EWTN: From the New Translation of the Roman Missal and a Cardinal-making Consistory to the Attack on Marriage and the HHS Mandate
Irondale, AL – You’ve had some time to get used to the new translation of the Roman Missal! Now, let Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke, Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, explain the whys and wherefores to you as “EWTN On Location” travels to Cork, Ireland to talk about the new Roman Missal! Airs 10 p.m. ET, Sunday, Feb. 26; 1 p.m. ET, Tuesday, Feb. 28; and 5 a.m. ET, Thursday, March 1 – exclusively on EWTN. Find EWTN at www.ewtn.com/channelfinder.
Relive the highlights of Pope Benedict XVI’s historic visit to the United Kingdom in 2010! Watch again as he elevates Cardinal John Henry Newman to the rank of “blessed.” Archbishop Vincent Nichols hosts “Heart Speaks Unto Heart: The Visit of Pope Benedict XVI to the United Kingdom.” Airs 2 a.m. ET, Sunday, Feb. 26; 10 p.m. ET, Friday, March 2; and 2 p.m. ET, Saturday, March 3 – exclusively on EWTN. Find EWTN at www.ewtn.com/channelfinder.
Ask most people about their favorite Bible story of St. Peter and many will recall the impetuous apostle leaping from the boat and walking to Christ on water! Hear New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan explain how this story of Peter can help draw as closer to Christ in “St. Peter: Icon For Lent.” Airs 11 p.m. ET, Tuesday, Feb. 28 – exclusively on EWTN. Find EWTN at www.ewtn.com/channelfinder or purchase the DVD from EWTN Religious Catalogue at http://bit.ly/xKIHie to watch again and again!
Learn about the Maronite Rite of the Catholic Church! Watch “Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon: Ancient Roots, New Soil,” which features interviews with pastors and parishioners from various Maronite parishes throughout the Midwestern U.S. Airs 3 a.m. ET and 6:30 p.m. ET, Friday, Feb. 24 – exclusively on EWTN. Find EWTN at www.ewtn.com/channelfinder.
Did you miss this month’s Cardinal-making consistory or would you just like to relive it? Tune in to this week’s “Vaticano” on EWTN to see 22 Cardinals, including two Americans and a Canadian, receive the red hat; to learn about the seven saints, including two Americans, who will be canonized next October; to hear Bishops of the African and European continents speak of mutual engagement for evangelization; and to learn why the Pope says we must pray for those who cause us pain. Airs 10 a.m. ET, Sunday, Feb. 26 – exclusively on EWTN. Find EWTN at www.ewtn.com/channelfinder.
Are you called to the priesthood? Tune into “Sunday Night Prime with Fr. Groeschel” to hear Fr. Mariusz Koch, CFR, speak about “a call to the priesthood. Airs 7 p.m. ET, Sunday, Feb. 26 – exclusively on EWTN. Find EWTN at www.ewtn.com/channelfinder.
What in the world is Cenaculum? Hear Jan Haliskyof the Family of St. Jerome, talk about this Catholic community, which is committed to trusting prayer, perseverance and solidarity. Airs 8 p.m. ET, Wednesday, Feb. 29 – exclusively on EWTN. Find EWTN at www.ewtn.com/channelfinder.
Learn about the 10 universal principles that should form your philosophy on the life issues on this week’s “Bookmark.” Host Doug Keck interviews Father Robert Spitzer about this new book, which explains such principles as reason, natural rights, and full human potential and how they safeguard our human dignity, welfare, and community. Airs9:30 a.m. ET and 11:30 p.m. ET, Sunday, Feb. 26; 5 a.m. ET, Monday, Feb. 27; and 5:30 p.m. ET, Wednesday, Feb. 29 – exclusively on EWTN. Find EWTn at www.ewtn.com/channelfinder. Then, order the book from EWTN Religious Catalogue at: http://www.ewtn.com/bookmark/#ixzz1nFS2jRb2
Have you visited our podcast page? You can hear "EWTN Open Line," "The Good Fight," and "At Home with Jim and Joy," – three great EWTN radio programs -- along with many of your EWTN television favorites. Subscribe to a feed or download manually, it's up to you! Find it at http://origin.ewtn.com/podcast/index.asp.
EWTN Global Catholic Network filed a lawsuit February 9 in U.S. District Court in Birmingham, Alabama seeking to stop the imposition of the contraception mandate as well as asking the court for a declaratory judgment that the mandate is unconstitutional. Please click here for details and updates: www.ewtn.com/hhsmandate.
Marriage is under attack! Find out what to do about it when EWTN goes on location to cover the "Love and Life in the Divine Plan Family Conference" at Aquinas College, Nashville, TN. This multi-part series on "Four Threats to Marriage" is packed with speakers whose lectures are eye-opening and relevant to audiences from older teens on up. This program features: Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse (on same-sex unions/artificial reproductive technology), Dr. Janet Smith (on contraception), Sr. Jane Dominic (on the Rich Gift of God's Love), Dr. Brad Wilcox (on cohabitation), Dr. Sam Gregg (on Human anthropology/marriage), and Dr. Doug Allen (on divorce). Click here to order: http://bit.ly/xv7S8d
I pray that can make the contraception mandate unconstitutional