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The Connecticut Catholic Corner Motto: Romans 14:16 "Do not allow what you consider good to be spoken of as evil."

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***FYI: Comments***

Due to continued problems with Disqus I have removed them from this blog- in doing so comments from 2018-2020 have disappeared from my blog posts.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Mississippi Mass Confusion

This weekend parishioners at St. John the Evangelists Catholic Church in Gulfport, Mississippi celebrated their sixth year “International Celebration” Mass. 

What is “International Celebration Mass” you ask?  It’s a Mass with a procession of international flags, dancing children during Mass and our Lord’s altar draped in a world map. 

What’s the point of such a Mass?

To celebrate the peoples diversity of course!

Move over Jesus, this Mass isn’t about you, it’s about US.

Look at us! 

See how diverse we are! 

See how we come together to celebrate how special we are!

See how we use words like “unite” and “diversity” and “come together” to divert attention from the fact that we have reduced you Jesus, to a mere excuse to gather at Church so we can celebrate how great we the people are!  

See us celebrate US!  See us celebrate how wonderfully diverse we all are!

See us NOT celebrating Jesus.  :(

Once the guitar strumming and dancing is done, the diversity Mass is followed by a buffet of diverse food for all the diverse people to eat in order to complete the celebration of their diversity.

 Quote from the Sun Herald:
       “Parishioners dressed in the attire depicting their background and carried flags from each country of origin represented at the church to begin the Mass. St. John's Church Choir, St. John's Hispanic Choir and the Vietnamese Martyrs Church Angels Choir of Biloxi provided music during the service. Children's groups from Vietnamese Martyrs and St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church performed ceremonial dances during the Mass as well.  Coordinator of the event Vickie Tiner said South Mississippi is rich in other cultures and this is a way of celebrating those cultures.” –end quote-
What does parish priest Father Joseph Uko say about this Mass? He says, the celebration highlights the differences and the one reason everyone comes together.”

Really Father?  The “one reason everyone comes together” for Mass is to celebrate our own diversity?

God save us from priests like this!!

A reminder for those who think this sort of Mass is what the Church teaches…

Catholic Catechism on the Mass…

VI. The Paschal Banquet
1382 The Mass is at the same time, and inseparably, the sacrificial memorial in which the sacrifice of the cross is perpetuated and the sacred banquet of communion with the Lord's body and blood. But the celebration of the Eucharistic sacrifice is wholly directed toward the intimate union of the faithful with Christ through communion. To receive communion is to receive Christ himself who has offered himself for us.
1387 To prepare for worthy reception of this sacrament, the faithful should observe the fast required in their Church.218 Bodily demeanor (gestures, clothing) ought to convey the respect, solemnity, and joy of this moment when Christ becomes our guest.                                                         

In Christ,

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Catholic Laity Taking Control in Parishes

Every time I hear another story about how a Catholic parish is changing to be more like a protestant church I feel sick.

Unfortunately it is happening again, this time to our Catholic brethren in Canada.  The Archdiocese of Saint Boniface recently announced its five year “Action Plan” in which they will work hard at turning much of the parish over to the laity to run.

Archbishop Albert LeGatt seems thrilled with the "Action Plan" to hand over more parish authority to the laity.  This plan means parish priests will have less authority over their own parishes while the laity have more control and power than ever before. This is how protestant congregations work, the congregation dictates to the minister how things will go and if he doesn't like it, he's voted out and a new puppet is installed.

Quote from Winnipeg Free Press:

“The proposal to involve lay people in making decisions will be presented to priests, deacons and lay leaders at an all-day meeting on May 28, says Pierre-Alain Giffard, director of pastoral services for the archdiocese.
"We're looking at building healthy, relevant and missionary parishes that aim at spiritual growth and involving people in ministries," says Giffard, who holds a doctorate in theology specializing in church growth.” –end quote-

And this gem about a parishes 'decision-making powers' to move from the priest to the laity.

Quote: “Giffard says the proposal calls for decision-making powers to move from the parish priest to include a parish leadership team responsible for faith formation, social justice, fellowship, finance, liturgical functions and proclaiming the faith.
This restructuring proposal grows out of a five-year action plan ( calling for spiritual and pastoral renewal involving all Catholics in the diocese, says Archbishop Albert LeGatt.  
 "It's also asking the parishes to engage in a visioning and planning process for their parish life, which is more than just keeping up the building," says LeGatt, who compares the shift in structure to building a bridge span by span.
[Archbishop LeGatt says] "The next span in the bridge is about giving greater authority to the lay people and authority given in a consultative and service manner."  
Changing the lines of authority in the Catholic church may take years to implement, says a retired professor of Catholic history and longtime advocate for change in the governance of the church.  
 "We've had a clericalized top-down leadership for centuries encoded in canon law," says Richard Lebrun, adding it is ironic the hierarchy of the archdiocese is now telling the lay people how to get involved.” –end quote-

Yes, how ironic indeed!

Here are a few quotes from the “Action Plan”

 FIRST GUIDING PRINCIPLE Call upon the gifts and charisms of all the baptized. Rethink and adapt to the changing circumstances in our communities, the vocations and the roles, the calls and the responses to the ministries and services of the Church. The spiritual and pastoral renewal depends upon the willingness of the baptized to share their gifts and charisms. 
SECOND GUIDING PRINCIPLE Broaden the outreach of the Gospel and the faith of the ChurchStrive for a greater life-giving presence of the Church.
THIRD GUIDING PRINCIPLE Assert Catholic identity -Express our Catholic identity.
FOURTH GUIDING PRINCIPLE Give visibility to the Church- Increase the visibility of the Church in the public forum.
FIFTH GUIDING PRINCIPLE Develop the spirituality of stewardship- Integrate the spirituality of Christian stewardship into parish and diocesan activities.

Here are some specifics:

DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES - Nathanael is a journey of discernment and formation designed to offer the baptized the opportunity to enrich and deepen their faith, to witness more effectively in the world, to evangelize and, if such is their call, to exercise leadership in the Church. It leads the baptized to rediscover and mature in their baptismal commitment, and to engage more fully in the mission of Christ and of the Church. Nathanael is placed under the responsibility of the Diocesan Coordinator of Evangelization and Adult Faith Formation aided by a formation team.


The social pastoral mission of the Church is the embodiment of a concrete and life-giving concern for evangelization in the social, economic, cultural, and political realities of society (Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church
). Its goal is to promote social justice, respect for human rights and dignity, as well as a greater transforming force of our society so it is truer to the Gospel. Through His Word, God calls upon all the faithful to look after the poor and downtrodden, through individual and collective action as people of good will sharing and manifesting God’s love.


DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES - Social justice promotes equal rights and community solidarity. It strives toward a just society in social, economic, and cultural terms. It works toward giving everyone the same opportunities for success but also promotes an equitable distribution of wealth.New Projects and Implementation phases 2013-2018   Take an inventory of existing social justice initiatives in the Archdiocese
Develop activities through networking with other provincial organizations involved in social justice.
So what do you think Catholics? 

Is it a good idea for the laity to take over and become more like the 30,000+ protestant denominations out there?

Will this “action plan” grow better Catholics or closet protestants who call themselves Catholic?        

In Christ,

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner

**For some reason Blogger isn't accepting any Youtube video codes today, so to watch Archbishop LeGatt on Youtube discuss "Action Plan" go HERE.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Catholic Events

The Hamden Alzheimer’s/Dementia Support Group will be meeting on Thursday, May 22, at 7 p.m. The meeting will be in the Family Life Office, next to St. Stephen Church at 412 Ridge Road, Hamden. All are welcome.


This weekend, May 23rd & 24th , The St Rita Knights of Columbus will be running the Annual KofC Car Wash at the Daycare Center, 30 Gillies Road ( across Whitney Ave from the Church).

Friday May 23, 6pm until Dusk
Saturday from 8am to 1pm.

ALL proceeds to Fisher House of West Haven.


WOMEN SUFFERING from a past abortion are invited to a Day of Prayer and Healing on Sat., June 28, from 9 am-5 pm at the Seton Neumann Center in Danbury

Begin your healing journey and experience God’s mercy.

For more info and confidential registration, contact Maureen at Project Rachel: 203.416.1619 or email 

The Archdiocesan Office for Catholic Social Justice Ministry will host “Rooted in Faith: Building a Better World” on Saturday, June 14 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at St. Paul Catholic High School in Bristol. The $40 fee includes continental breakfast, lunch and materials.

For more details, please call 203-777-7279 or visit the ministry office


SAVE the DATE for the Sisters at Clelian Center

Clelian Adult Day Center’s Wine Tasting Benefit
Wednesday, June 25, 6-8pm

Donation: $35.

A large selection of wine, beer, and non-alcoholic drinks available with tasty appetizers and a buffet dinner.

The Clelian Adult Center, 261 Benham Street, Hamden, CT

The Clelian Adult Center is a work of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.


The offering of the Sacrifice of the Mass for Memorial Day in CT:

Father Michael S. Galasso will celebrate a Mass for all the faithful departed, on Monday, May 26, 2014, at 10:00am, at Mt. St. Benedict Cemetery, Bloomfield, CT.

All are cordially invited to take part in Mass.


Monday, May 26 at 10:30 a.m. in All Saints Cemetery Mausoleum, 700 Middletown Avenue, North Haven. For additional information, please call 203-239-2557


At Our Lady of Assumption Parish, Fairfield, on Sunday, May 25, at 12 noon.

The Mass is sponsored by the Knights of Columbus #11077

A military service to honor the war dead of our country will take place on the parish grounds immediately following the Mass.

The ceremony will include veterans from all local veteran organizations along with police, scouts, honor guards, the First Selectman of Fairfield, police and fire chiefs, Town Clerk, Probate Judge and state and local officials. Open to the public.

For more info, call Fred Coseglia: 203.371.8181


Mass at Saint Andrew Church, Bridgeport, Sunday, May, 25, 11:30am.
Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Cabrini Assembly #136.

Vietnam veterans will be honored with a special presentation.

Refreshments to follow.
More info, call the parish: 203-374-6171


Saint Joseph Cemetery, Boswell Avenue, Norwich,

Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, will celebrate this Mass on Memorial Day, Monday, May 26, 2014, at 9:00 a.m.

In case of inclement weather this Mass will be celebrated in the Mausoleum Chapel at Saint Mary Cemetery.


Sacred Heart Cemetery, Harland Road, Taftville, Rev. Msgr. Henry N. Archambault, P.A., J.C.D., will celebrate Mass, Monday, May 26, 2014, at 9:00 a.m.

In case of inclement weather the Mass will be celebrated in Sacred Heart Church, Taftville.

Saint Patrick Cemetery, Depot Road, Montville, Reverend Robert Buongirno will celebrate
this Mass, Monday, May 26, 2014, at 9:00 a.m.

In case of inclement weather the Mass will be celebrated in Saint John Church, Uncasville.


Saint Mary Cemetery, Jefferson Avenue, New London, Monsignor Robert L. Brown, Chancellor, will celebrate Mass, Monday, May 26, 2014, at 10:00 a.m..

In case of inclement weather this Mass will be celebrated in the Mausoleum Chapel at Saint Mary Cemetery, New London.

Contributor: Paul A. Zalonski
Catholic Connecticut
255 Foxon Hill Road
East Haven, CT 06513-1216 USA
Email Paul directly:
Follow Paul on Twitter @CatholicCT
Connect with Paul on Facebook "Catholic Connecticut CatholicCT"

***Paul is the Catholic Events Contributor for Connecticut Catholic Corner***

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Pope Francis is micro-chipping Catholics?

I am not half way through my emails and already I have read five emails telling me Pope Francis is the anti-Christ because he’s forcing all Catholics to be micro-chipped.


The source of this “Run for your lives, it’s the end of the world” news…?

The’s “professional journalist” Jane M. Agni who wrote:

QUOTE: "In a controversial move by the Catholic church, Pope Francis has come out in vocal support of RFID Chip technologies and the extraordinary potential they hold for mankind. The outrage stems from a belief held by many Evangelicals, Fundamentalists and Catholics, that RFID implants are the Mark Of The Beast, spoken about in their Holy Book’s chapter regarding the end of the world.
During the Pontiff’s weekly general address, he spoke to the crowd about his view on the RFID technology, and assured his many followers that no spiritual harm can come from receiving an RFID implant.“We have examined the scriptures thoroughly, and I can conclusively say that there’s nothing to indicate that RFID Chips are Satanic in anyway. If anything, these devices are a blessing from God himself, bestowed upon humanity to solve many of the world’s ills.”He went onto urge his devotees to be open minded in this era where brilliant new technological advancements are being made everyday. The Bishop of Rome explained to those in attendance his excitement over making RFID implantation a mandatory procedure for all employees and residents of the Vatican." -end- See more at:

Just a heads up to the Chicken Little’s out there running around screaming “The sky is falling!  The sky is falling because Pope Francis is the micro-chipping anti-Christ”!... the National Report is a SATIRE news website.  

I am AMAZED at the number of people who in the comments (read them below the article) and emails actually believe this stuff.  

For example, look at what Katrina wrote in the comments area: 
KatrinaMay 21, 2014 at 9:25 amNow I know why the so-called ‘West’ has welcomed this pope and grilled the previous one until he resigned. This pope is welcoming the antichrist. These poor people who are Catholics and follow the pope like sheep are now damned unless they start thinking for themselves and stand up for their rights.
I don't know if I should laugh or cry at Katrina telling anyone else they have to start 'thinking'.

God save the gullible from themselves!  

Have any of these people taken the time…just a moment to ask themselves “Should I believe everything I read on the Internet?”

Did they bother to read the other ‘news’ stories reported on National  Oh you know, things like “Obama Announces Plans to run for Third Term President”  
QUOTE:  “Washington, DC — President Barack Obama shocked the country this morning with news that he is running for a third term.
“I can’t abandon the American people now when they need me more than ever,” Obama told reporters at a press conference this morning. “We’ve come this far as a nation, now is not the time to do something different. This is the change you wanted and this is the change you’re getting.” –end- See more: 
or perhaps this one entitled “Baffling Mystery in Washington DC – 10-30 Million People Reported Missing”

Quote: “Seemingly spontaneously formed  small groups of volunteers, in clusters of about a dozen, are now aiding law enforcement in the search. Many of the bewildered volunteers carrying flags and holding up cardboard signs reading, “Obama Is Hitler”, “Were Taking R Country Back!”, and “Where are you at?”In interviews with the National Report,  most of the volunteers look dumbfounded and confused over the loss of so many people. The enormity of such a loss seems to have a large percentage of the volunteers in a state of shock, as many have been observed shouting and rambling incoherently, calling this a conspiracy.It was also noted by this reporter, that many of the searchers were attired in camouflage clothing which may be preventing them from being seen by the 10 to 30 million souls they are searching for.- See more at:

Does that sound like REAL news to any of you?

Don’t people think something like that would be mentioned on oh, you know news media like CNN, FOX News or even MSNBC?  

Come on people, THINK!

In Christ and not getting micro-chipped by the Holy Father,

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner


Photo image from:

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

EWTN Press Release: Pope's Trip to the Holy Land

Turn to EWTN for a Catholic Perspective On the Pope’s May 24-26 Trip to the Holy Land

Irondale, AL – This Memorial Day Weekend, join the EWTN Global Catholic Network as we travel to the Holy Land with Pope Francis! The journey begins Saturday, May 24 and continues through Monday, May 26.
“World Over Live” Host Raymond Arroyo will anchor the event with on-site commentary by Fr. Peter Vasko; Rome Correspondent Alan Holdren will report from the Holy Land for “EWTN News Nightly;” and EWTN Rome Bureau Chief Joan Lewis will not only provide EWTN Global Catholic Radio with exclusive reports from the Holy Land, but will also serve up some sure-to-be-memorable blogs with lots of photos for viewers to share!
Watch EWTN via television, radio, live stream, or your mobile device ( so you don’t miss a moment of the Pope’s historic pilgrimage!
The official motto of this Holy Land trip is “ut unum sint,” which is Latin for “that they may be one.” It’s a fitting choice for a trip that falls on the 50th Anniversary of the famous meeting between Pope Paul VI & Patriarch Athenagoras, then Patriarch of the Eastern Orthodox Church. In addition to meeting with current Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, the papal delegation will, for the first time, include a Jewish rabbi and a Muslim leader, who have been personal friends of the Pope since his days as Cardinal of Buenos Aires.
The Pope is also scheduled to pray with refugees and youth with disabilities and to meet with religious leaders from the Jewish, Muslim and Orthodox faiths as well as heads of state and ordinary citizens from Jordan, Israel, and Palestine.
Expectations for this ecumenical trip are high and, if the past is prologue, we can expect a great deal of news. Instead of getting the secular media’s interpretation of events, watch it live on EWTN for a truly Catholic perspective!
For the latest updates on events and specials surrounding this event, please visit
EWTN Global Catholic Network, in its 33rd year, is available in over 230 million television households in more than 140 countries and territories. With its direct broadcast satellite television and radio services, AM & FM radio networks, worldwide short-wave radio station, Internet website, electronic and print news services, and publishing arm, EWTN is the largest religious media network in the world.

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Limited openings available for the 2014-15 school year
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This announcement was sent to Connecticut Catholic Corner from Bob Fritz
Director of Admissions at St. John Paul II Regional School.  Please contact them directly.

In Christ,

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner

Friday, May 16, 2014

Connecticut Catholic Events

Summer is a time for summer camps, and retreat opportunities for high school students and adults. More to come.


The Jump Challenge

DATES: July 22-28, 2014
COST: $395.00 until May 15th;  $450.00 after May 15th
(includes camp t-shirt and notebook)
AGES: Girls beginning 5th-12th grade
LOCATION: Incarnation Center, Ivorytown, CT

Find out more at


The Journey Retreat

DATE & TIME: Saturday, June 28, 9:30am - 6:30pm
COST: $35.
LOCATION: Fairfield Prep

The Jesuits and staff at Fairfield University & Prep are offering The Journey Retreat for high school students in June. 

The Journey Retreat allows students, with the power of music, to plug into their own spirituality. Working side by side with local professionals and college interns, students will developed a network of people who share a common passion for liturgy and celebration of the spoken word. 

The cost is $35 and includes food, fun, and faith! Deadline for registration June 16, 2014.

Registration (completed form & payment) ought to be sent to Father Brett Stockdale, SJ: Fairfield University, 1073 N. Benson Road, Fairfield, CT 06824.

Questions: Father Brett Stockdale:

Contributor: Paul A. Zalonski
Catholic Connecticut
255 Foxon Hill Road
East Haven, CT 06513-1216 USA
Email Paul directly: 
Follow Paul on Twitter @CatholicCT
Connect with Paul on Facebook "Catholic Connecticut CatholicCT"

***Paul is the Catholic Events Contributor for Connecticut Catholic Corner***

Thursday, May 15, 2014

TWO EWTN Press Releases!

EWTN Wins Two Gabriel Awards Including Religious Television Station of the Year

Irondale, AL – EWTN Global Catholic Network has been awarded a Gabriel Award for Religious Television Station of the year for its total programming and community service in the prestigious annual competition sponsored by the Catholic Academy of Communication Professionals. In addition, “EWTN News Nightly,” the Network’s nightly news show, won a Gabriel for “Single News Story Series National Release.”

“This award acknowledges the years of hard work by dedicated Catholic media professionals who are truly playing their part in the “new Evangelization,“ said EWTN President & COO Doug Keck. “We have assembled the hardest working television team it has ever been my pleasure to work with – including Vice President of Programming Peter Gagnon, Vice President of Spanish Language Production and Marketing Enrique Duprat and Director of Acquisitions John Elson -- and definitely the most faith filled!”
The Gabriel Awards, which are open to both secular and religious television and radio stations and producers in the U.S. and Canada, will be presented Thursday, June 19 at the Sheraton Charlotte Hotel in Charlotte, North Carolina.
EWTN Chairman of the Board & Chief Executive Officer Michael P. Warsaw was especially pleased to win a Gabriel because it honors the Network, now in its 33rd year, for uplifting and nourishing the human spirit, for affirming the dignity of human persons, and for recognizing and upholding such values as community, creativity, tolerance, justice, compassion and dedication to excellence.
“We are honored that the Catholic Academy has recognized EWTN and its employees for upholding such values," Warsaw said. "We look forward to another 33 years of helping to bring the world to Christ and His Church."
Last year, EWTN’s viewers were treated to 148 papal events, 138 live events, 30 original series, 21 international series, 89 acquired programs, and 15 co-productions, all with one message: Jesus Christ!
The “EWTN News Nightly” team was equally honored to be awarded a Gabriel for their story on Saint Jerome Academy in Hyattsville, Md.
“As someone whose confirmation saint is the angel Gabriel, it feels great to be a Gabriel award winner,” said Wyatt Spencer, who reported the story for ENN. “This award affirms the hard work our news staff does every day.”
ENN, which is seen five days a week, is anchored by Brian Patrick from EWTN’s studios in Washington, D.C.
EWTN Global Catholic Network, in its 33rd year, is available in over 230 million television households in more than 140 countries and territories. With its direct broadcast satellite television and radio services, AM & FM radio networks, worldwide short-wave radio station, Internet website, electronic and print news services, and publishing arm, EWTN is the largest religious media network in the world.

EWTN Debuts New Miniseries
‘Travel Guide to Life’

Plus, Coverage of the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast, a Special Live Edition of “Women of Grace,” & More

Irondale, AL – How does a nearly century old message still apply today? Father Andrew Apostoli revisits the words said to three shepherd children by the Blessed Mother with a faithful and analytical eye, and clears up many of the common questions surrounding the apparitions at Fatima. If you love Our Lady of #Fatima, you won’t want to miss Doug Keck’s interview on “Fatima for Today: The Urgent Marian Message of Hope” when “EWTN Bookmark” airs at 9:30 a.m. & 11:30 p.m. ET, Sunday, May 18—exclusively on #EWTN!
What made this Former Episcopal priest “altar” his faith? Former Anglican Fr. Jurgan Liias tells “Journey Home” Host Marcus Grodi what caused him convert to Catholicism after serving several years as a priest in the Episcopal Church. Don’t miss him recount his “Journey Home,” LIVE at 8 p.m. ET, Monday May 19—exclusively on #EWTN!
Book a trip through your life! Author Anthony DeStefano takes “EWTN Live” Host Fr. Mitch Pacwa on a tour of what to expect from his new mini-series “A Travel Guide to Life,” which is based on his book with the same title, which will be premiering exclusively on #EWTN next week! “EWTN Live” airs at 8 p.m. ET, Wednesday, May 14.
A victory cheer for college Catholics everywhere! Victoria Rogers makes no secret of the fact that she loves her Catholic faith, and she and the rest of the members of the Catholic Student Association at Samford University join “Life on the Rock” co-hosts Fr. Mark & Doug Barry to discuss what their group does to keep Catholicism on their college’s campus! Stay after class and join Samford’s Catholic Student Association for a special “Life on the Rock,” LIVE at 9 p.m. ET, Friday, May 16—exclusivley on #EWTN!
The most important meal of the day just got a little more important! Wake up for a second helping of this year’s annual “National Catholic Prayer Breakfast” in Washington, D.C when #EWTN airs this encore presentation at 10:30 a.m .ET, Thursday, May 15! Find EWTN at       
Calling all “Women of Grace” fans! This week, Johnnette Benkovic is inviting YOU to a special LIVE episode of “Women of Grace!” Tune in at 11 a.m. ET, Friday, May 16 LIVE, or view the encore  later that evening at 11:30 p.m. ET—exclusively on #EWTN!
Set your GPS  for “Heaven.” Author Anthony DeStefano is your personal travel agent who will expertly help you navigate the landmarks and potholes you’ll encounter while attempting to reach your destination! Meet your “Travel Guide to Life” when the first part of this miniseries  begins at 6:30 p.m. ET, Monday, May 19, and will air at the same time each night through Saturday, May 24—exclusively on #EWTN! Find EWTN at (You can also purchase the book at

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