By: St. Anthony Messenger Press, Series Editor: Mary Carol Kendzia
Reviewed for: The Catholic Company
I received this 48 page paperback book for review from The Catholic Company. This was a delightful quick read that prompted some deep thought about the mass.
It asks questions like "How has the mass changed?" and "What has happened to my Eucharistic devotion?". At the end of each chapter there are questions for "Reflection" which I found wonderful. As an RCIA instructor I found myself excited by these reflections as something to share with catechumens on their journey into the Church. As such, I'd recommend it to not just Catholics, but those who will one day become Catholic and for Confirmation students as well.
I particularly liked Chapter Two's "Five Reasons for Going to Mass", with the fifth reason being my favorite. The fifth reason "The Mass helps me finds the sacred in the ordinary". Don't we all need to find the sacred in the ordinary times of our lives? We of course see the sacred during Holy Days, but what about your normal ordinary Monday morning or Wednesday evening? God's plan for us is not just made up of special days, but what we do with our ordinary days. Daily mass makes each day more than ordinary and if we allow ourselves a few moments to reflect on that, we can find the sacred in each day.
Wonderful little book with thought provoking reflections!
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Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner