During Lent, Catholics have three traditional Lenten disciplines. We have fasting & abstinence for Catholics the age of 14 and over. These Catholics abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and all the Fridays of Lent. In addition, on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and all Fridays in Lent, Catholics age 18-59 fast only having one full meal and two smaller meals a day. The second traditional Lenten discipline is prayer. Catholics are encouraged to pray more often during this time and go to Confession. The third traditional Lenten discipline is almsgiving. Some Catholics give up something during Lent and offer the money once spent on that item to a charity to help the poor.
The second and third traditional Lenten disciplines are what I'd like to focus on and how they effect other's. When we pray, really pray and pour our hearts and souls into praying for others and loving others as God loves us, miraculous things happen. Things we may never know about while on earth but once we get to heaven all the little things we've done for others will be revealed. Have you ever prayed for someone you never knew just because you read a newspaper article about a tragedy or need in the world? You, while on earth may never know what that prayer did for the person or persons involved in that situation but God will not forget it. Have you ever listened to a priest from another country tell you how desperate things are where he comes from and while you didn't have much money you gave anyway? You, while on earth may never know what those few dollars did for someone else around the world, but God will not forget it. Have you ever heard the sirens of an ambulance speed by and stopped what you were doing to pray for whoever was in need? You, while on earth may never know what that prayer did, but God knows and has not forgotten. These little things we can all do and should be doing, helping others even if we never realize it on earth. These are the things that one day someone in heaven might say "Thank you" to you for and Jesus will say "Well done, my good and faithful servant".
Now think about who has touched your life. Who are you thankful for who's helped you in your life on earth and your walk with Christ? Did a priest share a particularly meaningful homily that effected your life and changed it? Has a religious educator given their time to make sure you understood your faith? Has anyone ever stepped forward to help you in a time of need when you least expected it? Has a virtual stranger offered to pray for you or with you? All these wonderful little things in life often go unnoticed here on earth, but God knows and doesn't forget.
The things we do for others, no matter how small they seem will one day be proclaimed in Heaven. Remember the story of the poor widow (Lk 21) putting in her two lepta (small copper coins)? She gave what little she had and for all of history that giving has been recorded in Holy Sacred Scripture for all to learn from. What a witness she has been for humankind! Yet I doubt she ever knew while on earth the effect her giving would have for generations to come. I'd like to share the lyrics to a touching song about just this and I will share the music video at the bottom of this post. I hope you enjoy it and it touches you as it does me each time I hear it.
"Thank You" by Ray Boltz
I dreamed I went to heaven
And you were there with me;
We walked upon the streets of gold
Beside the crystal sea.
We heard the angels singing
Then someone called your name.
We turned and saw a young man running
And he was smiling as he came.
And he said, "Friend you may not know me now."
And then he said, "But wait,
You used to teach my Sunday School
When I was only eight.
And every week you would say a prayer
Before the class would start.
And one day when you said that prayer,
I asked Jesus in my heart."
Thank you for giving to the Lord.
I am a life that was changed.
Thank you for giving to the Lord.
I am so glad you gave.
Then another man stood before you
And said, "Remember the time
A missionary came to your church
And his pictures made you cry.
You didn't have much money,
But you gave it anyway.
Jesus took the gift you gave
And that's why I'm here today."
Thank you for giving to the Lord.
I am a life that was changed.
Thank you for giving to the Lord.
I am so glad you gave.
One by one they came
Far as the eye could see.
Each life somehow touched
By your generosity.
Little things that you had done,
Sacrifices made,
Unnoticed on the earth
In heaven, now proclaimed.
And I know up in heaven
You're not supposed to cry
But I am almost sure
There were tears in your eyes.
As Jesus took your hand
And you stood before the Lord.
He said, "My child, look around you.
Great is your reward."
Thank you for giving to the Lord.
I am a life that was changed.
Thank you for giving to the Lord.
I am so glad you gave.
Thank you for giving to the Lord.
I am a life that was changed.
Thank you for giving to the Lord.
I am so glad you gave.
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Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner