French Priest Traveling in U.S.A.
With St. Mary Magdalene’s Relic
To Appear on Special “EWTN Live” Oct. 27
With St. Mary Magdalene’s Relic
To Appear on Special “EWTN Live” Oct. 27
Irondale, AL (EWTN) – Father Thomas Michelet will appear 10 p.m. ET Tuesday, Oct. 27 on a special “EWTN Live” with Father Mitch Pacwa to discuss the story of St. Mary Magdalene and the relic, which is coming to the U.S. from France for the first time.
Fr. Michelet, a Dominican priest, will be touring with the permission of Bishop Dominique Rey of the Diocese of Frejus-Toulon, where the relic is normally housed.
Mary Magdalene is recorded in the Gospels as the first witness of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Chris.
“The relics, hidden at the time of the Saracen invasions (Early Middle Ages), were found in 1279, the date from which they have been venerated without interruption,” said Bishop Rey in a letter certifying the authenticity of the relics. “They are presently kept by the Dominican priests in the cave of St. Baume, a part of my diocese. A new reliquary has been constructed to allow one of the relics, a piece of the tibia, to travel to different countries for veneration by the entire Church.”
EWTN Executive Vice President Doug Keck said: “EWTN is honored that the relic will be coming to the Network and that viewers will be able to not only see one of the relics, but to listen to Fr. Michelet discuss its storied history.”
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