EWTN: Extra! Extra!
Irondale, AL – EXTRA! EXTRA! Get the inside story on Franciscan University's bold decision to drop its student health insurance plan because of the HHS mandate on contraception/sterilization services. Fr. Terence Henry, president of Franciscan University at Stuebenville, visits "World Over" Host Raymond Arroyo at 8 p.m. ET, May 17 (tonight!) -- exclusively on EWTN. Find EWTN at www.ewtn.com/channelfinder.
Two really cool authors visit "The World Over" on EWTN tonight! Andreas Widmer, former Pontifical Swiss Guard (!) and author of "The Pope and the CEO" will discuss faith, prosperity, and Christian leadership with Host Raymond Arroyo. Also appearing is Michael Coren, a popular Canadian columnist, television personality, and author of "Heresy: Ten Lies They Spread About Christianity." Airs 8 p.m. ET, May 17 -- exclusively on EWTN. Find EWTN at www.ewtn.com/channelfinder.
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Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner