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Thursday, January 5, 2017

Still kicking in 2017

I'm back. 

Sorry to have disappeared for so long, the truth is I've been worn out. 

Spiritually, mentally and even physically. 

This past year (thank you dear Lord, it's over!) has been horrendous and draining, as I am sure many of you will agree. 

After the truly inspiring defeat of Hillary Clinton, I just needed the down time to thank the Good Lord for the answer to this prayer. 

That still left the biggest prayer so far unanswered. 

Pope Francis. 

When I read of the four Cardinals Dubia I was filled with joy and hope. I am still clinging to that. 

It is my hope and belief that in 2017 we will see an enormous change in the Church- a change for the better. 

I have a ... sort of peace about it, you could say. I believe its going to get very ugly for a time, but before the end of 2017 I believe it will be sorted out.  Either with Pope Francis accepting correction and turning from his heretical views or...with a new pope. 

Either way, I believe the Holy Spirit is about to bring great changes to our beloved Church. 

Hopefully, next year we won't have Islamic songs sung in our Cathedral's or Virgin Mary nativity scenes with the Mother of God wearing a burka or priests refusing to put up nativity scenes because a Muslim might be offended by it. (See here

I'm still praying for my local parish (not much has changed since I wrote "Parish life in 2014...dismal at best" post)...that the folk music, hands in the air mini priests, hand holding during the Our Father, eating in the pews, talking during the consecration and "children's mass" would all disappear with the appearance of a new holy reverent priest.  Please dear God, give us a new holy priest this year! 

There's one more thing that has 2017 looking better for me. This Easter, my children and I will celebrate 10 years being Catholic. :) 

For that, I am truly thankful.  

In Christ, 


P.S.  Thank you to so many of you have sent me emails and tweets wondering where I've been and how I've been. God bless you all. 


  1. It was heartening to click on today and see that you are OK Julie.

    We prayed for you over the Christmas period.

    Wishing you every grace and blessing for 2017!

    In Christ

    Alan and Angeline.

  2. Glad your back. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Happy Epiphany!

  3. Mary Christmass, Julie. ;^)

    Glad to see you alive and kickin'.

    Catechist Kev

  4. Thank you all!
    It's nice to know I've been missed. :)

    God bless you and your families.

    In Christ,


  5. St. Ann Melkite Catholic Church  
    41 Cross Rd.
    Waterford, CT 06385

    Phone: (860) 442-2211

    There is an alternative to the liturgical insanity of the modern Mass. The Melkite Catholic liturgy is ancient, beautiful, and reverent. Try it.

    You will never have to worry about all the craziness at Mass. Melkites don't have it. That stuff has no place in the liturgies of the East.

    1. You should go there at least once to experience the Divine Liturgy.


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Profanity will not be tolerated - it will be DELETED, so do not waste your time or mine.

Thank you and God bless...

Julie @ Connecticut Catholic Corner

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