I don't usually get political on my blog... nor do I usually call out media bias, but this was too much even for me to hold back. I watched the Presidential Debate last night, as did millions of other Americans. This morning I was very interested to see how others felt after mulling things over. What I was not expecting was one news source to be SO biased they couldn't even bring themselves to make the Debate the "Top Story" this morning. I looked at CNN, Fox News and NBC news... guess which one thinks Russian smugglers tops the United States Presidential Debate?
CNN news put the United States Presidential Debate as "Top News" on their website. |
Fox News also found the United States Presidential Debate worthy of "Top Story" on their website. |
Now lets look at where NBC puts the United States Presidential Debate in importance on their website...
President Obama's lap dog AKA NBC News is doing all they can to pretend last night's Presidential Debate never happened. NBC has declared the "Top Story" this morning is Russian spies smuggling electronics above the first United States Presidential Debate of this election year.
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