EWTN CEO Challenges Unjust HHS Mandate In New York Times Op-Ed
Irondale, AL – In a Feb. 21 New York Times opinion piece, Michael P. Warsaw, President & CEO of EWTN Global Catholic Network, explains why EWTN objects to the Obama Administration’s recent mandate, which requires most employers to offer contraception, sterilization and abortion-inducing drugs in their health plans.
“The administration’s supporters say that by opposing the rule, religious employers like EWTN are guilty of trying to coerce our employees and impose our values on them. But we are simply choosing not to participate in the use of these drugs. It is the government – which does not accept EWTN’s religious choice and can punish that choice by imposing fines – that is coercing us. But under the Constitution and federal religious liberties law, we cannot be forced to give up our beliefs as the price of participation in the public square.”
He also explains that that while religious liberty is the most important Constitutional right being trampled upon by the mandate, it is not the only thing at risk.
“The mandate also threatens the financial viability of any organization — religious or secular, charitable or for-profit — that disagrees with the administration’s politics,” Warsaw writes. “They could be forced to stop offering health insurance and be saddled with fines, which are immense competitive disadvantages. They’ll have to take money away from their core missions to pay fines. They’ll lose employees who can’t afford to work for employers who offer no health insurance. They’ll lose donors who are scared off by the penalties.
“The end result: organizations that agree with the administration or are willing to compromise their beliefs will thrive. Organizations that don’t will shrink or die.”
And, he says, it isn’t just religious employers like EWTN who will suffer.
“Small businesses owned by men and women of faith, which have been given no protection whatsoever in the administration’s accommodation, will also take a hit.”
To read the entire piece, please click here: http://nyti.ms/AmdrAx.
To read about EWTN’s lawsuit against this unjust mandate, please click here: www.ewtn.com/hhsmandate.
EWTN Global Catholic Network, in its 30th year, is available in over 200 million television households in more than 140 countries and territories. With its direct broadcast satellite television and radio services, AM & FM radio networks, worldwide short-wave radio station, Internet website www.ewtn.com, electronic and print news services, and publishing arm, EWTN is the largest religious media network in the world.
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