third of the stars and hurled down a third to earth. Although this line is more appropriately understood concerning the Antichrist, Mohammed was his precursor – the prophet of Satan, father of the sons of haughtiness.
Even if all the things contained in his law were fables in philosophy and errors in theology, even for those who do not possess the light of reason, the very manners (Islam) teaches are from a school of vicious bestialities. (Muhammad) did not prove his new sect with any motive, having neither supernatural miracles nor natural reasons, but solely the force of arms, violence, fictions, lies, and carnal license. It remains an impious, blasphemous, vicious cult, an innovention of the devil, and the direct way into the fires of hell. It does not even merit the name of being called a religion.”
     -St. Juan de Ribera (d.1611), Archbishop of Valencia, missionary to Spanish Muslims, and organizer of the Muslim expulsions of 1609 from Spain. Quoted in several locations from his 1599 Catechismo para la Instruccion de los Nuevos Convertidos de los Moros (my translation).[Source:]

In Christ, 

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner 


Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Gay Pride at the Vatican


Seriously, what the hell is going on? 

We all know that the rainbow pride flag symbolizes gay pride social movements- the push for gay marriage and other assorted "rights" like gay adoption. The authentic Catholic Faith has since the beginning taught against this abomination and now, we see this symbol of "gay pride" on the Vatican website? I ask again, what the hell is going on? Who is behind this? Who approved it? We need answers! 

The Catholic Church used to clearly teach against these things. 

The Bible is quite clear... 

The catechism is quite clear... 
2357 Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, 141 tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered." 142 They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.

2358 The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God's will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord's Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition. 

2359 Homosexual persons are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection.

2396 Among the sins gravely contrary to chastity are masturbation, fornication, pornography, and homosexual practices.

Our Saints are quite clear... 

And Popes before our current Pope Francis have been very clear on the Catholic Church's teaching about homosexuality and "families". [more on that below with Saint John Paul II quote]

Yet here we have Pope Francis, who seems to be playing games with the laity-again. 

Only this week he rightly stated the authentic Catholic faith when he said, “It is painful to say this today: People speak of varied families, of various kinds of family,” but “the family [as] man and woman in the image of God is the only one.”

Yet at the same time, we've got the pride flag on the Vatican website and while the Vatican is preparing for The World Meeting of Families in Ireland this summer they have invited Fr. James Martin (pro-homosexual unions) to be a speaker for "LBGTQI families"-(whom Pope Francis has promoted and shoved on the laity before). Why the conflicting messages from the Vatican and Pope Francis? 
World Meeting of Families Speaker: Fr James Martin S.J.  Editor-at-large, Jesuit Magazine America
Workshop Speaker - Showing welcome and respect in our Parishes for LGBTQI+ People and their Families

Why the confusion? Why the constant chaos and conflict between words and actions from this pope and this Vatican?  What message is the Vatican website sending by displaying a supposed Catholic youth draped in a gay pride flag? What are you telling the faithful? 

Even Ireland's Archbishop is showing his spinelessness to hold to the authentic Faith which I have already written about: HERE

What part of... "The Church teaches that respect for homosexual persons cannot lead in any way to approval of homosexual behaviour or to legal recognition of homosexual unions. The common good requires that laws recognize, promote and protect marriage as the basis of the family, the primary unit of society. Legal recognition of homosexual unions or placing them on the same level as marriage would mean not only the approval of deviant behaviour, with the consequence of making it a model in present-day society, but would also obscure basic values which belong to the common inheritance of humanity. The Church cannot fail to defend these values, for the good of men and women and for the good of society itself." [source: Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: Considerations regarding proposals to give legal recognition to unions between homosexual persons. 2003] unclear? 

Christ's Holy Catholic Church should NOT be sending mixed signals. What the world needs are shepherds who are willing to share the authentic faith clearly. Shepherds who lead people out of sin and toward eternal life with Christ in Heaven. 

Right now, we've got far too many shepherds leading their flocks in circles and across bridges toward hell. They appear to care not at all about saving souls, but rather to be popular and loved by the hordes of people drowning in mortal sin.   

Where are all our good shepherds? 

We need you to speak loudly and clearly so we can hear your faithful voices above the hissing and shouts of the delighted demons in clerics collars. Don't abandon the sheep! We are being led to eternal slaughter. 

**UPDATE: Here are the good shepherds! Praise God for these men!
In Christ and weeping, 

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner 



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