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The Connecticut Catholic Corner Motto: Romans 14:16 "Do not allow what you consider good to be spoken of as evil."

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***FYI: Comments***

Due to continued problems with Disqus I have removed them from this blog- in doing so comments from 2018-2020 have disappeared from my blog posts.

Friday, June 26, 2020

To the Glory of God

This morning my family decided to get out and do some photography-its a family thing and we love it. 

So we took a morning drive to Elizabeth Park in West Hartford. It was just beautiful and peaceful. A few people walking about, talking, admiring the flowers and just enjoying the nice weather and being together. 

Surprising to me, much of it felt a bit like I had jumped into the pages of Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings". Let me know if the photos bring that to your minds as well.

Among pine trees, roses, flowers, ponds, babbling brooks, wildlife, stone bridge and rock bridge I found a little stone someone had left for others to find and it just made my day. 

These are some of the photo's I took, I hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I enjoyed taking them. 

To me this is a Hobbit house of course! 😊

Inside the Hobbit house...
On top of this stone wall was a small blue painted stone...
 Up close you can read it... it says "To the Glory of God"

What a wonderful find around our last corner before leaving Elizabeth Park this morning. I smiled all the way home. 

God bless you all. 

In Christ, 



Friday, June 19, 2020

A people without good morals is incapable of self government

I invite all Catholics to read what the Catholic Church taught in 1910 about the United States of America and Patriotism-and what would happen if immoral ignorant people were voting in our great country. 

If we want to fix our country, our Catholic Church must return to teaching this about our country and how to hold on to it- or we will certainly loose it. Socialism and communism are just a heartbeat away. 

I've highlighted some parts that stood out to me in light of our current trials+tribulations in America.

(The Catholic Instructor: An Educational Library of Ready Reference, published by The Office of Catholic Publications, 1910)

American Patriotism: The Duty and Value of Patriotism

By The Most Rev. Archbishop Ireland

A History of the achievements of the church in America from the great pens of John Gilmary Shea, LL. D. and the review of its progress and growth by Richard H. Clark, LL. D. two native Catholic historians of recognized pre-eminence in the field of Catholic History in the United States, may very appropriately be accompanied by an extensive quotation from the celebrated address on “The Duty and Value of Patriotism,” delivered by the Most Rev. JohnIreland, D. D., Archbishop of St. Paul, before the New York Commandery of the Loyal Legion, and an authentic History of the origin and foundation of that great Patriotic Catholic Organization, “The Knights of Columbus.”

No one has earned a better right to speak for American Patriotism or Liberty, than the Archbishop of St. Paul. He served his country in her hour of peril and speaks as one of her defenders.

The calumnies so frequently uttered against the Church, and the Americanism of Catholic citizens, should need no other refutation than will be found in the lofty patriotism breathed in this eloquent address to his comrades in arms.

The following are pertinent selections from the Archbishop’s address:

     “I shall define patriotism as you understand and feel it. Patriotism is love of country, and loyalty to its life and weal-love, tender and strong; tender as the love of son for mother, strong as the pillars of death; loyalty generous and disinterested shrinking from no sacrifice, seeking no reward save country’s honor and country’s triumph.

More than a century ago a trans-Atlantic poet and philosopher, reading well the signs wrote:

“Westward the star of empire takes its way.
The first four acts already past,
A fifth shall close the drama with the day:
Time’s noblest offspring is the last.”

Berkeley’s prophetic eye had descried America. What shall I say in brief discourse of my country’s value and beauty, of her claims to my love and loyalty? I will pass by in silence her fields and forests, her rivers and seas, the boundless riches hidden beneath her soil and amid the rocks of her mountains, her pure and health-giving air, her transcendent wealth of nature’s fairest and most precious gifts. 

I will not speak of the noble qualities and robust deeds of her sons, skilled in commerce and industry, valorous in war, prosperous in peace. In all these things America is opulent and great; but beyond them and above them is her singular grandeur, to which her material splendor is only one fitting circumstance.

America born into the family of nations in these latter times is the highest billow in humanity’s evolution, the crowning effort of ages in the aggrandizement of man. Unless we take her in this altitude we do not comprehend her; we belittle her towering stature, and conceal the singular design of Providence in her creation.

America is a country of human dignity and human liberty.
When the fathers of the Republic declared: “That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by the Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” a cardinal principle was enunciated, which in its truth was as old as the race, but in practical realization almost unknown.

Slowly, amid sufferings and revolutions, humanity had been reaching out toward a reign of the right of man. Ante-Christian paganism had utterly denied such rights. It allowed nothing to man as man; he was what wealth, place, or power made him. Even the wise Aristotle taught that some men were intended by nature to be slaves and chattels. The sweet religion of Christ proclaimed aloud the doctrines of the common fatherhood of God, and the universal brotherhood of men. Eighteen not yet put its civil and political institutions in accord with its spiritual faith. The Christian Church was all this time leavening human society, and patiently awaiting the promised fermentation. This came at last, and it came in America. It came in a first manifestation through the Declaration of Independence; in came in a second and final manifestation through President Lincoln’s proclamation of emancipation.

In America all men are civilly and politically equal; all have the same rights; all wield the same arm of defence and of conquest, the suffrage; and the sole condition of rights and of power is simple manhood.

Humanity, under the spell of heavenly memories, never ceased to dream of liberty, and to aspire to its possession. Now and then, here and there, its refreshing breezes caressed humanity’s brow. But not until the Republic of the West was born, not until the star-spangled banner rose toward the skies, was liberty caught up in humanity’s embrace, and embodied in a great and abiding nation.

In America the government takes from the liberty of the citizen only so much as is necessary for the weal of the nation, which the citizen by this own act freely concedes. In America there are no masters, who govern in their own right, for their own interest, or at their own will. We have over us no Louis XIV., saying: “L’etat c’est moi”; no Hohenzollern, announcing that in his acts as sovereign he is responsible only to his conscience and to God. Ours is the government of the people, by the people, and for the people. The government is our own organized will.


Rights begin with, and go upward from the people. In other countries, even those apparently the most free, rights begin with and come downward from the state. The rights of citizens, the rights of the people, are concessions which have been painfully wrenched from the governing powers. With Americans, whenever the organized government does not prove its grant, the liberty of the individual citizen is sacred and inviolable. Elsewhere there are governments called republics; universal suffrage constitutes the state; but once constituted the state is tyrannous and arbitrary, and invades at will private rights, and curtails at will individual liberty. 

One Republic is liberty’s native home- America.

The God-given mission of the Republic of America is not only to its own people; it is to all the peoples of the earth, before whose eyes it is the symbol of human rights and human liberty, toward whom its flag flutters hopes of future happiness for themselves.

Is there not for Americans a meaning to the word, Country? Is there not for Americans reason to live for country, and, if need there be, to die for country? Whatever the country, patriotism is a duty; in America the duty is thrice sacred.

Duty to country is a duty of conscience, a duty to God. For country exists by natural divine right. It receives from God the authority needful for its life and work; its authority to command is divine. The apostle of Christ to the Gentiles writes: “There is no power but from God, and those that are, are ordained of God. Therefore, he that resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God.” The religion of patriotism is not sufficiently considered; and yet, it is this religion which gives to country its majesty, and to patriotism its sacredness and force.


The days of peace have come upon our fair land; the days when patriotism was a duty have not departed. What was saved by war must be preserved.

A government of the people, by the people, and for the people, as proposed by the founders of the Republic, was, in the light of the facts of history, a stupendous experiment. The experiment has so far succeeded. A French publicist, De Maistre, once dismissed with contempt the argument drawn from the United States in favor of free institutions in Europe, remarking; “The Republic of the United States is in its swathing-clothes; let it grow; wait a century and you will see.” 

The Republic has lived out a century, it has lived out a mighty civil war, with no diminution, assuredly, of vigor and promise. Can we say, however, that it is beyond all the stages of an experiment? The world at large is not willing to grant this conclusion; it tells us, even, that the Republic is but now entering upon its crucial crisis. 

New conditions, indeed, confront us; new perils menace us, in a population bordering on the hundredth million and prepared quickly to leap beyond this figure, in plethoric unwieldy urban conglomerations, in that unbridled luxury of living consequent on vast material prosperity, which in all times is a dreaded foe to liberty. It were reckless folly on our part to deny all force to the objections which are put to us.

Meanwhile, the destinies of numerous peoples are in the balance. They move toward liberty, as liberty is seen to reign undisturbed in America; they recede toward absolution and hereditary régimes, as clouds are seen darkening our sky. 

Civil, political, social happenings of America are watched, the world over, with intense anxiety, because of their supported bearings upon the question of the practicability of popular government. A hundred times the thought pressed itself upon me, as I discussed in foreign countries the modern democracy, that, could Americans understand how much is made to depend upon the outcome of republican and democratic institutions in their country, a new fire of patriotism, a new zeal in the welfare of the Republic, would kindle within their hearts.

For my part, I have unwavering faith in the Republic of America. I have faith in the providence of God and the progress of humanity; I will not believe that liberty is not a permanent gift, and it were not if America fail. I have faith in the powerful and loyal heart of America, which clings fast to liberty, and sooner or later rights wrongs and uproots evils. I have no fears. Clouds cross the heavens; soon a burst of sunlight dispels them. 

Different interests in society are out of joint with one another, and the social organism is feverish; it is simply the effort toward new adjustments; in a little while there will be order and peace. Threatening social and political evils are near, and are seemingly gaining ground; the American people are conservatively patient; but ere long the national heart is roused and the evils, however formidable be their aspect, go down before the tread of an indignant people.


The safety of the Republic lies in the vigilant and active patriotism of the American people.

There is a danger of ignorant voters. As a rule, the man who does not read and write intelligently, cannot vote intelligently. Americans understand the necessity of popular instruction, and spare no expense at spreading it. They cannot be too zealous in the matter. They need to have laws in every State which will punish, as guilty of crimes against the country, the parent who neglects to send his children to school.

There is a danger-and a most serious one-in corrupt morals. 

A people without good morals is incapable of self-government. At the basis of the proper exercise of the suffrage lie unselfishness and the spirit of sacrifice. A corrupt man is selfish; an appeal to duty finds no response in his conscience; he is incapable of the high-mindedness and generous acts which are the elements of patriotism; he is ready to sell the country for pelf or pleasure. 

Patriotism takes alarm at the spread of intemperance, lasciviousness, dishonesty, perjury; for country’s sake it should arm against those dire evils all the country’s forces, its legislatures, its courts, and above all else, public opinion. 

Materialism and the denial of a living, supreme God annihilate conscience, and break down the barriers to sensuality; they sow broadcast the seeds of moral death; they are fatal to liberty and social order. A people without a belief in God and a future life of soul will not remain a free people. The age of the democracy must, for its own protection, be an age of religion.


Storms are passing over the land, arising from sectarian hatred, and nativist or foreign prejudices. These are scarcely to be heeded; they cannot last. Day by day the spirit of Americanism waxes strong; narrowness of thought and unreasoning strife cannot resist its influences.

The country is America; only they who are loyal to her can be allowed to live under her flag; and they who are loyal to her may enjoy all her liberties and rights. Freedom of religion is accorded by the Constitution; religion is put outside the state action, and most wisely so; therefore, the religion of a citizen must not be considered by voter or executive officer. The oath of allegiance to the country makes the man a citizen; if that allegiance is not plenary and supreme, he is false to his profession; if it is, he is an American. 

Discriminations and segregations, in civil or political matters, on lines of religion, of birth-place, or of race, or of language-and, I add, or of color- is un-American, and wrong. Compel all to be Americans, in soul as well as in name: and then, let the standard of all value be their American citizenship.


American patriotism is needed-patriotism intense, which speaks out in noble pride, with beating heart; Civis Americanus-I am an American citizen; patriotism active, which shows itself in deed and in sacrifice; patriotism public-spirited, which cares for the public weal as for the apple of the eye. Private personal civic virtue is not uncommon among us; more uncommon is public civic virtue, which watches the ballot and all approaches to it, which demands that public officials do their duty, which purifies public opinion on all matters where country is concerned. This patriotism will save the Republic.

From whom primarily does the Republic expect this patriotism? From her veteran soldiers.

This patriotism, America, thou shalt have. I speak for veterans. I speak for their brother-citizens.

Noblest ship of state, sail thou on over billows, and through storms, undaunted, imperishable! Of thee I do not say: “Caesarem vehis-thou carriest Caesar.” But of thee I say: “Libertatem vehis-thou carriest Liberty.” Within thy bulwarks the fair goddess is enthroned, holding in her hands the dreams and hopes of humanity. Oh! For her sake, guard well thyself. Sail thou on, peerless ship; safe from shoals and malign winds, ever strong in keel, ever beauteous in prow and canvas, ever guided by heaven’s polar star! Sail thou on, I pray thee, undaunted and imperishable!" --end--

If we do nothing our country will continue to destroy itself from the inside. We must be a properly educated and moral people. Our Catholic Church today is mostly failing us. Our Catholic Church of yesterday will never fail us, as we can always find solid teachings with Her. 

I have many of these old Catholic teaching books and I will continue to share the treasures they hold. Please share this writing with other Catholics who may not have such books or good solid priests to instruct them in our beautiful Faith. Perhaps you know a priest who might be interested in this writing from 1910? Please share - I think our country really needs this now. Thank you.

God bless you all and God bless America.

In Christ, 


Friday, May 22, 2020

Pictures from my hike today

Needed to get out of the house and away from the house so I took a drive to Middletown and found Westfield Falls. It's steep with slippery rocks, but beautiful. 

Beautiful day for a walk in the woods with a double waterfall!

God bless you all.

In Christ,


Friday, May 8, 2020

EWTN Press Release: Andrew Walther Named President of EWTN News

Andrew Walther Named as President of EWTN News
Walther is a veteran Catholic media executive, journalist and int’l. religious freedom advocate

(WASHINGTON, DC/ May 8) – EWTN Global Catholic Network, the world’s largest Catholic media organization, today announced that Andrew Walther – an experienced Catholic journalist, media executive, and advocate for persecuted Christians – has been named president and chief operating officer of EWTN News, Inc. The appointment is effective June 1.

Walther began his Catholic media career as a journalist writing for the National Catholic Register two decades ago. Most recently he has served as vice president for communications and strategic planning at the Knights of Columbus. In his role as president of the news division, Walther will oversee EWTN’s vast news media platforms, which create content in English, Spanish, German, French, Portuguese and Italian. Its holdings include Catholic News Agency, the National Catholic Register, the ACI group, ChurchPop and EWTN’s lineup of television and radio news programming.

“As well as being an accomplished Catholic journalist and media executive, Andrew Walther brings to this role unique expertise in the global Church,” said EWTN Chairman and CEO Michael P. Warsaw. “His leadership experience with a global Catholic communications and media operation – and his previous work with the National Catholic Register and EWTN News Nightly – gives him the added advantage of already knowing the Catholic media world and many of the people within the EWTN family. We look forward to having him lead and strengthen our news division,” Warsaw said.

Since 2005, Walther has worked in senior roles at the Knights of Columbus. During his tenure at the Knights, Walther helped launch the organization’s modern communications department overseeing work with Catholic and secular media outlets, the launch of social media channels and video production, and the organization’s global media work, especially in Europe and the Middle East. He was also heavily involved in the organization’s charitable work and disaster relief initiatives.

Walther also organized and led the Knights’ work on behalf of persecuted Christians in the Middle East, traveling to Iraq several times and successfully leading a public effort to have ISIS’ campaign of persecution declared “genocide” by Secretary of State John Kerry.

His advocacy for persecuted Christians and other religious minorities in the Middle East helped shape policy in both the Obama and Trump administrations, and he also helped play a role in forging a bipartisan legislative consensus on behalf of persecuted Christians and other victims of ISIS in the Middle East. Walther’s efforts included working with other governments and the UN as well as with Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, Jewish and Muslim leaders to end violence and persecution and bring relief to persecuted Christian communities.

“Andrew Walther has been a good friend and a trusted colleague for many years,” said Archbishop José H. Gomez of Los Angeles, President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and a longtime member of EWTN’s board of governors. “Andrew is one of the Church’s finest strategic thinkers and a highly respected advocate for international religious liberty. All of this will serve him well as head of the world’s largest Catholic news organization. I wish him great success.”

While working closely over the years with many bishops, dioceses and Catholic organizations in North America, Walther also worked closely with the Vatican on several projects under both Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis.

“Mother Angelica created a network dedicated to ‘the advancement of truth’ and Catholic news is a vital part of this mission,” Walther said. “I look forward to working with the talented and dedicated team of journalists at EWTN News to provide news from a Catholic perspective and to highlight important stories that might otherwise be overlooked.”

In addition to his roles in media and religious freedom advocacy, Walther also oversaw the Knights’ polling and book publishing operations, which included several New York Times bestsellers. Together with his wife, Maureen, he co-authored The Knights of Columbus: An Illustrated History, a book released this year.

EWTN Global Catholic Network, founded in 1980, is the largest Catholic media network in the world. EWTN’s 11 global TV channels are broadcast in multiple languages 24 hours a day, seven days a week to over 350 million television households in more than 145 countries and territories. EWTN platforms also include radio services transmitted through SIRIUS/XM, Sky satellite radio, iHeart Radio, and over 500 domestic and international AM & FM radio affiliates; a worldwide shortwave radio service; several of the most visited Catholic web, digital and social media outlets in the world; EWTN News; as well as EWTN Publishing, its book publishing division.

Monday, April 27, 2020

EWTN To Air Re-Consecration of the United States And Canada to Our Lady

In Response to Pandemic, EWTN To Air Re-Consecration
Of The United States And Canada To Our Lady
Join Us After Daily Mass This Week for Special Meditations

 Irondale, AL (EWTN) – Los Angeles Archbishop José H. Gomez, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), announced April 23 that the U.S. bishops will join the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops to renew the consecration of the two nations to the care of our Blessed Mother. EWTN Global Catholic Network will air the brief liturgy and prayer of re-consecration at 3 p.m. ET, Friday, May 1, live from Our Lady of the Angels Cathedral in Los Angeles with Archbishop Gomez celebrating. The event will also be aired live on EWTN’s Facebook page,

On the day of the Re-Consecration, Birmingham Bishop Robert J. Baker will celebrate the 8 a.m. ET Daily Mass and the Franciscan Friars of the Eternal Word will conduct a Rosary Holy Hour at 2 p.m. ET.

In addition, as a lead up in the week of the Re-Consecration, the Friars will lead a series of short meditations on the Seven Sorrows of Our Lady. The meditations will immediately follow the 8 a.m. ET Mass on EWTN and will air in place of a recessional hymn. These meditations will also be aired live on EWTN’s Facebook page, along with a post containing the words to each day’s meditation. (Note: Dioceses interested in setting up a cross-posting relationship on Facebook are invited to contact

In a letter to the U.S. Bishops regarding the Re-Consecration, Archbishop Gomez said: “This will give the Church the occasion to pray for Our Lady’s continued protection of the vulnerable, healing of the unwell, and wisdom for those who work to cure this terrible virus.” Each year, the Church seeks the special intercession of the Mother of God during the month of May. “This year, we seek the assistance of Our Lady all the more earnestly as we face together the effects of the global pandemic.”

EWTN Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Michael P. Warsaw said: “EWTN is honored to be airing this important Re-Consecration of the United States and Canada to Our Lady. As the bishops’ leadership demonstrates, the road out of this pandemic is through the intercession of our Heavenly Mother. May the Lord bless and protect us in these challenging times.”

Photo caption: A replica of the mosaic of Mary, Mother of the Church at Our Lady of the Angels Chapel at EWTN in Irondale, Ala. The original can be seen at St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican.

EWTN Global Catholic Network, in its 38th year, is the largest religious media network in the world. EWTN’s 11 global TV channels are broadcast in multiple languages 24 hours a day, seven days a week to over 350 million television households in more than 145 countries and territories. EWTN platforms also include radio services transmitted through SIRIUS/XM, iHeart Radio, and over 500 domestic and international AM & FM radio affiliates; a worldwide shortwave radio service; one of the largest Catholic websites in the U.S.; electronic and print news services, including Catholic News Agency, “The National Catholic Register” newspaper, and several global news wire services; as well as EWTN Publishing, its book publishing division.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

EWTN Fatima Chaplet of Adoration and Reparation in Time of Pandemic

EWTN  To Air Fatima Chaplet of Adoration
And Reparation In Time of Pandemic

Irondale, AL (EWTN) – As part of an ongoing call to prayer during these troubled times, EWTN Global Catholic Network invites the public to join with the Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word in praying the Fatima Chaplet of Adoration and Reparation in Time of Pandemic. The program will air at 9 a.m. ET, Friday, April 24. (Find EWTN at

“This devotion uses prayers taught to the Fatima children, two of whom perished in the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918,” said EWTN Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Michael P. Warsaw. “This makes the devotion particularly appropriate and very much needed during the 2020 pandemic, which has affected so many people across the globe.”

In an August 2018 letter to the people, Pope Francis described the origins of the Chaplet, which is associated with the apparitions of Our Lady in Fatima, Portugal.

“The Fatima children; Lucia, Francisco, and Jacinta, said three apparitions of the Angel of Peace occurred in 1916 prior to apparitions of Our Lady which took place six times between May 13 and Oct. 13, 1917, at Cova da Iria. During the apparitions of the Angel of Peace, the children said they saw a transparent figure in the form of a young man, whiter than snow and of great beauty. He appeared over the trees and said, ‘Do not be afraid! I am the Angel of Peace. Pray with me.’ Then the Angel knelt and prayed, 'My God, I believe, I adore, I hope, and I love You. I ask pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope, and do not love You' three times.”

To learn how to say the Chaplet and for a more complete history, please see this 2018 article from the National Catholic Register, a service of EWTN: Then, turn to EWTN to pray the Chaplet with viewers across the world.

EWTN Global Catholic Network, in its 38th year, is the largest religious media network in the world. EWTN’s 11 global TV channels are broadcast in multiple languages 24 hours a day, seven days a week to over 300 million television households in more than 145 countries and territories. EWTN platforms also include radio services transmitted through SIRIUS/XM, iHeart Radio, and over 500 domestic and international AM & FM radio affiliates; a worldwide shortwave radio service; one of the largest Catholic websites in the U.S.; electronic and print news services, including Catholic News Agency, “The National Catholic Register” newspaper, and several global news wire services; as well as EWTN Publishing, its book publishing division.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Were you there when they crucified my Lord?

I made this video back in 2009 just a few years after becoming Catholic. 

Song: "Were You There When They Crucified My Lord"
Song by: Tatiana (I Thirst)-album
Movie Scenes: "The Passion of The Christ"
Directed by: Mel Gibson

As has become my custom, today for Good Friday I will re-watch "The Passion of the Christ" movie. I think its the best movie ever made on the life and crucifixion of Christ. 

God bless you all. 

In Christ, 


Thursday, April 9, 2020

EWTN Divine Mercy Programming Press Release

EWTN’s Divine Mercy Programming Includes
Live Novena to the Divine Mercy in Time of Pandemic

Irondale, AL (EWTN) – Beginning Easter Sunday, EWTN Global Catholic Network will broadcast a live “Novena to the Divine Mercy in Time of Pandemic.” The novena will air shortly after the conclusion of the live Daily Mass, which airs at 8 a.m. ET. (The text to the novena can be found at

“The graces of Divine Mercy Sunday are so extraordinary that every Catholic should take full advantage of them, especially since Our Lord made them so easy to obtain,” said EWTN Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Michael P. Warsaw. “Although EWTN viewers can recite the Chaplet of Divine Mercy every weekday at 3 p.m. ET along with EWTN’s friars, the Network makes even more programs available on Divine Mercy Sunday itself, and during the week leading up to it.”

Check out some of EWTN’s Divine Mercy programs below. (For a complete listing, please go to Find EWTN at For all the ways to watch EWTN, please go to


Novena to the Divine Mercy in Time of Pandemic: Airs approximately 9 a.m. ET (immediately following Daily Mass at 8 a.m. ET).


Chaplet of Divine Mercy: Airs 3 p.m. ET. From Our Lady of the Angels Chapel Irondale, AL.

Monday, April 13

Chaplet of Divine Mercy from Our Lady of Grace Shrine in Sasse, Cameroon, Africa: Airs 3:45 a.m. ET. Encores 1:45 a.m., Tuesday through Saturday, April 14 through 18. Combines Cameroon’s rich native culture and melodies with the beauty and serenity of God’s Mercy.

The God of Mercy – Faustina, A Story of Mercy: Airs 5:30 p.m. ET with an encore at 3:30 a.m. ET, Tuesday, April 14. Fr. Bala Udumala shares the life of St. Faustina as permeated with the mission of mercy entrusted to her by Jesus.

Tuesday, April 14

The Face of Mercy: Airs 4 a.m. ET. Encores 8 p.m. ET, Friday, April 17. Documentary on the origins of the Divine Mercy devotion and the personal impact it ha had on the lives of several Catholics.

Saint Faustina: Divine Mercy in Our Souls: Airs 1:30 p.m. ET. Fr. Roesch talks to Bob and Maureen Digen about Maureen’s healing at the tomb of St. Faustina, which led to Blessed Faustina’s beatification in 1993.

The God of Mercy: The Five Elements of the Divine Mercy Devotion: Airs 5:30 p.m. ET, with an encore at 2:30 a.m. ET, Wednesday, April 15.

Wednesday, April 15

The God of Mercy – Yahweh, The God of Mercy in the Old Testament: Airs 5:30 p.m. ET, with an encore at 3:30 a.m. ET, Thursday, April 16.

Thursday, April 16

The God of Mercy – Jesus, The Incarnation of Mercy in the New Testament: Airs 5:30 p.m. ET, with an encore at 3:30 a.m. ET, Friday, April 17.

Friday, April 17

Divine Mercy – The Canonization of John Paul II: Airs 10:30 am. ET. Newt and Callista Gingrich, along with a cast of scholars, witnesses, and pilgrims share their experiences of the canonization of Pope John Paul II and reflect on his legacy.

The God of Mercy – Mercy Wanted Today: Airs 5:30 p.m. ET, with an encore at 3:30 a.m., Saturday, April 18. Fr. Bala Udumala relates that the message of Divine Mercy is needed today in a violent and godless world, in which mercy is redemptive.

Saturday, April 18

Original Image of the Divine Mercy, The Untold Story of an Unknown Masterpiece. Airs 8 p.m. ET. A look at the history of the original image of Divine Mercy, from the events that led to its creation under St. Faustina’s guidance to its current place in the Cathedral in Vilnius, Lithuania.

Divine Mercy Sunday, April 19 

Life and Times of Sister Faustina: Airs 3 a.m. ET. Encores at 3 a.m. ET, Tuesday, April 21. Fr. Seraphin Michalenko, Vice Postulor for the Cause of Canonization for Blessed Fautina for North America, explains this re-enactment of Blessed Faustina’s life and the Divine Mercy Novena.

Divine Mercy Celebration from Vilnius, Lithuania: Airs 10 a.m. ET. Celebrated by Archbishop Gintaras Grusas from the Shrine of Divine Mercy.

Divine Mercy Preview Show: Airs Noon and midnight ET. Celebrated by Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, from the National Shrine of the Divine Mercy.

Mass and Celebration of Divine Mercy from Stockbridge, MA: Airs live at 1:30 p.m. ET. 

Divine Mercy Holy Hour With the Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word: Airs 4 p.m. ET with an encore at 7 a.m. ET, Monday, April 20. Live from the Chapel of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Irondale, Ala.

EWTN Global Catholic Network, in its 38th year, is the largest religious media network in the world. EWTN’s 11 global TV channels are broadcast in multiple languages 24 hours a day, seven days a week to over 350 million television households in more than 145 countries and territories. EWTN platforms also include radio services transmitted through SIRIUS/XM, iHeart Radio, and over 500 domestic and international AM & FM radio affiliates; a worldwide shortwave radio service; one of the largest Catholic websites in the U.S.; electronic and print news services, including Catholic News Agency, “The National Catholic Register” newspaper, and several global news wire services; as well as EWTN Publishing, its book publishing division. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

EWTN’s Spiritual Resources Site Offers Comfort and Hope in Troubled Times

Plus, EWTN’s Expanded Triduum and Easter Schedule

 Irondale, AL (EWTN) – To meet the spiritual needs of people during these troubled times and in the future, EWTN Global Catholic Network has launched a new Spiritual Resources site,,

“Our newly created Spiritual Resources site provides people with a vast array of tools for coping with the coronavirus pandemic,” said EWTN Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Michael P. Warsaw. “But this resource is not just for today’s pandemic. All of us face troubled times at points in our lives and, when we do, we search for answers. In those times, EWTN is always there proclaiming the Word of God, which alone can provide the comfort and hope people are seeking.”

On EWTN’s Spiritual Resources site, users will find Daily Mass and Scripture readings, live adoration from the U.S., U.K. and Poland, prayers and devotions specific to this time, a summary of the special pandemic indulgence, a place to enter prayer requests, a Mother Angelica Live video on overcoming fear, homeschooling resources, coronavirus updates from EWTN News, and more.

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For your convenience, below is EWTN’s expanded Triduum and Easter Sunday schedule of Masses and a few important devotions. For the complete schedule, please click (Note: Events are subject to change so please check back for updates.)

Holy Thursday:

*Solemn Mass of the Lord’s Supper From Rome: 12 p.m. ET
*Choral Meditations and Solemn Mass of the Lord’s Supper: 5:30 p.m. ET, live from the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.
*Mass of the Lord’s Supper: 10:30 p.m. ET, live from Christ Cathedral in Garden Grove, CA.

Good Friday:

*Walk the Way of the Cross: San Giovanni Rotondo: 10 a.m. ET
*Stations of the Cross During the Pandemic of COVID-19: 2 p.m. ET
*Choral Meditations and Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion: 2:30 p.m. ET, live from the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.
*Choral Mediations and Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion: 6 p.m. ET, live from Christ Cathedral in Garden Grove, CA.
*Way of the Cross From Rome: 8 p.m. ET
*Celebration of the Lord’s Passion from Rome: Live at 12 p.m. ET and Midnight ET

Holy Saturday:

*Way of the Cross From Rome: 5:30 a.m. ET  (Encore from Good Friday)
*Veneration of the Shroud: 11 a.m. ET, live from Turin, Italy.
*Easter Vigil Mass From Rome: 3 p.m. ET
*Easter Vigil Mass: 8 p.m. ET, from the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.
*Easter Vigil Mass: 11 p.m. ET, live from Christ Cathedral in Garden Grove, CA. (3 hours)

Easter Sunday:

*Solemn Mass of Easter Sunday From Rome: 5 a.m. ET and 7 p.m. ET (75 min.)

*Urbi Et Orbi: Message and Blessing - Easter: 6 a.m. ET and 8 p.m. ET (Estimated times since this airs after Easter Mass. Encores at 3 a.m. ET and 7 a.m. ET, Monday, April 13.)

*Sunday Mass: 8 a.m. ET and Midnight ET, from Our Lady of the Angels Chapel in Irondale, AL with the Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word. (80 min.)

*Easter Sunday Mass: Noon ET, from the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. (65 min.)
Louisville Chorus - In Exaltation: 1:30 p.m. ET and 11:30 p.m. ET

*Sunday Vespers With Benediction: 6 p.m. ET, from Our Lady of the Angels Chapel with the Franciscan Friars of the Eternal Word. 
Photo Caption: To meet the spiritual needs of people during these troubled times and in the future, EWTN Global Catholic Network has launched a new Spiritual Resources site, The site provides people with a vast array of tools for coping with the coronavirus pandemic, including Daily Mass and Scripture readings, live adoration, prayers & devotions specific to this time, a place for prayer requests, a Mother Angelica Live video on overcoming fear, homeschooling resources, and much more.

EWTN Global Catholic Network, in its 38th year, is the largest religious media network in the world. EWTN’s 11 global TV channels are broadcast in multiple languages 24 hours a day, seven days a week to over 350 million television households in more than 145 countries and territories. EWTN platforms also include radio services transmitted through SIRIUS/XM, iHeart Radio, and over 500 domestic and international AM & FM radio affiliates; a worldwide shortwave radio service; one of the largest Catholic websites in the U.S.; electronic and print news services, including Catholic News Agency, “The National Catholic Register” newspaper, and several global news wire services; as well as EWTN Publishing, its book publishing division. 

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