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The Connecticut Catholic Corner Motto: Romans 14:16 "Do not allow what you consider good to be spoken of as evil."

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Friday, June 26, 2020

To the Glory of God

This morning my family decided to get out and do some photography-its a family thing and we love it. 

So we took a morning drive to Elizabeth Park in West Hartford. It was just beautiful and peaceful. A few people walking about, talking, admiring the flowers and just enjoying the nice weather and being together. 

Surprising to me, much of it felt a bit like I had jumped into the pages of Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings". Let me know if the photos bring that to your minds as well.

Among pine trees, roses, flowers, ponds, babbling brooks, wildlife, stone bridge and rock bridge I found a little stone someone had left for others to find and it just made my day. 

These are some of the photo's I took, I hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I enjoyed taking them. 

To me this is a Hobbit house of course! 😊

Inside the Hobbit house...
On top of this stone wall was a small blue painted stone...
 Up close you can read it... it says "To the Glory of God"

What a wonderful find around our last corner before leaving Elizabeth Park this morning. I smiled all the way home. 

God bless you all. 

In Christ, 




  1. Hi Julie. Very lovely photos. I especially like the roses and the pretty blue sky photos.

  2. Thank you. I have some more rose photos, but most of them were passed their bloom. I guess they were early spring roses or perhaps the weather got to them. But over all the gardens were truly lovely. :)

  3. Julie, I am an 88-year-old Jesuit priest who used to walk through Elizabeth Park in the late 1940s as a high school day hop on my way home from St. Thomas Seminary. The park was lovely even in winter, when I would skate on its pond. Since 1971 I've been stationed in Beirut, Lebanon, but now that we are locked down I have time to remember.
    You are quite right to see how the Church has changed and to fight for what must not change. Your posts are wise and courageous, and I pray you will keep on fighting. The devil always looks like he is winning, but he's not. Congratulations, and God bless you!!
    Sincerely,Fr. Martin


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Thank you and God bless...

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner

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