EWTN: The Latest In The Battle Over Religious Freedom, Knowing What To Do At The End of Life and Much More
Irondale, AL – The battle over religious freedom and the future of the Catholic Church in the U.S. continues. In addition to EWTN and many other colleges and state attorney generals, Ave Maria University is suing the U.S. government and HHS. See Ave Maria President Jim Towey, former head of the Bush Administration’s Office for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, talk about the lawsuit on EWTN’s “The World Over,” here: http://bit.ly/AuMRqM
Planned Parenthood would like you to believe that most women care more about contraception than religious freedom. Watch George Mason University Associate Professor Helen Alvare, formerly with the USCCB’s Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities, talk about the recent open letter she wrote opposing the HHS mandate, which was signed by over 2,000 professional women. See it here: http://bit.ly/AuMRqM
EVERY diocesan bishop in the U.S. has come out against the HHS mandate. Get the latest on what’s happening at www.ewtn.com/hhsmandate.
The HHS mandate is NOT about contraception; it’s about religious freedom. Watch this online video to find out more, http://bit.ly/AuMRqM, or check out this website, www.ewtn.com/hhsmandate.
Sooner or later, God will call all of us home. But for those who are facing the imminent death of a loved one or their own mortality, this can be a confusing time. If you need help sorting through the confusion, or just want to be able to help those who might come to you with questions, tune in to "EWTN Theology Roundtable: End of Life Issues." Airs 1 p.m. ET, Tuesday, March 13; and 5 a.m. ET, Thursday, March 15 – exclusively on EWTN. Find EWTN at www.ewtn.com/channelfinder.
Hear Oakland’s Bishop Salvatore Cordileone talk about attempts to legalize “same-sex” marriage and the impact of these efforts on religious freedom and civilization. Watch “Catholic Action Insight” at 6:30 p.m. ET, Monday, March 12 exclusively on EWTN. Find EWTN at www.ewtn.com/channelfinder.
St. Patrick’s Day is March 17! Celebrate by watching “Trial at Tara,” the story of the Saint’s trial before one of the many kings of the time and the Druid priests. In his defense, the Saint explained his belief in the teachings of the Church -- the Trinity, and Our Lady, among others. In the process, many, including the queen, came to believe in the true Faith and to discard the dark faith of the Druids. Airs 3 a.m. ET and 6:30 p.m. ET, Wednesday, March 14 exclusively on EWTN. Find EWTN at wtn.com/channelfinder.
But my conscience tells me it’s okay! Find out what it means to have a properly formed conscience from the nun who always tells it like it is. Watch this week’s “Mother Angelica Live Classic” on conscience. Airs 8 p.m. ET, Tuesday, March 13 exclusively on EWTN. Find EWTN at wtn.com/channelfinder.
Cardinal Timothy Dolan is the Archbishop of New York, the head of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops – and a force of nature! Find out more about him when his brother Bob Dolan visits “EWTN Live” with Father Mitch Pacwa to talk about the life lessons he’s learned from his sibling. Airs 8 p.m. ET, Wednesday, March 14 – exclusively on EWTN. Find EWTN at www.ewtn.com/channelfinder.
Looking for an inspiring spiritual biography! Then tune into “Bookmark” as Host Doug Keck interviews Fr. Kevin Scallon about his new book, “I Will Come Myself.” Airs 5:30 p.m. ET, Wednesday, March 14 exclusively on EWTN. The book is a moving testimony of Father’s very personal encounters with Our Lord – in the tabernacle, in prayer, and in far-flung experiences as a missionary priest. With Sr. Bridget McKenna, Fr. Scallon carries out a profound ministry to priests. Don’t miss it!
Britain’s current government is also seeking to reinvent marriage. Find out more from “A Catholic Journalist in London,” a blog by EWTN’s own Joanna Bogle, http://bit.ly/h205bw.
EWTN goes on location to cover the "Love and Life in the Divine Plan Family Conference" at Aquinas College, Nashville, TN. This multi-part series on "Four Threats to Marriage" is packed with speakers whose lectures are eye-opening and relevant to audiences from older teens on up. Get it here: http://bit.ly/xv7S8d
EWTN is a finalist in About.com Readers’ Choice Awards for Best Catholic Website. Please vote for us at http://bit.ly/Am0ddc.
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